ESTABLISHED 1890 fri n vatt MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII No. 68 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTEf J||| ][)I"I[)ERECTION OF NEW STADIUM IS ONLY [ nuir JUDGE CHARGS JUY LOGICAL FULFILLMENT OF NEED-YOST N L HJIIWILL wvt __ t - - -"----- - IN CONSPIRACY CAS AFTER MONTH'S TRIAL DEFENDANTS LINKED TOGETHER IN BLANK VERDICT FORMS WHICH JURORS HOLD $10,000 FINE POSSIBLE Senator Pomerene Ends Argument Government With Plea For Conviction Of Doheny For BULLETIN (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-The, fate of Albert B. Fall and Edward L. Doheny, on trial on charges of criminal conspiracy in connection with naval oil leases, will not beI known before tomorrow. The case was given to the jury at 2:47 today. At 10 o'clock, after seven hours and thirteen minutes deliberation, it was locked up for the night.+ WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-Court and counsel in the Fall-Doheny conspiracy trial today gave the labors of fourf arduous weeks to a fagged and weary jury. With the echo of final arguments and voluminous instructions from the, court still ringig in their ears, theE 12 young men filed into their jury room at 2:47 o'clock this afternoon. Three alternatives were before them -conviction, acquittal, or a report of inability to agree. Thedefendants, Albert B. Fall, for-' ner secretary of the interior, and Edward L. Doheny, wealthy Califor- nia oil man, were inseparably linked together in the blank verdict forms which the jurors carried with them to their drab quarters. The two had to be convicted or acquitted together, although, in the discretion of the Editor's, Note: The following is the seventh "Ohio constructed a stadium of 68,- of a series of interviews with Coach I field-sadu ing H. Yost, director of intercollegiate ath- 000 seats, Illinois put up one of 70,000, ,. letics, dealing wtih thed present problens in Yale arranged to take care of 80,000, tconneiate ht- o Pennsylvania 89,000, California S8,000, - ecleit sprs ,.land so on through the list. Michigan "In building our new football stad- is not building a stadium merely be-' ium, Michigan is not entering upon a !cause other institutions have them, 'stadium race' with Ohio, Illinois, or but because she needs one; that other ;('iIil'IR I EG 'sadium re' wsittOo, d d i institutions have proceeded Michigan' ONE OF any other institution," declared Field- 'nti oeifune h oa ing H. Yost, director of intercolleglate inthis move influences the locals01 athleticsauthorities only that it strengthens ne yesterday afternoon in an theirbelief that their plan is not a APPEAREI 'te athrtiiatthwniesiyradical one.''!L: "The authorities at the University l In bringing the question into re- r of Michigan are not particularly' con- lationship with the other departments Is 4raduate O I cerned with what other universities of the University that have expanded, Receive -notably Illinois, Ohio, Minnesota, I Coach Yost declared that the old krom Pennsylvania, or California - have Medical building, the old Library, the done, except insofar as we may pro- hospitals, University hall, the School Louis K. Ans fit from the other's experience," con- of Education, the accommodations for, orator, willa p tinued Coach Yost. These institutions, the School of Architecture, and manyauditorium as lbelieves the Coach, have realized that other facilities have proved inade- they needed aditional seats to meet the quate. "In turn each of these needs!scheduled numb needs of their football games, and were met by the construction of a new I torical associatic 1 took steps to get them. At Michigan building," said Yost. "And would it Anspacher will I there is a similar need and accord- ! not have been absurd to argue against Mob and the M t ingly steps are being taken to fill it, any of these buildings on the ground and thus it is not a "stadium race," that Michigan should not enter a Wen here tw asserted Yost, for it makes no differ- "building race" with other universities er '.as regarde ence to Michigan what other institu- that were putting up similar struc- 1Oratorical asso tions may have done, nor does it make tures," he asked. Michigan needed finest and most 'any difference to them what Michigan' these buildings and went about to get ever spoke in does: Each university must solve its them, independently of the action of mn"'y critics a own problem. other universities; the same