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December 09, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-09

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PRI AC 10 O LEN Editor's Note: The following is the first thr of pple present, te E N TONIIT
of a series of interviews with Coach Field -h
k }ll ii f~i~ing 1. Yost, director of interecllegiate ath- price of admission, or the total
letics, dealing wtih the present problems in amount of gate receipts makes no
connection with the administration .of in- ni al difre c<t he . "T
tercollegiate sports, in which he will deal fal difference to them. "TheY i i iSt
tud receiei iom te gaes i


vith the relation of athletics to the indi-
vidual stiudent, the problems of the new std-
jium, cvoiercialism, intramonrals etc. The
second~ will appear in The Dailyv tomrrow.

1)OIIENY 011 CONSPIRAVY "Commercialism in college ath-
letics," declared Fielding I. Yost, di-
QUESTIONEDBY ROBERTS rector of intercollegiate athletics,
* OND BYROBETS ;yesterd'ay, "is the loose thinking and I
talking that has arisen largely from
Former .,Cibinet Officer Told Jury He the fact that the Department of Inter-
Had Responsiblility For Navy's collegiate Athletics has the Ability to
19-2 Leasthg Program pay its own way."
In expla ration of this statement,
(By Associated Press) Coach Yost said that the athletic de-
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. - Edwin partment, as established by the Board1
Denby, who was secretary of the navy of Regents and as conducted by the
until he was swept from the cabinet Board in Control of Athletics, is as
by the oil revelations of 1924, emerged much a part of the University organi-
froni his retirement today to again I zation as is any other department.
defend his official record under the There is ,however, one difference be-f
fire of a merciless prosecutor. tween the Department of Intercol-
On the stand as a defense witness 1 legiate Athletics and other depart-
in the Fall-Doheny oil conspiracy ments of the. University. "This de-
trial here, the former cabinet officer partment is entirely self-supporting,
and further than this, it has earned all
told the jury he accepted full respon- Ithe money that has been spent in the
si for the navy's part in the 1922 past for buildings, grounds and equip-
lcsing program, and personally ap- ment that have been contributed to,
rd thleases and c tracsrgiven its expansion," asserted Coach Yost.
EC ward L. Doheny's corporation, 'It must be definitely understood,"

funds received from the games in
w hch theyparticipa teare under the
final control of the Board of Regents,
the same board that administers the
funds received in the form of appro-
priations from the state, student fees,
and endowments. No dividends from
earnings are paid to anyone, nor does
anyone's salary depend on the amount
of gate receipts," Coach Yost asserted.
In concluding this initial interview,
the coach declared that "there can be
no wrong merely in earning one's way
provided it is done honestly and for
1 this the department should be praised
and not blamed."





whil' Albert B. Fall was secretary of
the interior.
Then, under a pummeling attack by
Proscutor Owen J. Roberts, he stuck
to his story in the face of several ex-
cerpts from the Senate record, re-j
vealig answers differing in important
details fr om those given in his direct
examinati on today.I
Has Refreshed Memory
le e xilained he had been afforded
no coortunity to review official rec-
grt before his Senate testimony in
t1 t 1 n; , 1-.-t hn - d frehed hisI

he continued, "that Varsity players
receive no financial compensation
whatsoever, either directly or in-
directly, for their participation." In
furthering that point, Coach Yost de-
clared that athletes then are amateurs
in the strictest sense of the word, for
I nirrn. ly i AS

After Session Lasting Few M?4inmtes;
Senate Adjournes I Respect!
For late Senator McKinley
(By Associated Press)I
WASHINGTON\ Dec. 8.-With for-
nmal preliminaries of the new session
out of the way, congressional leaders
signaled today for a clear track, in
the hope of getting through an assort-
ment of legislative proposals bofore
final adjourhment early in March.
Although the Senate was in session
only a few minutes, adjourning out of


