ENDI FALLD NY Yost Declares That Choice Of Coach
Should Be Made With Greatest Care
Counsel For Henry Sinclair Asks Court
To Quash Indictment Charging
Him With Conspiracy
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-Six hours
of vitrolic argument took the Fall-
Doheny case today to the threshold of
the jury room.
Tomorrow, under present plans, the
jury will retire, probably about 2
o'clock, to deliver its verdict,con-
victing or acquitting Albert B. Fall,
former secretary of the interior, and
Edward L. Doheny, lately of the Elk
Hills, Calif., naval oil reserve, on
trial for conspiracy to defraud the
The crashing finale of acrimony to-
day between Owen J. Roberts, governe
ment prosecutor, and Frank J. Hogan,,
chief defense attorney, electrified the
thronged court room as few anti-
Editor's Note: The following is the sixth being-the sort of man that each of his
of a series; of interviews with Coach Field-
ing I. Yost, director of intercollegiate ath-be e
lcttcs, dealing wtih the presenit problems inr The next question is: Just how
connectio)n with the administration of in- weldshenov hahe atso
teic()ei~cate sports. wl osh nwwa ewnst
--.---teach; is he thorough or superficial;
"No member of a school faculty is he original or without imagination?
selcte wih orePais-In short, can he bring with hima
should be selected with more pains- thorough solid knowledge and keep
taking care than the athletic coach," that knowledge constantly abreast of
said Fielding H. Yost, director of in- changing conditions?
tercollegiate athletics, in, an interview The final question, declared Yost, is
yesterday on the subject of coaches. whether a coach can teach others
Proper leadership, believes Coach what he knows. "Which means, can
Yost, is essential if we are to get the jhe take knowledge, add expressive-
full value from athletics. In realiza- ness and impressiveness of- speech
tion of this point the development in and action, season it with enthusiasm
the past few years of coaching chools and give his students something that
at various universities at whichyoung Iwill not only be easy to grasp but also
men of fine character, intelligence, and pleasant to master?" questioned Coach
sportsmanship may receive training j Yost.
for this profession has materially aid- "After the coach has been selected,"
ed in putting into' the field competent Yost continued, "he must be properly
men. "I think we may hope to re- fItted into the school system ,that is'
cruit at such schools men of the right lines of responsibility must be pro-
,character and personality who will perly drawn so that he will be re-
henter the field ofsathletic coaching sponsible to some one and thatsome-
with a sense of the significance and one must be the right person." Thus,
importance of that field of school life," concluded Coach Yost, the athletic
said the coach. program must be tied up directly
Of the three fundamental questions with the administrative authorities of
that should be asked about a prospec- the school and it must ,be looked upon
tive coach, the first one, according to as an integral part of the organiza-
Coach Yost, is that of what manner of Ition; for, with the right man and with
'man is he? In other words, is he the lines of responsibility properly
sound, clean and fine so as to set a jdrawn an institution's coaching de-
fine example-not by posing but by partment is not apt to go wrong.
j Noted iPetroleum Expert Will Speak On Gerhardt Claims Aeronautics Is Enter-
Technology Of Prosesses In ing Period Of Development
Oil Industry Methods Of Fullest Heights
Cotton, Wheat, Corn, Rice And Seine
Are Basic Commodities Affected
By New Measure
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14.-A new
farm relief bill in last year's gown
altered to fit this season's demands
appeared in the Senate today, but a
controversy over whose name is to
grace it prevented its introduction in
the House.
The measure, embodying the essen-
tial features of the Nary-Haugen
bill, but shorn of most of its objection-
able provisions, was offered by Sen-
ator McNary, Republican, Oregon,
father of the bill which has weathered
two years ofa tormy wrangling,eand
the new chairman of the Senate
agricultural committee.
A companion bill was turned over
to Representative Turnell, Republican,
Indiana, and Representative Fulmer,
Democrat, South Carolina, with a re-
quest from Senate farm leaders that
they introduce it jointly, thus indicat-
ing support from the three great
farming regions-far West, Middle
West and South. Both %Turnell and
Fulmer are members of the House
agricultural committee.
