ESTABLISHED 1890 PF 4b11 Ap ad 3.r;, at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS . -.-. VOL. XXXVIL No. 63 EmHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10. 1926 EIGHT TPAGE~S PRICE FIVE CENTS" I ..,_ . . .., r . ..., ._ _ __ .. A.w, NIVERSITY WILL GIVE VIFTH MICHIGAN NIGHT PRPCRAM OVER RADIO hAYDEN, ICIE% EE, HO1 STER ARE ENGA( I) FOR OTH1ER SITOWIT SPEECHES WARD HEADSSPEAKERS School Of Music Will Furnish Cello And Vocal Solos Between ifferent Talks Yost Says Post-Season Intersectional P '1N Y ATR ii Fourth Showing Of A LE LEA HllAY ATl PHEE Games Set Bad Precedent, Do Little i I Front Page Stuff"OE1 In Determining National Champions A I RALtIES Draws Large Crowd 'WILL FATURE DANCI E ditor's N ote: iii followinIg i1', S(( 0111 I 0 in; lo aced 11 vry iiI( l fn ;ti t '2 j fljDDA VPlaying to an audience which pack- of a =e=ies=o intr Ewawit, (a , held=CONSPIRACYi HYotdff TRIAL :sr lgIthe main floor and baony lastF SI RE CLASS UIni O dW 1111 11ih t h ' 1b2111 p UArHI} ci , 1 ciii iy, I U1 I t i d l 12, 1111 <12kV nliht at t i a cat e r "trut ltcDaigwt~l the present pro iems. mn or the country, thy take conswerawe connection t with the adinistration of m- tercollegiate sports, time fro mt e tr ni, h si In en] a rging 1i Be a > eil t (io c fi GYJ. T In regard to the post--season inter-- gin the stress of competition. the sectional football games that take coach cantimned. th cOnsjderab e place about this time of [be year, Imental stress that an atlele is unii oder is, in ipt aenot so T im mafpart Fielding H. Yost, director of inter- Io the man-building ; pres wVe wt o- collegiate athletics, said yesterday The objections arise when th : str es that such games "establish a bad pre- 1s too long conitinued:" For that rea- cedent," because, he continued, "the son, Coa-h Yost betlevcs, players r H? l;IiSTOiRY FRO31 TIME HIE WVAA MLIE DRIVER DEIEUS. ALL CHARGiES ra-a.1terize'4 Loam To Fall As Private' 111'i' Between ~4i~)Trwo)old night at the Whitney theater, "Front Page Stuff" presented its fourth per- formance to the largest gathering of the week. The Opera will play again tonight and will conclude its Ann Arbor run tomorrow with a matinee performance and an additional show- ing at night. Next Friday, at noon, the company of 100 will entrain for Chi- cago, where the initial road perform- WILL TAEI E MOTION PICTURES OF GdRAN) M ARCH AND DECORAT ION S PARKER TOLEAD MARCH Fai1ors To Be Leatlher Change Pauses; Class Numerals To Appear In Shield of Flowers - - _____117appeal of a long trip is great to the Ward, dean of the College boys and as soon as one team goes Marcus TL. across heecounty manyCoheregwan of Dental Surgery, Prof. F :. Menefee to follow."a of the mechanical engineering depart- Besides the point of precedent, cail rnent, Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of theCaB sstherenthecetahr political science department, and' Coach Yost, there is the fact thatthere Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister of the are too many good teams in the coun- try today to attempt to determine any public speaking department will be so-called "national championships." the speakers on the fifth of the Michi- "And it makes no difference anyway," gan Night Radio programs to be he continued, "as post-season games broadcast at 8 o'clock tonight from are usually planned to bring two out- University hall, and sent through the standing teams together, but they do Detroit Nesws station WWJ. Each of not determine anything of value and the speakers will talk four minutes on a subject related to the work of his , serve no useful purpose. dasrtetIn expressing the relationship of the departmient. athletic coach to post-season inter- The problem of the dentist, as evi- sectional games, Coach Yost declared, denced in. "The Increasing Obligations I that the tendency toward engaging in1 of Dentists and the Changes in Edu- ! such games has been considerablyI cation to Meet Them," will be discuss- I curtailed at most colleges by agree- ed by Dean Ward. A brief history of wment of athletic authorities, but is! dentistry as it has affected the growth 1'still in practice at many high schools of dental schools throughout the coun- f and some universities. "Such games try will be given preparatory to a dis- continue the stress of competition cussion of present day problems. over too long a period and, since they Menefee Will Speak Professor Menefee, whose