'")Z OI DUL nauW.L ear '"" I.) Ii I U LIIu U respect to Senator McKinley o lii-
memory o many points since. that lnois, who died Tuesday, the HouseI
t xn2. !,got downl to busines in earnest.
Nl. IDeny said he personally sug- eTllhy Is Chosen Literary resident, TherePresident Coolidge's message
Ato President Harding, early in Brown Will Lead Engineers, With transmitting the budget was read by
fi ; , a{ the naval reserve be trans- Douglas As Dental Head the clerk; the Democratic $335,000,-
ferred to the jurisdiction of the in- 000 tax reduction bill was shot into
ri:jor, of which Fall was THREE CLASSES ELECT the hopper by Representative Garner
thn sri reatry t osof Texas, and consideration was begun
h ;c;saidte leasing policy had been lo h is upybl-amni
detmilithe u,,on by himself, after he George T.illey was elected president of the first supply bill- a mammoth
bad u uon by hisuorinates of the freshmanliterary class yester- nreasure carrying nearly $1,000,000,-
couned by subordinates ybyamjoys4 ts 000 for the treasury and postoflice de-1
that urinae of the public domain1 day by a majority of 40O votes oveirtnts
WalterCrego. Tilley polled 152 bal- partments.
ro gh nearby private -wells made Wteh compared to 112 for Crego. e budget bureau recomniended
eth aution urtwnt, and that his sug- lots,total appropriations for the coming
tresI n had tomi to him from naval There were seven candidates for the fiscal year of $4,014,571.124 or $16,-
ci, rather than from the interior office, five of which were eliminated 543,728 more than has be:i1n provided
543,728noreethanhasrye baprovi.e
d'p -meit or oil company officials. 1 on the primary ballot. for this year.
Refer, To Dioheny Helen Rudolphi was chosen vice- In expresing opposition to any im-
Dey told the jury he had never president over Virginia Schurze by a mediate slash in tax rates, the Presi-
seen Edward L. Dloheny until the Elk large majority. Miss Rudolphire- dent, in his message of transmittal,
I Lilli- le:a;- was signed Dec. 11, 1922, ceived a total of 191 votes, against 86 renewed his suggestion that another l
anid that he t-ouid not recall Doheny's Ifor her opponent. year's test should he giv-en the pres-
name having been mentioned in de- Farrington Tweedy won the office ent revenue law and the extent of.
par',mental conferences until he was of class treasurer, defeating Marsden present prosperity sounded before
called upon to approve the award, in Hubbard by 56 votes. Tweedy polled permanent levies are altered.
Aui' 1922, of the Perl Harbor, Ha- 163, as compared to 107 for Hubbard. Today's session of the House lasted
waii oil storage contract to Doheny's Rachel Robbins was elected secre-' uitil mid-afternoon, when adjourn-f
Pa--American Petroleum and Trans- tary, in a close race, over A. H. Blome. ment was taken, out of respect to the
port company. Miss Robbins received 135 votes, late Senator McKinley who for years
I n cross-examination, Roberts against 127 for Miss Blome. served as a representative. A com-
broght the witness around to the I Philip Brown was elected president mittee was named to attend the
tr ±untoy last week of Rear Admiral of the freshman engineering class by lfuneral.
1. K. Robinson, retired, that Denby the narrow margin of ten votes over
bad anihorized him in December, 1921, John Widman yesterday. Brown polledI GIEE ( T
;ait Doleny with certain "con- 110 votes, as compared to 100 for ' !
f1 mieal matters" contained in an offi- Widman. Eight candidates were VISIT JACKSON
e report from Rear Admiral nominated for the office.I
(c ies, retired commandant of the In the vice-presidential race, PhilipI
Dn hwvsquadron. sCochran defeated John Ruston by Members of the Varsity Glee club 1
%c by, however, insisted he could ;nine votes. Cochran received 98 votes, will present a formal concert tomor-
not recall Doheny's name ever having against 89 for his opponent. morrow in the ballroom of the New I
been mentioned to him by anyone George Holbrook was chosen treas- Hayes hotel, at Jackson. This pro-
prior to April, 1922. urer of the class. He received 105 gram will be the first of a series of
is Peak Of Trial votes, against 82 for James Houston. formal concerts to be given by the
Denh's two and a half hour exani- Fred Curtenius was elected secre- glee club annually at Jackson, and isI
a high light in the heaviesti tary by a substantial margin. He the first visit the club has made in
and most dramatic day the trial has polled 109, as compared to 79 for Jackson since their concert there two
p Jowmct since it began nearly three Robert McCoy. years ago.
wksmgo.Deavy siege verbal bom- . Wesley Douglas was elected pres- Fifty-five members of the glee club
bardmeut, between Roberts and Den- ident of the freshman dental class. ( and a dance orchestra will make the
by, :Ifed the fire of a dozen other He received 26 votes, against 11 for trip. This will be the last concert
(eiense witnesses called during the Isadore Steinberg. before Christmas, after which the
<a. Frank Zimmerman was chosen vice- club will prepare for a program to bej
Among the Los Angeles residents president with 25 votes over Stein-I given in Detroit.
who t utifitd to Doheny's general good berg.
remiat i for honesty, integrity and The treasurer's office was won by KINGSLEY, Iowa.-Miss Mary
were a clergyman, three Frank Brunnell. He polled 25, against Franzen, of Kingsley, has set what,
la: er., Cwo assistant district attar- 12 for William Hubert. may be a woman's record by huskinng
neys, a former federal judge, and a u.i ce Forsythe was unanimously 1 more than 1,500 bushels of corn on
a e" 01( partner in a gold prospec- el-ted secretary. her father's farm, in 23 days.
to-i venture in New Mexico almost
halIf a ('entury ago.
President Little, In Interview, Asserts
READYTOMOROThat Opera Is Better Than Last ear's
All those who have received notice 4 "It is a whole lot better than last the highest praise for the musical
that their applications have been ac- year in every way," was the opinion ! numbers of the production.
c'eptedl nay receive their J-Hop tickets expressed by Pres. Clarence Cook Several times during the evening
from 2 to 5 o'clock tomorrow, Monday the President and his party led the
or Tuesday at a desk in the Union Little of the 21st annual Unon opera, applause, giving the company hearty
lobby, it was announced yesterday. "Front Page Stuff," which he wit- j acclaim for its work. The second
The price of each ticket is $10, and nessed last night at the Whitney dance by the mixed chorus in the
only 'ash will be received, the general theater . "The dancing is remark- second act was one of the numbers to
c omittee has ruled. able" he said, "and the leading lady, receive this conmmendation most
ireare 700 tickets ready for dis- William Lewis, is a most exceptional heartily.
tr ibution. Those who do not apply and versatile performer." "On the whole it is the pleasantest
for their tickets by 5 o'clock Tuesday The choruses are well chosen and three hours that I have spent in a long
will automatically forfeit them. drilled, in the opinion of President I time," he concluded.
Little, and in general the whole show l
LONDON.--An English group of the exhibits a great deal of "pep" and ASK LONGER TIME
nional Woman n'swrty of the United life. He commended the acting on the ;___

