IM E THE MTCHIGAN DAILY ; u'l DAILY OFFICIAL DULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdays). volume T11 SPY DAY, 1DECEMIBER 12, 1020- Number 6.> Senate Council: There will be a regular meeting of the Senate Council on Monday, De- ecober 13. at 4:15 D. in. in the Preisdent's office. F. E. Robis, Secreary. Faculty and Student: The Department o Buildings and Grounds is compelled to make certain electrical repairs on Sunday, December 12. For this reason the following buildings will have no light or power between 9 a. m and 1:30 p. in. on that date: General Library. West Physics Building. Herbert G. Watkins, Asst. Secretary. To Students Having Library Books: 1. Students having in their possession books drawn from the Uni- versity library are notified that such books are due Monday, December 13th, before the impending Christmas vacation, in pursuance of the Regents' regulaion: - "Students who leave Ann Arbor for an absence of more than a week must first return all borrowed books." 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the stu- dent liable to an extra fine. 3. Students who have special need for certain books between Decem- ber 13th and the beginning of the vacation may retain. such books by applying to the Superintendent of Circulation on or before December 13. 4. Students who have special need for certain books during the vaca- tion, will be given permission to draw these books, provided they are not in general demand, on application to the Superintendent of Circulation after December 13th. Wm W I. Bishop, Librarian. Seniors, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: A tentative list of February, June and August seniors has bee\ posted in the Recorder's office, Room 4, University Hal. The names of seniors who transferred from the School of Education this fall are not included in this list but will be added later. Names will appear on your diplomas as they are spelled on this list. Discrepancies should be reported at once. Florence Mohr, Recorder. Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: The second semester elections of all sophomore students must be ap proved by the Uppercass Advisory Committee in January. Juniors and Seniors are also urged to consult the Committee. Appointments with the Committee should be arranged by securing an appointment card in the Re- corder's Office during the week of December 13 to 17. C. C. Meloche, Cairman. To Any Sudent, ii any School or College, Electing Certain Courses in the College of L. S. and A.: Al. elections made in these courses must be made through the Classifi- cation Committee of the College of L. S. and A. In several of these courses, and in most of the sections or these courses, there is a definite limit to the total. number of students admitted. Further, some sections are reserved for particular groups of students. The list of courses handled through the Classification Committee in- ludes ALL courses open to freshmen, and certain other courses, being much the same as that for last October. Some few changes are being made and the complete list in detail will be published in this Bulletin, Tuesday. The Classification Committee will be in session for two weeks begin- ning January 4, 1927. In order that students may consult the Committee at hours that do not conflict with class work and in order to avoid standing in line, admission to this Committee will be by appointment only. These appointments, specifying a definite hour, may be made at the office of the Recorder of the College of L. S. and A. anytime during office hours this present week of December 13th to 18th. D. L. Rch, Chairman, Classification Coiiinitte. Seniors, School of Education: A tentative list of February, June and August seniors has been postel on the bulletin board on the right hand side of the vestibule of Tappan Hall. Names will appear on all official lists as they are spelled here. Any discrepancy or omission should be reported in the Office of the School of Education, Room 105 Tappan Hall, immediately. Senior sta tements. have been mailed to all tentative seniors except those specializing in Physical Education, Vocational Education or Public Health Nursing Curricula. Office hours: 10:30 to 12 a. in.; 2:30 to 3:30 p. ni,. Gretchen Kug, Recorder. School of Education: Second semester elections for students in the School of Education should be made in the Office of the School of Education, Room 105 Tappan Hall, January , 7. 