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December 11, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-11

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'MEDICAL PROFESSION Yost Believes Absolute Amateur Basis
Is proper Status Of College Athl
T Editor'sNote: The following is the third way used his athletic skill fo
niof a~j series of interviews with Coach 1field- Ia
MR ics, Yost, director of intercollegiate ath- enarfy gain. In enlargingo
DISI VIS AYS AYO etic, ealingitihtithe presn t poblem s in belief, the coach added that
connection with the administration of in-
III tercollegia e sports. ,- enlly all amateur alhleti


Courtesy And Diplomatic Correction Of IOLYE~lN[ QUIN1ET
Relations With Russia Asked In League,

ni this
ics are



Launches Attack upon Ant-Vivisetion
Movement which is Current in ,
Country Today
'The medical profession stands just
as high in any community as it de-
serves," Dr. Charles H. Mayo, of
Rochester, Minn., told the members of
Galens, honorary junior medical so-
ciety, at an informal dinner last night
in the nurses' dining room of the Uni-
versity hospital. "Doctors who take
part in public work have in conse-
quence a higher view of the profession
as a whole. This is gradually coming
to be recognized." k 1(
Dr. Mayo used for an example the
city or county health officer, who he
claimed was the lowest paid of public
servants of his class. He said that
one practitioner is picked who does
not rank even near the top of the com-
munity practice, usually one who is
young and has not had muchsuccess
in building up his business. The
choice goes the rounds until it falls
on whoever will take it. The speaker
stated that the only way in which the
medical business "could be raised, for
the doctors, was in the cultivation of
the public.
"The profession is forever depend-
ent upon the public for its hospitals,"'
he continued, "and thus the problem
assumes the proportions of a hand-out
proposition. Medicine can't support
"In connection with this, a doctor
who .goes to a small town or city
may have a hard time in getting his
business, but once gaining it, he re-
tains it. In large cities there is a con-
stantly shifting roll of population, and
this distracts from the stability of
any practice. This should be consider-
ed } y those who are just be inning.
Medicine must look to the younger
men for the development and organi-
zation which will improve circum-
Dr. Mayo stressed the importance of
the cultivation of public health work,
especially in connection with children.+
He said that at present the exami-
nation of school children up to the
age of 16 is a problem because it is
carried on through the parents for thej
most part and is too vague. "If these]
children can be made the responsi-1
bility of the communities as regards,
their health," h said, "they in turn
willrdemand it for their own children
and a worthy precedent wil have been
established. States, officially and1
through the medical societies are be-
ginning to carry on the health pu-
blicity work to a greater extent." !
Dr. Mayo inadvertently launched
-n atack upon the anti-vivisection,
movement which is current in the
cguntry today. He said that there was
betwxeen five and seven million dollars
in endowments today for the further-
ance of this, and that it had for the
most part been culled from those who
knew nothing of the movement, but
had been deceived by its leaders as to
the motives. He cited England as an
example of what the future may bring
if doctors do not put a stop to such
a tendency, saying that there was very
little work now done in London on
animals because of the red tape in-
volved in procuring permission to
work upon them, thus hampering re-
search. He stated that the Research
Institute of Londontconfined itsref-
forts alnost entirely to other varieties
of experiment.
"An instance of this could be seen
during the late war," he said, "when
the use of poisonous gases by the
enemy necessitated experiment in
them by mhe Allies. This experiment
was hampered by the restraining laws
against vivisection. If the London
scientists had taken measures for its
repeal at that time, they could have
demonstrated the vital need of vivi-
section to the public."
Dr. Mayo was in Ann Arbor yester-
day in connection with the first of
the two lecture programs which he

sponsors anually, and which are;
known as the Mayo lectures, having
been endowed by him and his brother
two years ago. The second of the pro-
groms will be given at a later date.
For the two years past the first lec-
ture has been given by Dr. William
Mayo, that of last year being given in
conjunction with the dedication of the
new University hospital. The subject
on which Dr. Mayo spoke yesterday
afternoon in Natural Science auditor-
ium was, "Developmental Anomalies."'
The address was of a formal and
technical nature and was intended
particularly for the students and
faculty of the medical school, accord-

