ESTABLISHED 1890 i E4r i d AW 4bp t Iddh.0 J&.- -A& vinxft 41P MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS . .r VOL. XXXVII. No. 66 TWELVE PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1926 TWELVE PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS PA A WV COMPETITIVE SPOR S\I FIELD OF EDUCA TIO SIII AY A FER TH Edito Note:ieoointiegsathefifth EE Eio' oe h olwn steffhof a series of interviews with Coach Field- letics, dealing wtih the present problems in connection with sthe administration of in- WEK F SCNS tercollegiate sports. T RICHLYSERVES aNAL VALUES-YOST TA ULT sport furnishes such a laboratory." In relation to the experiences that a boy has in his competitive team games, Coach Yost asserted that he actually experiences the essence of 1N rAL -O I HA citizenship by losing himself in a larger whole. "He undergoes thoI_ deepest experiences of there elonging' ROBERTS ATTA S POSITION OF instinct at the time of his life when DEFENSE ON OIL LAND' they are very real and when they LEASES make their stamp indelibly upon his * -- MASQUES WILL ENACT MAETERLINK DRAMA TONIGHT IN MIMES THEATER Turning from Jesse Lynch Williams' chanting and modern satire' "Why Marry', to a play prayer. The of medieval setting, Masques will pre- they brought sent Maurice Maeterlink's, "Sister blank verse Beatrice," at 8 o'clock tonight and to- given. morrow night at the Mimes theater Minerva . "Sister Beatrice" the play upon leading lady murmuring of voices in time of the play is fur- out by the effect of the in which the play is Miller, '27, who was the of last year's Junior CONGRESS ACTS UPON NEW BUSINESS WHICH CUOMMITTEES PROPOSE 0, A it N: M Q:S V M s Y a I ' I WAS ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL FOR 19 YEAR41 IN HELD IN HIGH RESPECTj I pon Graduating From Ann Arbor High Went To St. Johns To Enter Post Office Service Volney A. Chapin, '69, for 19 years assistant in the Law school library, died Sunday afternoon at a local hos- pital, following a three weeks illness. The doctors believebthat death was due to intestinal trouble. Mr. Chapin was born in 1857 in Ann Arbor and received his primary education from the public schools, school in 1866. His parents were among the earliest settlers of Anil Ar- bor, coming here in 1833. Entered Postal Service Upon graduating from the local high school, he went to St. Johns where hie soon entered the service of the United States post office. In relatively short periods of time he was advanced to deputy postmaster andwthen to post- master. This latter position he held until 1895, when he returned to this city. After a brief stay in Ann Arbor, he journeyed to Cripple Creek, Colo., where he joined in the gold rush. He spent several years in prospecting be- fore returning to Ann Arbor. In 1907 he became connected with the law library and held the position of assistant there from that time un- til his death. At the Law school he was known for faithfulness and cour- tesy, and is reported to have held re- spect of the faculty and students. In his years at the library he developed an unusual knowledge of law books which made him, according to Judge Victor H. Lane, of the Law school, who was librarian during a part of Chapin's service, one of the most helpful men in the department Interment At Forest Hill He is survived by his sister, Miss Lucy E. Chapin, of Ann Arbor, and five out-of-town cousins. Funeral serv- ices will be held at 2:30 o'clock today at St. Andrew's Episcopal church. Rev. Henry Lewis and Rev. Henry Tatlock will officiate. Interment will be a Forest Hill cemetery. All afternoon classes at the Law school will be dismissed today in re- spect to the memory of Mr. Chapin. Anspacher To Talk On Motion Pictures Louis K. Anspacher, dramatist and orator, will speak on "The Mob tand the Movies" Thursday night in Hill auditorium, as the sixth number of the Oratorical association lecture series. The lecturer was here two years ago on the same course and officers of the association consider him one of the finest orators who appeare on their lecture course. Mr. Anspacher is an American, born in Cincinnati, Ohio. He graduated from the College of the City of New York in 1897 and received his masters' degree from Columbia two years later. He continued in Columbia, studying law, and in 1902 received his LL. B. degree and accepted a position as secular lecturer at the Temple Emanuel of New York city where he stayed for three years. In 1906 he accepted a position as a member of the lecture staff of the League for Po- litical Education and has remained identified with that organization ever since. ins1904 he attempted his first play, "Tristain and Isolde," a poetical drama, and continued writing until his most successful play "The Un- chastened Woman," was producel in 1915. Since then he has written se'emmore, his last, "Dagmar," hav- Ig appeared in 1923. ,r, Anspacher is a member of the staff of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts a:.I Sciences and is also one of the founders of the Drama league. Dur- ing the war he wrote a number of poems, among them "The Clarion" and 'he Pledge," and he has also had