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December 12, 1926 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-12

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SUNDAY, DECEATT3rmv 1-2, lum


!wards appointed an in'tructor in the Pauw at Greencastle on the following igan athletic teams have a reputation and development, and the friends of F RE T
Snew gymnasiumMonday in order to secure sufficient everywhere for their good conduct and the Athletic association should remem
Athletic Association Wvithoutands funds to pay the expenses of the trip. appearance, an are welcomed into ber that its prosperity and permanent
There was no money in the treasury the most exclusive hotels. success depend upon the united ef-
opening of college in 1893 forts and co-operation of all those in-
the Association had no money in the so the Association borrowed at the Lflcliigan Defeats DePauw terested in its welfare. May it grow
treasury and there were bills unpaid bank on a note guaranteed by several "To return to the trip, quarters were as much in the future as it has pros-
to tho amount of $600. It was harder professors, a sum sufficient to buy a finally secured in a cheap lodging pered in the past and may the Mich!
(Continued from Page Nine) then to pay that amount than it would round-trip ticket for the team. After house down by the Wabash river. The gan teams continue to bring credit and
"Ten years ago the Athletic ass ocia- be now to pay a debt of $6,000. Re- purchasing the ticket, the manager next day, Saturday, Michigan defeated glory to our Alma Mater through
in a in fi i d ceipts from t me mhgames were small and had only two dollars left and bc- Purdue 46 to 8, and on Monday scored their prowess on the field and sportsi
ion was generay inancia teincomefromiebership dues was rowed ten dollars from one of the 34 to 0 on DePauw. As the Wolver- manlike conduct everywhere
ficulties. Facilities for training were meagre. By close economy the debt players with which he secured lunch ines did not carry a big team and all
poor, and all candidates had to sup- was paid off at the cud of the season, for the team. On arrival at Lafayette the regular substitutes had been call- Gridiron Moved in 1907
ply their own clothing, shoes, etc. As ut there was no money left where- the team was refused admittance to ed into service, Coach Barbour had Beginning with the football seaso
there was no gymnasium a makeshift with to buy the football team sweaters. the Lahr house, the only good hotel to play half-back in the DePauw of 1907, the gridiron was moved to
b The Varsity men talked the matter in town. The proprietor declared he game, and the manager was the only the site it now occupies. The present
bath room was fixed up in the base-over and decided to purchase their would not receive football men in available substitute left. The same north stand was first used at that
ment of the old Medical building, and own sweaters, rather than run the his house because they misconducted evening the team started home at 7 time. The south stand, at that time,
one of the duties of the manager was assOciation in debt again themselves, and destroyed and carried o'clock in the caboose of a freight was built of wood, and was much a
to fire up the old stove and heat the "To show the condition of things at I off his property. Such treatment was train, and after jolting along for five smaller than the north stand. It was
water for bathing. In 1893 the writer 1 that time an account of the trip into undeserved, but nevertheless, and o)- hours reached Lafayette. At one1 about 30 rows high and about same
engaged Ed Moulton to train the foot- (Indiana may be interesting. Michi- lject lesson was learned. Ever since, one o'clock in the morning they took length as it is now. The west standt
ball team, the first trainer ever em- gan was scheduled to play Purdue at the management has pointed out to a Wabash train for home and as they was smaller than the south stand and'
ployed at Michigan. The following Lafayette on Saturday, Nov. 11, 1893. jall Michigan teams the importance could not afford sleepers they made there were no seating accommodations
year Moulton was succeeded by Keene lAs the guaranty was small, it was and direct benefit of first class con- themselves as comfortable as possiblearound the curves. The east standI
Fitzpatrick, who was shortly after- necessary to play a game with De- duct while on the road. Today, Mich- in the coaches. Truly that was a was nothing but an incline and was
strenuous trip, and yet no one coni- used for standing room only
!Illptllll 11111 IIt1111111111 11tll ttlllillllllQll l illlll II l1 Qi 111111QililIU1P11111111#I II 11111111111 A 111111 1111111111111 IIIN Q11ilC plained of hardships r d at a a er B id rlin d
plaied f hrdsips Graduate Manager Baird resigned
"Since the time when the events from his position with the close of
above narrated happened, there has the school year in 1908 and Philip G. !
_been a wonderful change and develop- Bartolm was secured as director of'
Cment in athletics at Michigan. In outdoor athletics at the beginning of1
