I PA(EF rV TH7URSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1926 TMP 1VTCTG AN fATL Y .L l 3L lY11411t ."ll Lr' oat.. A. AMIML Vlptlo) BE, M'VAVN ZAT M, AM RI q ,' ' . sn ! i j A W L o TliEnrTo H[ 0 FIDfiJ ;Saye Danish Wornen! ~Are Healthier Than LOAN FUNDS THROUGH U NIVER ITY Girls Of Our Nation "Danish women are as a rule more .Annonneie 2 Loans Which Are Olsen ity, which means that 16 women usedj heatihy than the average American, To Many Upperclasswoien For I amounts from $50 to $200 for perio Ioa,"si Ms ut igeo~h Second~eofe from 5 to 22 months, and paid:I iterest." physical education department in z: DUinTE R DU TO recent interview. Miss Figge spent the DU l YrirnGR1DATIO committee is now recommend- past summer studying Danish gymnas- Answerng th unusalinuberao a student take up her loan tics in Denmark and asserts, "This is Anserig te uusal umbr o lonth partial payment plan-$10 per{ due in many cases to their' great inquiries regarding student loans for l IIwt yet einigsx, amount of outdoor life which is neces- women available for second semester, otsatrtepoal aeo rd sary for all farmers' wives and child- Miss Grace Richards, advisor to wom- cation. "The University asks' for no I ren and also to the large amount of en, has announced the following in- security, and delinquency is not ser- physical labor which they undergo. formation : sus, Miss Rich1ards added, "of the39 "These people, too, are a very leis- The nivrsit ha ampe fndsloans referred to above, four are no0w urely and sensible type. They wear Tvailablestyw hanstudes nd reported delinquent; 10 per cent past extremely sensible shoes with low1 avaiabl to ome stuent inthe due as compared with 41 per cent paid formof oan. Frm tme o tie r- .heels, and no restraining garments. fomoflan.Frmtietotmer-on or before th'e date of z aturity" IThe latter are almost unheard of.1 quests have been made or amounts F havebee colectd fo stdentloa It is of greater interest to know that Cosmetics, too, are almost unknown fundseuntiletedprestuheea2 of the same loans, four were made to to Danish women and their lovely com- se asiden for a women.n Somee ofathieese women 'who w-re later elected to Phi { plexions are due only to perfect specify that the burrower shall be of 1B eta Kappa and two to women who; health. These - people have no tense onepatiulr sholastheAlce1.were, in honxor courses. The Lucinda or nervous characteristics, a fact Freeman Palmer loan fund for women H-insdale Stone report sae hti which is due largely to the absence of te Gadute shoo, te Flrene I19 Vears of its administration, 139 wo- of any big cities with their.consequent Huso fud fr wmenin he edial en have 'borrowed $17,475 from it. excitement. There are only .a small school, and the nurses' loan fund, "It is not easy for a. girl to take the number of autoiobiles in this coun- Three residential houses, one soror- Ipoint of view that a loan is an in- try where men, women, and children ity, and the Ann Arbor branch of the F vestment and not charity," Miss Rich- alike travel on bicycles. American Association of University ards went on to say. "It is in no de- "All Danish schools have their dane- 'Women have funds in the University gree charity but a perfectly business- es and gymnastics from the element- treasury. There are four funds for' like arrangement by which she may ary grades throughout the highet, the use of foreign students, the latest safeguard her health, or cut down her branches of education. Their social fund to be created being the Charlotte part time work, or determine to live dances combine the characteristics of Ilagdon memorial which was estab-j freely enough to enjoy some pleasures lished by the W\omen's leaguet last of her senior year since it comles but ' 1l6III1 9EiJlitB1Ii1E1hIIlltIIi3it1[liiii year. once. If she is reasonably sure of a The funds are administered by the position, from the salary of a teacher, student loan committee of which Miss a librarian, or a journalist she can re- v Richards is a member, representing pay the small amounts with only a the women of the University. Most fraction of the sacrifice she would S funds are designed for women in thel make to struggle on without help. make loans available to juniors, and All athletic managers must get GREIr under extraordinary circumstances, ap- basketball entry blanks in this week. Lu plications of underclasswomnen are ap- This is the last chance and all whoseIf, u proved, blanks are not in will be unable to "Except in exceptional cases it is re- enter the tournament. Games will~ quiired that a women shall have been, start Wednesday, Jan. 5. matriculated a year before she makes j-,- application for a loan, and shall pre- Wesltky English women now send A Pap sent anx acceptable scholarship rec-( women artists to theaters to copy the .