".' P'AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDf1)A Y, I EC F E' I 10, 12 ....... . .. . . . . . . Student Who Tries Merely To "Get By" * Misses Fuller Meaning Of Life-Little "The student who is keenly alert: guile:;(.. the ;clt~ ler1(1' groupsb And is intelligent, but is fooled by t~he in flh-s:-cent:how the tcrm is ex- system into trying to just 'get by' is ,,re -ir is(1of( thou.-ands of pur- missing the fuller meaning of ,life," i)oScs Ilil-s , xVhiiido inot in any declared President Clarence Cook sense, g~'a enl the mol anling of life. Little in an int erview recently. T(l,1 1(1ideth-1 the a ppreciation "Such a student is mnaking no actu .il of li;i cue 14lbe ai,. idr y working to- progress toward the betterment of . o- -uwrd ebujb I ;aIt t e;de(d byvthe ciety,'' he said, ''and is likie the lower"'diii a \ 1 II'',f2iU fosrms of animal life, which ha ved- l-:ci' emasd the 'rosi>- veloped a single foot by whitch t hey t(ict. 'I lie rea al l ofilic nuder-, attach themselves pe rmanuitlyto t0 r u" '?,i.(? l of'i.!IS17i'a!4i7tdtULV stationary object." of I r :car. (Ol ati r.' 'li',Fi -li,h The failure to take advantage of sail, is : lc s it con fort i(iea, and. chances for creative opportunity ori is of -~i .val e., e\i uifof a slightly the giving of opportunity to other, unalt PuseI , eyed ill th" m)it a mounted to be- vi des. The w~ xells, which ca:1used la de(lay about a monith ago, hv lenpunped considerably so that they no longer hinder the progress of the mon. liuge machines have been p~umping the water from the wells at the v ate of 60 gallons per second. Enough wate. was p~umped out of the wells every (lay to supply the city of Anni Arbor, I«'OE2C 111la r"{ ItU tile digin dothe jclle'. t 7I is unn5' e: (I rains to clea.:r the l d an(l -tand(s daI: ; 7g,50) in iths nir fromn rains. Telretpmoion ofthe wNork on the (dra.'ha:.,.beell cmpI>)Ilted andI attention is>nwbei-ng _paid to the ecX(avation 0f the boiwl . A1 di ffere,(,'e of 1;eb c fiiinregard to the seating ''cape Icity of t h anew sta- I i m h s b - iA attim es . T he otfi cial :seat1.Ing capacity ] irldiing If. Yost, dire(ctor of inte- !This is 1l 11?(etan heOio ta iu Said E'i' e ()t:''. w ih sel. K~tt 411; Alixone Iaus Oi b'tgi tIce Int.Z r, I cninras e #4 C t'l Yf !t 11 Yn' 4 V1V1 riibp vvd yalen " a ciTr( (L~y Allt I'11earn shovels are wore~- I__decared ing at pr'L s' dwhich are, eight more has w ihaelioe.u c iilloyed in the hu~h;po~oa ige spot-lights, a! hnel : vr:is Places about the t1~otU HthesI 8(1mm into semi-day- ::.h ~ t nssthus permitting the - 1 'i i towork throu.hbout the ai 't lthIle work progresses the ve t te month as it has been going ' Co: ing e p luts veral tlays, the work o axt re' imi will i)C co-Aplet ed by the Pi I (A at t' year, .is the contract pro- 11 Ithe forem an. rT.'esexv ols 71 77 67 " ... WALK OVER ®S r _ Ir -c, twxwnin w mn',,n r--ms:--.-r .._ : wca rlsosr~ar~n ~ ~ n w .~ ti 1,- -- -----.-_.._..-------- '-I. 41 NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF RETAILING, Experience is received in New York's. Newark's id Brooklyn's largest department stores. Store service is linkodc with classroom instruction. Master of Science in Rletailing ranted on completion of one year of graduate worlk. Th~lree (,r :Avjuf e IFellowsh1ips -Five Seliohrshipsa Students nmay enter January 31 or Septemiber, 1927. Summer School July 5 to August 12. 1927. Illustrvatedl bulletin, on application, For further information write Dr. Norris A. Brisco, Director, Washington. Square halt, New York City. 1, a jaw jcr I DETROIT ,CHICq .. :.....: l... IV , l J . 11 11 r We Are Having a Breakfast .., .. .. ~After the So ph Prom Servled from 2 -3 Get Your eservadon Now i f i rus E I I' E E I li I ! i " k i I If "THlE .AKE" Broad as a snowplow, tough as sin, yet easy on the feet. That's this win- toer oxford. It is made of Winter Ttan Calfskin. $ 141 \j7v~ N1 \f elle-f-the- Prom" stylean chek4'om-o ecomfort 'There is alwa~ys one girl at any college dance who i-akes every undergraduate but one' i =n with envy. TWhat's the kind of good looks you get in the new, collegTiate Walk-Covers. You get inoro thanme, good looks. You get comfort-snug, cheerful com- fort-that is as welcome to busy feet as a checA from home is to a Freshman. _N r p 41 START THE VACATION WITH, A BANGI $6.25 I Ride the ORIOLES to Chicago. It's a pleasant ride over the new paved highway, M23-through the picturesque Irish Hills and St.; Joseph lake region. And comfortable, too ! The big Fageol "parlor" stages are equipped with individual arm chairs allowing plenty of leg room. Full bal- loon tires minimize road shock. Heaters keep you warm on coldest days. You'll enjoy every :rile of the way and you'll save money, too! Orange and FBlac k Stages Connecting: at Ypsilanti with ORIOLES to Chicago. Leave Fourth and Ann streets. Daily at 9:30 - 11:30 A. M. - 7:30 P. M. (Eastern Standard Time) R4EQ V.$ PM' CVT 115 Southliaiu St. f f, e WA A I TISH',S PLAYHOUSE Reserve your chair today Call 6050 Direct Conniectionus at (lilcagivaa-itlh "Pur'ple i' 1waus" To St. Fouls..........1.. ', .;1~ To Kansas City......... RIDE THE ORIOLES Phone 8908 il Ad !' ---Wmm ii fCORNWELL COAL - COKE Scranton, ]Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret - "giving absolut~e satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - CO"KE I OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office :.4551-4552 Yard Office : 5152 - > * _r ' 5h 4i~ " 1/ /' h; 'Opportunity and inclination to excel in athletics may have never been yours. Yet every man or woman demands at least self-consideration as first team ma- (. terial-during college and in after years. at s. / t, I i {ftt f { { I $ f {j I S --' i I i r i i k i i E V C~y his system Make just one whole meal of whole wheat every day. SHREDDED whole WHEAT contains all the PROTEINS, SALTS, CARBOHYDRATES and VITAMINS your body craves, properly balanced for complete digestibility and assimilation. Also BRAN-all that you need to regulate your digestion for the day and to throw off the poison of less healthful foods. Have your Shredded Wrheat served with milk or cream and 'sugar, with fruits and berries or in many other appetizing ways. Start now to get fit and keep fit. If interested, write for our booklet--"Fifty Ways of Serving Shredded Whey." THE SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, Niagara Falls, N. Y. i A d a. a. lv A Ii a. :" ;.. :.".:r.::::::: ". "."..; .; r :ys ,r . } I