iroblem "When confronted with situations has faced the athletic department in similar to the one that now confronts the connection with the football I Michigan," Coach Yost continued, stadium, the Coach concluded. D ERE BEFORE New York University; d Law Degree I (olcumbia pacher, (Iramatist and pear tonight in Hill the sixth regularly er of the annual Ora- on lecture series. Mr. speak on the "The ovies." o years ago the speak-j ed by officers of the ciation as one of the finished orators that Hill agditorium, and ward him first place TONIGHI1 ON °E Of MOVIES1 1, i; i i 11 I I 13 BEST MODE1RN IIAT4)IRS AS SCIENTIST SHOWS POSSIBILITY OF VISION IN DARK BY MEANS OF RA (By Associated Press) 1 tance, projected on a screen by Baird's LONDON, Dec. 15.-Seeing in tttal I invisible searchlight. darkness by means of an invisible ray Mr. Baird asserts that the invisible is do-ared by the Daily Mail to have ray can be focussed and fashed been demonstrated as feasible through hlights butlenses ik or erch- an nvetio ofJoh L.Baid, Brt -ligtsbutthat it is more penetrative an invention of John L. Baird, a Brit-;and can be thrown farther than any ish scientist. His discoveries in tele- visible ray, and also can pierce fog vision have aroused great interest in more readily. It might, therefore, be the past year. Mr. Baird is quoted as of great significance in aiding trains, saying that his achievement has been ships and airplanes in the fog. accomplished with his televoir by Cap. 0.G.Hutchinson, who is as- isolating and then employing rays sociated with Mr. B~aird, says it is which are outside the visible spectrum. sib ate th iot impossible to estimate the importance The human eye is unable to see, of this invention in warfare. It would these rays, but the sensitive electric be possible to follow an enemy's eye of his apparatus selects them movements in darkness; it would dis- readily. The Mail's representative close the position of airplanes at describes how he sat in total dark- night and enable those employing the ness and saw the complete outline c1 ray to watch the approach without a colleague also in the dark at a dis- 'the pilot's knowledge. REPUBLICPOSIFLOFFLECTURSONA SMITH'S APPOI.NTMENT PETROEM UPLE STUDENTS APPOINTEDOEDMOCRATS ADVOCATE TO SIT WITH FACULTYJ AX BILLDISCUSSION Shiland, Glover And Koykka Chosen Senator Harrison, Democrat, Believes As Representatives To Help In $500,000,000 Surplus Is In Sight; Disciplinary Problems Will Not Oppose Republicans NAMED BY EFFINGER SMOOT OPPOSES ACTION Leaders Fear Upset Of Legislative Speaker Sees No Shortage Of Gasoline Plans By Appointment And For Centuries; Millions Of Subsequent Fight IGallons In Reserve SUGGESTCOALITION ADDRESSES ENGINEERS (By Associated Press) "Potential supplies of petroleum WASHINGTON, Dec. 15--Earrest willtlast for centuries," stated Dr. efforts were put forward today by Ile- Gustav Egloff, technical director of publican leaders to prevent the ap- the Universal Oil Products company, pointment of Senator-elect Frank L. in an address given last night to the Smith, Republican, Illinois, to fill the American Institute of Chemical En- unexpired term of the late Senator gineers. I i I Appointment of three students to the Administrative Board of the fac- ulty of the literary college gives the student body of the college its first representation in disciplinary meas- (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-The door against immediate tax reduction, al- ready closed by House Republican I leaders, was bolted today by Chairman Smoot of the Senate finance commit-! McKinley. Fear that his appointment wouldl upset their whole legislative program by immediately provoking a fight over its excessive campaign expenditures, which they hope to defer until the next Congress, led some majorityI chieftains to even suggest a coalition between Republicans and Democrats to prevent Smith from taking the oath . if h n n ti n h n nn m n The gasoline output for 1926 will be over 12,000,000,000 gallons,, one third of which was produced by the cracking of the crude oil, declared Dr. Igloff, and although gasoline con- sumption has reached this enormous figure there will never, for years to come, be a shortage in the potentiall supply of gasoline. At present, pro- duction far eclipses the demand and ! u d d1111'[ of nlhin of C In al i Louis A. Anspacher among contemporary public speakers. He is noted for his intensity and force in delivery, and though a well-known dramatist, he at present spends most court, the penalty could be different ite If were given the appointment)Uiluteiiofll. -"ui ins oi . gallons ures.