subject is "Rammed Earth Walls," will explain ODELL WILL TALK O0 the process of building the walls of a house or barn out of earth, and the difficulties and possibilities that are involved. lie has spent several years ,II eaperimenting with such a process, I IRUIlLLIU JII and will cite instances, both here in the city and elsewhere, of homes con- Use Of Artificial Oxygen ;Permits Is structed of rammed earth walls. y To Establish New P rnfc r Uf H d who recntl re- should not be asked or be permitted Prospector 'rieIds to play n ne>>cessivpy long scied yAule.siPrers)REVIEW OF OPERA Inall events,'le eontiuEd, 'thie fl y Associated Press) !REIEfO OER I football seasoi should close by WASIINGTON, Dec. 9.-The de- ,,aI Thankiving Day and there should s it trumps and s I A review of"Front Page Stuff, {sfse iayctjttumps and acs todayIas presented at the Whitney be no iore than eight or nine regular 1 the Fall-Doheny conspiracy trial, a te t t e found games inall" theater last ght, will be found gAs intersectional games take coi- i(t recordmoneofthe on page four in the Music and sieal i e fro the clsrontclrulad daai tre Drama column. aidcab e time liom thecassroom, rwhich ha's ever gone before a jury inI Coacli Yost believes that no player a Aeicn ;rmiaipocein. an Amnerican criminal proceeding. C _____ should ever be permitted to absent I himself from any class for athletic Edward L. Doheny, 70-year-old ance will be given that nighlt, to be' practice, as this "defeats the purpose multi-millionaire oil man, in a four- followed by 14 presentations in 12 of both classroom work and athletics." hour direct examination told the I other cities throughout the Middlea As a remedy for the present situa- story of his life from the time he was West and East. A few good seats are tion, Coach Yost declared, in con- a "shave-tail mule-driver" in the old still available for both presentations eluding the interview, that "rnucli West, until he found himself defend- tomorrow, and are on sale at the Whit-1 though should be given the initial ar- ant in a suit involving naval oil re- ney theater box office.I Irangement of the schedule to sye that serve leases in which he had estimated In accordance with the usual cus- it best suits the purpose of the par- there might be a profit of $100,000,000. tom, tonight will be "formal night" at ticular college or university in ques- Denies All Charges the Whitney, although the wearing of tion, but when once decided upon ,t I His story was an unqualified denial formal attire by the audience is not should constitute the last word; it of all charges of wrong-doing, and required.I should be played through to the finish unpatriotic intent, or corrupt pur- Applications for the remaining cities and then the season should be con- pose in the leasing negotiations. He on the Opera itinerary, Grand Rapids,1 sidered definitely at an end." repeated what he told the Senate oil Washington, New York city, and Buf- jcommittee three years ago concerning falo, may be obtained now at the busi-! his $100,000 loan to Albert B. Fall, ness offices of the Union, along withI then secretary of the interior, in No-'those already issued previously. Phila- t AM fIPA Tvember, 1921. "It was a personal delphia and Detroit applications will transaction with an old prospector be available beginning tomorrow. friend." jU r i His personal interest in the Pearl' Harbor, Hawaii, oil storage project, which led to the leasing of the ElkA Counc it Votes To Call Arm leetlg ; Hills, California, reserves, grew out I Anchier body Will Consier i of a conversation with a naval offi- P1111 1II Iff 1-r ,- h h nn-,ridnnrerl him the n heig t U C~f1 I'OfO~tiC 11IPiU1L' ~ 1,UIXV iltI 'A~k V l1L~2~U IJJ~J ~ '~~V~1-. jI 11311 UE~EI tI~I~" I Z:. -nsa t i C i a1 ti. I' i , 1 i I ; ,1 . ., : ., " I i I 4 Decorations symbolical of Christmas will form the setting for the annual Sophomore Prom in the Union ball- room tonight, with Jean Goldkette's Orange Blossoms Orchestra of De- troit furnishing the music for the oc- casion. Dancing will be from 9 to 2 o'clock, the grand march to form at 10 o'clock. Frederick R. Parker, '29, general chairman of the committee, accom- Russell Gohrin '27 panied by Miss Portia B. Fix, a stu- Leading man in "Front Page Stuff," dent in Hillsdale college, will lead the twenty-first annual Union Opera the grand march. which is playing this week at the I Decorations to be Nogel Whitney theater. This