Representative Turnell immediately
expressed his complete approval of
the measure, characterizing it as the
"best farm relief bill pet to appear in
Congress," but until he obtained the
views of his superior on the agricul-
tural committee-Chairman Haugen-
Varsity Band Directed By Larson
To Render Pre-Christmas Concert
Classes In Engineering College Will
Be Suspended To Pay Last
Respects To Professor
Prof. Howard B. Merrick, '98E, B. S.,
+:..n.C. E., associate professor of geodesy
and surveying in the engineering col-
Tonight is student night at Hill net solos by members of the band, lege and for the past 23 years a mem-
auditorium, where, at S o'clock, the and numbers by the glee club quartet yesterday morning following an 18-
Varsity band directed by Norman J. complete tIe pdogiam. illness.
Larson will present its first pre- One of the features will be the sing- He was born January 2, 1871, in
Christmas concert, and the first of a ing of "kilent Night, Holy Night" with Newtown, Pa., where he received his
series of annual Christmas programs. echoes trom the glee club quartet i primary education.
in which the student body may join. one balcony, and the band's brass 1 Following his graduation from the
The concert is free to students and quartet in the other. Engineering college in 1898, he be-
the general public. j Shortly after the holidays, the band came connected with the Great North-
Several band marches, college songs, will begin rehearsals for a spring con.. ern railway, and continued in the em-
and Christmas songs will make up the cert which will require a heavier mu- +ploy of that organization for five years,
program. Xylophone, piano, an cor- sical program. returning in 1903 to the University as
Will :reet Ohio State, Northwestern, i;Ad dre,s eBarriters On Problems Of
Albion And Knox Perin g socal Ufe in 1l~tion With
First Semester Phases O( Biology
Four varsity debate teams, compris-,
ing 12 men, were chosen yesterday
afternoon from the intercollegiate
Speakin before thce members of
Barristers, honorary senior law so-
ichty, yesterday at their weekly
lunc(heonl at the Lawyer's club, Pres-
Dr. Gustav Egloff, technical di-
rector of the Universal Oil Products
comp.any, will address a meeting of
i A .,..,n~ imar.ncr nr 9~rl~c vJ s - tn.
...:;1'the local branch of American Insti-
tute of Chemical Engineers tonight
at 7:30 o'clock in the chemical en-'
gineering rooms in the north wing of I
the East Engineering building. He
will speak on "Petroleum Tech-
nology.." At 11 o'clock today, he will
talk to members of the freshman en-
4 gineering class in room 348 on "Op-
Vdward L. Doenyportunities in the Oil Industry." This
m a den h I latter lecture will be non-technical,
climaxes of dramatic evidence have ( and both talks will be open to any-
done. ffomwise-one interested.
The argument ranged from whisper- Dr. Egloff is one of the best known'
ed earnestness directly into the faces authorities in the country in his field ,
of the 12 young jurors, to high-pres- and is an expert on the process of
sure oratorical acrobatics. "cracking" oils in the manufacture
Roberts ended his five-hour plea of gasoline. He has also done ex-
for conviction shortly before noon tensive work in connection with the1
with the direct charge that, in Novem- production of oil from oil shale.
ber, 1921, "Albert B. Fall knew that For several years, Dr. Egloff wasi
this $100,000 (from Doheny) was dirty connected with the U. S. Bureau of
business." Mines, and later held the position of
Hogan began his argument with a hydrocarbon engineer and chief1
regret th'at the law prohibited his chemist of the Aetna Chemical com-
"even suggesting" as an answer to ,Jpany.
"character wrecking" by Roberts, "the The company with which Dr. Egloff
remedy of the early-day West." is associated at present controls the
Then Hogan launched into a minute Dubbs patents which are concerned
analysis of the Pearl Harbor oil stor- with the development of the "crack-
age lease and Elk Hills negotiations. ing" of hydrearbons. "Cracking" is
As the Fall-Doheny case moved the process of separating the heavierE
nearer the jury room, theDistrict of I molecular substance into lighter pro-
Columbia Supreme court, in which it ducts. This method separates the oil
is being tried, was asked today by residium, which is formed in manu-
counsel for Harry S. Sinclair to quash ; facturing processes into coke and
the indictment charging him and Fall gasoline. Dr. Egloff is especially
with conspiracy in the leasing to Sin- concerned with the direction of these
clair interests of the Teapot Dome, j operations for his company.
Wo., naval reserve.
