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December 16, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-16

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control o>f Studeu Publications.
Wesern Conferenac lt
The Alssociated Tefss is exclnsively mn
~tted to the use for republication of al ews
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant P-'st-
master General,
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor..................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor............,...Irwin A. Olian
NewsEditrs....... , . IFrederick Shillit,,
News' Editors.............Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor......... . Marion Kubik
Sports Editor.............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwerdin
Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymer Ellis Merry
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cr.ssam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Buprger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Marion Anderson Paul Kern
Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball
Jean Campbell Milton Kirshuaum
Clarence Edelson Richard Kurvink.
Chester E. Clark G. Tihomas McKean
Earl W. DC La VergneKenneth Patrick
William Emery Morris Quinn
Alfred Lee Foster James Sheehan
RobertE. Finch ielson J. Smith, Jr.
Jhn Friend Sylvia' Stone
Robert Gessner William Thurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik
Coleman J. Glencer Herbert E. Vedder '
Harvey J. Gunderson Marian Welles!
Steart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski
Moton B. Icove Sherwood Winslow



intelligence of the country; but as.
long as it is as unsound and unten-
able a contention as it is at present, t D LE-
there is no need to worry. !,73771/7
It is an admitted fact that the past e
twenty years has seen a general trend The entire cost of floating the loan
in business toward combination, amal- for the new stadium has been less
gamation, and merger. Another fact than one per cent, the Chamber of
not so well known is that the public Commerce men were told. The only
press seems to be following the same question now remaining is, how much
trends-toward combination with cen- will it cost to float the stadium?
tralized control. This has been espe-
cially true in the last ten years. And the customers-to-be were told
While it is claimed by the advoLates that the stadium had been raised two
of press combination that amalgama- feet from the original level planned,
tion is in the interests of economy "making the drainage better." In other
and efficiency, facts are that many; words, to get it above the water line.
journalists who have spent the major * * *
portion of their lives building up in- But the blow that must have struckL
dividual newspapers have been thrown home was that there wouldn't be anyj
out of work by it upon a market al- field boxes in thenew stadium. Which
ready crowded with those in the same means just that many more customers
situation as themselves. On the other will have to be supplied with fifty-
hand it may be said that only such yard seats.
vast press organizations as the * * *
Scripps-Howard or Hearst interests SLEEP FOR YOUR EXAMS
have the financial power to cope with Wehave it on good authority (an
that of the huge corporations and in-"Wenhaveiton thoritya
dustrial combines, that only by fight-
of Texas psychology department) that
ing fire with fire can the public wel- three or four hours of sleep nightly
lr jbtre srfor hgruofslepeigt.
fare be safeguarded. for the entire week of examinations
Admittedly there are many argu- will increase the efficiency of the stu-
ments on both sides. Though the sys- dent for the bluebooks.
tem of independent newspapers seems
to offer more in the way of oppor-
tunities for individual journalistic Anyone wanting to experiment in
,the finals will please communicatej
achievement the new system will
apparently supplant it, except in th pert e ee to present a heco
case of those papers with their own clusion of the test.
huge financial backing. It is obviouses ot e .
that the combining of newspapers will
go even further than it has. Yet like Co-eds should make the powers-'
"big business" press combines are not that-boss admit that the professor is
bad "per se" but only as their activity right when he continues, "Individuals
is directed in proper or improper in good health may go for an entire.
channels. Theyparee atremendous year with three or four hours ofenleep
force which may be utilized for pub- nightly, increase the efficiency, and
lic welfare or public woe, depending not hurt their health." Ten-thirty
entirely upon the character of those rules impair efficiency.
who control them.

TT4t' NATfT-TTC~AM PiATI V TTTTTT~Th ~ V ThPC'T~XIT~'P 1 ~ 1 flO(~
A A AL..J AVLA~...'A £L'...AUIA 'I L.j'41J.L4


A Review by Marlon Welles
"The Miracle" of the evening was
the perfect composure of the virgin
standing motionless and barefooted,
safely, hidden in her shrine, while the
audience shook and shivered ,before
the cold blasts from Alaska which
swept through the theater. Any short-
comings of last night's performance
can be ascribed to the lack of janitor
"Sister Beatrice" is Maeterlinck's
interpretation of a medieval legend
concerning the sinful advent of a nun

Christmas BOOKS
Open Evenings At both ends of the Di
Re ag
would make a wonderful
A first pafment of $0would
help a lot. Sugges it.
G AR R ICK - --
The Most Amazing Draia of the Age
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into the. world. It is rharacnteristic f


Advertising...............William C. PuschI
Advertising..........Thomas Sunderland
Ndvertising........... .Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication................John H. Bobrink
Accounts..............Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Fray Wach tern
Melvin H. Baer J. B. Woodj
D. M. Brown Esther Booze1
Floreape Cooper Hilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading ,


---- .