~~~~~~~~~~ Charlenen ons of2,tea eat eortspudd fhs iei lcuig as between the two. ures. Charlene E. Shiland, '27Ed, tdenlySenate emocrats pounded IMr. An a her was brn in Cni If such a plan were carried out, crude oil are now in storage. At The penalty is fixed by law at two F. S. Glover, Jr., 27, and T. V. Koyk The Democrats led by Senator lar- ati, Ohio, and was educated at the Mr. Smith would be stopped virtually some fields the output is so large years imprisonment, a fine of $10,000 ka, '27, are the students who have rison, Colee of the City of New York and that ravines are dammed and the oil I ieMississippi, told the Senate a ColgeofteCyofNwYran at the door of the Senate with no de-; or both. been selected to meet with the board. $ also at Columbia university. He re- is run into them and kept there until Judges Gives Charge They will act as regular members in ,, surpus was in sigt for eived his bachelor of arts degree bate on either side. He would appear it is needed, the construction of stor- Pursuant to the admonition of all cases of student dishonesty in this fiscal year and volunteered notg from the College of the City of New again on March 4 by right of his elec- age tanks being too slow in proportion ,Justice Adolph A. Hoehling in his examinations and classes in the liter- to stand the way of a Republican York in 1897, and two years later tion to the 70th Congress, and the to their need, the speaker pointed out. chare that the examination of ex- ary collegeb. graduated from Columbia with a fight over his seating would be put In addition to the United States oil hibits in the jury room might tend The appointments were made as a naorpli th master of arts degree. He continued I off until the first session of that Con- deposits, South America, China and to isolate the evidence contained result of an Administrative Board ply toireaent of the sc - his studies at the latter university and hgress. many other countries have immense therein from correlated facts of equal Irecommendation which was instigated plus to retirement of the pubc debt, three years later, in 1902, he graduat- The leaders also are afraid that pro- sources of crude oil supply that, as significance, the jurors began their by the Student council. The men stu- but he doubted the wisdom of the pro- ed from the law school there, obtain-( longed debate over Smith's, qualifica- yet, are undeveloped and will probably deliberations with only the text of the I dents were chosen by Dean John R. posal of President Coolidge for a re- ing the LL.B. degree. He continued tions at this session would force a not be tapped until the demand' conspiracy indictment before them. Effinger of the literary college acting fund oi next year's income tax pay- his studies specializing in philosophy, special session of Congress, which materially increases, Dr. Egloff stat-. Justice Hoehling's charge, which re- with the president of the Student men s. and was enrolled in the university they wish to avoid. ed, and in addition to crude oil, petrol- quired about an hour, contained 18 council, and the' woman representa- It would mean a saving of only 35 until 1905. From 1902 to 1905 he was Failing to commit Governor Small eum may be obtained from many other paragraphs tendered by the prosecu- I tive was selected by Dean Effinger cents to the small taxpayers," he also engaged as secular lecturer in of Illinois, against appointing Smith, sources such as shale, sands, and tion and 20 framed by the defense, I and the president of the Women's said, iand would benefit only e the Temple Emanuel of New York, they centered their efforts towards coal. followed by about 50 brief observa- league. corporations and taxpayers with large city. attempting to persuade the latter not 1r. Egloff said that the volitility of tions of the court on points of law This plan of having a student cor- incomes" Since 1906 Mr. Anspacher has been to accept the appointment if it werej the ,new gasoline, taken from sources and evidence. I mittee which gives the student body Senator Harrison, Insisting the a member of the lecture staff of the!offered. other than crude oil, would be much More than 12 hours of argument by privileges it has never before exer- American people want tax