They were to have been arraignedl M asques Will Give
Friday, but instead argument on to-.!q si
day's motion will be heard then. Sin- "Sister Beatrice" At
clair's counsel contended that he had
been singled out for unusual prosecu- imes Second Time
tion, designation of special counsel to
handle the case for the government in-
fringing on his constitutional rights. "Sister Beatrice," Maurice Maeter-
At the Fall-Doheny trial Roberts link's play .of medieval setting will be
devoted the last two hours ..of his presented again tonight in the Mimes
argument today to challenging the I theater by the Masques, campus dra-
testimony of Doheny, his son, former niatic organization. This is the an-
Secretary of the Navy Denby, Rear - nual play of that group, which last
Admiral J. K. Robison, retired, and year gave Jesse Lynch Williams'
other defense witnesses. ! "Why Marry?"
"The essence of the defense case," "Why __arry?"i
he said, "has been to excuse, explain
-and forget." A review of last night's pcr-
Hogan insisted the government case formance of Maurice Maeter-
was based on character wrecking. He ! link's play, "Sister Beatrice,"
again recalled the words of President will be found in the Music and
Harding to the defense, reading~to the j I Drama column on page four.
jurors extracts of a White House let-
ter of June 7, 1923, in which the Pres- T
ident said he was familiar and in The leading part of the play is
sympathy with all that had been done taken by Minerva Miller, '27, who-was
in the oil leasing program. leading lady of last year's Junior
_n__e______sng _rog am ' Girls' play and also of the Comedy
;A DELPHI MEETS Club's recent production, "Tea for
AThree," while Phyllis Loughton, '28,
Aeronautics as an industryisente- he said he did not want it to go in debate class to represent Michigan in iideut Clarence Cook Little in his ad- I a
ing the third stage of development, with his name. . the first semester debates. ress, "The Biolorsical Phases of So- P
the period in which it is to reach its In similar terms, Representative the t debates r iaoble " showed that there isp
fullest heights, according to Dr. W. F. Fuer expressed the opinion that the Of the two debates in the Central c ',
Gerhardt, 17E, who spoke last night new bill would draw additional votes Debate League, Michigan will meet aodirec elationship between the fields 1
before the University Aeronautical from the South. Ohio university here in Hill audi- , scienc ad tie piactice of law.
club. "Is There a Future in Aero- Meanwhile Chairman Haugen with- torium, January 21, and will be repro- 'his imtermixing of subject matter I
nautics?" was Dr. Gerhardt's subject. held final approval until opportunity sented by the following: Stanley E. dIemand s the attention of all future
Like others, such as the electrical for further study was afforded. Dimond, '27, Stephen E. Jones, '27, and law students he said, advising that e
Industry, aeronautics has passed Although basically a IMcNary- Norman C. Bowersox, '27. The debat- mor e emphasis should be placed upon I
through two preliminary stages of Haugen bill, the new measure is dif- ers will speak in the order named. .he biological aspects of law cases. g
development, first, the period in ferent in several important respects. The question is, "Resolved, That the -PresiUent Little discussed the work U
which it is practically unknown, be- Five basic commodities are affected, Eighteenth amendment should be e- Mendel, the Austrian monk
ing only occasionally brought before cotton, wheat, corn, rice and swine. pealed."w
the public by some unusual function; Cattle and butter have been eliminated The Northwestern team taking theI the laws of heredity. These princi-A
and second, the period of progress in and rice appears for the first time as negative, is composed of Richard T. Ales, President Little stated, were
which a few, working for love of the a result, the bill's sponsors claim, of Savage, '28, Wiliam N. Gall, '28, and worked out through the combining of a
work, not for gain, make the first real demands from southern rice interests. Karl R. Crawford, '27. The team will mathematics with biology. I
developments in technique and theory, debate at Evanston on the evening of n p Iovng maternity, he pointed
according to Dr. Gerhardt. Ja anese E January 21. 1out, accurate observation of the char- h
Establishment of the Guggenheim ap The team that debates at Albion on atters l iquestion is necessary, and I y
foundation for the development of Is Reported To Be January 14, consists of John it. added that too often only surfacec
aeroautcalreserchandthe nteestBoland, '27, Harold W. Charter, '2 3, qualities are considlered,
aeronautical research and the interest a , ,' '.a
displayed by Henry Ford and other Ver Ser(OU1 ly }jj and George G. Hunter, '28. They will In determining parentage, President It
manufacturers and captains of indus- Ver"'e l '. have the affirmative of the question. Little brought out, latent qualities, It
The Knox team, debating at Gales- should be given. consideration t
by were amongrdt the indicationsauticalven (By Associated Press) burg, 1l, on January 12, is composed even though they might not come i
industry is due for great progress. TOKIO, Dec. 14.--The Japanese na- of Walter P. North, '28, Lyle E. Eiser- to the surface until late in life. The1
Dr. Gerhardt is at present employed tion is prepared to hear of the death 'man, '28, and Russell D. Sauer, '8,, color of eyes, form of hair, and feeble-'
as a flight tester at McCook field, Day- of its emperor, Yoshihito. For days, and will uphold the negative argu- mindedness are almost invariably in-
ton, Ohio. He was one of the first oxygen and heart stimulants have I ment. -fbnerited, he declared, and should be
aeronautical students to graduate from been used by the state physicians in Bowersox is the only one of the men the principle factprs used in determin-
the University. attendance on the emperor. He is chosen that has had experience in a- ing the parentage of children.
