i PACEEI~GHIT TYNE' MT("'l4TC.aN T)AT1 V TI-r isn J, ir4c" M r-A1 1... VIA.11t 1 I. I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1929 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. Volume VII WEDl)ESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 19,6 Numnber 67 University Women: I wish to remind any girls who are planning t'o move in the middle of the year of the following rules'contained in the House Regulations: "At the end of the -first semester a student may go to a dormitory or sorority house without filling her room if she gives notice of her intention four weeks before the beginning of the second semester. Notice of here intention must be given at the same time to the Advisors of Women. Other students must make application for permission to move in the office of Advisors of Women and to the landlady four weeks beforej the beginning of the second semester." Alice C. Lloyd, Chairman, Advisors of Women. University Women: Students who are incomplete in Hygiene Lectures will be required to repeat the whole course next year unless they come to Barbour Gymnasium before December 17 and see about makeups. Margaret Bell. Departmental Recommendation in French and Spanish: All Seniors in the Literary and Education Schools and Graduate stu- dents who will have completed the requirements by the end of the second semester and are desirous of the Departmental Recommendation from the Department of Romance Languages are requested to leave their names, if they have not already done so, in the office, Room 104 South Wing, before Christmas ,vacation. This Recommendation is independent of the individual recommendations 'from instructors, and only those who leave their names will be considered. H. P. Thleme. DIPLOMATIC EYES ON MEXICO AND NICARAGUA t SAYS LESS SLEEP AIDS STUDENTS INEXM i Efficiency of a student in his class- "experiments have proved that in- work will be greatly increased if, dur- dividuals in good health may go an 'g examination week, he limits his entire year with three or four hours i sleep each night, increase their effi- sleep to three or four hours each ciency, and not hurt their health,". night for the entire week, according Dr. Jeffress stated. to Dr. L. A. Jeffress, adjunct profes- The instructor urged, however, that sor in the psychology department of students should not cram for exami- the University of Texas. Dr. Jeffress nations during the extra waking hours oied ot to students in his ces but instead read some fiction or oc- ws xrens had shwnrkd that this cupy themselves with something en- was true and how it worked out in tirely different from the examination his own case. to be tae n on the following day.tIHe One woman, in experimenting with stressed the learning principle that a regard to scholastic efficiency and its thing learned the first day of studyr relation to the amount of sleep one was more likely to be forgotten than gets, showed that she increased her that which is learned after a week or working ability far above normal month of study. when she slept less before an exami- nation, provided she was in good gen- LOGAN Tb SPEA K eral physical condition when she stood, '1 I Olmsted Freshman Group: The next meeting will be held at my home, 200,7 Washtenaw Avenue, on Wednesday evening, December 15, at 8:00 p. m. All are cordially urged to be present. C. T. Olmstead. I Fren ch, 163: Assignment in French, 163, for Thursday, take up to and including page 157 in the Clavel. W. A. LcLaiughlin. Graduate Students, Present and Prospective: Graduate students should make their second semester elections on Ferbuary 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, at the office of the Graduate School, Room 1014, Angell Hall. Students who expect to complete work for the bachelor's degree in February and who wish to transfer to the Graduate School should call at the office given above to receive information as to the proper procedure for enrollment. This applies also to students who may lack three or less hours for the bachelor's degree. New students, or persons who are not enrolled in any school or Col- lege of the University during the first semester but desire to enter the Graduate School in February, may register on the above dates. Ruth A. Rouse, Recorder. Scabbard and Blade: There will be a meeting of all members at the- Union tonight at 7:30. If possible wear uniforms. J. W. ltickna i. Research Club: The December meeting of the Research Club will be held on Wednes- day evening, December 15, in Room 2528, New Medical Building, beginning promptly at 8. The following papers will be read: "An Analysis of Animal Learning," by John F. Shepard; "The Authorship of" 'The Imitation of Christ'," by Albert Hyma. A special meeting of the Council is called for Wednesday afternoon, 4:15, in Room 101 Pharmacology Building. Louis I. Breadvold, Secretary. Sociology, 162, Second Semester. All students wishing to elect "The Student Mind" next semester must hand their names to Miss Mabbs, Room 106, Economics, before Friday, De- cember 17th. A list of those accepted for the course will be published im- mediately following the vacation. R. C. Angell. A. I. Ch. E. Lecture: Dr. Gustav Egloff, Technical Director of the Universal Oil Products Co., Chicago, Ill., will give a talk on Petroleum Technology at 7:30 on Wednesday, December 15, in the A. I. Ch. E. rooms, third floor, north wing, East Engineering Building. All interested are invited. Louis R. Kirsheman, President. Botanieal Seminar: BMotanical Seminar meets Wednesday, December 15, at 4:30, B173, N. S. Building. Paper by C. G. Kulkarni-"Investigations in Maize." B. 