cunsiderable experience as an actor on the legitimate stage. Welch Will Address Zoology Association Prof. Paul S. Welch of the depart- ment of zoology has been invited to make an address on "Needed Lines of Tvi~raotiAn in American Entomol-j Fielding H. Yost, in yesterday's in- terview on the qeustion of the values in competitive sport, said that "itere is a great field of education values that are richly served by competitive sport." Coach Yost took the case of they development of the individual boy for an example and continued by saying. "Nothing is more important than that a boy should learn, during the forma- tive years of his life, to control and command his own powers, to focusI them upon a single end, to mobilize them quickly and completely,sand yet to do so with the chivalrous regard for the rights of the others and the rules of the game." Such a training, believes Coach Yost. is the funda- mental developing power of an in- dividual toward good and useful citizenship. In expressing this point further, lie continued by saying, "Itj is possible to preach to this boy in the class room or in the church, to show him the need and the importance of it, but it is vital and imperativeI that he should have something like a laboratory training in carrying out tha precepts we' give him. Competitive which Morris Gest's production, "The Girls' play, "Becky Behave" and of Miracle" was based, is a lyrical drama Comedy club's recent production of of mystery and romance and has the Rol Cooper Megrue's, "Tea For Three," SENATE 'PROGRAM OUTLINED BY REPUBLICAN STEERING BODY IN CHARGE mind and character." Coach Yost expressed the opinion that "not alone stands the physical value, but also the social, the quality that enables one to get along with his comrades and to understand and ap- PLEADS FOR CONVICTION Defense To Argue Entire Time Today; Pomerene Will Conclude For Prosecution Tomorrow 1 1 r C preciate their viewpoint. This is (By Asso: iated Press) brought out in the boy by his partici- WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.--The gov- pation in competitive sport to a degree e rettdybgnisasutuo not equalled elsewhere in his experi- enent today began its assault upon ence," he concluded. the structure of defense testimony in the Fall-Doheny oil conspiracy trial. Owen .1. Roberts, special prosecutor,j WILL CHOOSE YARSITY began the concluding argument for the government with a vigorous three- hour plea for the conviction of Albert T.A Fall, former secretary of the in- terior, and Edward L. Doheny, veteran California oil man, for conspiracy to --- defraud the government in the leasing MembersWill Ile l aken ljrom Large of the Elk Hills, California, naval oilj Debating Class Which Has Been reserve. Workmig All Semester Stresses "Loan"1 same plot of the nun who wanders out into the outside world. Maeter- link's play although lacking the set- tings and stage effects of "The Mir- acle" has the added element of lyrical lines. Many of the same touches are, evident, however, such as the ringing of the cathedral bells and the steady RHODES SCHOLARSHIPl ISAADDT AILESI has the leading feminine role of "Sis- ter Beatrice." This pat under theI cognomen of Nun Megeldes was made famous in Gests' roduction by Lady Diana Manners and Rosamond Pin- chot. 1 f I f j hyli Al.Logton, '28 has di- rect'ed the production of "Sister Be- atrice." Miss Loughton played one of the feminine leads in "Becky Behave"j and directed Comedy club's, "Tea For i Three." She has had a wide expert-j ence in the dramatic field and was at; one time stage manager for the Bon- stelle Playhouse, in Detroit. She has been chosen to direct this year's ,Junmor Girls' play.1 BAND HOPES TO START!I Has Won Pollak foundation Award National Essay Contest And Also Publications Prize In MAKE APPOINTMENTS'i IN RECORDER'S 9OFFICE Underclassmen, Upperclassmen With I Irregularities Of Curriculum, Must Consult Committee PLAN AVOIDSCONFUSION More than 400 appointments were made in the Recorder's office yester- day for literary students consulting the upperclass advisory committee or firs year students who must have their schedules approved by the freshman advisory committee on second semes- ter elections. The appointments were made to take place during the first two weeks following the Christmas vacation, beginning Jan. 4, 1927. The remainder of the appointment cardsl will be distributed during the bal- I ance of this week. Upperclassmen with any irregular- ities of curriculum and sophomores must consult with the upperclass ad- visory committee while all freshmen must consult with the classification committee, during the two weeks fol- lowing vacation. Upperclassmen with no irregularities will make their sec-, ond semester election themselves dur- ing the period. Unavoidable changes in the sched- ules made during the appointment per- iod may be made, if absolutely neces- sary, at the opening the second sem- ester, according to officials. The appointment plan was inaugur- ated this year to avoid the confusion of the former system in having the election period during the week of ex- aminations. MAY TAKE TAX BILL TO HOUSE -- le hurled