lhi Appeared Before 5,00 Audiences
In - Years On Stage, And Will
7fake Tliird Local Appearance
Edwin M. Whitney, said by some
critics to be America's roremost
dramatic recitalist, will appear here
tonight in Hill auditorium as the fifth
regularly scheduled number of the an-
nual Oratorical association series. He
will give a reading of Winchell
Smith's play, "The Fortune Hunter."
The speaker is a native American,
being born in New York state, and has
been on the stage about 25 years. In
that time he has appeared before more
than 5,000 apdiences and the appear-
ance here tonight will be his third
in tistcity. Two years ago he gave
"Turn to the Right."
Takes 13 Parts
In the play which he will present
here tonight, Mr. Whitney interprets
the parts of 13 characters. This ist
the largest number of characters rep-r
resented in any of the plays in hist
The speaker is at present director1
of the Whitney Studios of Platformr
Art, which he founded in 1914, and is
actively engaged in several projects
for the furtherance of the art through-
out the country. He still appears reg-
ulamly on the stage himself, being a
comparatvly young man.t
Enlisted In Army .
At the age of 21, shortly after his
graduation from high school, Mr.t
Whitney enlisted in the army for duty
in Cuba during the Spanish-American
war, and at the close of the war had
reached the rank of top-sergeant. He
then,attended the Emerson College ofe
Oratory at Boston, from which hec
graduated in 1902. He immediately
set out upon the stage, with hisc
brothers, as a vocalist and reader, and
has remained in the field ever since.t
Italian Treaty Not
Injurious To Peace
(By Associated Press)
ROME, Dec. 8.--The recently signedI
Italian-Albanian treaty contains not
secret military clauses and in no way
can be considered injurious to peace
in the Balkins, Italian official quarters
stated today.
The treaty, it was asserted, is
merely a pact of friendship and arbi-
tration between Italy and Albania, in-
surig peace, guaranteeing absolute
sovereignty aid territorial integrity
to Albania, and 'concerning and em-
phasizing the principals upheld by the
League of Nations.
Instead of being a means of pene-
tration into Albania, it was described
as a solemn proclamation of Italy's
abstention from internal Albanian af-
fairs. Finally, it was stated, the treaty
was within the Adriatic radius, did not
regard or affect the policy of the Bal-
kans, and that therefore it was absurd
to describe it as injurious to Balkan
Italian newspapers in general at-
tribute the present outburst in south-
ern Europe over the treaty to a re-
sumption of active French influence.
Ferdinand Operated
On For Second Time
(By Associated Press)
BUCHAREST, Dec. 8.-King Ferdi-
nand was again in the hands of the
surgeons today. He wnderwent an-
other minor operation-the first was
on Monday-and a silver tube was
set in place for drainage of the large
About the time the surgeons were
operating on the king, at Coprochini
palace, the palace royal in the center
of the city, was in flames with the
courtyard heaped with great quan-
tities of Louis XIV furniture. When
informed of the destruction of the