In relation to the question whether
a college game has become a big busi-
ness, which was recently raised and
effectively answered in the athletic
fmemorandum of John L. Griffith, com-
i missioner of athletics in the Big Ten,
Fielding H. Yost, in yesterday's inter-
view, declared that "professionalism
has to do with the players them-
selves." "It has no connection," he
continued, "to the management 'of
athletics; charges of that nature are
called 'commercialism,' and were suf-
ficiently answered in Thursday's in-
"In order to properly serve their
purpose in education, athletics must
be maintained on an absolutely ama-
teur basis. This opinion does not
mean that great numbers should not
tsee the contests, nor that large gate
receipts, if properly used, are detri-
mental. On the contrary, this income
makes it possible to administer a pro-
gram more nearly as it should be ad-
ministered; for an extensive plant,
much equipment, and a competent
staff are necessary if we are to pro-
vide a program of physical training
foir all the students, as should be the
aim. Incomes from inter-school con-
tests furnish the funds with which to
supply soie of these necessities and
to that extent lessen the burden of
taxation which would otherwise have
to provide for physical education in its
entirety," Coach Yost said.
"No boy should be permitted to play
on any school team who has in any
Wilbur Refuses To Betray Navy Trust;
New Testifies In Favor Of j
Fall's Integrity
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.--The de-
fense rested in behalf of Edward L.
Doheny in the oil conspiracy trial to-
day after the veteran oil man had
withstood a forceful three hour cross-
examination and Secretary of the
Navy Wilbur, appearing under sub-
poena, had firmly refused to disclose
the navy department's 1921 war scare
secrets of the Pacific.
Postmaster General New, the first
witness in the independent presenta-
tion of evidence in behalf of Albert B.
Fall, former secretary of the interior,
then testified he knew Fall's reputa-
tion for honesty and integrity to be
good. He was excused without cross-
The Fall attorneys plan to complete
their case at tomorrow's half day ses-
sion, probably without calling the for-
mer cabinet member to the stand in
his own defense.
i Doheny's cross-examination reveal-
ed financial transactions between him-
self and Fall since the latter left the
cabinet in 1923, but only a $5,000 just
before the trial began was admitted
to the records. SpecialProsecutor
Owen J. Roberts also drew from
Doheny thestatement that rFal had
acted for him, without remuneration,
in connection with a $10,000,000 loan
to the Obregon government of Mexico
three years ago, when the de la
Huerta revolutionary forces menaced
the Olbregon regime.
The loan, in the form of advance
payments on tax assessments against
Doheny's properties, has been repaid.
Previous to today's testimony, there
had been no recital of money transac-
tions between Doheny and Fall since
the $100,000 cash loan to the cabinet
member on Nov. 30, 1921, when
Doheny interests were bidding for the
naval oil contract and leases.
Union Constitution

Will Be Distributed
All sections of the Union constitu-
tion and its amendments jare being
gathered and arranged, and will be
printed in pamphlet form soon, it was
announced yesterday by Lester F.
Johnson, '27L, president of the Union.
The work has been made particu-
larly difficult, inasmuch as an up to
date constitution and its amendments
in entirety have not been printed in
six years, according to Clarence W.
Little '27, who has been placed in
' l n - -f I nini" an r-

based oni the principle of play for
play's sake;' the theory of every game
is to gain a given goal by overcoming
whatever obstacles present them-
selves. To a greater or lessor degree
all tendencies toward professionalism
commercialize this ideal of overcom-
ing obstacles for the sake of tfie satis-
faction that comes with success, and
to that extent rob it c ,muni of its
keenest satisfaction.


(By Associated Press)]
GENEVA, Dec. 10.-Foreign Min-'
ister Streseman, of Germany, caused
spectators at today's session of theE
council of the League of Nations to
sit up and take notice when het
championed courtesy and diplomatic,
correction in league relations witht
Moscow. He said that the Moscow
government objected to the use of theI
word Russia, and that in deference'
to Moscow's wishes, the country
should be designated the Union o
Socialist Soviet Republics.