is Gohring's The orchestra, composed of ten third year in the leading male role of pieces, will be located in a booth at the opera. one end of the ballroom, while on the wall at the opposite end wil be hung a large shield of flowers in "29" de- sign. Unusual effects in decorations will be carried out according to the chairman of decorations for the event. Y Christmas trees and poinsettas will' le the walls of the room. A spot- fln th wal oft e r o .AH L U S a llight in various colors will play upon -- thedancers during special numbers. Four Squads To Ie Chosen This Year Motion pictures of the grand march Instead Of Two; Add A1ihon I and decorations will be taken tonight And hnox T~ Sciedule Iby the Reo Motor Car company, to later appear in Reograms. The usual piotographs of the Prom will be taken KING ASSISTS COAGiING I at the conclusion of the grand march. ~-~No Corsages To Be Worn ' Four Varsity debate teams will be It Was decided by the committee to chosen next Tuesday, Dec.. 14, at 1 request that corsages not be worn. o'clock in roomn 209 of Angell hali, This ruling is in accordance with ar- announced G. E. Densniore yesterday, rangements of precedin yeanrs. Fa- head coach of the Varsity debate vors for the party tonight, consisting teams. Wirt King, '27L, a member of of change purses in Florentine leather, last year's English debate team ,is will be given out from 2 to 5 o'clock' assisting Mr. Densmore in the work! this afternoon in the main lobby of of coachni" the teams. the Union on presentation of the In the past selections only two ticket calling for a favor. Varsity teams were picked to debate The scheme of decorations was in the Central Debate league. This I worked out under the direction of year four teams will be selected, two James Duffield, '29, who is in charge of which will debate Northwestern of decorations. Accgrding to the com- university and Ohio State university, mittee, a larger number of tickets than while the other two will debate Knox usual has been sold this year. college and Alllion college. The de- bates with these four institutions will probably be contested on the same iWhitney Interprets day, r. Dusnire sad. Te pustio ro essor ayuen, a tuuy I turned to the University after spend- lng some time as a member of thel Thompson commission to the Philip-I pines, will tell of the work of the com- nittee on the Islands.! Musical Numbers Listed The differences of the English and American style of debating will be' discussed by Professor Hollister in the closing speech of the program. 1Professor Hollister accompanied the University debate team on its English trip last spring, and will make con- Itrasts of the two methods of public speaking that were discernible on the trip. Interspersed with the talks will be vocal solos by -Miss Eunice Northrup, instructor in the School of Music, ac- ! companied by Miss Dona Esselytyn, and cello solos given by Janette Fraser Wieder. STUDENTS PLAN NEW PRECEDENT; Establishing a new precedent, the imn ob- of the. School of Educa- juntor CIUSS U h IU 1U uU, tion has planned a dance, limited to members of the class and their guests,' to bLi held from 9 to 12 o'clock, Satur- day night, in the gymnasium of the 'University high school. Recentlyi organized with the aid of Dr. Stuart A. Curtis, the class elected Earl Kelly their president, and have planned a program of activities never before undertaken by any class before them. Only 135 invitations will be extend- ed to the dance, which is under the direction of Isabel Stone, social chair-I nan, and Sanford Mead, publicity chairman. The Royal Arcadians have been secured to furnish music for the occasion, the purpose of which is to have the class become better acquaint- ed with each other. This is the first of the several social activities planned for the class in their attempt to create more spirit and activity in the juniorE classes of the educational school. s Dr. Stuart A. Curtis and Mrs. Curtis, -nd Prof. Heber H. Ryan and Mrs. Ryan will be the guests of the class, as chaperones. Allen S. Whitney, dean of the School of Education, and Mrs. Whitney, Harvey C. Emery and ?:rs. Em-ery, Prof. John V. Van Sickle UandI Mrs. Van Sickle, and Prof. Kyte and rs. Kyte are among the guests of the class who will attend the dance. Charity Fund Drive Height Record1Ec onomic Problemis ;crwincni urii n n-um1UL .