being fed through a tube. tercollegiate debates, having Cbated According to President Little, the i
E ALPIA NLJ HOLDS" Yoshihito's temperature has reached in his sophomore year. Dim ond and Be-havorist theory can not be followed i
ALP A 104.1HOLDS 1.His respiration is very rapid Crawford have been i the debate explicitly in dealing with crime, be
ANNUAL BAAJQUET and fights against pneumonia which class previous to thisyear. I cause that theory bases its assump-n
developed Saturday after weeks of G. E. Densmore, coach of the Var- tiemis on the belief that there is no
Alpha Nu, local chapter of Kappa bronchitis. sity teams, requests the men selected normalcy. However, law upholders A
Ph 'a hp Kp The royal family maintains con- to report this afternoon at 4 o'clock should realize in handling criminals I
i Sigma, natmona lteraiy society, tinuous attendance at the bedside of at room 3209, Angell hal, . that somethings are entirely out of
initiated 28 men at its annual first the monarch, having joined the Em- th:i control of the individual, he de-t
semester initiation banquet held last press Sadako, who has ministered to GRADUATE SCHOOL clared.
night at the Union. The men admit- himdevtelyo es.
1ted to membership were those which Ihis villa at HOLD
had been pledged following the try- He empeo l wes s 4etroit Churc man I
outs held last fall. Hayana a seashoreSh d he expire 0
James K. Pollock of the political es from Tokio. od Graduate students of the UniversityEi Talks On Humanism
iJaes K.p Pol ndok of the political his death might not be announced. will hold their Christmas party from
science department, and G. E. Dens- eea er g h mrs a
more of the public speaking depart-S Several years ago e E es ah8 to 12 o'clock .tonight in Barbour nd General Ideals s
ment, both members of the organiza- ruko died outside Tokio and her death gymnasium. There will be dancing
was not announced until her body had an bridge. All graduate students and,
tion, gave short talks. Robert Min- besn tannounhedpalace at Tokio. dr "Humanism has made Christianity
gaveshot tlks Robrt m- ake tothe alae a Toio. their friends are invited to the affair,
nich, '28, presidede at the banquet. enan to which an admission price of 25 the demonstration of supreme values I
cetswillhbeaamessocoerexand ideals of the world," stated Dr.
SELLARS SPEAKS SENIOR SECTION IN cents will be charged to cover cx C. C. Atkins, pastor of the First Con-
ueses. .-
BEFORE ACOLY TES 'ENSIAN TO CLOSE Patrons and patronesses will be ten greational church of Detroit, in his
_members Qf the Executive committee le tfl)upon Christianity as Human-
_- er of the Exaua eschto ol mmnd te is which was given at 4:15 o'clock
Prof. Roy W. Sellars, of the philos- I Today will mark the closing of the ofth graduateanschool an tr yesterday in wa g iven4 o'clock I
ophydepmtmn~,preentd apapr snio setio ofthe192 'Esia towives: Dean and Mi-s. Alfred H. yesteiday in Natural Science auditomi-
ophy department, presented a paper senior section of the 1927 nsian to Lloyd; Prof. rieC ae rf um, This lecture was the fourth and
and led the discussion last night on the pictures of all prospective grad- Lnd r . Ermine C. Case; IProf. nd ia This lectures furth
"The Weakness of Materialism," at uates, and will also be the last dayn Mrs. O. J. Campbell; Dr. and Mrs. "The CI aaging Phases of the Christian It
the regular bi-monthly meeting of for the purchase of the yearbook at I Bs0.L s C e and Mrs . Idal that Dr. Atkins as delivered
IAcolytes. the $3.50 rate, according to an an-I. B. Lewis; Dean and Mrs, Edmund Il" htD.Akn a eiee
Acoyts. he$3.0 ate acorin toana F. Day; Prof, and Mrs. Ca{bl under the auspices of the School of (
After summarizing the various nouncement by the business staff of E ; Prof. and Mrs. Campbell aRelgion. .