'i. Davis. M'asic Section: The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet Thursday, December 16, at 8 p. in. at the home of Mrs. B. F. Bailey, 1019 Baldwin Ave. I arion 'isk, Secretary. G13O1 t:<" LLES E Cof e o te Tores eycspor h ilmtin.Oce borhae, in 912, ediazucall rddfupo the United States. ke trhimin ofie Selinawtr Norrnis oebrskjoinseretrf oahi elaringach arese wth Mexico iecassreidins cearimuMixmcint all thed countr rom itsboders J toar th an Ca n r alre i ro lagadat A cand assrpery.l ska for all he chipmtico ch oreonec reading cmmioe arndicaraua wen thet shenatesrecowib ettl daial btenteUi TnNcga he United States has prpetyrihtefrd canlw th ouhe Nicargua, whic Awold riz, traffcthrougr the Nrriss enrsk ofin eArbor werhi elrn hagsta eio ssraigcmuimit l h gientr iformtion orrst the Potaldim. CHeasae ppgaad thaet theywoiinlplas, mran the dinageic stadism atethe Cheriof m rce n focragae the sellte bod scx eer. Thraetobnooxso Thn~e Ueteda.s Prf RalphrW. rpghtd o b clod iarut, twheiewld leelev otrf cidrton tof r-- S Aigler of the Law school, and chair-~ weeks. The entire cost of floating the Ithose in the stands. mani of the Board in Control of Ath- loan has been less than one pcir cent. Mr. McCor kie of the Osborne Con~ leti's wan chairman of the luncheon. Professor Johnson, consultant en struct on and Professor Dodge cx Prof. Clarence Johnson and Prof. Rus- gineer, described the construction of julained the (Irainiage problem. sel Dodlge, both of the engineering col- the building itself. There was at one lege were the principal speakers. time a question as to the use of the _________________ Professor Aigler traced the evolu- stadium but it swas decided to build tion of the Michigan stadium from it for football only, eliminating a 3ChlOOofo Nursing 1914 to the present date. He describ- track and thus bringing the spectators ed the problems~ of the University in nearer the line of play. The field ha s of aeU ies y lbuilding and tinancing tne new sta- been raised two feet higher than the _______________________if Profession fr the 0 I Wishing You A Merry Christmas and many happy returns Year. for the New the test. If, during the period in which she wished to be at her best, she went back to about seven hours sleep, for even one night, her effi- ciency dropped down below normal and she required two weeks of normal rest to regain the lost normal effi- ciency.I N Mr. A. J. Logan will speak on "Argentine" at the regular meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica tonight at 7:30, in room 304 at the Union. This is the let regular business meeting of the so:iety for this year, and a large at- tendance is expected. d s Photographer The Studio of Fine Portraits i 334 South State St. Phone 5031 I I E i i I - ,,,.,.--...,.,... ,_..... ...._._._... ..,,..-... . _ . -,.. t 4 i I 1 I I Iota Alpha: The meeting called for Thursday, December 16, 7:30 p. m. will be postponed until further notice. J. 11. Cissel, President. Women's Educational C11ub: The annual Christmas party with Pi Lambda Theta will be held Wednesday at 8 o'clock in the playroom of Helen Newberry. Please bring a ten-cent present with you. Ellen Johnson. There will be a meeting of all Independents, who are going to attend the J-lon, in Room 321 of the Michigan Union at 7:15 p. tmi. tonight. Booth assignments will be made at that time. Charles E. Robinson. interested in the modern, scientific agencies of social service. The twenty-eight months course, pro- viding an intensive and varied experi- ence throurh the case study method, leads to the degree of BACHELOR OF NURSING. 'resent slu!e It t'ody inludes gradu- ates of leading coleges. Two or more Iyears cef appr-o-ved college wo-k requi'ed I fer adnzis icn. A few schokarships avail- able for students with advanced quali- fications. The educational facilities of Yale Uni- versity ar'e open to qualified students. For cau log and injormation address: The Dean The SCHOOL of NURSING of YALE UNIV TRSUTY NE.W HAEh'N CONNECTICUTI -- e d Don't Fail To Take One THE Michi ga n Home- C alendar Mr. Louis K. Anspacher America's Distinguished Dramatist-Orator Presents "The Mob and ,the Movies" Hill Auditorium Thursday, Dec. 16, at 8 P. M. Mr. Anspacher is a well known writer of both prose and poetical drama, and is recognized as the leading authority on the importance of dramatic literature. He is without question the finest orator in America today. Don't fail to hear this fine speaker. Reserved Seats, $1.00 General Admission, 50c Tickets at Slater's. i0 BEST EVER LIMITED EDITION 75c Wonen's Research Club: A meeting of the Women's Research Club will be held Wednesday evening, December 15, at 7:30, in Room Z242, Natural Science Building. Dr. Orma F. Butler will speak on her recent travels in Italy. Frances J. Thorpe, Secretary. w r S , n 4 q, U VERSITY B OO K STOR E -. .... f r ,. - ,y a-. 01 . i3ficonm mw ยง200NIGHT o LAS ' .do 1940 Aar, AW ML 6w PERFORMANC OF TICKETS ON SALE BOX OFFICE nrTrLnfC1 I Ago",79 11 I If=