verbal hand-grenades at TO SELECTFOUR SIUADS heart of the defense case with IAA 't pointedl emphasis upon Dohgny's $100,- 000 loan to Fall on November 30, 1921, Michigan's Varsity debate team will upon the "war scare patriotic motive" be chosen at 1 o'clock today in room as a factor in the Pearl Harbor, 3209 Angell hall from the large de- Hawaii, oil storage plan, and upon the i "seal of secrecy" which shrouded the bating class that has been working negotiations between Doheny and the since the beginning of school, G. E. cabinet officer prior to the signing of Densmore ,head coach of the teams, the Pearl Harbor contract on April' and his assistant Wirt King, '27L, de- 25, 1922. sire the general public to attend the Attacking the defense position that tryouts as well as students interested the Navy department interests in the in forensic work. The admission to ( leasing policy precluded collusion be- the team trials will be free. Itween Doheny and Fall, Roberts said A new precedent will be set thisjthat all contracts were negotiated and year in picking Michigan's representa- then carried to Secretary Denby for tives on the debate platform, as four his rubber stamp signature. varsity teams will be chosen instead The concluding argument beganI of the usual two. In addition to the after three hours of heckling and; Central League debates with North-I quibbling between counsel over 761 western university and Ohio State uni- tenders of instructions for the jury, versity, Michigan will debate Knox which probably will receive the case1 college and Albion college. These Acquisdal V four debates will probably take place rAcquittl Verdict Rejected on the same evening, according to Mr. Sixteen of 28 suggested prosecution Densnmore. Because of this extension paragraphs and 20 of 48 defense tend- of Michigan's debating activities four ers will make up the detailed instruc- teams will be necessary, and will be tions. The customary defense for an chosen of equal ability. The date for structed verdict of acquittal was these debates is not definitely set, butn A. Holding, presiding. they will be contested about the mid- Half of the government's alloted six dle of January. The question for dis- Ihours were consummed by Roberts. cussion is, "Resolved: That the The defense will use the entire court Eighteenth Amendment Should Be re- (lay tomorrow, and former Senator pealed Immediately." Atlee Pomerene, of Ohio, will con- clude for the prosecution Wednesday Imorning. Reading of the instructions J- Op pp t s will probably require an hour or more. Mus B, xc an edRe-Read Doheny 'Testin1y Must B Roberts followed his assault upon F or Tickets Today Ithe patriotic motive with a re-reading Y of Doheny's testimony that he believed the Elk Hills reserve might yield a From 2 to 5 o'clock today will be the profit of $100,000,000. last opportunity that students will I The defense contention that fear have to exchange their accepted ap- of drainage of naval oil through pri- plications for J-Hop tickets, Marion vate wells was a motivating factor in S. Hodgson, '28E, announced yester- the leasing was met by Roberts with day. Tickets may be obtained in a quotations from Doheny's testimonyf side booth in the Union lobby. Any I here that after the lease was signedf tickets not claimed will be distributed in December, 1922, expensive build- to others whose applications had been ings were held up until pipe lines and rejected. ! refineries could be built near the Announcement was made Yesterday reserves.j IS LAW REVIEW EDITOR Edgar H. Ailes, '27L, has been elect-1 ed a Rhodes scholar for 1927, Presi- I dent Frank Aydelotte of Swarthmore college, American secretary tothe "Stuent ody To Participate Every Rhodes trustees, has announcea. " ea' In Spreading GopeE v Ailes is a resident of Detroit and is i O Yl=tide" 21 years old. Ile entered the literary -- ~ college of the University in the fall PROGRAM TO BE GIVEN of 1921 after his graduation from 1 Northern high school of Detroit. In 1922 he won the $500 Pollak I+Establishment of a new University foundation award in a national essay tradition, an annual Christmas night, contest. Ile was Music and DramaI "in which the students, putting asideI critic for The Daily during his soph- all else, will join in spreading theI omore year and the following year gospel of Christmas," is the object of he was chosen Night Editor. le was the Varsity band, in presenting a con-' graduated from the literary college Bert at 8 o'clock tomorrow might inr with distinction in 1925, and the same Hill auditorium, according to Robert year was awarded a scholarship prize A. Campbell, treasurer of the Univer- by the Board in Control of Student sity. Such an occasion has not been{ Publications. He is a member of Phi previously attempted, and it is the Beta Kappa. At present Ailes is ed- plan of Mayor Campbell to make it itor of the Michigan Law Review, pub aim event in which every member ofj lished by the Law school. the student body will participate. Last summer, Ailes attended the This annual meetin f the students League of Nations meeting in Geneva will be planned heL a com- as secretary to