palace, Ferdinand remarked fer-
vently: "God's will be done."
It was announced yesterday that
the king would be operated on pro-
bably Thursday, but it was deemed
advisable to proceed with the com-
pletion of Monday's operation, which
consisted of a deep incision and the
removal of extraneous tissues.
! ,bvnf 1 rte" .1AVA1T &1LIART

Whitney To Appear
Edwin M. Whitneyj
Dramatist, who will give a reading
of Winchell Smith's play, "The
( Fortune Hunter," tonight in Hill audi-
Treasurer 'Of Council Submits Report
Pertaining To Collection
Of Class Dues
Two students were appointed by
the Student Council at its meeting last
night to assist Carleton Wells, of the
rhetoric department, in the selection
of 13 students who will compose the
University tour of Europe next sum-
mer as one of the Open Roads, Inc.
Fred Glover, '27, and George Fiske,
'27, were the students named on the
The University student tour will be-
gin June 25, and continue until Sep-
tember 14, five weeks to be spent on
the British Isles and the remainder
of the summer on the Continent. The
total cost for each student will be
The, Council committee and Mr.
Wells will choose the 13 students,
from the applications submitted, who
are deemed to be best representatives
of Michigan's student body. All stu--
dents interested in the tour are re-
quested to get in touch with a member
of the committee for further informa-
Russell Baker, '27E, treasurer of the
Council, submitted the following re-_
port last night pertaining to the col-
lection of class dues:I
"It is the duty of all class treas-
urers to collect dues from members of
their respective classes. Numbered
receipts must be given in payment of
all dues. All funds collected must be
deposited with the University treas-
urer in the name of the respective
"Funds may be extracted from the
University treasurer's office, when
needed, by the filing of a requisition
slip with the University treasurer,
specifying the amount required, if
such slips are first signed by J. A.
Bursley, dean of students.
"Receiptand requisition books may
be procured from Thomas Cavanaugh,
'27L, president of the Council, at the
Dr. Charles H. Mayo, of the Mayo
clinic, will give the first of the annual
Mayo lectures at 4:15 o'clock tomor-
row in Natural Science auditorium.
These lecture programs, two of which
are given yearly, were founded and
endowed by the Mayo brothers two
years ago. Last year the opening
talk was given in connection with the
dedication of the new University hos-

