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December 12, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-12

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Appeal To District Of Columia Court
Expected If Jury Returns
Verdict Of Guilty
(By Associated Press)_
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. - Four
years to the day from the signing of
the celebrated Elk Hills Naval Oil Re-
serve lease, presentation of evidence
was concluded today in the criminal
conspiracy trial of Edward L. Doheny,
veteran California oil man, and Al-
bert D. Fall, former secretary of the
interior, which drew out of that trans-
Twelve hours of argument, evenly
divided between prosecution and de-
fense counsels, remain before the jury,
is charged to file into its guarded
quarters late Tuesday or early Wed-
nesday to write the verdict which will
terminate the first criminal trial on
the senate committee's sensational
inquiry into the oil leasing qualities of
the Harding administration.
Conviction would carry for each de-
fendant two years imprisonment ora
fine of $10,000 or both. Counsels are
agreed the juiy must acquit both, al-
though, in the event of a conviction.
the penalty may be varied as between
the defendants.
Since there is no authority for a
constitutional appeal, an acquittal
ionuld end the cirminal case forever.
A conviction likely would be followed
by an appeal to the District of Co-
lumbia court of anpeals and then to
the United States Supreme court.
The defense ended its case today
with dramatic swiftness without hav-
ing called to the stand the former
cabinet member in whose jurisdiction
naval oil reserve rested. Only two
witnesses, Postmaster-General Newv
and CharleN. Bassett, El Paso, Texas,
banker, were called in behalf of Fall.
Both testified they knew the defendant
to be of good repute for honesty and
The abrupt termination of the de-
fense case followed announcement by
Owen J. Roberts, special government
prosecutor, that he had abandoned
tentative nlans to summon former
Secretary of State Hughes for further
inquiry concerning the 1921 Pacific
war scare, which impelled the navy,
according to defense testimony, to
push its )Ins for an oil storage plant
at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Attorney Frank J. Hogan reopened
tihe case in behalf of Doheny for ten
minutes today to present a last piece
of charaAcer evidnce in the theatrical
Iih tenor of John McCormack.
. After reliting a quarter century's
intimate friendship with the elderly
oil man, McCormack closed the de-
fense record with the statement:
"I know of no man who has a high-
ey reputation for honesty, integrity
and patriotism."
The government case ended as it be-
gun-with counsel striving to estab-
lish its contention that Doheny's $100,-
000 "ioan" was aabribe to a govern-
ment official as part of a conspiracy
to obtain operating rights on an oil
reserve which he believed might yield
a front of $100,000,000.
Advertising Swindle
Reveaed By Arrest
(By Associated Press)
ATLANTA, Ga., Dec. 11.-An alleged
nat ion-wide swindle through newspa-
per -dvertising, which already is said

to have netted its promoters approxi-1
iatcly a million dollars, was revealed
b-re today with the arrest of D. W.
Nichoits, said to be from headquar-
ters office maintained here by three'
companies offering poultry, oranges
and honey for sale at unusually low
Through a widespread newspaper
advertising campaign, it was alleged
oranges were offered for sale, postage
prepaid for $3 per box; new honey in
the comb prepaid at $1.75 per 10
pounds, while bees for hiving and set-
ting chickens were offered at quota-
tions considerably below market
prices. The goods were not delivered
after the money was received. #
The firms, as listed in the adver-
tisements, ofiicias said, included the
Acme Orange farm of La Grange, Tex.,
Fulghunm hatchery, Birdsboro, Pa.,
Heavener, Okla., Bloomsburg, Pa., !
and the Busy Bee apiary, Roslyn, N. Y.
l ian Oceanic Trip
W ith New Airplane