P ° I Sien i1st Tells Of Trouble
Atd D anger In ReHlations Of
-1oros And Filipinos

'"The influence of athletic profes- His remarks were made in th
sionalism," continued (oTach Yost Dintitry is as important a branch of course of discussion on the convoca-
"tends to make a boy dissatisfied to r soption of an international conference,
play the game for its own saae and July 4, 1927, to frame statutes for an
leads him to look upon his athletic ties of medlicine, and there are indi- I international union for the rehef ofj
ceations that further research may dis- peoples stricken by disasters such as
close closer relationship between the earthquakes. The council, in voting
"ATHLETICS AT .IC IAA N" r n at of medicine and to call this conference, included Rus-
----- sia, 1he United States, Mexico, Ecua-
A brief sketch of Michigan's denti try than now exist, said Marcus dor, Ireland and other non-members
athletic history, together witli L. Ward, dean of the College of Dental of the league, in its invitation for par-
the development of stadium Surgery, in his radio address last ticipation.
seating capacity; will be pub- night. Dean Ward opened the fifth Members of the council andl league
lished in a special four pag of tihe Michigan Night Radio pro- ( observers in general seemed to in-
section of The Daily tomorrow. gramis which was broadcast through terpret his initiative in this matter,
station WWJ, the Detroit News. as an intentional manifestation ofr
In sp Eaking of the possibilities of
prowess as a marketable coinmooity cihanging to a six-year plan in the
rather than a means of recreation adM dental college here, he said thatT
self-expiession. When this takes Michigan had passed a law governing
plae mny f he eryimortnt hepractice of dentistry liberal
(character building qualities are im- y permitting the student to remain
mediately lost. The ideas of generous ite year longer in an academic col- AnnR
service, loyalty, sacrifice and whole- loge near home. rvvDD nt~ r~
hearted devotion to a cause are all "The public, on first hearing of the
taken away. Any trace of this spirit idea of building the walls of a house Committee Oil Campaign Funds,
would tend to destroy the real pur- or a barn out of earth, gives his first CmmiTteemOn C i n s
poses of athletics and must not be reaction by saying 'it can't be done' or Dnecideso Sumo Witnesses
tolerated." 'it ought to be cheaper than the pres-
ent kinds of building methods'," said j
en uyh to enable the licensing board REED ACCUSES HIMSELF
to recognizeeither a one and four, or
DEATH IN V. So WILL ia two and three, plan of dental edu- (By Associated Press)
catin for a license to practice;there WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.-Subpoena-
B GR T N.' N. Menefee in his talk on ed witnessess who slipped through the
"Rammed Earth Walls." But to the meshes of the Senate campaign funds
skeptical the answer is, he said, that I m during pre-election in-
it has been done, and not only vestigation, will be roundea up and
President Of Insurance Comppaly throughout all known history but summonedto testify before the in-
Talks Before Colleagues In within the last few years. quiry is finally closed.
Convention Of Association In answering the query as to This decision was reached at a two
whether this type of construction is hour conference today between Sen-
MOTOR CARS KILL MANY n haer or not, te seaker as ator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, andc
his co-investigators. Missing wit-
(By Associated Press) as much data on this phase as along his cinveiator M wit-
NEW YORK, Dec. 10.-Death in the the line of endurance, kind of earth nesses will be called here from Penn-
Unied tats p-ohblywil exeedbynecessary, method of mixing, rai- Sylvania, Illinois, Oregon, and Ani-
United States probably will exceed by 1 , neessay, teto fo the elm- zona where they failed to appear be-
75,000 the total number in 1925, Henry mn e protction from the elements fore sub-committees.
F. Nollen, of Des Moines, Ia., presidenta otherp inentcts. While the committee was in session,
IliecontrastedI the 01(1 method, Wietecmite a nssin
of the Equitable Life Insurance com- t letarRpbicnPn-
I o th EuitbleLie Isurnc con-known as the English "Cob," much jSenator-elect Vare, Republican, Penn-c
pany of Iowa, said in an address to- I skowneaobe EngihC,"areylvania, who is a central figure in the
day before the convention of the As- j acquainted, to the more modern committee's investigation, came out
socation of Life Insurance Presidents. iiuthis wherein the earth is not of a confeence at the capitol witht
More Americans were tilledibysto fs Senator Reed and announced that he
automobile during thepupastttwo years
automobile during the pat two yearsrd very moist. The material is placed would cooperate with senators in car-
tan estimnated that the total isiilaced in forms much drier-sometimes with rying out their announced purposetof