.Ian article of this length it is impos- the next school year.
sible to trace this growth, but two re- The following is quoted from the
N_,i1X Theif lfolleleatiogofsheqstndardofrcholr-he
e sults are clearly manifest. First, the 1910 Michiganensian. The story con-
hpelevation of the standard of min cerns "The Big White Jug" as it was
ship ad amateurism in the minds of first named. Today it is known as1the
the faculty, student body, athletes, "Little Brown Jug." as
Have.4 1.1 j alunmi and citizens; and second, the 'Michigan again has possession of Vit H we
Have you wanted to hide away ter propery the Atle the big stone water jug which did oVarity athlete who played center
association. rm an asrtiturdehte eao of cold on one of te earlier Michigan tes
toleration the faculty has changd service through the season of when the Saturday football crowds
fr m the dull routine to one of dignified approval. Active yer the clash with Minnesota in that were not one of the Universitie's maj-
interest and participation in athletics yearnde jug mysteriously disappear-m
I3~ ~ i b for CnXT ~ I'~d 'has become more widespread and uni- s not recovered until the
ust o tbefore a Cozy fireplace an form in the student body and the Wolverine and Gopher did battle in
f a s nof amateurism are higher. The 1909. from you next year. If you win keep.
_idealsofaaersarhghrTe "This was how it happened, as ex- it.
buoyed up by the feeling that all's well. lumni also are more generally inter- plained by Coach Williams Of Minne-I "The jug was brought back to Ann
bdy* west has been the change in senti- sota after the final game on last sea- Arbor and now has a niche all- of its
Experience just that certain fee ngs edle own here except when Minnesota wins
set towards athletics; greater still "The Michiganders had made much the game-which is not very often."
'asbeeny growth ofthe material of the jug during the season of 1903. About 1914 the present south stands
prosperity of the Athletic associa-It went everywhere with them and were started after much the same de-
A tion. It no longer lives from handi the perspiring warriors drank from its liberation and planning as accompani-
_ -Tto mouth without credit or borrow- heavy mouth during every contest on ed the startig of the present stadium.
ing power, but maintains a handsome the schedule. After each game the At that time it was planned to make
STIS H 'S P L A Y H O U SE urps in the treasury, and its credit srwas emblazoned on the side of the south stands the first of the con-
T IS H ' ~ ~~~~~~~~is excellent. It is able to care for and the jug. Ceeuiswihwudetrl tr
send the Michigan teams abroad in Go1Iir Plot A intcrete units which would entirely sur-
Sthe Mstcsty ga.nIteas abodinithns G"W phers Plot Against jug round the field. This stand was also
the best style. It is spending thous- "Well when Michigan journeyed to paid for out of the earnings of the
- ands of dollars annually in perman Minneapolis for the wind-up of the Athletic association,
cut improvements and in time will season, the Gophers plotted against Football Interest Declined
have one of the finest athletic fields the water jug. It will be remember- Interest in football declined during
n the country. Nevertheless, there ed that the famous game lasted until the war and this resulted in a falling
l~fllltltllill1111lilll l lF J111UIlilI111111111 iI 1t lII1AIIIII 1 i -is still great room for improvement, darkness had fallen. When the water off of attendance, and it was prophe-
____________________________________________ Iboy looked for the jug after the piping; sied in some quarters that footballI
of the timekeeper's whistle had called would never regain its before-the-war
the men from the field, he failed to popularity. The after-the-war attend-
find it. Cap.' Redden and his men ance and demand for tickets soon dis-
wondered and worried over the loss. proved those prophesies, and the At-
But it did them no good. The dis- letic association was forced to increase
appearance of the jug remained a the size of the Ferry field stands to
mystery, their present capacity by building
Dy m"But after the Mize and Blu had wooden stands at both ends of the
O n 1 r ie Dstamped the Maroon and Gold into field.
the mud of Northr6p field on Nov. 20, The present field was first used 20
1909, Coach Williams experienced a years ago. At that time there was no
change of heart. He confessed that club house or field house, and the
his men had wilfully stolen the jug. players rested on the field between
Then he produced it and below the I the halves, as many high school teams
record of 1903 was painted the sre do today. Many of the players who
of the Minnesota-Michigan game that have made history on the present field
ended with Michigan on the long end include, Allerdale, Allmndinger,
of a 15 to 6 score. i Benbrook, Blott, Catlett, Craig, Doug-
'We're giving it back,' said the las, Maurice and Robert Dunne, Ed
Gopher coach, 'with the understanding munds, Goebel, Hughitt, Kipke, Kirk
that we can have 4t should we win the Knodes, Magidsom, Maubetch,
A, A1d*n1'IbeI,