___of Japan" in the Pacific was, in 1921, To vital importance, he told the jury. TO LECTURE TOMORROW RUSSIA TO BE INVITED resident Coolidge's name was Regents Sanction Property Purchanse brought into the proceedings with the By Student Pubieations Board; 1 In an illustrated lecture on "Some (By Associated Press) offer in evidence of a letter Doheny $100,000 Now On Hand Scientific Results of the 1924 Expedi- GENEVA, Dec. 9. - The Unit eod had written him on March 8, 1924, re- tion to Mount Everest," which will be States government soon will be n -i- garding progress under the Pearl Har- GIVE HUMPHREYS LEAVE vited to collaborate in two League of bor contract. Government objections ____ Nations activities---an international to admission of the letter, on the noon in Natural Science auditorium, economic conference, ant an inter- ground that it had no bearing on the Purchase of land by the Board in by N. E. Odell, a member of the climb- national confeience for th sper-tIconspiracycharge were sustained, and Control of Student Publcations as the ing party students and the general vision of the private manufacture of the document did not go before the site for a press building to house all . .'t ms.i the documhntp(lid notgoumefore thr student publications was approved by public will have an opportunity to iur Ise leue coucmil voted today to hbmchiwasestatedbydefense the Regents at their December meet- hear the official results and personal convoke this spal arms nO tosl that the White House never mug last night. experiences gained by throexpeditio in the autumn of 1927 provided the had replied to the communication. In a communication to the Regents, Mr. Odell was one of the party of 12 general disarmament conference, , Wilbuir T0 le Called the publications board stated that it distinguished scientists in the 1924 which has been authorized, is held T wo more admirals of the U. S. j now has a $100,000 surplus which it Sexpedition. Although it is. not deli- over until the next year. Navy testified concerning strategic desires to use for the construction of x Both the United States and T'ssi considerations which impelled the war an office and press building to be un- nitely known whether the lofty su- Iwill be invited to sit withi relrtsenta- plans division to determine upon the der the control of the board. The mit was reached because of the a tives of the league states on the n- 100,0 PearlHarbornaval location of he land now nder con- cidental death of the two men Mallory!cil which will act as a commission to in 1920, and tomorrow, under present sideration is being withheld y The and Irvine, who in reaching the I prepare the draft of a convention on defense plans, Secretary Wilbur will Daily. highest point of any of the members the private nanufacture of arms, and be called for questioning as to the Approval was given to the establish- of the party were lost and never again- will be asked also to tile autumn on-I most recent advices from the Pacific ment of a Law school faculty-alumni heard from, the 28,000-foot altil tides ference itself. squadron prior to the execution of scholarship fund for the aid of e- reached by the party, better by 2,000 The report, which was adopted, de- the Pan-American Petroleum and serving students who are hampered feet, the record which was set by the .lares that the council bases it hoPes Transport company's Pearl Harbor in their scholastic pursuits by outside 1922 expedition that the UnIt ed States will participate storage contract in 1921. work. For this year and the next two, By establishing night camps at high in the conference on the private IIt was revealed for the first time the fund will be maintained by $500 altitudes as they ascended, the party -manufacture of arms on formal state- today that Fall had tendered stock pledges by the faculty. Sabbatical leave of absence was was able to withstand the adverse ients made by representatives of the valued at $200,000 to Doheny in grat toPr e W f a-sencys weather conditions. Glacial snow, United States at the council on traffic March, 1925, and security for the loan granted to Prof. W. R. Humphreys, for blizzards and minimum frost tempera- in armis. League officials said after- on which he had been unable up to that the first semester of next year and to I tures of 56 degrees were not uncorn- I;wards that this was an allusion to a time to pay interest. mance languages department for the i mon, but, by the use of artifical oxy- remark made by the American dole-! Government