, TON s THEM WAN:;DIL:Y __ - PAGSr1-N \.*THE PRESS BOX That the Amy-Navy football game , they wojlld ell.yI more promin- held in Chicago last month will not be ('lit place in the public eye. the last seen in the West became apn- iIt was also assured yesterday that parent yesterday when it was an-, this year's; game would not be th6 nounced that Con. Fred I. Britten of last seen in Chicago, when E. J. Kelly, lllinqis, chairman of the naval comn- preient of the south park board, re- mittee, mxoved to have the contestI ceived two letters from West Point held every alternate year in somes and Annapolis in which both expr~ess- large -city, west of the Atlantic sea-! ed desires to return in the near future. board.___ Chief among the cltle4' mention- 4 ear Mr. Sportful Editor: ed for the game In the immediate intemdtoMiig'suer future is D'etroit, who is trying ous Itor ist and chainsis, tere to schedule the 1928 meeting of iosvcoisadcapgsis hr the mle ad th go~t inthe 1 is one respect in which we are nearlyl ore mue n tegot.nth No. always outdone. The great majority Weror noCtiiityosil of students are impressed by the dram- ,eth e er r ntid. Thesshuge iexatic nature of a football crowd, and yet o b ascrtaned.Thehugeex-like the "show" attached thereto. Thisj pense of such an enterprise must be 'waescilyoatheOoSae taken, into consideration, and Detroit, wasmespcal.oa teOi tt attenpnt tm.h+ o game.m UL Lllu' jli Csmm Lillie, 111:1$ HUL u .Staulllill large enough to seat the number of spectators required to meet ther cost. When one considers that it cost the backers of the movement over $300,000" to stage the game in Chicago, it is reallzed Ithat -prices for seats in the Unversity of De- troit stadium would be exh orbit. ant, because of the limited seating capacity, 30,000. The only avail- able place to hold the game would be illtthe new 3I4icligan stadium, and that~ is out of the question., f Congressman Britten has many and specific reasons why the game should ,be played every, other year in the )Vest, chleeof 'which is that countless foreigners ,would :see the :contest, and thereby be impressed with our army and navy. Whether or not this is logical we will tot say, but ift certainly would be 'fbenefit to the people o'f our nation,. Comparati-vely few r~esidents of 'the west coast PaY any attentioni to the service schools at gall, but by the interest aroused Ldue. to the ;annual game f I The height of' the spirit of the daty was reached at the singing of I lie (. . U."alma imtiter" hbe. Itween the halves. To quote -Tim- othy Ilay, it "Was Like 90,000 peo- ple joined in a great church serv- ice." Other schools, Illinois, Wis- consin, T)liehiigam Staite, Amherst,i and1( Chicago, all have notably in- spiring songs. But Michigan's "alma mater" seems strikingly lacking in spirit. It is dif- ficult for any one to sing, and espqci- ally so for a large number of people together. It has very little color-a staid old hymn, with perhaps the aus- terity of religion of 40 years ago. But fa greater feeling of reverence, of, loy- alty, could be expressed by a tune which had more strength. The words are splendid, and not subject to the conventional high school loyalty seen- in many college songs. W4Fhy don't some of~our famous campus musicians fill an obvious Ineed bty providing a new score! for Mtichigan's "1alm~a mater?" -Big Boy. ~i t" '.CLOSES If you air a le "hoe sb ier .. ii 5a 1 n I your wne ad wil be c it d.eq'"'s~~ rgtt clsiyall-nsld u e ap p t aed'nsad t reise or withhold -bjetionidble ° TCASH RATE t t ti ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten cents per reading' line (on the basis of 0 ieaeaewrst ieln)froeo w A n U n u s a l l c t Nine cents per reading line for three or mores C (as classifieds recenve( at the DIaiy office i The 11 ess $uilding o ,Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATOS I I Specal standardized rates given on applica- ~cr LOST =LOST-The man who took the wrong; a corduroy coat from Angel Hal JTuesday rrrrning, call McPherson 4618. 61 -62 - pus. Call 21580. leiward (U-663i =C LOST-Fraerity pin. Call 3260. Re- _Iward. Initial P.L M.'i on blak ofpi:1 I 'LOST-Saturday rnorningi, black onyx I-E ~pin with goldI border. B'in'dr please = call 7779. 61-62-63' pOolic e pup.e Lop ar, poin t edlnose, ° tan color; female; li te girls pet. D Tia 5516; re~ard. T. IB. Lyons, j 515 F.. William= 61-62 2LOST--Lighter between 1100 1-lilt St. and Goldman, Nov. 12. Call - 422. Reward. 61 -L/ / n a o i t r stLSTEgnwatch, engraved hunt-1 I ° A sh lping case, knife and chain attahe. AVho v ng o i t re t Call Webster 207, S.Inll.ewd 12Phone "8450 61-62-63-64 a fo anoeseigt~ nlOSreen.gold wrist watch, nt- an o e s e in " n als .t. D. M. S. on bxack. Call 568h" 2LS-A. K. K. badge. Reward. nua a du ffrp t sot& i Call 1-owlett 817. 59-60-1 CLOST-Man's glove for right hand.. foe New black horse-hide, sheep lined, 0f1 i o m n s size 8 1-2. al 22172. 