reduc-I League for Political Education and Senator. Watson, Republican, Indi- greater than present marketable gaso- counsel ended shortly before noon cised, will be permanent. The mem- tion," called upon Congress to carry has been a member of the Brooklyn ana, called Mr. Smith over the long line and, consequently, high compres- with .the last word of former Sen. bers of the board believe that in al- out the express wish of President Institute of Arts and Sciences since distance telephone and pleaded) with; sion motors would have to be evolved Adlee Pomerene of Ohio, in behalf of lowing student representatives to aid Coolidge for a non-partisan tax credit 1908. He is also a lecturer for the him not to come to Washingtbn as to give the best and most efficient re- the Government. He closed with a plea;in the judgment of cases of student plan or "some tax relief." University Extension center of New Mr. McKinley's successor and warned, suts with this future fuel. that the jury consider Doheny's $100,- discipline the students will be better ISenator Swanson, Democrat, Vir York city and has been a member of if he did, he probably would be un- 000 loan to Fall on Nov. 30, 1921, in able to understand the handling of gna, charged that Republicans were the staff of the Civic Forum lecture seated. . the light of its potential influenceI such cases. It is their opinion that usg tax reduction for political cam- I bureau since its formation. He is Smith was reported to have replied Senate Approves Bill neon government in the event of an ?student discussion of these matters paigns and were saving a huge tax one of the founders of the Drama lea- that his case never had been present- . ac uittal will lend added weight to the decisions cut for the eve of the 1928 elections. gue, as well. ?ed to the Senate and he wished to, Prov ing12M li ns During the trial it was a contention reached by the board. The debate, broadening, touched on In 1904 he wrote his first play, plead his cause. He also is said to of Pomerene and Owen J. Roberts, Id F the tariff and war debt settlement and "Tristan and Isolde," which was a have countered with the argument IFor Dry Law Forces aoPo verne ntOecutoertsta Ifinally Chairman Warren, of the ap- poetical drama. Since that time lie that if Governor Small did not ap- this transaction was a vital factor in I propriations committee, urged Senator has written more than 15 others, the point him in view of his position as (By Associated Press) the awr Doheny interestso rthe VARSITY BAND'S Smoot and' others to cease the "po- best known of which is "The Unchast-1 the senator-elect, his case would be WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-Senate itical oratory" in favor of considera- ened Wonan," which appeared in 1915. d ts toda let ptht test lease and the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,HOLIDA YPROGRA tion of a supply bill. Among his well known plays are "The "I Democratic senators have adopted Ithe $12,000,000 appropriation in the oil storage project, while Fall was in . Rape of Belgium," which he wrote with a watchful waiting attitude but most treasury supply bill for the enforce- the cabinet. I President Clarence Cook Little, Max Marcein in 1918, and "Daddaluis" I of them are known to favor barring ment activities of the prohibition unit, speakingrotoitthe largechaudience iwhich and which Pomerene Makes Plea speaking to the large audience which a ro e an w Smith because of the disclosures of but scored a victory against the pro- Pomerene began with deliberate, enjoyed the Varsity band's first tra- Bills Discussed For Itenjoyed n Lo Has the Senate campaign funds investigat- i vision for "undercover agents." soft spoken blows to the heart of the ditional Christmas program last night, whent was produced in London. His ing committee. Led by Senators Bruce, Maryland, defense case. '"When this reserve was at Hill auditorium, heartily endorsed First ine By iouse mo nished in 1play is"Dagar," which and Reed, Missouri, Democrat, they set aside by the government," he told the idea of an annual Christmas night, Mr. nshe i as3 Addresses lot loose an assault against the pro-' the jury, "it was set aside for the use in which the entire student body. may ire posed use of $500,000 for "undercover" of the navy-now it is no longer a enter into the holiday spirit. "Christ- (By Associated Press) oe a ring the "The weh naval reserve but Doheny's