counsel late in the day scndemes thisrear o- gen supplied in compressed air tanks, gate, Theodore E. Burton, that the entered the preliminary stage of a ssor Wagner wlspd mos o Norton and Somervell were able to United States would willingly join in rigorous cross-examination of Mr. leave studying in France and Soain. establish a new record of 28,230 feet. a convention which will compel arms- Doheny, but deferred their assault Prof. Bonner Campbell, of the Greek In addition to his duties as chief oxy- producing states to publish statistics upon his story until tomorrow in re- department, was granted leave of i gen officer of the expedition, Mr. Odell concernimng the production of arms sponse to the defense suggestion that absence for the academic year 1927-28 [ was obliged to look after the general munitions and the implements of war. the witness showed marked evidence to accept a professorship of Greek health of the men, which was con- Foreign Minister Stresemann of of fatigue. literature at the American School of stantly menaced by the extreme co , Germnny, who has been suffering from Cli atudhesAenS. the rarefied air, and the physical ex- nervous indigestion, was recovered irCa .iE.tdes inAet t U (' SION eProf. E. de Sclincert of the Uni- haustion experienced. Il- f thi sufficiently to attendtodays sessiorsity of Birmingham, England, was In spite of the actual faiuremo of the council. He surprised every vited to be a special lecturer in last expedition to reach the summitof: one by the excellence of his English!Engisd te Unspe i y ete~ the highest mountain peak in the when he read a repat convoking e English at the University next se- world, arrangements are now beng economics conference at Geneva oi ( m ttruhthe iban governgvrmn- My4 97;nivtn the Unte (By Associated Press) Funds were accepted from, Mrs. K. made beteey 4, 1927, and vim nited PRINCETON, Ind., Dec. 9.-An ex- C. Pendleton for the establishment of n thRo e hical Society States, Turkey, Mexico, Ecuador and plosion in the Francisco mine near two fellowships in the chemistry de- Loon thforthe permission to make Igypt, as non-members of the league here today took a known toll of 20 partment, which will carry annual anoh-r attempt in the near future. to participate. lives. Fourteen other miners were stipends of $750 for two years. The lecture is open to those inter- 1still in the mine tonight wth their e in the scientific results MOSCOW.-Soviet authorities have fate unknown and of 37 others CHICAGO.-An order requiring the expedition. 1worked out a plan to establish an air rescued, many were so seriously burn- Chicago Motor Bus company to equi; - line between Leningrad and Viadivo- ed they may die. Seventy-one men its buses with pneumatic tires is to be stok were in the mine at the time. asked. clay, Mr. Densmore said. The question for discussion will be, "Resolved: That the Eighteenth Amendment Should be Imhediately Repealed." 1 The Imatutlre of t ho deba, t talks this Winchell Smith Play On Lecture Program I : . r . 'I ., > . t > f ' E I _I 1 -I l 1 i P l I r I I j 1 : !' E year, said Mr. Densmore, "will be of I Edwin M. Whitney gave the fifth the extemporaneous type, thus mak- regularly scheduled number of the an- ing the contest more of a discussion i nual Oratorical Association lectuta instead of a series of speeches. Also, series last night in Hill auditorium more humor will be used, as was re: when he presented a reading of Win- cently employed iii the women's de- ; chell Smith's play, ""The Fortune bates, which will add to the friendli- I Hunter." This was Mr. Whitney's ness, and detract from the serious j third appearance in Ann Arbor. fighting style that has been prevalent in the past.' A review of last night's r Ipresentation of "The Fortune MIAYU I GIVE [I Hunter," a play by Winchell iiSmith, presented by Edwin M. Whitney, will be found iA the ~CMusic and Drama column on Noted Surgeon WAill Give Address Oi pgfor "Dee-elopnientl alIAuonialies" --In the course of the play Mr. Whit- Openin thetird.anualcMyo1le- ny akstie arsor ltere 1;nt1 Opening the third annual Mayo lee- ney takes the parts of 13 different tore program, Dr. Charles H1. Mayo, characters, which is the largest num- of the Mayo clinic of Rochester, Minn., her that he attempts to present in any will speak at 4:15 o'clock this after- play in his reportoire. When here noon in Natural Science auditorium. before two years ago he