A TI1P tr S.r1 - Y cl,aCE I' . I VR id , Th21 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P A C.P E.V ;, - .. , --Ma----- TO HELP TANTA TCo T isi iY 'r hu 61, il { i f RET 'URNS Californ ia Coach,~l~N8 A NJay I -ose Psitio ULIIUSY A ;C...LACED$N RKT club owners except the Chicago WThiteI year" term, but no mentioW~ was made! Str restoredl Johnson to fuill sway. ior an increase of salary. Since the time 01 the Landis eni- - dorscruenit, when Frank Navin of De- roit replaced Johnson on the advisory' boardI, the comimissioner took no) i)Qticc of the two major league repro-' entativos who wer'e supposed to couin-' cii him onl league matters. In adiopting the Joan.1on rePo'l0uta, the claP') owners repeated t heire- drsement of Landis for antother s ee Frank Cavanaugh, former coach at Boston college has accepted the posi- tion as head coach at Fordham col- lege, signing a three year contract. Oarsmen at Annapolis Naval acad- emy~ are having a shell of (luraltimi- urn buil at the Philadelpia navy yards. . Y:d;:. Ar3 .. ADVERTI SING o!'- ~mss TI, PLU n: :t0 ty "b..^ ! " - --Nr (Dy Associated Press) , E Y011., ,Dec. 15.-R ogerg Jloo [-I)Y today loomed an, essential figure in one of baseball's biggest lroslhective deals as National League -..: . , _.. ,.~ mau;nates emba-rked for Chicago to at- , helpr atl her tha ,,NucinderCoach Stephe;.n tend the ,joint meeting of the major T z rfU it israk qudth ~is leagues tomorrow. P1 0li U1'1tI(t i0 ;ho il. 3 goodinless Hornsby -receives his con- A rew er soJ rcM ;>l tract demands on President Sara letter men who ar"e still tll l . 13'oadon t3 star second baseman and s it y hion li nlgb b eta manager of the World Champib'ns will car ' e tl"r;" ,";cf O;:,,,.be placed onl the market netxt month, anal t11 ; accordling to information which reachl- i> tl~n in of 11,V:,r- ed the magnates. At least two clulbs, st it liil' rol ay ieai se;neglgood stitll r5 thet Giants and Cubs, gave indications (:0t 1001)1 , I robably inore than thle; . cof opening negotiation- for his serv- Dick rv rcap)t'ii21i' lu ;star lall' .? ices. _ , hand i'. t' F readoen or other club own- 3 ,.o' en,1'' erS would discuss in detail what was ,leeyear loiter a Z11 and : charfacterizred as "the most serious qlua i'l 14crtile, Till IiCeri11tC:11, on t12+ split in baseball." *ignificance never- le 'r la team., and Uazen Beal:0 theless was attachecd to the fact thtl al&'bss Price race beweenthetwo eam evey r Clrene fCommissioner K. M. Landis. Satudaymoringaftr te Crismas University of California. foothitll Seven of the eight club owners recess and in this way a more season- (Coach, whose (isastrous season thisI elected Johnson to the Major League, ed mile relay team may be developed, past. year has ledi followers of the advisory board, which both the big for the indoor meets. gridiron game to believe that he willl leagues are prepared to insist upon Between 50 and 60 candidates for be relIieved of his job tis coming reviving. Two years ago, the American LIhk, LI rk tonm aro wnrlrin'U it di Uly -;II' WiLOV. } l a a A ti 1 p : n }}a ' F 4 i i yi A 1 f r 1i M j i i The 'White Helmet F'or c-d~y the "Palate of Sweits" Do, you like home-made bread; pies. and cakes? " if so, try our £meals and lunches! Fountain Service We deliver from 7 P. M. to 11 P. M. ' Eli v ,n are a , l,,~ ne suliscril'er call Jimmie l f .-"'rTaker. I )iai ° 2z , and your want ad a o1 iS Belare'L n '.n I~-~' vrea r,;s ie right to rli:s.sifv aS wjt>i ad- anirr arnrpriaite head- an<-,; a;ld torevise :-r ilioul ebjectionable crn '. CAS 11 RATES i fristi11uas. We p[,1ck for sipment. Sthaeberlo & Son M\u sic i rouse. 110 >o. Main. c tt. get youjr pick nnv i' ' House. 6-S TlYl:I'+ tVi l't'LNC f3, c) ;, ly an eatt11 y (lone by ox periet '(l zoE. r OEM 0A [moderate rates. 0. D.)* .11orrill, '17 'Nickels .Arcade. tId6-66 . i NOTICE--Candy. Everybody will appreciate as z gif% .'e lhave larg selection to pleasetoyhty e fore you buy see o rli", , and our, prices. Boxes of eaid romn 40c; to r,00. (Cedar chic from '50c to $15.00. Silk lineds basket fronm $1.o0 to $(;-00.(Chineso buiwl, very fancy, from $4.00 *to .i.00. Candy toy cane ribbon at, best p~rice. We mail. Tyour fountain service andt our luncehes. Th'le f(rekst Chioc. Shop 302 S. ?Main St. 63-'J4-$65-66-67-6i8-(i9 1204 South University Ave. Phone 8191 LOST--Frora Psi 'Upsilon 11ouse0ve'ry% dhark blIue overcoat. ['nll plain back, wide ctollara, double breast ed, Label, !Si ntlee ant Sc-holt z, 1Detroit. La ug- ('OOM"l. C('all 56"17, ask f1016bOIilsiSri 66i-67-6S I Q A [;'? III OIN AN! { A S Our rapid turnover insures a fresh s>tock an you secure the best quality at a moderate price. f {0. 1). AlORHItILL, I in the field house and Coach Farrell(Pm' ee's teemns have won only six out Leaguel magnaf tesowithtedepio 17 Nikels Arcad. Phone 6615 is making every effort to uncover good of 19 games in the past two years, and Ao PilralofenSt.ioui, ofted com-1 II~Dae:L.C mth&Crn weight men before the strenuous drills Ttrngeecomenatiosofthecom California alumni are in favor of a mssioner and an eully strong c6Typewriters,6Inc. aferChisma. ilige Criticism of Johnson. Today all the E :4t5666-8ft ° - =FOUND) in Nickrels Arcade, one lade's Betsy R ss ShopStudio, 575. 6 -~~ Wishing You a Very _________ dwishes to thank you one and all for 'The biggest cFor IRNT business in their history, and wishes yo Merryv Christmas FOR RENT--Desirale single or doun- = ble room for graduate women. 2 - - blocks from campus. Phone 06. " A MERRY CHRISTMAS anua 67-6 andY- FOR RENT- Furnished, heated apart- - A A P E RI n v N wmot from Jan. to Jutne. Five ros A A P N W Y A Lower Duplex. 905 Forest. Phone w 'I 6137. 66-67-68 i - .@l11I1111@1II11il IIIl111111111111111111111111111111W YOU CAN RUN typewriters at a I- very reasonable rate from Rider's = Pen' Shop and it will be a good != .. C. BAR 'rH, Custom Tailor T orig mcie -I-: -619 East William St. c FOR SALE -r The Personal Writing Machine'- FOR SALE-5 Lerman Poie Pps, ,t ~ = r males, 2 femnales, 26 weeks old. Fin- For' twenty years the name '"Corona'' has been a -- .J Rbrs nSar eere i eght.eure synonym for "portable typewriter." Hundreds of thousands = Robcrt.&66on67-re I-of the older folding Coronas, with their three-row keyboards ' O \" sz3:7 Tuxedo, three ar tl'digvlatsrie e, in completeness of equip- muM U nnn .. / pieces. $25.00. Cal tlhuall 241 me t and delightful smoothness of operation, our latest four- = 1 Rofln YIWW1Sl ro-fttW teic. ULJ-_' rEX INKI row model -is _ rc"elation-even to those who thought Corona - F'NAI'IENI- The1heutmaei ypewiercnvnene You will get beter ink for your foun- I If you are not enjoying the satisfaction of owning a ta.01a ie'sPnSo.Oe PosnlWi~n o 40 years ink experience is worth Macine prbaby cn'tappecite . ~mney to you. We sell government jlust how much of a help one could be to you. But just try rY G t I record ink only. sn-tes-thrs-tf to = Corona for a few days and see how your whole attitude E/~WNE W toxward letter writing changes. You will be~ surprised to AN________________ _______-___________d'scover yourself welcoming every excuse for doing a little WNE-- tdngr rfrd _ coronatyping.- to do housework in exchange for D1SCnt o. thee -room and board. Call 609 Second L)sqkto he ~street. 67-68-69 WANTED7)--ork during Christmas 17f Mckels Arcadevy vacation lby two students. Ask for Pakd ngitboe ad w Bob. Phoane 4994. 67-68-69 Pakdi itbxsadThe Typewriter and Stationery Store. -, shipped to any part of' the WANTED -Rea good Prunet7310andr jjUnited States free of charge. y ' 1, ask o angr AVE carry a full line of Johnston Caddies. City Pharmacy. 