,William F, Spencer
Harvey Talcott
Harold Utley

Harriet C. Smith
Nance Solomon
Florence Widmaier

People who heard Dr. Knud Ras-
mussen, arctic explorer, when he
spoke here Wednesday were rather
surprised to find that the Eskimos
have a religion, and still more sur-
prised to find that they have philoso-
phers and a philosophy of life. "They
wonder about life," the explorer said,
"and believe that hardship is what
opens the mind of man."
It is a great testimonial to our con-
summate ignorance that we do not

Nilhi Edirtffor-I'R B MERRY

111LV MU WUx 1 in 1LIS Un11 ,iUUnr~iaU.1
Maeterlinck that most of the action'
OUR WEATHER FORECAST should occur off-stage which.accounts
for the long intermission and short
acts-fifteen years is a long time!-in
FOR TODAY Masques' presentation. Again, it was
In celebration of the anniversaryof the convincing portrayal of the con-
r flict between duty and love by Minna
the discovery of the first polar bear, Miller which saved the performance
we have ordered zero weather for to- from mediocrity. She was neither
day. nawkish nor melodramatic but spoke
* * * her lines with feeling at once, sympa-
MORE SLUSH thetic and effective. The third act,
which was the most difficult especially
"Mac Beth" wants to know what- revealed the intensity of her interpre-
ever became of the "slush fund." We tation.
suppose he means the stadium bond The ascetic monk was well char-
fund. Well, it's waiting for some acterized but lacked the hollow tones
good charity to come forward and of the cloister and Prince Bellidor
claim it. was handicapped in his amorous en-
* * *tdeavors by a soprano voice and of-
feminate gestures. The auxilliary
Contributors to the fund are re- characters were negligible.
I quested to be on the watch for worthy One of the difficulties in such a play
causes. The chain for Clippy idea as "Sister Beatrice" is the lack of
fellthrughwhe sh wrte n pead action;th most recent adaption of
fell through when she wrote in plead~ this theme-"The Miracle" produced
ing with us not to put her in chains, by Max Reinhardt and Morris Gest
as she wanted to be ready to take j overcame this handicap by gorgeous
part in the next theater rush. settings and adroit manipulation of
* * * crowds. Recourse to great scenic ef-
WHAT'D SHE HIT YOU WITH? fectstis beyond the purse of Masques
and the stage of Mimes.
Timothy Hay:***


_____ _______-______t3 ________ know more of these people who live
vunon our own earth, nearer to us than
A NEW MODEL , Miami or San Francisco. It should
Proceeding on the principle fol- be a shock to our intellectual conceit
when we think of these thousands
lowed by automobile manufacturers about whom we know little or noth-
who create yearly models, Senator ing; and it should be still more of a
McNary, chairman of the committee shock to our existences satiated in
on agriculture, has introduced a farm luxury to learn that people are actual-
surplus control bill which, though re- ly happy lost in the trackless wastes
vised, still retains the features of the of the North.{
former McNary-Haugen measure in- There are no evening movies to go
cluding the equalization fee. to their; nor any Union dances. The
Several farm products have been people seem to exist somehow without
placed under the proposed control of these things. The American student,
the bill and others have been with- worried about his grade in economics
drawn. All refere:ices to price levels or history could well compare himself
and price standards have been omit-; to the lot of those whose very food
ted. By providing for several stabili- is never secure from day to day. The
zation funds to be drawn from a gov- "college milksop" who must have his
ernment revolving farm loan fund, warm and cold shower each day could
the new bill will allow its supportersIndratification i the hard and rig-
to cla'im that no money will be taken orous lives that these people live in
directly from the public treasury. In constant struggle with the elements-
such ways the bill has been strength- and it might strengthen his character.
ened and made more presentable as a There is no drinking there, nor pa-
mere piece of legislation. jama parties on the way to football
As a sound measure, however, the games; no fraternities are on proba-'
n'w bill is little more acceptable than Ition for immorality or scholarship,
its predecessor. By retaining its arti- and the people do not live lives of
ficial price control arrangement, it is ordered ease.
still unsound from an economic stand- One can not buy a Hershey at the
point. corner store, and it takes a year and
j a dangerous trip to get a knife or a
needle. Yet these people pine away
when we bring them down to "civihliza-
The public high school has been tion." There is something austere and
dealt a death blow. Dr. Harold Jones noble and fine in this struggle by man
of the psychology department of Co-, against the grim elements of exist-
- 'r _. ence. There is something that we l