Betting On Athletic
Criticism And

!'\1 T 4 1

Contests Breeds
Disloyalty, Says Yost

E ditor's Note. The following is the fourth athletics, or even offering them induce-
of a series of interviews with Coach Field- i
ing H. Yost, director of intercollegiate ath- p mens to get them to attend their insti-
letics, dealing wtih the present problems in i tutions is perhaps the most serious
connection with the administration of in-1
tercollegiate sports, problem we have to contend with," he
asserted. Coach Yost added further:
"Betting is a practice that should "College alumni think that they are
performing a loyal service to their
be elimnated," declared Director of Alma Mater, and that they are helping
Athletics Fielding H. Yost, yester- the boy when they do this. As a mat-
day afternoon, in an interview on the ter of fact they are robbing him of
present evils in athletics. "It is an- his naturally wholesome and ,healthyI
other commercializing influence that attitude toward college athletics, and
detracts from the spirit of play; it creating a difficult problem for theI
breeds criticism, disloyalty and a lack athletic authorities of his university."
I of harmony among various forces that Such a practice, believes the coach,
make up a school," he said. introduces a spirit of commercialism
In the opinion of Coach Yost, the that is akin to professionalism. "In-
practice of betting detracts from the stead of considering the opportunity of
keeness of the contestants by sub- playing on the Varsity a privilege
stituting mercenary incentives in the earned by merit," he continued, "the
place of ideals and it thus has no place boy begins to think that something
in school athletics. extra should be done for him if he
The practice of proselyting and re- plays, and whenever this occurs muchI
cruiting athletic candidates is an evil of the value in athletics is lost."
equally as detrimental to clean ath- As a remedy of this evil, Coach Yost
letics as that of betting, stated the declared that high school and college
coach. "This evil of some alumni of authorities must work in close har-
our various universities in bringing 1 mony if the practice is to be ever pro-
undue pressure to bear on high school perly checked.

r I '50,000 I V 11,L BE S t i . ONT
Ground Fr Intramural Sporls Build.
ing Will Be Broken Witbin A
Few Months, It Is Expected


Recipients Hold Scholastic Average
Of "B" In Four Semester Work
On Publications
In accord with its policy adopted
last year to grant scholarship prizes
of $100 to every student maintaining
a scholarship average of "B" or better
while working on any of the publica-
tions under its control, the Board in
Control of Student Publications an-
nounced a list of eight seniors who
will receive the awards this year.
This plan replaces the one effective
before last year, whereby three prizes
totaling $500 were given the students
with the three highest scholastic
The following communication from
the Board is official notice of the
awards-to the students concerned:
"Under the rules of the Board in
Control of Student Publications,
every student who does substantial
and satisfactory work on any of the
publications under the control of the
Board, for four or more semesters,
and who attains during that period
an average scholarship grade of "B"
or better, is entitled to a Scholarship
Prize of One Hundred Dollars, to be
awarded before the Christmas holi-
days. This year the Board has award-
ed eight prizes, as follows:
"Paul W. Arnold, '27E., who Served
for 5 semesters on the business staff,
of the Michigan Daily.
"Smith H. Cady, Jr., '27, who served
for 5 semesters on the editorial staff
of the Michigan Daily.
"John S. Diekhoff, '26, who served
for 5 semesters on the editorial staff
of the Michigan Chimes and for 1
semester on the editorial staff of the
Michigan Daily.
"Fred Golver, Jr., '27, who served
for 4 semesters on the editorial staff
of the Michiganensian.
"Theodore Hornberger, '27Ed., who
served for 4 semesters on the editorial
staff of the Michigan Chimes.
' Thomas V. Koykka, '27, who served
for 5 semesters on the editorial "staff
of the Michigan Daily.
"Joseph D. Ryan, '27E., who served
for 4 semesters on the business staff
of the Michigan Daily.
"Frederick H. Shillito, '27, who
served for 5 semesters on the editorial
staff of the Michigan Daily.
"Checks will be mailed to the win-
ners of the prizes.
December 11, 1926.
R f T

Consultation Permits May Be Obtained
From Recorder's Office
This Week
Appointment cards for those literary
students who must have the approval