Prof. Manley 0. Hud- mittee of students, elected early in the son, of Harvard university, school year, who will draw up a pro-I Among the other winners of scholar- grain in accordance with the Christ- ships were: Dean A. Clark, University mas spirit, in which campus organiza- of Minnesota; Robert B. Patrick, Uni tions such as the Band and Glee club versity of Iowa; and Jefferson D. Bur- will participate. There will be speak- rus, University of Wisconsin. ! ers to enlarge upon the successes of the school year, the high points in stu- SDe laresLeague'O ent life, and to create a Christmas eC ares ea espirit. . The program for the first Christmas Nations Would H ave meeting, tomorrow night, although not typically a Christmas program, willI f Averted W orld W ar be primarily for students, including several numbers in which the students (A)may join the Band. President Clar- ($y Associated Press) ence Cook Little has been invited to GENEVA, Switzerland, Dec. 13.-- appear on the program, but has not Lauding the League of Nations, the yet announced his intention to be existence of which "permits repre- present. Concert numbers, college sentatives of governments to confer songs, nurfibers by the Varsity Glee frequently 'man to, man,' instead of I club, will be presented. depending on colorless exchanges of The concert will be free and stu- diplomatic correspondence," Foreign dents are urged to turn out. Directory Minister Stresemann, of Germany, to. Norman J. Larson has planned a day expressed the belief that the program different from any musical World war would have been averted effort of the band heretofore. had the statesmen in 1914 had as many opportunities of getting together as they have at the present through W arsaw l naugurates! the league. SHe voiced this view in commentigjN w T afc S se to the Associated Press on the unNe w rafic ystem cess of the negotiations just conclud- (By Associated Press) ed here which assured the organiza- WARSAW, Dec. 13.--Traffc woes tion of a league system of investiga- ha de e WarsawTand wes tion in place of the inter-Allies cone cabe ier-s n a d e trol of German armament to which cabinet ministers run afoul of the his government objected. Remarking severe regulations introduced by the his ovenmen obecte. Rmarkllpolice. that not only France, but all the for- Ioe mer enemies of Germany have con- hIn one day, three digtaries have tributed to this result, he said: jhad conflicts with the polce for fail- "If the statesmen could have met Iing to comply. with the new rules, for four or five weeks in 1914, just as which were designed to relieve the the foreign ministers met at Locarno situation resulting from increasedj i and Geneva, and discussed the situa- street traffic and which are still a tion frankly rand unreservedly, I am novelty to the populace. convinced that the Great War would have been averted." Traditional Jackets "Here, then, is one great service performed by the League of Nations, Chosen By Engineers which henceforth is destined to bea medium in arranging the affairs of i Europe." I Heavy flannel blazers in blue and The League was necessary and grey have been chosen as the tradi- useful for the prompt and harmonious ' tional engineering jackets by this reconstruction of Europe, he asserted, year's junior class, announced Wayne DISCUSS IMPEACHMENT House Considers Alen Property Bill Which Provides For Payment !Of War Beath ClaIms (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Deck 13.-Boulder canyon dam legislation was given a preferential status on the Senate pro- gram today by Republican leaders. They decided it should be taken up after the rivers and harbors bill which comes up tomorrow, the Gooding rail- road fund measure and the Capper truth-in-fabric bill are considered. The program was outlined by the Republican steering committee which decided that after the Bouldertcanyon dlam bill, tie Senate should take up the proposal to settle French spoila- tion claims, which have been pending 50 years. After that two bills affecting the prohibition service would come up one to reat bureaus of prohibitionj andl custoims separated from the internal revenue, and another to place prohibition agents under civil service. Last on the list of the steering com- mittee was the bill to re-organize the bureau of domestic .nd foreign com- m erce. The Gooding bill provides that cer- tain railroads, indebted to the govern- ment and unable to meet their obiga- tions, shall be given a lower interest rate and a longer time in which to settle. The proper proposal would require the labeling of goods to show the exact content * of the fabric. The Boulder canyon project is provided for in the Swing-Johnson bill, which calls for construction of a dam across the Colorado river for power and ir rigation purposes. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.