These lectures are designed pri-
marily for the students and faculty
of the Medical school, and are on pro-
fessional subjects. Classes in that
department will be suspended at 4
o'clock in order that the students may
' attend.
The subject on which Dr. Mayo wil
speak has not yet been announced.

Dentistry, the construction of
ihouses out of dirt, the essence of the re-
port of the Thompson commission to
the Philippine Islands, and a contrast
between the English and American
style of debating will comprise the
list of subjects that will be discussed
by University authorities on the fifth
Michigan Night Radio program which
will be broadcast at 8 o'clock tomor-
row from station WWJ, the Detroit
Marcus L. Ward, dean of the College
of Dental Surgery, has chosen for his
talk "The Increasing Obligations of
Dentists and the Changes in Education
to Meet Them.''
He will be followed by Prof. F. N..
Menefee of the mechanical engineer-
ing department, who has been con-
ducting a series of experiments for
Iseveral years in the construction of
houses out of dirt. Professor Mene-
fee, in his talk on "Rammed Earth
Walls," will give the results of his
findings in this field.
The findings of the Thompson com-
mission to the Philippines, which
body was accompanied by Prof. Joseph
R. Hayden of the political science de-
partment, will be given by Professor
The series of four minute talks will
be closed with a contrast of the two
styles of debating that are employed
by the English and American teams
by Prof. Richard D. T. Hollister of
the public speaking department, who
accompanied the University teams to
England last spring.
Miss Eunice Northrup, instructor in
the School of Music, accompanied by
Miss Dona Esselstyn will give several
vocal numbers, and Janette Fraser
Wieder will give selections on the
Frederick R. Parker was chosen
chairman of the committee for the
Sophomore Prom at a-meeting held
recently. He will .,lead the grand
march in puace of Martin Mol, who
has been declared ineligible. Miss
Po'rtia B. Fix, a student in Hillsdale I
college, will be Parker's partner;,
Miss Peggy Green of Ionia, daughter
of the governor-elect, will not lead
the grand march as was previously I
The commit tee decided also that the
party would be held from 9 to 2
o'clock, the grand march starting at
10 o'clock. A ruling was Massed pro-
hibiting the wearing of corsages by
the girls.
J. A. Bursley, dean of students, will
address the combined meeting of thie
advisors' groups of freshmen at 7:15
o'clock today in room 316 in the
Union. Ray Baer, '27, Varsity tackle,
has also been secured to address the
These 12 groups, having 300 mem-
bers, have been meeting separately
during the semester under the leader-
ship of members of the faculty. To-
night's meeting has been arranged
by the Union underclass department.
William V. Jeffries, '27, will preside.
March 1 has been set as the date
I for the appearance of the Kennedy's,
dramatic artists, who were forced to
postpone their recent engagement

e'here due to illness, according to an
- announcement made yesterday by
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister of the public
! speaking department. The play pre-
viously scheduled, "The Salutation,"
- will be given at this time, and the
I regular tickets for the Oratorical as-
4 socation series will be honored.
BERLIN.-Friedrich von Berg has
l resigned as general representative of
the Hohenzollern interests.

