PAGE FOUR P~iblished every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Pfss is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub-1 lished therein.{ Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, astsecond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General.- Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,' 14.00. Offices:tAnn Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 2114. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4920 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor..................W. Calvin Patterson City Editor............... Irwin A. Olian NewsEditrs..........Frederick Shillito Nes Edirs.....- . PhilipCBrooks Women's Editor.............Marion Kubik Sports Editor.............Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor......... .Morris Zwerdling Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles ]3ehymet Ellis Merry Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Carl Burger I-lenry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters Marion Anderson Paul Kern Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball Jean Campbell Milton Kirshuaumr Clarence Edelson Richard Kurvink. Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean Earl W. De La VergneKenneth Patrick William Emery Morris Quinn Alfred Lcee Foster James Sheehan Robert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr. J ohn Friend Sylvia Stone obert Gessner William Thurnau Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik Colemanr J.Glencer Herbert E.kVedder Harvey J.Gunderson Marian eles Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski, Morton B. Icove Sherwood Winslow BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD THE MICHIGAN DAILY" TUESDAY, DECEMIBER 1, Ie 000 public utility transfer 15 years ago is quite superfluous. In the cam- paign leading up to a special election, this incident was thoroughly investi- gated. With the facts placed clearly before them by both parties, the peo- ple of Maine elected Mr. Gould by theI largest majority ever given to a sen- atorial candidate in that state. In Aroostook county where the transfer was made, he led by a nine to one vote. Even enterprising senators, it seems, should learn that "there is a time and place for everything"-par-, ticularly for disproved rumors. DETROIT'S POPULAR SPORT One of the most popular sports in Detroit these days is passing on ru- mors as to just what Henry Ford is going to do in the automobile field- and others., One day he is going to establish a Toledo-Detroit trolley line or receive the Nobel prize for his ill-fated voy-j age on the Oscar II back in 1915, on1 another Willys-Overland officials are going to cooperate with him in build- ing a new trick super-six or for effi- ciency's sake Henry is going to emu- late John McGraw of the New York Giants and remove the shirt tails of all his workers. The number and variations of these rumors surpasses all human under- standing. If Henry had followed out a tenth of them he would have been in the poorhouse ten years ago. Several bills introduced into the House this session have proposed that 1 postmasters retain office without term. Although these measures will prob- ably not be enacted this session, their discussion can lead public opinion to demand such reforms. ....... . .... .. DRLL N IN ME THEN Everybody ought to be satisfied now. The boys that come from Siberia! had their ideal days Friday and Sat- urday. And Sunday brought pleasant memories to the students of Venice. Londoners had their inning yesterday. Only the Californian is unhappy. The Florida boosters can take heart1 in the advice of the weather bureaus that winds are due here that will ap- proach a severe gale velocity. * * * Which brings us to the embarrass- ing position of having to announcef our own appointment to an important office hereabouts. The news desk doesn't consider it proper to call at- tention to one of its own staff mem- bers, but we feel that the news is of MUSIC A"D DRAMA T 0 N I G H T: Masques present Maurice Maeterlinck's "Sister Bea- trice" in the Mimes theater at 8:30 o'clock. * I THE DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA A Review by Philip Brooks They say that Igor Strawinsky has a concerto for the piano in which thej brasses and drums are used almost exclusively. Such a rumor is fright- ening. But the beautiful "Procession of Princesses" and "Lullaby" of his "Firebrand" suite leave an impres- sion quite contrary to that fear. They are exquisite. The strange harmonies which were to characterize his later works are 1rl ar " 1 - - -# 1 , -,. Christmas BOOKS For Younger Readers Open Evenings At