Plans for the expenditure of ap-
proximately $250,000 for the improve-
ment of gacilities for wcmen's outdoor
athletics in the University were ap-
Proved by the Board of Control of
Athletics at its meeting yesterday
afternoon. This, is was stated, is one
of the big steps in the developmentj
of the plan for physical education andj
athletics for all at Michigan.
It was pointed out by Prof. Ralph W .
Aigler, chairman of the Board, that the
funds now available for this develop-
ment have come from the bond sale
I which has progressed so well that the
Board can now see its way clear not
only to the completion of the stadium
project but also to this improvement
in facilities for the girls' program.
"This is almost if not entirely unique
as an instance of the earnings of the
football team being devoted to the
building and equipment of a play-
ground distinctly for University wom-
en," Professor Aigler stated further.
"This is the fact because the retire-
ment of the bonds sold for the im-
provements will come out of the foot-
ball receipts."
The project for athletics for the

Band Will Present]
ChrPsistmasP ram,
Wednesday N i g h t
Typifying the band bounce of for-
mer days, the last of which was held
over ten years ago, the Varsity band
will present a concert program for the
students of the University, at 8
o'clock Wednesday evening in Hill
auditorium. This concert, the first
traditional pre-Christmas concert, and
also the first to be given in Ann Ar-
bor under the direction of Norman J.
Larson will be a pep program con-
sisting of college songs, which the
students may sing with the band,
marches, solos and special features.
"Michigan's Fighting Band," better
trained and more efficient than it has
been for some years, has extended
great effort to change from merely a
marching band to a concert band as!
well. Director Larson has promised
to give the students something new
in the way of a concert program,
one in which the students may join.
The program, lighter than that
which will be presented in the spring
concert, will have anwng the many
numbers the college song "Men of thea
Maize and Blue," and "Comrade
Detroit Organization Will Appear At
Hill Auditorium Tomorrow On
Choral Union Series