of death victims in automobile acc- only seven per cent moisture-and is impounding the ballots cast in the
of eah vctmsin utmoileacr-rammed until packed hard. The recent Pennsylvania election.
dents would exceed 22,000 this year. miiker cited an experiment which Agitation for impounding the bal-
Suicides increased 10 per cent duiing had been performed at the University lots was started by Senator Norris,
the year, while death by murder drop- which showed that his type of con- Republican, Nebraska, who campaign
ped seven per cent, figures so far in- struction was able to withstand 70,000 ed for William B Wilson, the Demo-
dicate," lie said. I pounds per square inch of compres- cratic opponent ofVare, who now con-
This year's incerase in the death siioi before breaking down. templates contesting the election on
rate, Mr. Nollen pointed cut, should "A house in Washington," said Pro- I the grounds of fraud.
not be taken as indicating such a tessor Menefee, "was built of earth In line with his policy of recom-
trend for recent years, as the mortal- in 1773 and is still standing. And the mending investigation wherever evi-t
ity rate during the period of the last experimental work has been so Idence or wrong doing was presented,
six years alone has decerase more sat isfactory that two members in the Senator Reed laid before the commit-
than nine per cent. engineering school have started tee charges against himself and in-
Of the expcted increase of 75,000 ;homes, one of which is already com- vited it to go into them. They were filed
in the number of deaths for this year, pleted. The architectural effect i by H. B. Walmsley, a merchant of
Mr. Nollen said that 22,000 could be pleasing and has caused much favor. Kansas City, who accused, Senator
explained by normal grow th of the able comment." Reed of bias and partiality in con-
country's population ,while 53,000 Declaring that America had reason ducting his inquiry into reports that
deaths would result from the hither to be proud of her record in the Senator Hawes, Democrat, Missouri,
mortality rate for 1926. The estimat- Philippines, Prof. Joseph R. Hayden had spent too much money in his1
ed increase in deaths this year was of the political science department in campaign. Reed told his colleaguesr
based on the combined increase of 52 his talk, expressed the opinion that that they were welcome to conduct)
leading life insurance companies there was but one distinct failure out- an inquiry but that he would take no1
covering 37,000,000 lives and extend- lined against the whole background I part In it.
ing over the first ten months of the of Philippine success. And this is the
year. Moro problem, created by the Mohainp
niadaii Filipinos who dwell on the IRhodes Scholarship
Islands of =Mindanao and the Sulu
PROM FIXTURES Archipelago Some of the Moro pro- Committee Meets In
+ B / ' inces were described as being vir-
TO BE AT UNION tually armed camps, in which Ameri- Union For Selection
can,, Filipinos and Mors go ,about
eaing army automatis. "When a Selection of the Rhodes scholar for
xs s oro hieftan strides through the
and Christmas trees, which adorned f D l e s followed by Michigan from a group of ten can-
th Union ballroom last night at the two or three retainers similarly didates will be made this afternoon'
lso form the aried. These in turn are supported when the Rhodes scholarship commit-!
decorations for the Union dance to- by a dozen or so slaves carrying tee meets in the Union. Dean Effinger
night. pump, or automatic shotguns loaded of the literary college is chairman of
Spotligh dances will also bfea with buckshot. During the past-three he committee and J. K. Watson, '09,
tured at this dance, music for which years between 300 and 400 Moros, is secretary. Prof. C. R. Morris, who
will be provided by thec regular Union Yanbten30ad40Mrs
orchestra. Tickets for thre arty many of them women and children, is visiting lecturer of the philosophy
whch . is open to general member, have been killed in a series of pitched department for the current year, is
ship, ma bpe1 otainea themain battles with Filipino forces. Murder, an Oxford graduate and has been in-.
ship, may be ob te Union. rapine, arson and robbery are com- I vited to sit with the committee.
desk __nth ______y____th__Un__. mon," he finished. Three of the candidates for the
"My own conviction," asserted Pro- scholarship are from the University
ENGINEERS GO TO fessor Hayden, "is that neither the of Michigan and two from Michigan
A TNNUALMEET NG ""acon bill, nor any other measure to State college. The other men under
I ANNUA MEEIiN Isegregate Mindanao and Sulu from consideration are from Albion college,
the rest of the Philippines should be Adrian college, University of Detroit,
Prof. A. E. White, head of the de- passed by Congress unless unreason- Williams college, and Connecticut
nri h d(1 Wl lams collgein Th Conhect