reserve- oas is a time of great spiritual WASIaINGTaN Dec. 15T-Farm rehePledgBusinessStaffOf menhhtheyydescsneaksrandisnoopers.s an l hs a cm lsh d i e rt"I warmth," stated Dr. Little, "when lo ,D c 1llFan e- Iwhcha'ee both widely used on many { n ak md sn o es and all this accomplished in secret." , Fwung into full stride in Congress memorial cernmonials. He has like- aiyA B Vice-President Dawes finally ruled The former senator read a verse of something not ordinarily there coies today, making its initial appearance wise gied considerable renown as ythat the proposal of Assistant-Secre- poetry which appealed for protection into the lives of all." this session on the House floor where an actor, and his wife, Katherine tary Audrews, chief of the dry forces agis h n e mnn f g vr- Stating that the love and support of itatern against the gnwingw of fathe love and suppofit jostled with the tariff and talk of Kidder, is well known to the American Addressing the memberg of the -out regard to present auditing require- ment by the "gnawing worm" of fraud the family, and the love and supportIthe nomination of a Republican pres- stage business staff of the Michigan Daily Ifor authority to spend $500,000 with- of our University are omne, Dr. LittleI idential candidate in 1928. g1cnx pae nteOaoia juy ssdeclared that at Christmas time an ui - Tkn g and ate of d th o The next speaker on the Oratorical at their banquet at the Union last oments was "clearly out of order" in jury.eeo uscl topportunity is affosetocun- Taking advantage of debate on theretascociaton series will beoy Chap- night, J. A. Albert, publicity manager that it contemplated new legislation oI regret Had in in the defes asdorand prte or fatfne tom{ua- agricultural appropriations bill, Rep- man Andrews, Asiatic explorer, who of the Detroit News, discussed some in an appropriation bill. The pro- of President Harding in the defensee sider, and renew our faithfulness to resentative Dickinson, Iowa, Republi-- will speak Jan. 6 on "Prehistoric Life of the business problems that have' posal had been eliminated in the attempt to bring forth his shroud to the Uniersit.iorsLtte con- can, declared that if relief were not in Asia:' I arisen as a result of the growth of House on similar grounds, but was tione" te a ts nc eluded his remarks with aL wsh t provided as set forth in the new M141c- _ _ _---inewspapers throughout the world. reinserted by the Senate appropria- tie"the coming holiday season might be I Nary bill, there might follow a divi TRANSATLAN TIC "The character of a newspaper," he tions committee. the be ting hlidhappie s othat h di- sion of party lines, with M iddlewest said, "is made, not by its editorial de- Ie d Mte est ad hapiestthathis e r"Repu"lca"seingto ease the PHONE SERVICE partment but by its circulation-tW autDebtsPayce os Independents Meet ence had ever enjoyed, and the desirerurel Repuicansseeingtobasethe PHO EenRVI that the student body return to the ra sysTO BE STARTED ,a-ent Ths to a degree mark Unvesiy it a neTc ncpton o of the tariff, some of the importance of the bust- To Plan For J- op niversity with a newconcetion This brought a demand for lmnme- wsstfeofa newspape''e 1 well U. S. Treasury To Pa o - o 1their love and duty to it. {__ Iddiate taiff revision from Representa- (By Associated Press) Mr. Albert explained some of the; Independents holding J-Hop tickets ! -I tive Co nally, Democrat, Texas, who' NEW YORK, Dec. 15.-Officials of modern conceptions of advertising pol- (By Associated Press) met last night in the Union to discuss Little And Campbell charged the Iowan with seeing that I the American Telephone and Tele- icy and told of the things that infiu-' WASHINGTON, Dec. 15.-Eight plans for their attendance at the an- tB* it was done "now and not after Mr. graph company said today they ex- ence the placing of advertising ac- foreign governments made payments nual junior party. Arrangements Initiated By Druids Lowden is nominated for president."peted to announce soon a definite counts both local and foreign. He then to the United States on account of were made for the division of boothsI While this discussion was going oni date for the opening of regular radio i told of the growth of 'promotion de- war loans, principal installments, and and for the furnishing of the lnd- leaders still were attempting to de- telephone service across the Atlantic.