Bonner; Prof., and Mrs. CliffordReion
theories which are the causes of the the publication. Dr. Atkins said thvat humanism, as
weakness of the present day material- ' To accommodate those students who WIChristianity, does not consider the
ism, Professor Sellars stressed the wish to make these arrangements, the I world a mere resting place before as-
term "Naturalism" as a better name ( 'Ensian office will be open from 8 to MOSCOW.-Fourteen criminals have sungi a future life, but that it con-
for the present day theory, it being !5 o'clock today. I been sentenced to death for 57 rob-sidtr0s the world as the scene of life
free from the weakness of material- Beginning tomorrow, the price of beries in Moscow. A large group was il all its characteristics. "It is not.
ism. the annual will be $4.00 { exiled. 1 foI r to view the Bible in the light ofI
some of its passages," asserted Dr.
American Professor Ma s Noteworthy Archeological Fid. "Ans,'but we mst consider it as
e. ,Ir\a roe solakes Noew rt yn t 31tfor social consciousness hasi
s ."I
grown out of the Bible As a whole."
In Identifying SCulp tar Of Long Questioned Bronze Statue Humanism has been fo'ced into
e nSculptoroyfce
eu n gBrn e tt existenice in Christianity because of)
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, of
the Engineering college said of
Professor Merrick, "Since the
very beginning he was closely
in touch with our students and
enjoyed their confidence. His
equable temperament, his kindly
heart, and his charming manners
will -long be remembered. He
will be a great loss to the Uni-
versity, particularly to the
Geodesy and Surveying depart-
ment, and his place will be hard
to fill." "
n instructor in the surveying de-
artment. He was made assistant
rofessor and associate professor in
906 and 1918 respectively. In 1913
e received his C. E. degree, which is
he highest in the civil engineering
In 1918 he was appointed assistant
ngineer on the Grand Canal Im-
rovement board for the Chinese
overnment, and -was absent from the
Jniversity for four years while work-
ng on this project. This board on
hich he served, consisted of seven
American engineers who were en-
rusted with the work of surveying
nd estimating the cost of reconstruct-
ng 300 miles of the old Grand canal.
After this project was completed,
ie took a position as head of the sur-
eying section of the Chihili River
commission. This undertaking was
imed to improve the river system in
he Chinese province of Chihili, and
o map the river beds for the preven-
ion of floods. As superintendent of
his department, he had a staff of 400
men working under him, 90 of whom
were graduate engineers.
Upon the culmination of this vast
project, in May, 1922, he was present-
ed with two loving cups by the mem-
bers of his general staff and sub-staff
n token of their high esteem and af-
fection for him. At the same time he
was decorated by the Chinese govern-
ment for distinguished service.
Soon after this he returned to Ann
Arbor, accompanied by members of
his family who were with him in
China, and once more took up his
In the University, Professor Merrick
served on many faculty administrative
committees and was the first head
mentor in the freshman mentor sys-
tem which was inaugurated at the
Engineering college in 1913.
Professor Merrick was a thirty-
second degree mason, member of Tan
Beta Pi fraternity, American Society
of Civil Engineers, Chinese Society of
Civil Engineers and the Michigan En-
gineering society.
He is survived by his widow, two
daughters at home, and two sisters in
Newtown, Pa. Funeral services will
be at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at
the residence at928 Churchstreet.
Dr. A. W. Stalker will officiate. In-
terment will be in Forest Hill ceme
Classes in the Engineering college
will be suspended tomorrow afternoon
in respect to Professor Merrick's
"Problems of placing graduates of
the Law school in their life work,"
was the subject of the talk given by
Dean Bates of the Law school, before
a meeting of senior law students at
an informal smoker held last night
I at the Lawyer's club.
I Dean Bates stressed the importance
Adclphi House of Representatives
held its regular weekly meeting last
night in the society rooms on the
fourth floor of Angell hall, The sub-
former stage manager of the Bonstelli
playhouse in Detroit, has directed th
Tickets for tonight's production wil
be on sale at the box office of th(