6-69 NOTICE --New Orthophone Portable Victrolas, $35.00. Schaeberle & Sn Music Ilouse, 110 So. Main c tf. NOTICE-Student Tailor Shop, 721 N. University, across from hill Adi- tonium. lie-openied under new ina nagement.' Clein ng, pressing andl altering. Ladies' work especi- ally. Phone 8040 c-tf NOTICE---Victors :1nd Yelow and Ble Victor records. Take one home for your phonograph. Univesity Music House. 67-08 ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone To see best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf TYPEWRITERS, all makes, sold, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed.' Largest and best stock to be Sobtained anywhere./ 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized dealer: Phone 6615. L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. c64-65-66-67-68-69 FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING Tell the folks at home what an un- usual place you have in Ann Arbor,~ to have pens repaired. We will give them the same service through yout or tby mail., Thank you. Rider's Pen Shop. sun-tues-thurs-tr N~OTICE Ann Arbor Mimeographing shop-J14, Detroit St. Let us do your mimeo- graphing and typewriting. First- class work. Quick service. Lowest prices. Dial 8683. c-toes-thur-Sat NOTICE-Send mother your photo im swinging frame for a Christmas Gift. All prices, $1.50 anas up. J. 13, jSaun'ders, 306 S. State. c-tu e s-th ru r ss un tf NOTICE-Startling offer Tuxedos Pressed-Fifty Cenits. We call and deliver any time. T. B. Lyons 515 E. Williams, Dial 5516. tues-thurs-sun-tf WANTgD-Students who like good hot BARBECUEFS to know we de- liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. Al. BARBECUE INN, Dial 4481. / e-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. NOTICE-Have us come and demon- strate the new Remington Portable typewriter., Keybords for any fdepartment, engineering, chemical, medical, etc. Phone 3489. tues-thurs-sat-t NOTICE-Hats cleaned and blocked. All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. ANN ARBOR SHOP, 625 E. Liberty. e-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. HEALTH Begins when you phone 8428. C. M. Gibson Chropractor, 35 Wuerth Arcade. tues-thurs-sat-tf COLUtMBIA fine art series of Musical IMasterworks, announcing Schubert's Unfinished Symphony,. Beethoven: Symphony No. 9, (Choral) Brahms: Sonata in F Minor for Piano c and others. Allmendinger Music Store, 305 Maynard. c-666 ! ,1 The little store 11 11 ii Wishing You' a Very Merry Christmias a nd a Happy New Year We wish to thank the students for their business during the past year and to say that we are looking for- ward to serving them age ,n during the New Year. WHEN A BATTLE WAS FOUGHT "BECAUS E NEWSI' LAGGED .ANDREW JACKSON'S glorious vic- tory at New Orleans was won after peace was actually declared! NEWS of the agreement by repre- sentatives in Europe was forced to await the pleasure of the ckle winds which carried ships to and fro in those days. The Associated Press ® i today distributes news dispatches * 1' from ,Manila to Porto Rico, from Patagonia to Alaska, instantly. Jackets.:6676 j W ANTED STUDENTS to know that Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old- Isuits and o-vercoats. I 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tf T1YPE WRITER RIBBONS & CARBON Let us supply you with ribbons and. earb~ons which will outlast the or dinary kind. We. get the best ob. Itainable. Rider's Pen Shop.I sun-tues-thurs-tt NOTICE SPECIAL Rental rates on pianos and Ivictrolas. University Music Hlouse. ! 67-68 i F()UNI1) '240 per cent' 1iscoiat on all M~hamnaomdsand -Matces . ti , t 11 I I , rThIe Watch Shop 1121 S. University 11 flI 11