Russia. The incident caused special
friendship on the part of Germany for
comment because, while the military
and commercial groups in Berlin are
I credited with being particularly in-
terested in developing the ties be-
tween Germany and Russia, Dr.
Streseman always has been cited as
the leading German who turned to-
ward Europe for the best orientation
of Germany's future.
In the meantime, the group of for- I
eign ministers which has been study-
ing the problem of bringing to an end
interallied control of German arna-
mnits, struggled for two hours with-
out reaching an agreement. It is
understood that the chief difficulty
now center on Great Britain's
objection to German exportation of
arms to Russia which, it is fear'ed,
reach China ultimately.
Dr. Streseman is understood to have
given new assurances on this ques-
tion as well as on the dismantling of
German fortresses. The foreign
ministers adjourned until tomorrow
to await reports from Paris where the
Allies conference of ambassadors also
is struggling with the problem of
German arimaments.
Glaciologist Will Speak Of Scientific
Results Of 1924 Trip To
Mount Everest
Speaking on "Some Scientific Re-
sults of the 1924 Expedition to Mount
Everest," Mr. N. E. Odell, geologist
and glaciologist of the climbing party
will give an illustrated lecture this
afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in Natural
Science auditorium.
Mr. Odell was one of the party of
twelve prominent scientists in the
1924 expedition, acting in the capacity
of chief oxgen officer as well as look-
ing after the general health of the
other members.
In spite of adverse weather condi-
tions the party set a new altitude rec-
ord for mountain climbing, bettering
the 26,000 foot record of the 1922
expedition by more than 2,000 feet.
Oxygen supplied through compressed
air tanks was necessary for the men
to breathe properly in the rarefied
atmosphere of the upper mountain
glacier altitudes. Although the sum-
mit of Mount Everest was not actually
reached, the party came closer to their
goal than any previous expedition be-
cause of their plan of establishing
night camps at different altitudes as
they ascended.
Arrangements are now being made
by the Royal Geographical society
through the Tibetan government for
the permission to make another at-
tempt in the near future.
Cast Of Union Opera1
Will Banquet Afterl
Matinee Show Today
In a "between-the-halves" banquet
following the matinee performance
this afternoon, the entire company of
"Front Page Stuff" will gather at the
Union to celebrate the completion of)
another annual Union opera. Two
presentations today, matinee and
evening performances, will conclude
the weeX's run of Ann Arbor showings
at the Whitney, and the production
will then rest until Friday, Dec. 17,
when it will open its initial road
showing in the Chicago auditorium.
A. few seats are still left for the
matinee today, and the additional per-
formance tonight They are on sale at
the Whitney box office.

A review of "Front Page Stuff,"
as presented at the Whitney
theater last night, will be found
on page four in the Music and
Drama column.

1111-t-. UN L11UUIILUULPL.

