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December 16, 1926 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-16

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T14P kArT-4ITr A NTr'A TYV '

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ThURSDAY, I71', :i":: i.EMBE1';T; 1 ., 192:.

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.



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VIlume VII


Number CPS I

University senate:
A special meeting of the University Senate will be held in Room C,
Law Building, on Thursday, December 16, at 8:00 p. m.
This meeting is called in compliance with and for the consideration of
the following resolution adopted by the Board of Regents at its recent
RESOLVED: That the President be requested at an early date
(1) to convene the University Senate and (2) to appoint,
A. A -committee of that body for the study of and report upon the
desirability and practicability of a. reorganization of the first two years
of college work at the University with reference to the development of
a separate administrative unit.
B. A committee of that body to study and report upon the courses
in the curricula of the various Schools and Colleges, and to see whether
gain in efficiency and saving in expense might not be accomplished by
avoidance of duplication and of unnecessarily frequent offering of such
courses as are very lightly attended.
John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate.
College of lEgieering:
Classes in the College of Engineering will be suspended on Thursday
afternoon on account of Professor Merrick's funeral at 3:00 p. m.
M. E. Cooley.


Auto I dustr -".c~ C XCss of 575,000 cars, trucks an~d
Auto Industry Sets k f''00"'-'"" "
Production Record m ti2Hoiio in the automobile bu)ii
S grcatest guaranty of si(-
. Motor ears of the type now
(By Associated Press) I o re1d rendetr almost obsolete
CEVELAND, )e. 15.--Talkig to six or eight million of the 20,000,000
i e Chamber of Commerce heie ye ars now runring on the highways."
.erday, Alfred Reeves, general man-
eger of the National Autonurn)1i:I Carver Improx'in
Chamber of Commercesaid that pro-
duction of all factories this year has
been at the rate of 32 miles of moior
ears a day and that the total will be
1,500,000 vehicles, even with the na- Prof. harry C. Carver of the mathe-
Vural slowing down in November andimatics department, who was operated
December. on for chronic appendicitis Monday
"The total is 160,000 vehicles grcat- morning is progressing satisfactorily,
r than any previous year," Mr. according to the latest reports from
Reeves said, "with expert figures in St. Joseph's hospital.


University Women:
Students who are incomplete in Hygiene Lectures will be required to
repeat the whole course next year unless they come to Barbour Gymnasium
before December 17 and see about makeups.
Margaret Betel.
Math. Z, Solid Geometry:
The final examination in Math. Z, Solid Geometry for all students in
Mr. Fisk's and my sections, will be held in Room 311, West Engineering
.Building, on Thursday, December 16, from 7 to 9 p. m.
N. J. Thompson.
English 45:
I Shall meet my eight o'clock section in American Literature.
11. C. ilthin5.
Special Qffice Hours:
I will hold special office hours in Room 105, Tappan Hall, Thursday,
from 1:30 to 3:30 o'clock.
C. 0. Davis.
Members of 1. E. 7, Section 2 and 3:
The boiler test scheduled for Thursday, December 16, is postponed
until Tuesday, January 4.
H. J. Watson.
Sophiomores, Juniors and Seniors of the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
The second semester elections of all sophomore students must be ap-
proved by the Upperclass Advisory Committee in January. Juniors and
Seniors are also urged to consult the Committee. Appointments with the
Committee should be arranged by securing an appointment card in the Re-
corder's Office before the end of the present week.
C. C. Meloche, Chairman.
School of Religion Elections:
Second semester elections in the School of Religion should be made
in the office of the School in Newberry Hall, second floor, from 10 to 12
and 2 to 4 o'clock on the days when elections are made in other schools
and colleges on the campus. A revised schedule of second semester
courses will be available about January 1.
Leroy Waterman.
Junior Research Club:
The next meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held on Tuesday,
January 4, 1927, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 162 N. S. The following papers will
be presented: "Studies on Cholesterol," by H. C. Eckstein; "Climate-Plant-
Soil Relations in.the Tropics," by M. W. Senstius.
W. E. Bachmnann, Secretary.
Oratorical Association Ushers and Ticket Takers:
Report at Hill Auditorium tonight at 7:15. Mr. Louis K. Anspacher
speaks on "The Mob and the Movies."
Carl G. Brandt.
Zoological Journal Club:
The Zoology Journal Club will meet Thursday evening, December 16,
in Room 242 N. S. Building, at 7:30 p. m. Professor La Rue will present
"A Study of the Holdfast Organ in the Strigeidae," and Professor Okkel-
berg will review recent literature on the origin of germ cells and the
determination of sex. All interested are cordially invited to attend.
Frank N. Blanchard.
Players' Club:
Members of Players' Club are requested to read as many of the follow-
ing plays during Christmas vacations as possible. "The Boomerang,"
Winchell Smith and Victor Mapes; 'The Judsons. Entertain," Edith Ellis,
and "Adam and Eva," Guy Bolton and George Middleton. The next meeting
of the Club will-be held Thursday, February 6, at 7:30 p. -m., in Room 406
University Hall.
Edmiond II(dJen.
The PolonlA Literary Circle:
The Polonia Literary Circle will hold a meeting tonight (Thursday) a4