Detroit Institution To A1er Status
As One-Sport School; New iiild-
iugsW ill Furnish Facilities.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Dec. 11.-Within another
year the University of Detroit hopes
to alter its present athletic status as
a "one-sport" school.
At present the University of Detroit,
largest of the state educational insti-
tutions in Michigan, is devoting vir-
tually its entire sport interest to foot-
ball. Basketball 1s played in season,



raa. P nkathi o 1 i yn1 L vix in O~nn,
but the school's athletic reputation
from year to year is built upon the
performance of its football teams.
Amplification of the athletic pro-
gram will become possible with the
transfer of the University. next fall
to the new 85-acre campus .on the
northern edge of Detroit. In the
$10,000,000 University of Detroit build
ing program attention has been give V
to athletics on a scale not before ap-
parent in the school's history.
Pontius, Reynesford, Roby, Slaughter,
Cedric Smith, Steketee, Uteritz, Vick,
Stan Wells, and "Truck" Wieman.
It was on the old gridiron at the
south end of Ferry field that the most.
spectacular part of the history of
Michigan football was enacted. It
was there that the title of "Hurry Up"
was bestowed upon Coach Yost and
there that the Famous point-a-minute
were trained. It was there that Hes-
ton made his tireless marches. Tom
Hammond goaled, Neil Snow punted.
Norcross, Graver and Weeks directed
line crushing attacks and' "Germany"
Schultz and Shorts and Gregory and
Maddock made history as linemen.
It was there that McGugin ..spurred
on the Michigan team to its 107 vic-
tory over Iowa, the highest score ever
wade in a Western Conference game;
lit was there that West Virginia was
I beaten 130 to 0 for Micihgan's high-
est score.
The new field and stadium, which:
is still unnamed, will give better ac-
commodations to the crowds and
I players, and probably in time will also
? become too small. The progress of
the sale of the stadium, bonds is prog-
ressing in a most astisfactoliy man-
ner, and if the rate of sale continues,
' they will be disposed of before the
Christmas holidays.
MOSCOW.-Co-operative and gov-
ernment agencios purchased 1,800,000
tons of grain in November, an increase
from a year ago.
TIRANA, Albania.-The treaty witli
Italy was ratified by the Albanian
MEXICO CITY.-A small group of
Communists welcomed Ke. Alexan-
dra Kollantay, new m ister to Mex-


.1 1



As you are going home

v riday, you ii want

j ... .. _ m .. -

all clean linen, shirts, socks, and underwear.
Send your clothes in tomorrow or Tuesday
and we will have them back to you by Thurs-
day. Remember our service is just as near as
your telephone.
Another suggestion -have your bedding




But the same good

old home


is still

to be found amid pleasant surroundings


'r.... . . . .. .... /" ".~ ~i



laundered during vacation without


1ence to yourselves.

We are equipped to laun-

der quilts, comforters, blankets, and all woolens

in a most satisfactory manner.
ding refreshed by the Varsity.

Have your bed-

A YlCo-


This year at Christmas time you will realize
the value of your policy of saving. It will bring
to you and your family all those things which
your heart desires. May it be the happiest of
Christmas days to all of our patrons.




11I1 111



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