S 'UDAX, S l]'l; M:11E 1412, 1(,2G - _ -, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGET HREM .. .~ - .. COFIREI'E Hk IS ED In New York, Are Now, Available For Publication JOHNSON PMAKESREORT: 1 Rumors hav'e it that Ty Cobb and I VrIACA.--Cornell loses 16 veterans C Tris Speaker seek the Boston Red from her football squad this year. Sox, the former as owner ani4 the lat- haveen of tbelse mien played backfield ter manager.I positions. ----- _.._.,,.: ..... T l.., .,,__._.,,_ i i : . . ..... .. _: . . . - - 1 Superlative I Gift Suggraesti6ons The TCosy Corner Tea Room For Sunday Dinner 12:30-2:00 P. M. Workmanship, uncomparable service Reporis from theac18th Tnterfratern-I ity conference, held a t(,w weeks ago i in New York. city, are now completed1 and avsai1ab'hl for pliblication. In the report of the chainian, I-enry R. John- son, a review of the work of his ad- ministration was mnade with particular3 stress to its specil. interests, n nEly, i the spiritu~al side of fraternity lffe, the "' sectional organization of fraternity al- Mumni, and the scholastic activities of I fraternities. Mr. Johnson poinltedi out that the fostering of the spiritual side of fra- ternity life depends largely up)on the peraoiial contact of those in executive ipositions with ulylergra(Iuates. The sectional organi T za! ion of the Conference, according to M~r. Johnlson, will be proceeded upon slowly. "as the work is beset with more difficulties than would appear on the face there- of.': The work accomplished inl the field- of scholarship is gone into at some length b~y Mr. Johnson, who expressed himself as, particularly, pleased at the close relationship now existing be- - . tween fraternity and college officials. "We are confident," said Johnson at the conclusion of his report, "that" the fraternity m~euent, the founda- tions of which were so firmly laid a few years ago,,will continue to growX and expand. Seals Are Not Being Issued ByIRed Cross Det ofsosithsaeoChristmas seals The D)aily has been requested by the local Red Cr oss chapter to point out to the public that the American Red Cros(does not is- sue the seals. The fact that the -seal campaign follows immediately after the annualI Rled Cross Roll Call causes the mis- conception. F ECN 0 1 4C.0 FOE and unexcelled "freshness and white- ness of laundry work. 204 North Main St. Dial 3916 Kodaks Vanity Sets Ivory Imported Perfumes Atomizers Perfume Lamps Seal Stationery Manicuring Se Pipes and C igars Gilbert's Chocolates See OuT Windows. e e I aynlard 't. Opposite l Ickels Arceade 1 ial 21714 Supper a la Carte 5:00--8: 00 P. M. Service All Afternoon A RAL HOME-COOKE CHICKEN DINNER. With All the Fixin's One Dollar ("aon p.It's 1a,(Goo-6l PlMce to lnt. 3'~2 South State St. Over Fer tAN oo rti Pratt (Good Seats Tonight l nuday Ilamovie Soc. INightf L\FAYETTE at WAYNE THEA TE tDE T' 1IT 'Nighats adt S:15 Sat. Mlat, at 2:15 PHONE A4DILLA 11' i i i I i i s ! e" 4 0 , - . ( , _ I i t _ I 107 Soutli Main St. 1 112 S. University Ave. Store No. 1 Store No. 2 Seventh Seis~tloni'l Week Starts Witha This Evrening's Performuance Russell Jaa'iey Presents "The Vagabond King" Based on Justin McCarty's "IF I WERE IKIN(A l'nder Directloia of August linecke Music by FRIM D)o't Miss Tina Incomparable Example of Massed singing: "SONG OF THE VAGABOND)S" Distinguished Cast of Singing Actors and Actresses, Including: John 3lealey, If. Cooper Cliffe, Mark 4Fiuuaith, Enil ilHoch (Gemae Wallina, Jane Victory, Ethel Pasztor (Cast and ()relistra 125--Beautiful (Corps de Ballet reights, _$1.00 to $3.00; Sat. 'Matinee, 75c to $2.50 (Plus 10% Tax) No Sunday Show Today I V BAl NNE. 00 4' A iIt t Travel Seric Plan your European Trip now. The American Express- Travel Service is at your command., For information call on I AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS : 120} North Fourth Ave. Phone 7101 -~S u ert-Lafayette "Afayette Blvd. and Shelby-]Phone Cadl. 8705- WARNER BROS, present JOH-N BARRY MORE AND _ VITAPHONE READ W hAT D)ETRII~T CRITICS SAIl): - " 'Don luan' . is a splendid choice of a picture for the occasion. Barry-more. contributes some of the best character delineation of hisE? -screen, career As the reckless, polished and handsome lover, he is Sthe Idol of every wonman and the envy of every male in the audience.- Vita phone, Which made its bow at the Shubert-Lafayette Wednesday nigh1t, Is in every sense an innovation, and one that is certain to i'cvolutio nhe movie presentationis. "-CHAS. J. RICHARDSON, Times. - "'Don Juan' as a super sophisticated picture has everything to -recomnmendl it, story, cast, direction, incident, and marvelous settings and gowns. Mr. Barrymore exceeds all his past efforts in pictures." j . : ti: '- <; A.: > . ,:; 'y tik A'A E _tts n t: x /. I V g p gE in. R p \Z: .t !I ,ca'ii r ciir LLeI, II II I