Admolsomm- d . I
3, 1926
Chairman Of People' Party Believes
That Germany Is Returning To
Position Of Equality
(By Associated Press)
COLOGNE, Germany, Oct. 2.-For-
eign Minister Stresemann today again
sounded the note of European con-
ciliation and besought the help of the
United States in achieving it.
Acting as chairman of the People's
party convention here, lie presented
the most complete outline of Ger-
many's foreign policy that has been
made public as yet. He traced the
political development since the Treaty
of Versailles, the occupation of the
Ruhr valley by the French and finally
Germany's entry into the League of
Nations. This latter step, he said,
represented a steady growth in Ger-
many's return to treatment on an
equality with the rest of the world.
Turning to his recent discussion
with Foreign Minister Briand at
Thoiry, Dr. Stresemann held that a
"Franco-German understanding is the
basi's for any European understanding
and pacification."
Refers To Coolidge
He asserted, that the Thoiry policy
in nowise ran counter to a general
understanding of the nations of the
world, nor was it directed against
other nations or group of nations. On
the contrary, he said, all nations
should help, especially the United
States, in restoring the spirit of con-
"The United States," he declared,
"has followe a policy ever since the
Treaty of Versailles designed to bring
about the real pacification of Europe."
Dr. Stresemaan referred particularly
to President Coolidge's address at
Cambridge in July, 1925, as indicating
the desire of the United States to see
cpncord established in Europe. In
this address, President Coolidge
pledged the moral support of the
United States to Europe in re-estab-
lishing stability and accord.
Dr. Stresemann did not refer to the
recently signed Western European
steel consortium by name, but men-
tioned it indirectly asserting that It
did not contemplate ruinous competi-
tion with England and the United
The German foreign minister said
"that one decided step in the direction
of European understanding and accord
was the Dawes agreement. Despite
the difficult burden imposed upon Ger-
many by this agreement, he said, it
took the reparations problem out of
(By Associated Press)f
WASHINGTON, Oct. 2.-A plea
voiced in Cologne today by German
Foreign Minister Stresemann for
American participation in the re-
habilitation of Europe attracted con-
siderable attention here but failed to
invoke any authorized comment in
administration circles.
The address seemed to be regarded
as designed to throw light in connec-
tion with the flurry caused In Euro-
pean capitals by the recent private
conferences between the French and
German premiers and later between
the Italian premier, Mussolini and
Sir Austin Chamberlin, British for-
eign minister, rather than for the
significance of its references to the
United States.
Urges Security Pact
In an address at Cambridge, to
which the German statesman referred
in making his plea, President Coolidge
stressed the importance in American
eyes of security agreements between
the European powers as basis of econ-
omic restoration. It contained a sug-
gestion, at least, that American finan-
cial aid in that readjustment could
hardly be expected under any other
The President has frequently urged
s-eurity pacts in connection with arms
liitations abroad. Speaking at Ar-,
lington on Memorial day this year he
sai: "Eu rope has the Leaguetof Na-
ions.d that ought to be able to pro-
videthose countries with certain po-
litical guarantees which our country
does not require."
In view of the emphasis the Presi-
dent has always laid in his public ut-
terances upon the policy of standing
aloof from European political en-
4 tan.glerents, the expression of Chan-
c'llor Si resemann probably cannot be
rcarded as more than a reiteration
By special arrangement made yes-
terday with the Athletic association,
students who have not applied for
seats in the new permanent cheering
section, but who have already sent
in their applications for tickets, may
obtain seats in the bloc of 1,200 by
leaving their names at the Union and
paying the customary fee of $1 for
outfits. There are a number of seats
left in the cheering section which will
be available at the Union between 9
and 5 o'clock for the next few days,
starting tomorrow.
The new section has not filled as
rapidly as was expected due to a mis-
understanding on the part of many
students as to when and how appli-
cations were to be filed for seats in the
bloc. When the section was opened
to freshmen, nearly all first year men
had sent in their applications for seats
elsewhere in the stadium in an ffeort
to obtain extra tickets. Many fresh-
men applied for cheering section
seats after their applications had been
sent in which could not be given them
at that time.
Under the new arrangement wheth-
er a student has filed his applications1
or not, he may enroll in the cheering
section by leaving his name and ad-
dress at the Union. Members of the
Student council will then take the
name to the offices of the Athletic as-
sociation where they will stamp the
corresponding applications "cheering
Inasmuch as all tickets for the M.
S. C. game must be in the mails by to-
morrow night, students signing up for
the cheering section at the Union this
week cannot possibly have their seats
in the bloc for.the M. S. C. game. For
this reason the Student council may
decide to wait until the Minnesota
game for the inauguration of the sec-
tion in order that it may be complete-
ly filled.
All students who applied for single
seats for most of the games are ex-
pected to take advantage of the new
arrangement and enroll in the cheer-
ing bloc at once. Many freshmen will
undoubtedly do likewise considering
the. fact that there is little possibility
of their securing extra seats for any
of the big home games, according to
information yesterday at the offices of
the Athletic association.
People Flee Homes As Water Forces
Levees At Breaking Points;'
Two Lives Lost
Will Give Lecture Tomorrow On iValue
Of A Simple Interpretation E
For Readers.
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 2.-Hundreds of
families fled from their homes in the
Illinois river valley today as the Mis-
sissippi and Illinois rivers approach-
ed or exceeded flood stage with levees
at the breaking point. Two lives were
lost in the valley region.
At Jacksonville, the second big flood
in two days threatened, when rain
began falling in torrents at 3 o'clock.
The city is without commercial light
and its gas supply is nearly exhaust-.
ed. The Chamber of Commerce or-
dered all business houses closed at
6 o'clock.
Nearly 25 families of Liverpool,
Chautauqua, and East Liverpool were
driven to the hills as the Illinois river
South Beardstown was virtually
vacated during the day as the river
rose and stopped bridge traffic and
forced the use of a ferry.
The southern quarters of Naples
was flooded, forcing many families
to evacuate.
Flood warnings on the Mississippi
above the mouth of the Missouri river
and for the Illinois river, were issued
by the weather bureau at St. Louis.
The Illinois river, rose 15 Sinches
at Naples where train service was in-
terrupted and the pumping plant shut
Volunteers spent the day building
temporary levees around Liverpool on
both sides of the river, where it was
declared even a slight wind would
wreck them. Appeals were sent to
the government shipyards at Peoria
for aid. At Peoria, the river passed
flood stage of 22.2 feet last night.
Rivers and creeks in southern Kan-
sas inundated farm lands for the sec-
ond time this fall, swelled by rain
which began yesterday afternoon. The
San Jose and Missouri Pacific railroad
were halted near Sedan and Niotaze,
Kansas. Little Caney and Middle
Caney creeks, near Sedan, reached
their highest stage since 1884. The
Verdigriss and Elk's rivers were still
risiig tonight.
Palmer Christian, University organ-
ist, will inaugurate his series of re-
citals for this season with an appear-
ance in Hill auditorium next Wednes-
day afternoon. These twilight recitals,
beginning at 4:15, will be repeated
weekly. Last year they enjoyed con-
siderable popularity among music-
lovers both on the campus and off.
The program for the first concert will
be as follows:
Fantasie Triomphale......... Dubois
Kammennoi-Ostrow (Re ve
Angelique) ............Rubenstein
Prelude and Fugue on Bach...Liszi
Angel Scene (Haensel and Gretel)
Goblin Dance..............Dvorak
Translation of the new testament in
the light of interpreting it to be un-
derstood by the readers of today will
be stressed by Prof. Edgar Johnson
Goodspeed, of the School of Religion,
in his lecture on "Why Translate the
New Testament?" at 4:15 o'clock to-
morrow in Natural Science auditori-
um. Professor Goodspeed himself is
the author of a translation which ap-
peared in 1923 under the title, "The
New Testament-An American Trans-
Professor Goodspeed is coming to
the University for one semester to
give courses in the literature of the
new testament, and the formation and
history of the English new testament.!
For more than 20 years he has been I
actively engaged in the instruction of
biblical courses, being a professor of'
biblical and patristic Greek at the Un-
iversity of Chicago.
He is the author or editor of:
"Greek Papyr; for Cairo Museum,"
"Ancient Sermons for Modern Times"
(with G. Henderson), "Homeric Vo-
cabularies" (with W. B. Owen), "In-
dex Patristicus," "Chicago Literary
Papyri," "The Conflict of Severus,"
"The Epistle to the Hebrews," "In-
dex Apologeticus," "Die aeltesten
Apologeten," "The Story of the New
Testament," and "Greek Gospel Texts
in America." He is a frequent, con-
tributor to current magazines.
The lecure by Professor Goodspeed
tomorrow is being offered as an op-
portunity for students who are inter-
ested in his courses to become ac-
quainted with him and his work.
Appointment of two Marsh Scholar-
ships to students in the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts was
announced from the office of the Dean j
yesterday.. Dorothy A. Shulze, '29 and I
Leone M. Warner, '28, have received I
these awards which were established
in 1917 by the bequest of Elia M.1
Walker, Chicago,, in memory of her
father and mother.
Ten Henry Strong scholarship
awards were announced by the Re-
gents at their last meeting. These
scholarships were established by the
Henry Strong Educational foundation,
under the provisions of the will of the
late Henry Strong of Chicago, some
time a member of the class of 1854.
The holders for this year are Philip
C. Brooks, '28, Russel A. Fisher, '27,1
Kathryn Francis, '28, Herman Hirt,
'28, Chester N. Johnson, '27, Loren B.
Miller, '28, James W. MacMeekin, '28,
Susan S, Storke, '28, John H. Thoits,
'28, and Willis E. Topper, '27.
Attention of aviators is called tor
the fact that there is a state law pro-
Ben Friedman And Lester Johnson
Will Also Address Yearlings
At leeting
Among other features scheduled by
the Union Underclass department for
the freshman class reception to be
held at 7:30 o'clock, Tuesday, at the
Union, will be included an opportun-
ity for every man of the class of '30 to
become acquainted with President
Clarence Cook Little. Following a va-
ried program of speaking, entertain-
ment, and refreshments, each fresh-
man present will be enabled to meet
President Little personally.
Speakers for the gathering will be
President Little, Ben Friedman, '27,
captain of the 1926 Varsity eleven,
Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president of
the Union, and Paul Buckley, '05, new
general manager of the Union. Fried-
man will talk on "Athletics as an Ac-
tivity." Johnson will explain the ad-
vantages and opportunities offered in
Union activities, and Mr. Buckley will
outline the policy of the Union for the
coming year. President Little's topic
has not yet been announced.
Music and other numbers will be
provided for entertainment, and cider
and doughnuts will be served.
It is also expected that a member of
the Varsity cheerleading squad will be
present to lead in Michigan and class
yell instruction.
This will be the first exclusive meet-
ing of the men of the freshman class,
and a large gathering is expected-.
Eastern Senator Claims Easy Victory
For Party In Doubtful States
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 2.-Political reports
from Senator William E. Borah, Idaho,
Clorado chairman of the Republican
Senate campaign committee, and by
Senator L. C. Phipps, on conditions in
the West, were made here today,
the latter dealing with Eastern states.
Coincident with their statement,
Senator Borah offered his services as
a campaigner to the committee, and
was accepted, tentatively being as-
signed to Indiana, Oklahoma, and Mis-
Senator Phipps declared that in five
eastern states where close contrast of
the senatorship has been claimed, the
Republican candidates will be success-
ful without exertion.
The Republican party will win, he
said, in Massachusetts, New York,
Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri.
"These five states," said Senator
Phipps, "can be set down as safely
Republican. Indiana and Ohio realize
that Senators Willis, Watson and Rob-
ertson are certain to be re-elected.
"In Illinois there i no doubt as to
the election of Colonel Frank L.
Congressman Walter Newton, of
Minnesota, chairman of the speaker's
bureau, announced that Senator Borah
would conduct an active speaking
campaign in behalf of Republican can-
didates in various states, Indiana, Ok-
lahoma and Missouri probably being
included in his itnerary. Senator
Borah said that lie would be ready to
take the stump after a brief visit to
Washington on official business.
"B o" ThI lend a
Star Wolverine fullback, who scored
three touchdowns in yesterday's game
with Oklahoma.
Molenda was a consistent ground
gainer throughout the entire game
adding to Michigan's yardage both on
line plunges and as the receiver of
several passes, one of which resulted
directly in a touchdown.
Plunkelt Will.
Give Speech AtI
First Smoker
Naval experience of a large and va-
ried nature, is the property of Ad-
miral Charles P. Plunkett, commander
of the third naval district and navy
yard, New York, who is to speak to
engineering students at an informal
smoker and get-together to be given
soon under the auspices of The Mich-
igan Technic.
From the time Admiral Plunkett
graduated from Annapolis in 1884, he
rose steadily, gaining his first com-
mission in the active service, two
years after graduation. He was ap-
pointed temporary rear admiral in
1918 and his rank was made perma-
nent a year later.
His work in the late war included
commanding the 14-inch naval bat-
teries in France, and also director in
charge of gunnery training and engi-
neering. Before the war, he was a
member of the Naval War college, be-
ing promoted to chief of the staff of
that institution.
Success of the transatlantic flight
of 1919 is greatly due to the work of
Admiral P lunkett for he was the offi-
cer in charge of all operations for the
trip He was promoted to his present
position in 1922 after being president
of the building inspection and survey
for one year.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Oct. 2.-The Poincaire gov-
ernment has decreed new economies
in the administration of France's pub-
lic business.
The ministry of education, headed
by Edouard Herrot, will notably feel
the retrenchment in provisions for the
suppression of (iuplicating services,
reduction of personnel, consolidation
of bureaus, and in some cases fusion
of secondary and primary schools.
M. Herriot's program, which the
ministerial council approved, also re-
duces the personnel of the general ad-
ministration of his ministry and pro--
vides for the fusion of the administra-
ton staffs of technical and general
schools as fas as possible.
Consolidations will be effected in
other ministries, notablly the combin-
ing of the purchasing services of the
a rmy and navy, hitherto separate.
CLEVELAND, O-Forty-four Wes-
Scores 18 Points
attack, attempting I6 passes and c
New York's hard-hitting Yan-
kees drew first blood in the
world baseball championship uy '
defeating the Cardinals 2-1 in af
hard fought game.
Pennock, New York left-hand-
er, held the St. Louis team to
three hits, while the Yankees
got to Sherdel for six blows in
seven innings. Haines, who suc-
ceeded Sherdel in the eignt1,1
held the Yankees hitless.
A detailed account of the game
can be found on page six.
TO NAVY, 17-13
By Wilton A. Simpson
Michigan forward passed its way to an unimpressive victory over
the Oklahoma Aggie football team in the opening game of the 1926
season before a crowd of 20,000 yesterday"at Ferry field. The score
was 42 to 3.
Innumerable substitutions and frequent calls for time out made
the game one of the slowest played on Ferry field in many years.;Both
teams, finding it difficult to gain through the line and around the ends,
resorted to a wild passing game. With Captain Friedman directing the
play from quarterback, Michigan used its usual aerial attack, attempt-
ing 29 passes. Coach Maulbetsch's eleven, being able to gain only one
first down during the first half, opened the second period with a passing
Margin Of Field Goal
Point Separates Teams
Fougl4t Battle
And Extra'
In Hard
(By Associated Press)
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Oct. 2.-By the
margin of a field goal and an extra
point after touchdown, both the foot-
work of Tom Hamilton, Middie quar-
terback, the Navy turned back the
powerful Purdue eleven of the Wes-
tern Conference here today, 17 to 13.
Both teams pushed across a pair of
touchdowns, the Sailors scoring first
when Hennegen raced 25 yards
through center for six points. Hamil-
ton annexed a seventh counter.
Purdue answered the Middie chal-
lenge by opening the second period
with a touchdown, a 22 yard pass,
Liphtle to Wilcox, and a 10 yard dash
by the latter netted the Westerners
their first score. The try for extra
point failed.
on downs after the Navy marched 60
Purdue took the ball fro mthe Navy
yards to the two yard line, but Hamil-
ton led the advance again and scored
by way of a drop kick.
Another forward pass for 37 yards,
Wilcox to Hutton, gave Purdue the
edge as thesecond half opened, but
the Navy surged ahead again with
another, Hamilton to Lloyd, for 40
yards and a score. Neither side
scored in the final quartbr.
Navy 17, Purdue 13.
Tulane 0, Missouri 0.
Chicago 12, Florida 6.
Iowa 24, Colorado teachers 0.
Ohio State 40, Wittenberg 14.
Minnesota 51, North Dakota 0.
Wisconsin 38, Cornell college 0.
Indiana 31, Depauw 7.
Michigan State 9, Kalamazoo col. 0.
Notre Dame 77, Beloit 0.
Pennsylvania 40, Johns Hopkins 7.
Dartmouth 50, Hobart 0.
Washington and Jefferson 17, Buck-
nell 2.
Nebraska 21, Drake 0.
TTniversitv of Pittshurgh f6, .Tohns-
ompleting nine.
Score' in Four liinutes
The Wolverines scored their first
touchdown in the first four minutes of
play and hurried their attack to score
16 points before the end of the first
period. !Michigan was given its first
opportunity to score when Friedman
threw a long pass to Molenda, who
carried the ball to the Oklahoma 25
yard line before being tackled. With
Rich and Molenda alternating with
line plunges, Michigan brought the
ball to the five yard line, giving the
Wolvernies another first down. Molen-
da carried the ball across for the first
Michigan score of the season by plun-
ging through the center of the line
fox three yeards. Friedman kicked
goal, making the score 7 to 0.
Oosterbaan, Wolverine left end,
paved the way for the second touch-
down when he intercepted a pass on
the Southwesterner's 39 yard line.
On a long pass, Rich brought th ball
to the 15 yard line, and on a series
of line bucks, Molenda took the ball
over the goal line for the second tally.
Friedman's attempt to kick goal was
In the closing minutes of the first
period, Flora, Michigan's right end,
blocked Perry's punt, the ball rolling
back over the goal line. Flora race
after the ball, recovering it Ofter it
had rolled across the end zone, giving
Michigan two more points. In the of-
ficial rule book, the following state-
ment is made in regard to a safety
made on a blocked punt: "A safety is
made if the ball crosses the end line
or the sidelines extended, provided the
impetus which sent it across the goal
line was given by the side defending
that goal. Such impetus could come
from a kick which bounds back from
an opponent or from one of the kick-
er's own side."
Greenwald Scores Third
Michigan's third touchdown was
made by Greenwald on a short pass
over the goal line after Friedman's
long pass to Babcock had put the Wol-
verines In the 10 yard line. Friedman's
attempt to kick goal failed, bringing
the score to 22 to 0.
Molenda scored his third touchdown
on a short pass just over the goal line
in the closing minutes of the first
half. The first half ended with the
score 29 to 0' in favor of the Yost
McClain, the Oklahoma left halfback,
put the Southwesterners in a position
to score when he caught a pass and
ran to the 15 yard line before being
downed. After a series of line plunges
failed to gain, Perry called Strack
back on a place kick formation. Kick-
ing from the 17 yard line, Strack
booted the ball directly between the
bars for his team's lone score.
, Friedman gave Michigan the im-
petus to score the first touchdown in
the second half when he caught a punt
in midfield and raced 23 yards into
Oklahoma territory. By clever dodg-
ing Greenwald netted a six yard gain.
Molenla bucked the line twice and
added another first down, placing-the
ball on the 10 yard line. Friedman
threw two perfect passes to the edge
of the field to Greenwald and Molenda,
but both were incomplete by narrow
margins. On the last down Ooster-
baan made a sensational leap into the
air and snared a short pass from
Friedmn, falling across the goal line
''for the fifth touchdown. Friedman
again failed to kick the goal after the
(Continued on page 7)
Work on the Thomas Henry Simp-
son memorial institute for medical re-
search has progressed rapidly during
the summer nmnths,and tie building
itself is completed, according to a
statement issued yesterday by Dr.
Harley A. Haynes, director of the Uni-
versity hospital. The benches for the
research laboratories have been put
in place and the various equipment
has been ordered, although not yet!
According to Dr. Haynes, the build-
ing will be ready for its official open-
ing on or about the last of October.
Dr. James D. Bruce, director of the
department of interial medicine, has
been appointed acting director, the
permnanent holder of that most to be
Work is progressing rapidly on the
1926-27 Students' Directory, according
to Louis Robertson, '27, managing edi-