$ ord," Miss Richards stated. "Loans 1 design of those costumes of the sce- draw interest at 5 per cent after the tress, whickhbays caught their= 205 S. Stai date the loan is due. However, of the fancy. 39 loans made in 1924-25, 16 were- paid in full before the date of matur- Subiscribie for the Michigan Daily. Igi U OIIIIMFMTAI AIQ I' f NEEDOF DEVELOPMENT TOWARD 'UTDO PRT LS M.IN ! Ui I T I- L IIP GILS' INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS1! 1RC~ MN OE ~ I ~ ~ ~ ''Xj~r is,;.cing to Dr. MYargaret Bell due to lack of equijmnt, '.lack of! Sp popular hsi otorsot B ~ ~ I 0L FU L ' any' ler ideas concerning intercollegi- teaching force, and ithes.ma~tlnumber;'lass pro',c e th nhei~r .mi ate «t hid ics it is impossible not to of girls, who ar~e willing to l uz ie w s is to be ra ize. tthelr - '-'rof, - j 01 Y er_" said Mvra, Drvfus. '27.:we are not. enIU thi e there r ic '40 women enrolled i .i . i , , t z . 1 Monulim ental maps, of Ann r or ""u Fie 'll- su"'iyi. r 'Z, ' conceived in ihrilliant colors of rya, for ni r ipresidecut of the W'. A. A. when yellow, green and blue are nior.'oe sine It cstione(I as to her stand on this is- ; iii all the bookstores anid Aluz. se."Dr. :Bell is right when she Meorashllfrhees~ that we are not ready for this 'Women's league building. Tlmz)e ~(ome~to.I aheisa are decorative and entertaining in every other thing we niust learn to touching upon the jfiloi'tr-fl ~(-'re-)be~ere Nwe walk. 'Women's ath- of An ro.Tebuead J et ics should he developed by degrees; fraternity houses, tea rom cax'niz)u first intramural, then interclass, and buildings and favorite hiaunts ar e all finally when we have perfected our- distinctly outlined and; colored. s "eives by this practice, then intercol- The map of Ann Arbor is sinwilir t1 legiatuefuthr.et"n o a the maps of London, 'New York, and Ms rfsfrhrwn nt Boston which have wonf such , t favor throughout tecuty.Tu te~amrs traveling around as boys. "It colleg sayiivesr the wrong impression to have an apeitdcleeaedepicted miaking the work Character'- people think that girls board a train istic of the University, !in a roudy fashion, play ais hard as Any student who thinks he will be they can, and then come home in the able to sell either Michigan ph yimzg same manner." cards o th moumetalMargaret Mc-Nally, '27, present pres- card orthemonmon:jliilt~p atident of the ' A. A. entertains the home durin'g vacation is asked to Sir Naevi«s Iwilb nfao fsc IMrs. W. D. Henderson and make ar'-;amelanoiews. I llbeink fav omeuc rangenients to take some with himntla.ny hn hnkte oe ' s o' this University are ready for it. In in zy univaersities and colleges they the folk dances and are ver:y vigorous Iare prepared for such action, but here and stimulating. If our schools were as strict about seeing that student, ____________________ had a certain amount of exercise every9 day our womien would b~e as healthy as Danish women," Miss Viggoy con-* eluded. ACMN i : t i howver te iea~ t lC tk-ini tbheclass nligA 4 o'clwek on ed u Iin 1ordler In give serious atten- Tcdosand ''urdys ut if the tionl to the m~atter. It is nr,t a, lt proo-iu! adenug emn fessional type of athlete that we wish , iS v1 ".'Otelc;15 llabeor- to develop by tis plan. ,aie ome roal nStra SornIlig, or ony n eesy Such competition would lead I.