- partments, and public service depart-I interest totalling $96,518,417.98. pendent booths. At a special initiation held last cide who would introduce the Mc-' For some time the company, in con- ments and illustrated his points withI The regular payments from Great night by Druids, senior honorary Nary bill in the House. Representa- 'junction with the British general his own experiences in such depart- Britain, the eighth it has made on its KRAUS TO ANNOUNCE SUMMER COURSES IN SEMESTER__SCHEDULE AD)DITIONAL CLASSES WILL BE ADDED IN ALMOST EVERY D)EPARTMENT BUDGET IS INCREASED Will Obtain International Authority On Chemistry; List Visiting Faculty Members In order that students who are planning on attending the 1927 Sum- mer session may arrange their second semester program accordingly, 'an- nouncement of the courses for the summer period will be ncluded inthe time schedule of the literary college iich will be available for students at the time they make their second semester elections, according to the statement of Edward H. Kraus, dean of the Summer session and dean of the College of Pharmacy. With the approval of the budget, for $235,824.44 which contains an increase of $10,384.85 over that for the 1926 session, expansion will be permitted in those fields which have appealed to advance and graduate students and will also -afford ample means of pro- viding for the needs of the regular !students, stated Dean Kraus. (Because of the Colloid sympoium, which will be held at the University immediately proceeding the Summer session and will be attended by sev- eral hundred chemists, it planned to obtain an international authority on this branch of chemistry to conduct two courses. It is hoped at present that a man from abroad may be se- cured. More Courses in Classics Growing interest in the classics has necessitated the addition of more courses of study in this field, con- tinued Dean Kraus in outlining the summer program. They have especial- ly attracted ;a great number of grad- uate students, it was explained. More courses dealing'with organiza- tion and administration will be placel on the curriculum of the School of Education. Both graduate and under- graduate work is given in this de1 partuient, and it is expected that these particular courses will appeal to high school principals and city school superintendents. D e m o n s t r a t i o n courses in the University High school and athletic coaching instruction will also be offered. With the placing of the library science on a regular academic basis, there has 'been the necessity of ad- ditional courses, and these will be added for the 1927 session. Work in the biological station will be broadened, and the erection of an- other laboratory building has been provided for in the budget. Give Week-end Courses There will be introduced this year, special week-end courses for the in- terest of public health workers. Such a program has been urgently request- ed by the public health commission of the state. These classes will include about 10 lectures each week-end and will be available to health workers within a radius of 200 miles, and each week some special feature of public health work will be discussed. Announcement of the non-resident faculty members include: Prof. Fred- erick M. Prof. John C. Parrish, Uni- versity of California, and Prof. Arthur H. Basye, Datmouth, history; Prof. Charles R. Morris, Oxford university, philosophy; Prof. Robert Merril, Uni- versity of Chicago, French; Prof. Una Fielding, University of London, medi- ( cine; Prof. James L. Parks, University of Missouri, law; Prof. George E. Nichols, Yale university, biology; Prof. Herbert B. Hungerford, Uni- I versity of Kansas, Prof. Frank C. Gates, Kansas State college, and Dr. ] Charles W. Creaser, College o City of Detroit, biological station; Mabel C. Bragg,' assistant superintendent of schools at Newton, Mass, public health. According to an estimate by Dean Kraus, based on the enrollment of past sessions, more than 3,500 students are expected for the 1927 Summer session. Last year there were 3,320. LAST RITES FOR MERRICK TO BE OBSERVED TODAY Pallbearers at the funeral of Prof. Howard B. Merrick, '98E, of the geodesy and surveying department, who died Tuesday morning after a brief illness, will be members of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity, of which he was a member, announced Mrs. liVer- rick, widow of the late professor. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock