...GPI TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY PECEMBEAt 11, 192f; s i d iL.1 iTAi 1.Ii WAGE TWO SATURJ)AY, D F~CEMBF~R 11, 1926 TI-IF. MICHIGAN DAILY n 1 a a v< a< " a.r < w.r R. O.T.C. Connects U. S.At Excellent rest month of operat less station 8A3 ~by the signal cc T. C. departmen according to Lie berg, who is in tions have been stations, in each Rii i 1.111t)wrfill ~the tcotunlt r. Tbis xwill be l ~ ilhed i 11 oat.i l th c oopea tioc: ~~~1 X1thN i\7r ai l o h of the United ~)at C )Y t is hoped that this (de- rnateur SetS partlle:t o: the national army xwilli ai nn ~n ?Q pi rcpriation of the P.,C(s, aCyv(Auipiaxohfoir the >use of ;ults during thx'3 far , hei a .V . tion of the radio-ware- L1r~(~ the sta tion is 1ein g XZ, which is operated; c ,,(' r 0.1 'll :1 verage of twelvej ;ores unit of the Rt. t.' bour l a week, this work being per-' it, have been obtained, fcr; m is I ~Ifc4nellst 1udent operators. eut. Robert T. Schloss-. icharge. Commiunica- Wf Y~' E CTED obtained with amateur LL~ World's Largest' Lift Bridge 1Will Span Nwark S ..." . . .. ! pp $$ S. \ I /n11n ero n lCour thind ?sic?1, chairmnan, Louiisa Bay Announce Person tinuith, '%illiam M,-a zer", .Tane11tre c- Of Ju io itray bley, KIatherine Kyer, and Isabel Cla ss Comm ittees for~~'~ w~c .I S, ou iSO E astman u, etafr .jlCJean Greenshields, Robert E Ini1CuCmlenIt of ccmmitt ces for 'm 31.;gh, .James F. Miller, Jr., hid- ~the ,.Jt nor Literary (lass was mfatte' war d Lange, William Prescott, Paul TheCaAy Ivares follberts: r i- Ed ies, Albert "Gillingham, Ruth nh~i. Tey ae a folows vlcrcand William Campbell. ^-A:dv iory committee, Wayne Schroe--_________________________ Cassam WNilson and Katherine Fer- K { guson. Athletic comittee, James j rs, Skeet Florida Oranges, $3 .: ;.. PoicaimnIlrn ahtr er box of three hundred, large sifze. Maxwell Nickerson, Frenton Raber, ;crlfui n atsatongaa, and Norman Gabel. Financial com-te!o onybc.We pay, expvress }.mittee, Louis Gilbert, chairman,tedomnyba. George Annable, George Hammond, charges. A box of these makes an q } ".;";Robert Leland, William Lee, and Wn- appreciated Christmas gift. Remit Hall Smith. Publicity. committee, !With order. Farmum Bunckingham, chairman, Carl- tonl Champe, James Hughey, Georgej ACHE FARMS B ivonne and Nicholson, and Herbert Vedder. Audit- nore and Ohio. .ing committee, Thomas Fitzgibbons, Ca ie viIe, 'lorida, . chahrman, Luther Carpenter, Laurence i--- Cotun' Pettibonie, John Glover, and William W N Ve~nn.Class Book committee, READATTE-ADS In the United States. Stations in Brazll have been picked up at various times by the operators, but so far nto' reports have been received from South America of the rec~ption of SAXZ there. Plans are now under way to i ,crease the power of the station from: 60 watts to 250 watts, which action Ott ('''r, '2 r A, was elected (n the IVbt. Clemens club whl:ih was organized recently. All e eat ( . oinin-ittee xwas appointedI Ctf wh Qi iyrle S. AIubin was chosen chairman. LONDON.- The economic situation ..,..., .................: {"t. A re1 icl Pt hiidg, higes iiithexx oI 1 hasbee buit sannig NwarkBr..1t: et liaeh N I xhc ist beue ctrisoth Cetra alra' N,,rsyads at # will make the station one of the most in Egypt is growing worse. y11 ____ ! Read The Daily "Classified"' I BYRON MRGA .°t a t r, nd You Know 1W at '1111t .Mealls _N151'FACES ON'- TIE SCIREEN! T prel lest girs inn handsomest youths in Amier. .cea-- ll niew' faces !-lay n sparkling comiedy cocktail ofjoyous, .iaicig, roiiiincing dutertainnient. A faslhion display of gowns--a carnival of sports. A. siIII, ovig loge Istory ok' aneniC1tirely new type! TIMES TODA11 6.#Q::. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U;~ 'kLA CAW ov r "ilE JUNIOR SCARS of 1926 ep JOIN~ AV i & 1F'r(n1i the Story l,y wachi 'em81 4 'hQS 2l .9 '!A ' hi .,d'&'iste C ild'g 1 l;I rj14111!e. i lit a lii. U ItlE iuL ,? '4ews -- I k B°i OO34II" Lo'a:tI: ._ v_._ x .,_Ml _n1Uinfl r . s _n, ~/ R Ilr Thy Right~~felYu 1 IA ,, I' 4 / IVIINT A I'llE-CHRISLXU)AS :. ETAN t lii) BILL!--N,.);E'. PN T Pr IF 11SORY OF THlE ARICAfDE ORANY ' 'SDt 1 AV'VfbN I ER EARLY St N])MY AN]) 13E ON DECK FOR THE PPIN PFX' OIIWANCE{'STIART'ING AT - - - - - - - - - - Griffith this day our daily Can you imagine anything funnier than Ray trying to solve a murder- mystery in ten minutes so as to be able to use a, couple of theatre laughs! tickets! ! I A.1HOY, MATES!-Here 's a side-s i1itter for you?. Beer- and Hatton, the inimitable pair of "Behind the Front," are I THE NAVY OW! And, shades of Davy Jones! but there's a treat in kstore in this highly hilarious com~edy of the high seers an'd the shy shes! .3, 1? E '~EE v ilk All . 1 aTTM'' ,Et INV x,, 1 !9 WITN TQOM KENNEDY A- S. A mad. and,,merry} yarn of a comical coroner who's just dying to hand pic- ture-patrons the laugh of their lives. w+T" DOROTHY SEBASTAN, EARLE WILLIAS __ ____ a ..., f ..s ,1/ _, , 1 y/ i r i.. ' ' aautt ..s ' , . .. ' . ® k , t r , .y >y;- _ , :a., -t. ~'a S£NrhD ev AWILPH ZUKOR ,.o IESSE L LAK ta , 9aramount 9i'iture 4., / I I -Added I U Ii i I