, ; v THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'I T I r};1 , T)L'( 1?11 ill's'. i X 11', ,.., ._ ..w rt.ry SUDELA DREPORTS PR~OPOSALS ( sary to sue over again upon a judg- CONSI E~?E BY B R SS CIA lON ment renMdereCd in a sister state," ex- ITIJLE TALKS ADOUVT SUNDERLN DR DBA S O I I NPoesrSneln."hr BELIFS F T LST Y IProposas for a federal statute regu-' power to the judge to call expiertssoil able decrees can be enforced at all laig h gvngo eprtte loubeafof tecut n ohv h naohrstate." and another which wouIl pertainl to'fe of such experts affixedl by the______________ President Says "The 3feaning. Of Life"Ithe honorinzg of the decisions of the court and paid by the state." Is Best Known ByIndividual's i IAnother matter given consideration !dtdtA u n ek Relationship To Hiumanit Icorsoon la ilteusofy 'at the meeting, was a p~roposed statute _____I anlother, wetire conlsidere'd at the mnet- . sby which judgment or decrees ronl-i MADISON, Wis.-Editors of the OPPORTUNITY IS TEST Ing of. the A mericran Bar Association byacutioesaemybenvriyofWcninDlyCd- _____coznni:.tccoon ?u='isiiru dence and. law cec ya or noesaepa eUiest fZicni al ari relorm lheld last week in NewYork1, ;registeredl in a cornrespondinzg court tzea have inaugurted a weeklyr to be "Self nhe re anityloateI accordling to Prof. E. R.. Sunderlandi in any other state and enforced inl ex-' out to aun both necessaryinteraztol of the L fth ,aw schifol, a miember of tle actly the same way as though original- sn usrbrcry fuller meaning of life," declared Tres-!cmmttee. ly rendered in the latter court. "Un-! ing reports of the most striking and1 ident Clarence Cook Little, in an ad: "The commzittee already Iwod under der the present, practice it is neces- interesting events of the week. dress yesterday in Angell hall 01, consideratiozn. a lproposed federal Tolstoy's book,."The Meaning of Life." statlite regulalting the giving of ex- !I The key to this understanding, h4e pert testimvony," ,paid. Professor Sun-1 stated, lies somewhere in the relation (lderlandl. "'I he purpose of the statute of the self, or individual, to humanity, is to avoide th'e indiscriminate and or the surroundings. scaniaiou9 USCe(of the higher testi- He pointed out that the self heas for mony of expert witnesses. The com- r its. 'ackground a product of inhler-I niittec's pz oposal involves giving the; stance, and humanity's- backgroundelis socialb inheritance. The individual ; T T EDETROI TNTH TRESj moay beinfluenced by external fac-_____________ tors, but if the surrounding is re--~ th moved, he, will revert back to lhis I5 ,TH A Fo rmerlythe"Palace of weeds" ,original ancestral self. The basis of Lafayctte t Wayne zruCIread. 1100I humanity is, on the other hand, less i The Vagabond Ki g subject to change, as may be seen byaE'edo literature, which is the means of ex- 9F l EEI((" pression of the social aspect. ihs 't ISt a. 5 t ~.lk ' braad'ks The relationashipbetween these two'___ights,__$i __to_$3__sat.___eatDoyo5come-mc$e.pie forces is most fittingly expressed byI opportunity, which is, if properlyI BONSTELLE Nights - 75c to $i.So I o r'ormasan5uce treaed, he eanig oflif in ts fll LAYHUSE ats. Tues:, Thurs. Sat., treted th menig o lie i it fll PLYHOSE50c and 75c.I ,interpretation, stated President Little, -m. ,T~li\ kT.db T.F1LT mA VQ I Delay License Sale CURTISHOOED . .. Contrary to pr evious aninounce- Prof Francis A. Curtis, of the meats, automobile license lahtes tor :school of Education, was elected 1927. will not be placed on sale at thle ' chcirmxan of the general science sec-., Washtenaw brginch of the stllte deg- Lion of the Central Association of Sei- p~artmuent in the Chanmber of Com- in erce building, until Jan. 1. ( IU,0 dfl, ,Aiatenahicacentlya OSLO.-Lincoln Ellsworti ar en1C'l er Professor Curtis hasy decorated by King llaakon. ldohe in this section. I .. r _.._-_ ("Idile~ov W~arner ros. D 'ON JUfAN ~I~ ifee 50~c to ~t s _._ i II 6 A BIG DREDUCTION ON . p* 11 I 1.l 'jjj liV1V1~LILL L1.Xs.i in Frances Hlodgson Burnett's Unusual 'A Dawn of a Play. Tomorrow I Fountain Service We deliver from 7 P. M. to 1 1 P. M. G ;ARRICK "IN THIS ROOM" With Louis Wollielni L'rlces;, Nig hts 54)e.$2.W( l W ed., Stat. Drat. 50c.$1.40Q r 1204 South University Ave. Plione 8191 f#fl111111H l11D111E I Itistil~ lilli!lltlt ~ iitiI0111s As a topper for the Sopf Prom -have breakfast here. Served from 2 till 3.- a..w- f«1111[j1111t11lltEL111 11flt'IIIEII 111111111ll-llililttli BE I EU F J~' m I FMM Served in the finest way, in the pleasant- est of surroundings, gives the reason for the popularity with Michigan students of r'/ iYp s ilaInftitNorm XmIas MUs1(01; -,. 200 Mixed Voices 150 Children's Voices. Frederick Alexander, Conductor'I M1a Old Noels in Latin, French, Russian, English. ' ~English-. Madrigals, French and Irish Folk Tunes. Auditorium, Ypsilanti, Thursday, Dec. 9, 8 P. MV. E . Tickets 50 cents at doors. iii f 1 1111111111111111IIII1I1111111111111111111111 [lititlltliilltitllt II I lillili li ti t il lli t@111 SLet ,Us SuggestI A Kuppenlieimer or Jielmont Suit a or Overcoat for Your Own Presentj Hart, Schaffner & Marx $50 and $55 Overcoats. Excep- tional values in fine tailoring and fabrics, $Q5 reduced to only..................... A big group of Overcoats originally priced up to $45, Hart, Schaffner & Marx models 50 slashed to the low figure of............... $33 -- Our regular line of Suits in the latest of modes and in the finest of tailoring by Hart, Schaffner & Marx at $33.50 to $45.00 FOR HIS CHRISTMAS Ties, Gloves, Mufflers, Shirts, Hose, Pajamas. A varied and exceptional selection of all. 118 EAST WASHINGTON I I r P __-... -a-- I Subscribe for,The Michigan Daily. _ TO SERVE YOU. ANN ARBOR OLDEST NATIONAL BANK IN MICHIGAN C ( i I A HAT--Nothing one s appearance as Snap and slightly brims designed for the man. $5, $6, $7.50. GOLF HOSE. make a very useful gift. Used summer and winter. All shacks and patterns. $1.00 to $4.50. add; to a hat. -rolled young A TUX VEST, shirt and muffler are things greatly ap- preciated when added to one's wardrobe. Prices that will satisfy. 4 now. I ~Advance Orders for Christmas delivery ?-' rt I I ! .-. 1