___________ iorIpnii'P r i fo r

ox the Upperclass Atvisory comUit - women in the University involves the As the third number on the regular
tee or the Freshman Advisory com-I enlargement of the present Palmer f concert series of the Choral Union
mittee on second semester elections field. Grading will be done so that thep
will be distributed beginning tomor- entire tract may be used as a unit in- programs, the Detroit Symphony or-
row from the Recorder's office. The stead of in two or three different parts chestra will appear tomorrow night
distribution will continue during the as is now the case at present. In ad- in Hill auditorium, under the direc-
remainder of the week as part of the dition, the plans call for the erection tion of Ossip Gabrilowitsch. The De-
new system of making second semes- of a club house of ample facilities. troit organization is one othe young-
ter elections. The club house will afford space for Cest of its kind, but it has already
Those uppreclassmen of the literary lockers, dressing rooms, bathing fa- been acclaimed by audiences and the
college, who, because of combined cur- cihities and a lounging room. press all over the world. It was be-
riculum or any irregularities must Plans are alerady being formulated gun in 1914 ,and Mr. Gabrilowits e
have the approval of the Upperclass for an intramural sports building for gunain 19 ad rt i the fall of
Advisory committee, sophomores, and general and faculty use which is in no as secure as irector in
all freshmen will call during the pres- sense for intercollegiate purposes. tha p d
ent week to secure appointments with This building will be complete in all FGabrilwitshehtwenty ye a pianistng
the faculty. In the case of the first details and ground will almost cer-nhp
year students who consult with their tainly be broken for it within the next note, although he had done moreHor
freshman advisor it will be attempted few months, according to the Board. less conducting as an avocation. His
by the Recorder's office staff to have "All the members of the Board,"!first year in Detroit brought forth
the appointment with the Classifica- Professor Aigler said, "are impatient enough enthusiasm to effect a com-
tion committee follow the appoint- to get the new and larger, program plete reorganization of the orchestra,l
ment with the freshman advisor. In under way, but at every turn they are and in the summer of 1919 the 'Orches-I
case the present schedule of the fresh- met with the inadequacy of the pres- tra hall was built as a home for the
man prevents this, the appointment eut facilities for a more general par- organization.
will be made at the student's con- ticipation, particularly during the The orchestra has beeh working to
venience. Upperclassmen will have winter months. Accordingly it is re- place Detroit on a par with other
but to make appointments with the. cognized that the first care must be large cities in the musical world, and
Upperclass Advisory committee, if the development of the physical plant." its program has included concerts for
their approval is necessary. Detroit school children and those
the upperclassmen who o not destined to suit the popular taste. It
Those uprlsmnwo io E V .EI 1rcnl rie yte.New
have to have approval of the Upper. . EXYOR FOG has been recently praised by the New
papers for the finish of its
class Advisory committee, providing H TYork ai es and the olor an ity
their group requirements are being technique, and the color and clarity
met, will make their second semester of its performance.
elections themselves in the office of (By Associated Press) Admission to the concert will be by
the Recorder, in University hall, fol- NEW YORK, Dec. 11.-A dense fog regular concert seaso tickets or by
lowing Christmas vacation.' Unavoid- Fthat muffled the top of skyscrapers in sngle tickets riced at $100, $1.50
able changes can be made later if the obsucrity and cast over the city a pall the School ot ic on Maynard
present schedule must be altered. of twilight darkness today, caused the treet.
most serious tie-up of heavy shipping street._
in this port for years. Approximately
HydroPlane Bre s10,000 passengers on more than a Taxing Of Bachelors
Two W orld ec1 dozen ocean steamships- were fog- ,
Swo W orl Records bound in the harbor for hours. Causes Stir In Italy
By evening only four passenger
(By Associated Press) steamships of the dozen scheduled to
SAN DIEGO., Calif., Dec. II.-- sail had ventured from their piers into (By Associated Press)
Smashing two world's records for the murkiness of the harbor. Of a ROME, Dec. 11.-Premier Musso-
hydroplanes, Spitefire VI, 151-class dozen inbound passenger and freight lini's recent creation of a tax on
boat, owned by James H. Rand, Jr., steamers, only one passenger ship was bachelors between 25 and 65 years of
of Buffald, N. Y., and driven by Stanely brought to its nier. Ferries ran be- age is causing a great stir on the Ital-
L. Reed, of Detroit, led all entries ,hind their schedules and freight light- ian matrimonial matter.
here today in the opening program I ers and tow-boats moved slowly. Within 24 hours of the announce-
in a speed regatta which has at- Booming of fog horns and blowing of met that male celibates would hence-
tracted to San Diego the fastest crafts whistles made a continual din in the forth be obliged to pay an annual
of their kind in the world. harbor. tribute for their singleness, hundreds
In the third heat, Reed drove the Lights were turned on in Manhattan of professional match-makers who
midget speedster over the five mile office buildings throughout the day as have been suffering hard times be-
pval course at the rate of 13.67 miles though it were night, and in some sec- I cause of the high cost of living, began
an hour. tions street lights were kept burning, active angling for business.