I want to report a little incident THE ,BAND CONCERT
from the run yesterday- A Review by Paul Kern
She: Get out of that corner and give "Silent Night, Holy Night" is a
the stove a chance. great piece of music! And when it
Me: Girly, it ain't cold. You only is softly chanted from the throat of an
Sthink it is. I know because Tim.-apparently celestial organ in a dark-
thnk ty Is.i Ihat knowo n beT ened hall it is greater still! The fact
othy Hay said that it would only be that the organ is merely trombones
ten above. And lie's the weather and the band the Varsity band makes
man. little difference, for it still is a thrill-
Please, oh please, can't you be a ing hymn.
little more accurate? I'm writing Now, to get down to the zmore rou-
from the hospital. tine business of this story, I know
i Nelly the News Hound. nothing at all about music, and hence
N* t NwHn qualify no better for the position of
criticthan the campus aesthetes who
BY DEGREES usually write these' things. If this
The telephone at the Bureau was -were anonymous I could be honest; as
ringing allda. wit is I must be complimentary, al-
yI though the obligation will not hurt my
plaints about the service we gave on conscience for the concert was good
the weather in ROLLS. They claimed and the Varsity band is a very excel-
we promised 10 degrees above, and 1 lent musical organization.
that it went down further. . The band in Hill auditorium is not
* * * the same band that parades on Ferry
Wellefactisthat.epfield, by a long ways, but that does
,Is notseem to inhibit their ability to
to "get it down to at least ten degrees play good marches well; and the ren-
above by 8 A. 3." and we maintain dition of "Comrade March" is the sec-
that we did as we promised, and even ond notable achievement of last
gave a little extra for good measure, night's concert. Walter Eller, a grad-
* * * uate student, has added to the Uni-
versity's already imposing list an-
other very good march, which even
Dear Tim: "The Victors" and "Varsity" -do not
I don't like these dull people who put to shame.
can't talk about anything but the The cornet soloist, Marshall Byrn,
weather. was a very able technician, and his
?MissAnonymous, two numbers were well chosen. The
* is * Varsity Glee Club quartet sang its
usual three songs out of tune in an-
WHY COLD WEATHER? other intermission, and received the
(Article 2) usual encore, which they perhaps
By The Superintendent deserve. Good quartetsmay not sing
By Te Speritenentaccompanied but good quartets might
Another reason why we have to better be accompanied than out of
have cold weather here for at leastj tune.
the next three weeks, is that the gov- .The other intermission was taken
ernmental red tape requires that we1 with a novel solo speech by President
give a certain amount of cold every Little hichsthat coulanjust aa
year. well have been printed in the Daily
* * * Official Bulletin.
We plan to dump all this cold All in all the first annual traditional
on the market at once, and thus we Christmas concert of the Varsity
will be able to give you fine Snrin Iband was a light program, well given


Iumbua university has found that un- could a
der the army "Alpha" intelligence test out be
the students in exclusive prep schools happy-
rank higher than those in the public, tercolle
high schools.- movies
Thousands of people will now regret He fin
that they went through high schools; mind,I
but the conclusion that is drawn is own fa
even more startling. Dr. Jones pro- viewpoi
ceeds to say, apparently in serious- profoun
ness, that this shows that the intel- is since
ligence of the scions of the socially more sh
prominent is higher than thAt of aver-j
age people.
There are only about fifty or a
hundred points the matter with this Anent
as a reasonable conclusion. Most j Year's
poignant is the fact that leading psy- pew, ve
chologists practically everywhere after-dii
agree that the "Alpha" test is utterly former
worthless as a measure of intelligence, senator,
Besides this is the fact that the public world h
high school must accept everything 1 93 years
in the line of students; and that the to chanr

all learn from the Eskimo, with-
coming Eskimos; for he is
-superbly happy; without in-
giate football games and sex
and Union operas and thifgs.
ds this happiness in his own
his own philosophy, and his
atalistic and matter of fact
nt on the world. He is not a
d intellect, to be sure, but he
re-very sincere; which is the
hame to us.

It's mighty easy to iktrie b

t his refusal to make any New
resolutions Chauncey M. De-
nerable holder of the national
nner speaking championship,
railroad president, sage and
remarked recently, "The
as been pretty good to me for
and I haven't got the strength
ge it now"....and further ex-

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