--A shadow of further impeachment proceedings fell over the Senate as it voted 70 to 9 to dismiss the charges of Federal Judge English of the Eastern Illinois district, who resigned November 4. Senator Reed, Democrat, Mississippi, surprised the Senate by suggesting that it devise means of obtaining testimony in impeachment proceed- ings without the necessity of sitting as a court, because, he explained, "there are other impeachment pro- ceedings necessary if I have been cor- rectly informed." He did not amplify this statement on the Senate floor, and when ques- tioned later, he declined to discuss it. The English proceedings came to a quick but fiery ending after the Senate took up the recommendation of the House manager for dismisal of the case. WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-Immediate payment in full of claims of Ameri- can nationals for death or personal in- jury growing out of the war with Germany, and payment out of the American treasury up to $100,000,000 for seized German ships, radio sta- tions and patents, are provided for in the Alien Property adjustment bill re- ported today to the House. Chairman Green of the Ways and Means Committee, which drew up the measure, said it was estimated that ab out $180,000,000 including interest to January 1, 1927, would be awarded American citizens, and about $60,000,- 000 would go to the United States government. The measure makes no provision for the return of Austrian and Hungarian I property, as the commission created to adjust claims of Americans against those governments has not yet begun. Ito function. Payment in full will be made on American claims of $100,000 or less. On claims above that amount, an. initial $100,000 will be paid, and these claims given priority "for future payments from Germany until an amount equal to 80 per cent of -all awards has been distributed to Ameri- can nationals." Bates Will Address Senior Law Smoker that invitations for the Hop will be distributed to ticket holders the day after school is resumed following the Christmas vacation period. IA meeting of all independent stu- dents who are g~oingto the lop will i...i.._ a ., rf~ r ,, _B' Democrats To Use Old 'Break Padlock Rule Toj (By Associated Press) I becheld at 7:15o'clock tomorrow night WASHINGTON, Dec. 13.-A rusty in room 321 of the Union for the pur-t parliamentary key, the House rule pose of arranging for booths and oth- permitting discharge of a bill from e;r business. committee, is to be resorted to by Democrats in an effort to pry open the Cn padlock the Republicans have hung.- on tax legislation, including the Pres. f Be Shoxvn Today ident's tax credit plan. - The rule, used only once in recent: "ears, provides that a majority of the To acquaint students with the dif- l-House--218 members-can, by circu ferent types of precision instruments, lating a petition, take a bill from com- a display, valued at $4,000, will be mittee and call it up on the floor for shown today in room 229 of the West consideration. Engineering building, from 10 o'clock Decision to employ this procedure until 6 o'clock tonight. was agreed upon today by Democratic A representative of the Starrett leaders as a last resort to bring from company will give a short explanatoryI the Ways and Means committee the talk at 4:15 o'clock, on the use, his- $335,000,000 Democratic tax reduction I tory, and manufacture of precision measure which was tabled Saturday instruments. along with all other revenue pro - posals. The vote in committee then was! insW il iscuss strictly along party lines. Republi- cans solidly.lined up against it and rsian umanism the Democrats as a unit voting for i consideration of a tax bill at this As the last step in the discussion of time. the general problem "The Changing Phases of the Christian Ideal," the A VIA TION SOCIETY Rev. G. G. Atkins, pastor of the First v Congregational church of Detroit, will TO HEAR EXPET ;Italk on "Christianity as Humanism" Soule Will Talk To I University Chemists Dr. Malcolm H. Soule, of the depart- ment of bacteriology of the University, will address the University of Mich- igan section of the American Chemical society at their annual meeting which 1 will be held in room 303 of the Chem- ! istry building at 4:15 o'clock today, Dr. Soule will discuss "The Determin- ation of Gas Changes Produced by Microorganisms." Immediately following the lecture the society will hold their annual meeting for the transaction of busi- ness and the election of officers. SMITH TO SPEAK ON "ALPHA RAYS" Speaking upon "The Variations in the Range of Alpha Rays," Prof. A. W. Smith, of the physics department, will address the physics colloquium at 4:15 o'clock today in room 1041 of the new Physics building. Professor Smith will discuss the subject in the light of the latest ex- periments and it has been announced that this lecture will be open to thea public. LITTLE TO SPEAK ,'T'I " u N ATJ Cr'YE'J' 1 l . adding, "Europe certainly cannot Cowell, president of the class yester- stand another war." day. Dean Bates of the Law school will speak at an informal smoker of the 'Ensian RIates Will JOHNSON TO TALK senior law class to be held tonight at RsON NEW STADIUM the Law club. This will be the first O TADI M Imneetimng of the year for the seniors Inrae Thursday0e' :"; hm ~ InTcreaseiThursday sb and will be more of an informal dis- "Trh]e New Stadium" will be the sub- i cussion group rather than a class