FRHO M M9SC, 34TO 13
Martin Strong On Offense As Varsty
Team Piles Up Lead In First
Few Minutes Of Play
!IMichigan's basketball team opened
the 1926-27 season by defeating the
Michigan State five by a score of 34-13
fin a slov( game last night at the Yost
field house.
The overwhelming victory of the
l Wolverines was not as brilliant a
triumph as the score might indicat.
However, the game was better than
the average opening contests and
proved that Michigan has possibilities
I Helen M. Belcher, '28 of developing into a strong contender
Miss Belcher will lctd the Grand for the Big Ten basketball title.
March at the J-Hop of the class of Coach Mather -used many substitutes
1928 with Thomas C. Winter, chair- I in his attempt to uncover the best ma-
man of the Hop committee, it was an- terial on the roster, and was rewarded
nounced last night. The annual af- with a fine showing from several com-
fair will be held Friday, Feb. 11. I binations.
----ITh floor work of the Wolverines
was better than thatt of the average
first night team, -but the passing com-
F JIiI C ETIEDB bination adn shooting close to the
basket was ineffective for the most
REPULfICAN II part. Michigan State was outcalssed
in paretically every deparement, with
the exception of center. The State
center outjumped the Wolverine pivot
iNorthIDakota Senator Renews Party man most of the time.
CW P With Martin leading the attack,
xiled Two Years Michigan broke into the scoring col
umn at the outset of the game, and
totalled an eight point lead in the
PRIVILEGES RESTORED first 10 minutes. At the end of the
/-- first period the Wolverines led the
(By Associated Press) State five by a score of 16 to 6. Mar-
WASHINGTON, Dec 11.-Senator I tin, playing left forward, accounted for
Frazier North Dakota insurg'enb five field goals and o e free throw,
' for a total of 11 points.
again is a Republican in good stand- With the resumption of play in the
ing. second period, both teams tightened
I-He was invited back into the party their defense and forced the forwards
fold today by organization leaders Ito try to score on long shots. During
the first five minutes, neither team
who two years ago banished him from I was able to cage a basket or a free
their council and deprived him of throw. McCoy, a sophomore candi-
committee plumsbe caue hehwas in date playing center, was forced out
the La Follette tent during the 1924 of the game on personal fouls, and was
presidential campaign. . replaced by Petrie. Petrie dropped.
Republican leaders asked Mr. Fra- back to the standing guard position
zier to again attend their caucuses, and Harrigan was shifted to center.
and the Republicancommittee on com- This combination seemed to give
mittees decided to restore his com- Michigan the needed punch, and the
mittee appointment. This means he Wolverines soon started an attack
will be placed on the Indian affairs I which left Michigan State far be-
committee, among others, which will hind. Harrigan, who was held score-
put him in line for the chairmanship less from the floor in the first half,
when Senator Ilarl'eld of Oklahoma gained his scoring eye and caged five
retires March 4. baskets in rapid succession.
The proposal that he return to par- Gawne and Chambers each contributed
ty councils found the North Dakota a basket and Babcock and Barley com-
senator in a receptive mood. He in- pleted the scoring via the free throw
sisted, however, that he be given his route. Babcock was given three op-
former status on committees on the portunities to try for free throws and
ground that lie had always been a was unsuccessful in each of his at-
Republican and his ejection from con- temp'ts.
ferences and loss of committee stand- Martin and Harrigan tied for high
ing were not justified. scoring honors, each tallying five
After a Republican causus which baskets and one free throw, while
probably will be held Wednesday, he I Martin was sucessful in his only try.
will be moved from the bottom of the Martin scored all his points in the first
committees and take his place in line half, and Harrigan scored 10 of his 11
as a majority member. in the second period.
Decision today of the committee Drew was high scorer for Michigan
on committees to assign Senator Nor- State with four points to his credit on
ris, Republican, Nebraska, to the two field goals, and Dickeson followed
chairmanship of the judiciary com- with three points scored on free
mittee, as the successor of the late I throws.
Senator Cummins of Iowa, also dis- The summary:
pelled another threatened fight. Re- Michigan
port has been emenating from Repub- FG FT FTM
lican sources that he would be de- Nyland, rg . ......... .....0 0 1
prived of the chairmanship as punish- Martin, If ............... 5 1 0
ment for his support of William D. Harrigan, rg-c........... 5 1 2
Wilson, the Democratic candidate for McCoy, c................0 0 0
f the Senate from Pennsylvania. Chambers, g2............1 2 1
Other chairmanships agreed upon Gawne, rf...............2 0 1
included Senators McNary of Oregon, Petrie rg................0 0 1
for agriculture; Phipps of Colorado, Babcock rf..............0 3 0
for irrigation, and Couzens of Mich B Schroeder, rg........... 0 0 !
igan, for education and labor. Barley, if...............0 1 1