8, (morning), 10 and 11. All blanks must be in by 5 p. in. January 11th. Those wishing to elect academic courses where action of the Classifi- cation Committee of the College of Literature, Science and Arts is neces- sary must arrange for conferences with that Commitee through the Office of the Recorder of the College of Literature, Science and Arts. These ap- pointments can be mnade any time during the week of December 13 in Room 4, University Hall. w Gretchen Kug, Recorder. P'hysics Collouum: The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 p. in,r Tuesday, December 14, in Room 1041, New Physics Building. Professor A. W. Smith will speak (n "Variations in the Range of Alpha Rays." All interested are cordially invited.$ W. F. Colby. Second Semester Elections for the College of Literature, Science and the Arts: fi Juniors and seniors may make appointments with the Upperclass SAdvisory Committee if they desire assistance in making out their programs. Otherwise, they may hand in their election blanks at the Recorder's office, together with their class cards. Appointment tickets may he obtained by calling at the Recorder's of- flee, Room 4, University Hall, during the week of December 13 to 17. The cooperation of every student in obtaining his appointment as soon as pos- sible will greatly simplify the work for the students as well a,~ for the Committees. Florenice 3Iolir, Recorder. Fire~iProof lWcoralozis a1tParties : ! In p~aniiing parties in non-fireproof buildings at which decorations will be used, attention j,, called to the fire regulations which require fireproof material. IAt only a slight additional expense, fireproof decorations can be ob- tained which will comply with the fire regulations in this respect.'- ,%. C. radon, Supt.; Buildings and Grounds Derr. j tniversity 'Women: The sik-th and last Hygiene Lecture has been given. Those who are incomplete call at the office, Barbour Gymnasium, regarding a mnakeup. r Ethel )McCormiick. Bur~eaui of Aippointnents-J. K. and L. All condidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names begin with J, K or L are requested to call at the office, Room 102, Tappan Hall, for interviews this week. Office hours for this purpose will be held from 10:30 to 12:00 a. in. and 3:00 to 4:00 p. mn., December 14, 15, 16, 17. Margaret Cameron. Educatioii Staff Luncheon: The regular staff luncheon of the School of Education will be held in the ladies' dining room of the Michigan Union, Monday, December 13, at 12:15 o'clock. Please note change of place. Will Fight English Monopoly In Rubber 11arvey 'S.1Firestone Rubber manufacturer Nvho will join 7 na$40,000,000 p)001 of American auto and rubber interests, for med to fight the British rubber monopoly. It is re- HEIRLOOM HAN -AE RUGS! Beautiful H and-crnbroideredLies .. Brasses I Tapestries 1 Don't buy your Christmas gifts until you visit MRS. H. B. MERRICK Direct Irrn::ortcr 221 South Main St. r C. U.]I Sociology, Second Semester: I will not be absent as stated in the announcement, but will lectures in Course 51, the graduate course (251) and Social Proc( the first semester. C. It. Cc University Museum : Until further notice the University Museum will be open on from 1:30 to 4:30 p. in. Alexanider G. Rut ITo Gratduate Students ini Education: The Graduate Students in Education will meet Monday, Dec( in the office of the School of Education, Tappan Hall, at 7 p. m. Kzyte will discuss the work of the Curriculum Commission in Cali Clifford 11' D~epartmiental Recomimendation in French and Spanish: All Seniors in the Literary and Education Schools and Grad dents who will have completed the requirements by the end of tl semester and are desirous of the Departmental Recommendation IDepartment of Romance Languages are requested to leave thei if they have not already done so, in the office, Room 104 South Wii Christmas vacation. Trhis Recommendation is independent of thei recommendations from instructors, and only those who leave the will be considered. Il.P.Tlh I [. c ili. Section, American Chemiceal Society: ' Di. Malcolm H. Souie, of the Department of Bacteriology of versity, will speak before this Section on Tuesday, December 14 p. mn., in Room 303, Chemistry Building. His subject will be "The nation of Gas Changes Produced by Microorganisms." The annual Imeeting and election of officers will follow. P'. F. Weatlierill, Seer; Botanical Seminar: Botanical Seminar meets Wednesday, December 15, at 4:30, S. Building. Paper by C. G. Kulkarni-"Investigations in Maize." B3. 