both ends of the Diagonal RIDER SERVICE36 4 ' orr ngon Portable. would make a wonderful A first payment of$1O would help a lot. Suggest it. kw Rider's Pen SSERop RlD -R SERVICE v' 41 1' !! I I sufficient national importance as to k g g y present in the rest of tne warrant space even in the ROLLS suite, however, especially in the ap- column. propriately named "Infernal Dance."I * * * Strawinsky has found in this a place We have been appointed to head the for every conceivable staccato, run, local United States weather bureau, trill and other tricks, and for every and go in office immediately. We instrument in the orchestra, including weren't going to accept, but when we two harps, the triangle, profusely read that Will Rogers had been elect- used, and the zylophone. ed mayor of Beverly, Cal., we decided Mostappealing on this program was to also enter politis.the fantasy "Viviane," by Chausson. Sa ,. It is characteristic, French, and ex- Rogers telegraphed Doug Fairbanks, tremely beautiful. All the magic and who we suppose was his -campaign emotionoagnificent ianissiwoundaup manager, that he would put through brilliant first violin passages. immediate reforms when he took Brahm's first symphony shows a oice. , remarkable use of harmony among the violas and wood-winds. While Probablv as. a rew rd fnr his nrth Advertising................William C. Pusch Advertising...............Thomas Sunderland Advertising...........George HI. Annable, Jr. i CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will, however, be regarded as confidential upon request. -t i l 1 i Circulation ................T. Kenneth Haven Publication............. ...John 1. Bobrink Accounts................Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Ahn Jr. Harold Utley Melvin 1-. Baer L. J. Van Tuyl 1 1). A. Brown J. B. Wood M. 11. Cain Esther Booze Florence Cooper llilda Binzer Daniel Finley Dorothy Carpenter If. H.IHandley Marion A. Daniel f A. M. Hinkley leatrice Greenberg E. L. Hlulse Selina M. Janson S. Kerbawy Marion Kerr R. A. Meyer Marian L. Reading Harvey Rosenblum -arriet C.Smith William1. Spencer Nance Solamon JOURNALISM SCHOOLS { To The Editor : Although Douglas F. Doubleday, in his article "College-Trained Journal- ists" published in "Chimes" for Dec. 9, does not openly state that "journal- ism schools are positively worthless," Harvey Talcott Florence Widmaier I he so nearly approximates that state- ment that he might as well have said it and thereby saved himself the need- TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1926 less trouble of writing a column and a half, only to prove nothing. Night Editor-JO 11. CHAMBERLIN I It so happens that I am spending weekly six hours in journalism BRIAND'S VICTORY classes here at Michigan, and I can- Another step in the return of Eur- not' but be stirred a bit by his mani- ope to normalcy was taken Sunday fest distrust in the value of such an when representatives of the Allies de- occupation. (Incidentally he started cided to withdraw their military con- out by baring to us the worthlessness1 trol from Germany. of schools of journalism, and then The agreement provides that, with rambles along until he gives us his the withdrawal of allied control on opinion of the present day newspaper.) Jan. 31, 1927, the League of Nations' If his opinion were correct, I would investigation committee will take 1certainly cut short all work in the charge of all phases of German dis- department; curiously enough, how- armament. In the meantime, the pres-ev r, I plan to continue with the etrommissin wih l mantm, toe sete sa ne (and, I almost think, more) en- ent commission will attempt to settleh siasm. The fact is, I take more the remaining questions on German It is. iI ,k mr the emanin qustios o Gemanstock in an active journalist's opinion fortifications, and will investigate the alleged production of war materials of journalism schools than I do in by Germany. that of a third year man at college, by ermny who is acquainted,= perhaps, with Conclusion of the pact marks a vic- wh is a n erhas rith either none or one of America's tory for Foreign Minister Briand's policy of conciliation toward Germany Incidentally, before going on, I over the firmer methods advocated mitay, beore oing o I by Premier Poincare. Fear has been might say that those of us who take journalism because we have heard expressed that success for agreement that it is a "pipe" are fully as justified might mean a break between the two French statesmen. Ratification by In our choice as the many who take the French, cabinet, however, has dis- hygiene, geography and similar grade proved that prediction, and has