Dickerson, Aggie Sophomore Flash,
Makes 13 Points In 33-29
Win Over Adrian
Michigan State'a well-balance
basketball team will oppose Coach
Mather's Wolverine five in the open-
ing game of the 1926-27 season at
7:30 o'clock tonight at Yost field
Although their power has been test-
ed only once, i the 33-29 win over
Adrian Thursday, the Upstaters pos-
sess a fast aggregation and promise
to give the Michigan quintet a bat-
After the practice yesterday Coach
Mather still remained undecided as to
his starting. linetmp. If Gawne is
placed at forward Martin will be his
running mate, McCoy will jump cen-
ter, Captain Chambers will hold down
the standing guard position, and Har-
rigan will be at running guard. If
Nyland should be selected to start in
place of Gawne, there will be a shift
in the lineup. Nyland will be placed
at guard along with Chambers, Har-
rigan will be moved to forward, while
McCoy will remain at the pivot post,
and Martin at the other forward.
State will line up with Dickerso
and L. Smith at the forwards, Drew
and Smith at the guards, and Bremer
Smith or Felt at center. Ben Vanal-
stine, new coach, has built his attack
around Dickerson, sophomore flash,
who proved his ability by scoring 13
points against Adrian. The Lansing
team has a strong pair of guards, the
center position being their only weak-
In addition to the starting Wolver-
ine lineup there are several other men
who will probably be in the lineup
before the game ends. Petrie, Bab-
cock, Reason, Truskwski, and Clem-
mons are among those who are ex-
pected to play. Barley, Whittle, and
Schroeder have been handicapped by
injuries and may not get a chance to
Although the game is not an im-
portant one on the schedule, it will
give the Michigan coach an oppor-
tunity to try his men under fire in
various combinations, and to give his
men some experience before the open-
ing of the regular Conference sched-
ule. If the original lineup proves in-
effective against the State defense,
there will probably be a few substitu-
tions. Likewise, a weakness in the
Michigan defense will probably cause
tie coach to shift the men about in
order to stop the State attack.
Michigan Pos Mchigan State
Martin .......... F........ Dickerson
Gawne...........F.........L. Smith
McCoy ..........C...........Bremer
Chambers .......G...........H ood
Christmas Spirit Is
Given Expression At
lAnnual Soph Dance
Striking effects accomplished in red
and green, expressive of thetspirit of
Christmas, greeted more than 275
couples as Jean Goldkette's Orange
Blossom orchestra opened the Sopho-
more Prom of the class of 1929 in
the Union ballroom last night.
Brilliant hues of the evening gown,
together with the sombre black and
white of formal dress, were set off
by the background of Christmas col-
ors that adorned the ballroom. Dec-
orations featured Christmas trees with
hangings of red streamers, .green
palms and ferns, red poinsettas, and

a "29" banner which hung at the north
end of the room.
The patrons' booth, arranged at the
south end of the room, was encircled
and overhung by the dark shades of
tall, drooping ferns and trees. The
lounges and chairs in the booth were
grouped around a flowing fountain
which, illuminated by red light, former
the center background.
The grand march, led by Frederick
R. Parker, '29, general chairman of
the committee, accompanied by Miss
Portia B. Fix of Hillsdale college,
formed shortly after 10 o'clock. Mo-
tion pictures were taken of the march
and during the course of the evening.
Following the grand march, the danc-
ers formed in front of the orhoestra




partment orengineerng researen n pi onhucd make puch a corse
Prof. Orland Boston, superintendenti pinos should make such a course

of -the engineering shops, have been
spending the past week in New York
city attending the annual conventionI
of the American Society of Mechanical
On Monday. Professor Boston pre-

necessary. I believe that to take
away these Southern islands would
be to make it almost impossible to ac-
complish the fundamental purpose of
America in the Philippines; that is the
i development of a united Philippine

vesieyan conege. nose wno are
attending institutions outside of the
state, are residents of Michigan, and
for this reason appear before the
members of the committee today.
The candidates from whom the finalj
choice will be made were picked early
in October from the college and uni-1

Applications for ourt-of-town presen-
tations in Philadelphia and Detroit,
together with all other cities of the
opera itinerary, can be obtained to- j
day at the business offices of the
Union. Sale of seats in many of the
cities has been heavy enough so farI
to forecast packed houses for "Front
Page Stuff" during it's vacation tour.

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