31.1 University of Michigan Band: i~hearsal at 3 o'clock today. D~avis. j ported, also, that Henry Ford, Detroit DRTCS K01AK auto manufacturer, although not a member of the pool, will grow his own ,22221211112[122212222222222121212222IIIl122122102111 rubber and that Firestone will mnan- =°--°^-' give the facture it. - ;ess, as in S Qp ~oe. Romiance Club )leetiiig: =of the - Thlere will be a metngo heIo mance Club, Tuesday at 4:30 o"clock, K SudasRoom 304, Michigan Union. - th. en. Ieni.A- shr, nFcut Wmns lb os The progressive Christma~s Party ot - ProfssorTuesday evening, December 14, at 730 ifornia. f'M 226 S. Ingalls. Bring 10c gift for the- oody. te.~t Mrs. Carl L. Wliitelinreh -a stet" ° . he second (c a Vi°~, . fm'om th 2 acilty WNoma's CIO: ~7"\. ir names, There will be a dance for faculty v zt I agbefreand alumni at Granger's Academy on , individual Tedyeeig December 14, at 9 =~ ~A~I3 names o'clock. .William iFrayer. ',~0 4ft" There w'ill be an important meeting 4jIfl \"\,\\-r INI icalland BadevMn:l / " l 1(' dt k r}LrI t '¢)t ( ti i-at 2:30 today at the Union. Alzni ~~I~ i~~ Ea 41 bers a e lurgently requested to attend d(l r t7{l Ili l sl / Determi- 1IV. J gSecretary. DAN S S IN ER_ -I , , , - OF NOBELr IZE !. \ ,/< ' (By Associated Press) , Lai. IOSLO, Norway, Dec. 10.-The Nobel 14I y~~ : c dli \ ' ~ 7t\t Cy/ Peacee prize for 1925 has been awardeN h , x--- Ito Charles fa.Dawes, Vice-President t I rr / "1yvei ^j f p v of the United States, and Sir Austen I '7$i~f\ x\~ i Chamberlain, British secretary for for- - ector. I eign affairs This announcement was f - made today at a meeting of the Nobel- Institute by Professor Stang. 7 beginning *I :'iu pard, "Am racology BISHOP EDIIi. ,1}' 'eta'ry. HUGHES -O OOL T 1('l sleyadliGuild.I edurer) . ,, ~ I i - ill be re- sutbjec t: - hrey. "The. 1'ifth Commnandmnent "tary. in America." 'C nd! AnE:~si~l at WhitmansCadeAr cl ey T uesday, IRS r, "Linear METHODISTf Handled by Us ted to at- CHUKLH ~ntoi. ,, Coin Stat aji' Wah. We pack and ship Gift Boxes. - - Leave your orders here for candy Hom e -= to be delivered Christmas Calendar 1morning. EI ON- 7cCalkins-Fletcher DrugCo. Three Dependble Stores (We nae served Mfehgan and her students for 99 yeatrs.) t. I CAM).Y SDAS Norman J. Larson, D~in IeerbCu:The Decenmber meeting of the Research Club will be held on day evening, December 15, in Room 2528, New. Medical Building, promptly at 8. The following papers will be read: John F. Shel Analysis of Animal Learning"; Albert Hyma, "The Authorship of tation Christ'." The Council will meet at 7:30. A special meeti Council is called for Wednesday .afternoon, 4:15, in Room 101 Phai Building. Louis I, Bredivold, Secr, Botanical Jouirnal Chub: E There will be a meting of the Botanical Journal Club Tuesda; ber 14, at 7:30, Room B173, Natural Science Building. Papers w viewed by Dr. B. B. Kanouse, Mr. A. Swartz and Miss T. Hlumpl Bessie B. Kaiiouse, Seer, Matheiiiatical Chb : Regular. meeting will be held in Room 3201, Angell Hall, on December 14, at 8 p. mn. Professor Nyswander will present a paper Differential Equations." All persons interested are cordially invi tend the meetings of the Club. W. W. P( IDon't Fail To Take one THE Michigan 4Arrangements have been made by the registration officers so that stu- dents in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts will be permitted to complete their elections and classification during the two weeks im- mediately following Christmas vacation, January 4 to 15, inclusive. Freshmen are required to make an appointment for a consultation during this two-week period with the Freshman Advisory Committee for the purpose of makting their elections. Sop~homnores are required to make an appointment for a consultation (uring this two-week period with the Upperclass Advisory Committee for the purpose of making their elections. BEST EVER LIMITI ED wwwmw mml- A wmsmm WWAM.. I U ___________________ I I F I * - am - - - - - - - b .g a° V p \ r~i' &l Q 40 Ghfshnas e J. ® ^ " t i mss, 4 e - .. . ,, r )Jy 0 Alex says thatI See you next I 11 jL - I I I ! I I