gave a play His subject will be, "Developmental iby the same author, "Turn to the Anomalies." Right. All entertainment during Dr. Mayo's Jerome Mikesell, '27L, president of stay is in the hands of Galens, junior the Oratorical association, introduced medical society. the speaker and also announced that - The lecture will, like those hereto- the date for the performance of the fore, be of a highly professional na- Kennedys, which was postponed due ture, according to Hugh Cabot, dean of to illness, has been set as March 1. the medical school, and therefore ofi The next number on the series is a interest largely to the students and speech by Louis K. Anspacher, author faculty of that college. Classes in the and dramatic critic, on the motion medical school will not be held after picture, which will be given December 4 o'clock in order that all medical 23rd. students may attend. The Mayo lectures were founded I Dean Bursley Talks and endowed two years ago by Dr. |Charles ILMayo and Dr. WilliamITo Freshman Groups 1 Mayo, and consist of two programsx which are given every year. The first lecture for the last two years has Dean Joseph A. Bursley speaking been given by Dr. William Mayo; that to a meeting of the combined fresh- of last year being coincident with the man faculty advisory groups held dedication of the new University hos- I last night in the Union, explained the pital. The second of the program will method of the system, and pointed out be given later, but the speakers have its significance. He declared that, not yet been announced. although the. primary purpose in Dr. Mayo will be entertained, at din- coming to college is for intellectual ner at 7 o'clock tonight at the Uni- improvement, the student should also versity hospital, by (lalens, and at 'receive training and broadening from I that time will speak informally. contact with older men of the faculty Subscription Price Of 'Ensian Remains At O)r1 ci naF lIure S w . I NK UNIVERSITY JOURNALISM DEPA RTMENT AMONG FIRST SE VEN IN COUN T RY IN SIZE AND STANDARDSt 4 ti I 3 I { i Pronounced Success .That the University of Michigan's, Contrary to a common misunderstand- Deparment orJournalism, in enroll- (aCmpaign leaders of the 1927 Com- mng prevalent among many students,'i mont and standavds, ranks amtiong the' inmiity 1 una drive, pronounced the subscriptions for the 1927 Michigan- seven leading soois and departmentsj 1amupaign a success yesterday, realiz- ensian will be received by the business of its kind in the country, is revealed ug not only the quota of $52,800, but staff of the yearbook, at the rate of in a booklet re('ient ly coipilted by the excetding this amount by $1,200. Al- $3.50 until December 15, and at S± American Association of Schools and though tile drive exceeded the allotted thereafter until February. Apphca- Departnents of Journalism. Enroll- time, the results were gratifying to tions may be filed at the 'Ensian of- Imnet here shows a substantial in-I those who devoted most time to the fe in the Press building any afte crease over that of last year, the total funit. noon. being more than ;00 students as com- -_Campus organization which desire armi mrthan0 stdent. nspace in the organizatio's section of I pared with 250 last year. 1,11XT('1r0 (TmV -ThjA~. f atwo unireblc -..,.-1- Y -i arn~omnrI Of the 50 uivery'1sities '11h colleg es State university, University of Oregon,1 University of Wisconsin, University of 1 Missouri, and the University of Mich- igan. The University perhaps has I more students enrolled in the profes- sional courses alone than any other. school in the country, owing to the fact that enrollment figures of other colleges in the leading group include those enrolled in the printing and mechanical courses - given at those schools, as well, according to Prof. gives them a full four years trainig in journalism. Equipment in the University depart- ment on the, third floor of the old Medical building is being continually improved. This year a typewriter laboratory room has been provided by means of a nominal laboratory fee paid by the students, while chairs and 3 tables have been added to the edi- torial room. Leading dailies are kept on file in the reading room for use by the students. Professor Brumm r a k and with fellow students. Theoretically, he said, the dean ought to know personally every under- FISITII T)RA WS API'OIl1l'IE NT ra , \ Ai d3''A. i s V V ft 1 &~11V'it T 1I n t~