United States Supreme court justices are so seldom seen in groups on the streets
appearance of four of them in a group is a rarity. The occasion of this picture was the
Jo eph McKenna. From left to right the men. are Justice Willis Van De vanter. Chief
Taft, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice James C. McReynolds.

of Washington that the
funeral of former Justice
Justice William Howard

(Toasted Scadwich Shop)


PAN-AMERICAN FLIGHT TO MEASURE water, would probably have to take
EFFICIENCY OF PLANES AND FLIERS cted. High ,wavesh are likely reto
dampen the ignition and shut off the
(By Associated Press) bert A. Dargue will transmit all of engine, in which case there is danger
SAN ANTONIO, Dec. 15.-Para- his orders, while the flight is aloft that the plane will lose headway and
chutes, eergency rations and their ymtfall into the trough of the seas.
chtseegec rtos n terby means of rockets, hand signals, the Thie lightest and perhaps most h-
own ability to carry off a bad situa- maneuvers of his plane or messages pota t p eipn t im-
tion are the principal safeguards written on the wings of 'his craft. rflits will carry is a tiny container
against disaster that the Army's Pan- Special pistols containing colored
American fliers are carryingwith rockets will be used for signalling. carry their meals with them on each
them on their air voyage around South Should the major's plane be forced bop, but the container of liquid food
America. down Capt. A. B. McDaniel, wio flys will not be opened unless the flyer
Radios wil) not be carried on any just to the major's right in the V ! is marooned on the sea, or the desert.
of the planes is lost the remaining formation, will move up to the apex Beside the emergency ration each will
room for gasoline, and the route will of the flight and take command. be equipped with a special first aid
not be protected with a chain of ships. The planes are constructed with a
When the flighft leaves one town it; view to carrying a maximum 'feight tropics.
will be on its own until it can reach at a maximum speed, and while they
its next stopping place. In case one are seaworthy and can stand a great
of the plane sis lest the remaining deal of buffeting by the waves, they RIO DE JANEIRO.-Al sports have
pilots will search for it, if conditions are not comfortable vehicles in the been forbidden due to the heat.
permit, and boats will be sent to look water during rough weather. They
for it as soon as possible. are short and stubby, and the pilots,; _
In the absence of radios, Maj. Her- should one be forced down, in rougn
Fame of Cooper's
7:30 p. m. in Lane Hall. All members are urged to attend. enu Spreads
John W. Kliniek, President.S a


------ i


For RenIt:
Five garages on East Washington Street across from the Power Plant;
$5.00 per month. See Mr. I. W. Truettner of the Buildings and Grounds
E. C. Pardon, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Dept.
Committee on Student Loans:
There will be a meeting of the Committee on Student Loans, today.
December 1d, 1926. Students applying for loans should present themselves
at Room 2, University Hall, the following hours:
College of Literature, Science and the Arts ..........2 :20 o'clock
Graduate School .................................... 2:30 "
College of Engineering............................2:40
School of Business Administration ................... 3:00 "
School of Education................................3:10 "t
Dental College....................................3:30
M edical College ..................................... 4:00
J. A. Bursley, Chairiman Student Loan Coammittee.
College of Literature, Scienee and the Arts:
There are a few students who have not made appointments. to meet
their advisors and the Classification Committee for their elections during
the two weeks immediately following the Christmas vacation. They should
try to make their appointments befbre leaving for the vacation. Appoint-
ments will be made in Room 4, University Hall.
Florence Mohr, Recorder.
Intelligent service "speeds pup" the transac-
tion so men naturally like to buy Gifts
"at Bays."
Gifts E
r k There are so many 0
interesting things "at -
Bays" that only by
a visit to our store
can you get any idea
of the scope and
variety of our stockI
of Jewelry.
You will find many f
"worth while" gifts
at really moderate

"C. G. sends us from Ann
Arbor a menu card, on which
appears "Home Cooked Foods-
Few Things, But Well Done."
One of the items reads:
Good old-fashioned vegetable
soup -- and plenty of it.
Thick, with chopped good
things, a meal in itself..... 15c
The man who has never seen
the time wh13n he would appre-
ciate a "IHungry-and-'Broke Spe-
cial" ain't never been no place.
* * * And that "Sceond help-
ing free if you wish"-everybody
had supposed that such a line
existed nowadays only in fairy
stores."--Fromn the Detroit Free
Over errillKPratt's.




Mr. Louis K. Anspacher
America's Distinguished Dramatist-Orator
"The Mob and the Movies"
HDill Auditorium
Thursday, Dec. 16, at 8 P. M.
Mr. Anspacher is a well known writer of both prose and
poetical drama, and is recognized as the leading authority on
the importance of dramatic literature. He is without question
the finest orator in America today. Don't fail to hear this
fine speaker.
Reserved Seats, $1.00
General Admission, 50c
Tickets at Slater's.





Don't Fail To Take


T THE Michi ga n

Home -
C alendar





L r


For Christmas
Give Gilbert's Chocolates
in Holiday Wrapper
One, two and three pound packages.
They will be appreciated.
11111111!!llttlll t W e wrap for m a1i i ng.11111 111111111 El11111 E1111 11
We wrap for mailing.
!E 11t i l ll 111 lltlliltlll!!l11 11 1111 1111 11 11tE11111lt ilt l! !l lll ll 11 llltli11,



Makes a wonderful gift. Father would
appreciate one.
We also have a fine line of smaller
pens and pencils for mother,


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