13 8 7
Advance Seat Sales1 enStats
IForecast Sell - Out !Dickeson, rg T.... 0 3
O e a Smith, If............
For Tour Of Opera Bremer, c............... 0 0 0
Colvin, rg........ .......0 0 1
I Drew, rg...... ...... 2 0 1
"Front Page Stuff," the 21st annual Felt, c.................. 1 0 1
Union opera, will play to capacity Hood, rg ................ 0 0 0
audiences in nearly every city on the Eldred, if ...............1 0 1
S, . Cole rg. 0 0 0


Briand's Peace Plan-
Describing topographical characters to China, the party began the gradual grees below zero.
(By Associated Press) along with the story of the 1924 Mount! ascent. During passage over the sheet of
PARIS, Dec. 11.-M. Briand's peace Everest expedition, N. E. Odell, chief One of the first difficulties to be ice, Howard Somervell performed a
and disarmament plan at Geneva has oxygen officer, glaciologist and geolo- encountered was the' loss of appetite rescue of. four marooned porters,
met with obstacles. His proposal to gist of that expedition ,yesterday in as the party reached the 18,000 foot which was nothing short of miracul-
withdraw allied military control on his lecture in Natural Science audi- level, many suffering this experience. ous. Somervell set out with George
Feb. 1, and arbitrate the differences torium, gave an account of the es- As higher altitudes were attained, , Mallory to rescue the four portersI
with Germany relative to that coun- tablishment of a new altitude record, daily blizzards at noontime were ex--I from a shelf several hundred feet
try's disarmament, if direct negotia- 28,230 feet, in the third attempt of the perienced, slowing up travel, and above the camp, and came within a
tions fail, is believed to be disapproved ascension of Mount Everest. Of the I bringing a drop in temperature. I short distance of them with the aid
in some measure by the French cab- twelve scientists who started the ex- Stretches of good weather revealed of rope ladders. Two of the men sue-
ine ministers, who after a two hour pedition, two, George Mallory an( tIhe mountain landscape in its array ceeded in cutting steps in the ice to
session this evening, sent him new Andrew Irvine, perished in an at- - of every color of the rainbow, a con- Somervell but the other two slipped,
instructions. t 'empt to reach the peak of the world's ! dition of which artists of the expedi- being rescued by Somervell who se,-
The members of the cabinet showed highest mountain. tion took advantage. cured a foothold and grasped the!
the utmost secrecy, but rumors from The 1924 expedition was begun it Reaching the glaciers, a base camp i slipping men as they passed over hisI
Geneva that M. Briand might resign March of 1921, being made up of was established, and the most difh, I head. .
if the cabinet flatly rejected his plan, twelve English scientists and 55 na- cult climbing began. It was neces- With the final ascent, Somervell and
indicated the seriousness of the sit- tive porters of Tibet. Starting at; sary for the party to pick its way Mallory attained a height of 28,2301
m1, . 1, , A f b,,, .F 1. .. F.,. .._a-._ o....I -L. -- -.-- - -_ _.I


3,600 mile itinerary, according to in-
I dications of the advance seat sales
received by Paul Buckley, Opera
treasurer. Although placed on sale!
but recently, the tickets for all the
performances are going rapidly, and!
many cities are asking for extra show-
ings. Philadelphia alumni are anxi-
ous to have the production there for
! two or three nights, and in New York
city, where the Opera will play in the
Metropolitan Opera house, many sec-
1 tions are already sold.
The trip this year will include 13

Fouts, rf . ... ... . .. .. .. . .

0 0 0
5 3 10

Officials-Thompson (State inter-
scholastic director); Moloney, Notre
PARIS.-Polish and Czecho-Slo-
vakian steel masters made formal re-
quest for admission to the recently
formed European steel consortium.
1 I i1 i

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