()!aftlernoon. ZThe activitiesoftiiis class keener rivalry and would serve as a ate,3hies, shing, skating~at Palmer greater stimulus is the opinionl of the ilIoagniadsocrnth two women. Both are in favor of the? snow. Field (lay plan advocated b~y Pr('sid ut - Clarence Cook Little. L'- the pr ovis-SOW V P NSR SALE ions of this plan each branch of ,'Dort would be represented and it wcould tend to the dlevelopmient of the ar- Following its usuatl custon, VWyvern, ity of girls instead of specialization junior honorary soca ety;for 1wome n, is of a few. This plan advocates all the spo)nsoring a sale of biluebuo oks for termus representing the various sports,; the benefit of the 'Womeon's league. as hockey, archery, and basketball to The -,bluehook> are being sold at the go to the same places at thesae'ons leag'Fe candy booth and at im~e and have a xve liercd for 1this t.he =FororitiEa, fratriThies, and dorm- onlpetitiou -_ eery fall and o'v} ,iItories of the Unlversity. Other house, Spring. It is thoughlt l-'at such a, plan; desiring a j1upply of the blue boolks, will foster that :spirit of irivalry whiichi may call Josephine Norton, '28. Since has been found lacking and which in-' the gkale began the cooperation 'has tercollegiate competition is stipposej been remarktable, according to Wyvern to increase. members. " , C . -- . THE ° EN TREE INN incheon, 11 :30-i1:30 _i )inner, 5:30-7:,00 Ernes by Arrangement.} ate St. Phone 9646 IlU i~lllll llhi ll ta &6418i 36 6l 41l lI i " , TV Jvivil..Ji Regular hours will be ob- served during vacation at the Union Swimming Pool. 8-I11 A. M.- Monday TI uesday Wednesday- Thursd'ay 7-10 P. M.- Thursday "Decidedlj) Differen7t" - iiFrock~s = Salable Because They're Stylish Kk - Newest Colors - Latest Ideas $14.95 - No Ups Lov'Cly, Colorful Georgettes and Crepes featuringa New Novelties- Balloon Sleeves and Shirred Skirts ' / .1 - - E '308 Maynard St. Neer the "Maj~ OUR TRUST DEPARTMENT IS READY TO SERVE YOU. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN Ai2BOR OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN "I''/d i11fi,,.i111fhuu 11iuEl'il U ~lIiIE,11ij Open During Vacation Closed Christmas Day Only YMiM ARBRUCK TEA.LJ SHOP 2632 Forest Ave. Phone 8474 Y M :; rtttttttt tttttattt~ u ttt tttttttt~ t~ tttttn u n ntt - CHRISTMAS ORDERS Leave Them. With Us- No Substitutes Used. I You get what you, order, from. our large assortment of just what you want. Satisfazction franted. Fowerday &Son t Nickels ,Arcade. Phone 7014 j Silk Pajamas from the 'Tree of :Practicala Gifts, $4.59s The gift of something to wear is always in high favor, and when that gift is silk pajamas, there can be no question about its f II reception. These clever two-piece garments feature belt, pocket and bands of contrast- ing trimming. Made in tailored style with I square' cut neck. Orchid, yellow, peach, I green, red and black. Regularly $5.95, now priced for holiday sale at $4.59. I Silk Gowns Are Much Appreciated (Gifts $2.98] Because women, love dainty garments, we 'know she will appreciate one of these lovely gowns in pastel shades, flesh, orchid or yellow. Madle in tailored style wish square neck- p ., t1 ,__. ._..--- _._.. ______._.__.._..__ __________ a._. _......_._. ._.___...______._. _._._. . _ ..m,. ..... . / r iil E"AST N4BETS W /HST BETWEEN,, FLOORS IN JAPAN No instruction will be given tion. in swimming during vaca- 1 , Handbags Gifts Every day in the Mitsukoshi Depart- ment Store of 'Tokyo Otis Escalators are refuting Kipling's positive statement that "Never the twain shall meet." Rather, Otis Escalators emphasize that "There is neither East nor 'jest" for conveniences of modern civiliza- tion and progress. The escalator is appiicable where ver: it is necessary or advisable to keep a large number of people moving con- stantly, rapidly, and wxithout faItigue. The chronological and numerical record of~escalator instaillatiCons in a few :typical department stores is an irapor- tant chapter in merchandising historyr. W en you select a handbag for a friend's ift-you'll be sure that it will be apps eciated when. it's picked from this unusually large, collection.a Real leather bags irf fashionable pouch, swagger and I I! purse styles are trimmed with contrast lizard and alligator. $2.98 to $1 7.50. color leather, R. H. MACY & CO., N. Y.- 4 in 1904;~ 1 in 1911; 2 in 1922,' 18 il' 1,92 3, BOSTON STORE, CHICAGO -7 in 1905; 2 in 1912; 10 in 1913; 4 i.2 1"6 A TV '-- -- - ^ n _ - ' - - - - - _ ,.-_- s 11i I III R 11