kept school subjects. "All is not lost, however," he goes France from a position of isolation regarding military control of Ger- on, "for the journalism courses do seem to have some value, although many'. intended especially (thus ironically) ON -AGAINfor those who will not pursue news- Twyes agAenpaper work." What is the difference, Two years ago, when the Republi- may I ask, whether we do go on? cans had a safe majority in the Sen-Won't wesket thetsamebeneftf not ate, Senator Frazier, North Dakota more-because of our interest-than insurgent, was exiled from the party those who do not plan to continue? councils and deposed from his com- What right has he to make such a mittee privileges because he assisted division? I suggest that he recall his the La Follette forces in the 1924 Logic, if he has ever taken any. presidential campaign. Advertised as Undoubtedly-and I have been say- a matter of "principle," the action was ing this for the last, as one does undoubtedly taken as an object les- strawberries and cream at meal-time, son to other insurgents who might -the author of the article is at his defy the party mandates. best when he asks, "What is the de- Now, with a much more precarious sirable education or preparation for hold on the Senate, Republican lead- newspaper work? and answers by ers have accepted Senator Frazier saying, "Specifically nothing." True into their ranks, and have returned enough. "The answer comes-" he all his committee privileges. In fact, says, as though by inspiration. I1 these grants which will give him the would that he' were thus inspired chairmanship of a committee in the throughout the entire writing of the next Congress, do not recognize that liwh ease he niLht have .riuu ksuiwr Irnsw they carry the work, there is a digni- in the campaign, Doug will lead the fled vigor, accompanied by a strikingt grand march, if he keeps eligible. richness of tone in the full orchestra * * * passages-a strength underlying the "You can suit all the people some whole symphony which, while not of the time, or some of the people all loud or bombastic, makes it a power- of the time, but you can soak all the ful composition. people any old time" will be the mot- Anyone could be pardoned for wish- to of the Bureau under our adminis- ing that the Detroit orchestra would Iration. * * * show somewhat more vigor, and that WEATHER NEWS their conductor would appear more We ordered a cold wave last enthusiastic. Mr. Gabrilowitsch is night because the sidewalks on unquestionably a scholar of the high- the campus were getting too navi- est rank, but without being overly gable. We don't plan to stage a dramatic, it seems, he could instill a snow storm for a day or so, but desirable force into his players. will get things slippery first. The orchestra always plays with * * a sincerity, an ability to feel the "Tiny" called up the weather bu- beauty of things, which makes them reau yesterday morning to ask where ever admirable. he could buy a compass, as he wanted * * * to get to class. THE MASQUES' PLAY * * Little has been said concerning THOSE GRAVEL WALKS Masques initial offering of the year. Any farmer lad used to treading In the excitement attending the week's good gravel roads would be right at run of "Front Page Stuff" at the home on the campus sidewalks yester- Whitney, the imminent production of day. Now please don't say we are in- 'Sister Beatrice" was almost ignored. consistent because we advocated put- However, the event of major import- ting the sand there is the first place. ance in the dramatic season, and the. We are perfectly consistent: every- exceptional merit of both the play thing the B. and G. boys do is wrong. and the cast combine to augur suc- * * * 1 cessful presentations tonight and to-! That's the surest way to insure us morrow night at the Mimes theater. of always being right. Much of this success depends on * * * the interpretation of "Sister Beatrice," WOMEN'S LEAGUE BUILDING and much more on the direction of the GETS ON THlE MAP play; and with Minna Miller in the At last we have a futuristic map ' name part and Phyllis Loughton stag- on sale. The Women's league is sell- ing the production, a reverent treat- ing them, and they contain an air- ment is assured. plane view of Ann Arbor. showin * CASSTHEATER! - -- Lafayette at wayne Cad.xioo " The Vagabond King" .Urhltmali"arty Based on "IF I WERE K]ING" Nights,$Si to$3; Sat. Mat., 75c to $ W dd Plis io% Tax. PLE ASE DON'T PATHS ON T HE CA MP US- 8600 -10:30 Are you all primed for vacation? WJell---hire's a good chance to use up a little of your extra energy. ThAcr'w; a big blow-out at Granger's tomorrow night: SNOW