"Eskimos have a spiritual and re-
gious life as real or more real than
ur own," according to Dr. Knu
asmussen, Danish explorer, who
poke in Natural Science auditorium
esterday afternbon. "The spiritual
eling of the Eskimo is bound up in
e sense of utter helplessness that is
is in connection with the forces that
overn his life; and the Eskimo phil-
sophers believe that privations and
afferings are the only things that can
pen the mind of man," he said.
In opening his lecture, Dr. Ras-
ussen gave a brief account of the
iaracteristics of the Eskimo, de-
laring that he was like no other
eople, and that line was probably the
rst to find his way here from Asia.
'here are many things that this race
as in common with the American
adian, he said, and there are about
,000 of these people in the part of
1e North that the explorer visited.
Dr. Rasmussen spent three years in
ie North, travelling in that time from
reenland through the northern part
f Canada to Alaska. During this trip
e took every opportunity to learn
> know the people with whom he
ame in contact, many of whom had
ever seen white men, and as a result
i brought back information that has
ever before been compiled on the
Eskimo Always Smiling
In spite of the rigorous life lie leads,
me Eskimo seems to be very happy
nd pines away if transported from
is native environment. Happiness
a a mental state which the people of
e North seem to possess in the face
f the greatest odds. Their lives are
ontinuous rounds of anxiety and toil,
ad still they are always ready to
ance and sing and play and laugh,
tie explorer said.
Their lives are entirely at the mercy
f the seasons, and they are always
i the shadow of dire want. Many
imes a journey of a year or more is
equired to obtain the simplest thing,
uch as a knife or a needle. These
ourneys are made with small dog
eams, the men helping all Xhat they
Old people either die or fall along
he trail or kill themselves in many
f the tribes, for there i-s no place
or them in the hard struggle for ex-
stence. Sometimes female babies
re killed at birth if their. marriage is
ot contracted for, because they too
ire unproductive of economic factors.
cannibalism is not unknown, according
o Dr. Rasmussen," but it is never
>racticed except in case of the most
ire want.
The Eskimo thinks about the spirit-
ial things of life and has many very
nteresting ideas, the speaker said.
;ome of them- are so close to Christ-
anity and other religions asto be 41-
iost astounding. Among the beliefs
eld by some of the tribes are the
ransmutation of the spirit from ani-
mals to men. In fact the theory of
reation, of one of the tribes visited,
resupposes that at one time man. and
the aimals existed side by side on the
earth on even terms.
Stars Are Holfs In ]leaven
A theory which is held in relation
to the heavens is that each star is a
iole in the heavens for the resideice
of a departed spirit of the dead, and
that the moon is the means of coin-
municating back and forth with the
earth. When the moon is invisible,
the theory goes, it is busy transport-
ing the souls back and forth across
the heavens.
The Eskimos have holy men and
prayers just as civilized people, Dr.
Rasmussen continued, and the Eskimo
has his songs and stories just as other
races. The people even in the far-
North play football as a sport; a1-
though most of their time is taken
with the rigorous struggle for exist-
Tells Eskimo Stories
Dr. Rasmussen told two of the
Eskimo stories; one with the title that
"One should not despise little things,"
which was the story of a mosquito,
and the two men who argued about
whether a deer or a fox had the thick-

est fur and the argument became so
heated that they sat down to count the
hairs. They worked for days and
finally starved t6 death. This is typi-
cal of the stories told by these people,
the speaker said.


Philosophers Believe In Sufferings,
Privations To Open Mind Of
Man To Spiritual Life





Explorer Says White Men May Thrive
In North But Immigration Is Illegal

"White men may be able to thrive
in Greenland as Vilhjalmur Stefan-
.sson says, but immigration would be
illegal," according to Dr. Knud Ras-
mussen, Danish explorer, who spoke
here yesterday afternoon. "Cattle
and sheep and livestock can be grown
" in Greenland as everywhere else that
that climate prevails, but the Danish

tion with the outsiders. Denmark has
furnished cattle and supplies to the
natives and they seem to be prosper-
ing, in the opinion of Dr. Rasmussen.
When the natives have adopted
themselves to the new system it is
probable that adventurers will be ad-I
mitted; and it is very likely that they
will find it a desirable place to live.
There is no attempt to limit scientific

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