BALL FIGHT, noise-makers and in addition a good lively dcnce. We're expecting to have a big time, and we want you to be there. Those who are going to be here over the vacation--don't forget our NEW YEAR'S PARTY. Dance the O. Year out and the New Year in. GRANGER'S ACA DEMY 1I i i about everything but a police tear gas raid. * * * And the Women's league building Is in it, the point being, that if enough of these maps get sold the building will be built, and if only a few are in circulation, what difference does it make if there is a mistake? * * *+ This map is quite accurate, and is done in colors, so that even an en- gineer can understand it. Unusual scenes such as a train on the Ann Arbor railroad and a crowd at the Union are shown. S ,* All the fraternities and sororities are located where they belong, even Phi Beta Kanna-which i i t THE FACULTY CONCERT A Review by Margaret Ricker One short hour and a half under the influence of celestial Christmas music at Hill auditorium was enough to make one realize how empty the ordinary interpretation of the Yule- tide season has become. Mr. Christian was entirely capable of doing complete justice to the ex- ceedingly varied program he pre- sented. Probably the most appreciated and enjoyed was the Pastorale (Sonata I) by Guilmant-a uniquef study in contrasts. The clear piping of the shepherds in the fields With the far away strains of a celestial choir floating downwards as interpreted by Mr. Christian gives an ordinary per- son a suggestion of the thrill an 0*asPE C= fI A L TFR A NW% ELR CE ACCOUNT C H RISTMAS VACATION For the accommodation of University of Michigan students returning home Friday, December 17th, account Christmas vacation, the Ann Arbor Railroad will operate a special train from m"n Arbor to Toledo on following schedule, protecting all Toledo connections: Leaie Ann Arbor.. ... ...................11:15 A. M. (C. T.) Arrive Toledo.............................1:30 P.M. (E. T.) THIS TRAIN WILL HANDLE PASFIENGERS ONLY FOR TOLEDO AM) POiNTS BEYOND In order to protect Pere Marquette and Grand Trunk connections, a first section of Train No.. 53 will be operated leaving Ann Arbor at 3:52 P.M. (C. T.) for Owosso, Mich., stopping at intermediatV stations to discharge passengers. REGULAR TRAIN SERVICE (Southbound) In addition to the abovy Special Service the fo llowing regular train service, Ann Arbor to Toledo will prevail: Lea-e Ann Arbor ........11:404A. M. (C. T.) 4:181P. M. (C.T.) Arrive Toledo ........... .2:10 P.M. (E. T.) 6:55 P. M. (E. T.) (Northbound) Northbound Trains Nos. 51 and 53 leave Ann Arbor, 8:05 A. M. (C. T.) and 3:52 P. M. (C. T.) respectively connecting with Grand Trunk, Michigan Central and Pere Marquette for all principal destinations in lower and upper peninsula of Mic higan. Would suggest purchase tickets and check baggage in advance so as to avoid unncce::ay delay and confusion at train time. A NN AR OR A L OR 0'A 11. A. MILLS, Commereil Agent Ann Arbor, iLich. 41 in an agricultural atmosphere, artist must be continually receiving * * * from transcendencies into the mystics SANTA'S LIST of true art. Dear Santa, The second half of the program was given over to a mixed choir from the Please bring the students some gas Congregational church under the di- masks so that we can have a pep rection of Mr. Christian. Singing with- meeting. out accompaniment, they presented Cro Magnon. four works of the older composers. Outstanding was "The Three Kings"- Santa Claus: I a traditional French melody. The Please bring the campus some float- combination of suitable music, capable ing sidewalks. musicians and an imaginative director Ima Collegiate. Iwas responsible for the fine presenta- * * * tion of this number. Dear Santa, These musicians interpreted in their . Please bring Mrs. Henderson 8,900,.I ensemble work the true significance 000,000,009 .German marks for the i of Christmas, which can only reach League building an audience through music. Nothing Black Teak. is more suited to interpret the cathed- D * * ral-like strains than an organ or a Santa Dear, choir-and Sunday we had both. Can't you please bring Harry Til- I lotson a heart? i Emnloyment of many underworld " Emma= ; he was ever banished. . In the name of practicality, the party chiefs are fully justified in their move. "As a matter of principle," however, their action is quite at vari- ance with that taken two years ago.a - - proved something. Specifically noth-I ing; GENERALLY; EVERYTHING- to which end there is no better be-I ginning than the preparatory courses in journalism. True, a newspaper' man must have at command knowledge' about more things in general than 0