59-60-61 LOST-OneC large white cameo in1 gold setting, in stadium at Mn- -- nesota game. Finder call 6517. - Substantial reward. 59-60-61-2-63 - FOR SALE 1 7Thinigs not.obtainable every ,place-wi t1l be m-ost z OS ,anI{)gl "-= First cls odto.Your pie appreciated. C oal 2167 8 61-62-63-64-65-66-F,7 1 ~~~~~~~~FOR SALE O EXCHANGE-Nineteromhufaeniyrs- a ority. Block from campus. Di~ing - rooms, parlor,' attic. Address Boxf a- 142. .6421 = FOR SALE-Two main floor tickets - - for Thursday night opera perform- INeckw ear Flasks = ane. Call 3651. 60-61-62. UHosiery Bill Folds WNE = P WANTED-Work during Xmas vaca- =. av o I1g' tion. Simmons. Phone 21677. L)LUdUs - 61-62-64 WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sani ays front $5 to $25 for old 'c =-I sits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 ° I. I d c , F! i2( Ilhty~' !'4le 2:) P r 'cuite;.1 ' I? F bQa4 tn 'crsity c tf. 'SUITS AND OVERCOATS --Very reas- onable lprices~, to lorcd orc ,reacdy- made. We have a wvonderfu1 vairi- ety of patterns. Repairing also a specialty. Beautiful fabrics for your 'wAvnter overcoat. s WILD) THE TAYLOR 109 E. Washington Phone 50611 TYPEWRITING done~ neatly andl Squickly. ThesisMsrps, etc. jCall 7345. 513-60-61 NOT'ICE' Fraternity or Sororiy we have your ideal h feor the fuk- ture located ow Washte naw avnne. T~he house has 16 rooms with recepl- Von room, driawing room and every modern convenlien'e. This place was built for' you and needs 14t01o or no alteratfons r Te rcaozs 80 all large and light and the lot is large. The b irprise is the price. 'lease investigate t onco. Shown by ap- hI ontment ohly. Call F. 13. Ensum- ig Nwith Dana S. McComnb, 25 A A Savings Bank Bldg. Phone 43:12 Evening 3330. 59-60-61-62-63-64 NOTICE.-Student Tailor Shop, 721 N. Univerujity, across f#onm Hill Audi- t orium. Re-openedl undIer new management. Cleaning, pressing; and altering. Ladies' work especi- ally. *Phone 8040. c-tf ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. 'Ru.gs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tf To see best of 50 lines clothing drop hard to 1103 E. Washington.'" Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf LADIES, THEY ARE 1IERE! Real silk Merino Under-hose, light, close- fitting, durable, inconspicuous? Available to wearers of RealsSilk Hosiery; direct from the Indian-. apolis factory, moderately priced. Call or phone Real Silk Hosiery Mills, 209 S. State St. Dial 9592. tf? REA THE WANT ADS 'A:: ~f~ ,, I GIFT SUGGESTION, A very good looking Michigan :pennant or blanket or a piece of our very special MICHIGAN JEWELRY would be excellent. Also[ stationery embossed, with the Michigan seal. Phone 4744- 1111 Southi University Phone 4744 i a M imi s"m O~RUGS KODAKS -i Good to give 'because bound to please. A BROWNIE --An inexpensive, yet exceedingly practical one would be glad to get-that youngster example. Come in and see the Br~ownies gift 'at that any- home, for --take one home in your grip. Box Brownies from 2$ up. Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. Three bependabnle $tores We have served Xc higatn and Tier, Students for 39 years. I j CANI)YSSODA Arx deF.nc FA1THER MIGHT LIKE A COMFORTABLE PAIR OF SLIPPERS FOR HIS ; ,., .v EVENINGS AT HOME. An early show ing o0f clothing * inlighter colors. faw r r Si $530 -r4. ar 'Mr GREENOOD ND KLGOR = Seon 1Io tf NOTICE NOTYICE-Take home a box of Gil'Wrt's Chocolates for Christmas. We will w~irap for mailing. Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. Stafe St. c Wed.-Fri.-Sun. NOTICE-New Victor Orthophone Records for Christmas. We pack for shipment. Schaeberle & Son Music H-ouse. 110 So. Main. c tt. NOTICE-Get your Daybreak and all Maxwell Parsh pictures at Brown's. Bookstore, 210 S. Main St. c 61 FORD SALES AND SERVICE 1 ( 1925 FORD ROADSTER, 5 good (cord tires. Motor A-1. Top 'good. I 1925 FORD COUPE, 4 new tires, ( bumpers front and rear, up- holstering and top like new. Motor A-i.I I We have a few good cheap Tour- ing and Roadsters. Motors in good shape. 61-63-65 NOTICE-Beautiful gifts from India. Private sale of hand embroidered cashmere silk scarfs, runners, cushion cover prints, carved ivory curios, rouge boxes, and beads. This is purely a student enterprise. Will demonstrate at your house any af- ternoon. Ask for Sodhi or leave I 1 $3 Duys, a rParker D.Q.o The f lashing black Newcomer made by D{ ofold Craftsmen T HE nearest 'thing made to a Parker Duofold Pen is the new D. Q.-meaning Duofold Quality. It is really a $4 value --with *White Gold Girdle, smart fluted grip, and a pocket clip; or an extra large ring to link to your note-book. More than that it has ajewel- smooth point of 14K gold, tipped with polished Iridium. The same Ink-Tight Duo- Sleeve Cap, Press-Button Filler, and sure-fire "Lucky Curve" feed as the Duofold. You can't beat it-you can't 'tie it under $5. All good pen counters carry-this college creation-or can get it double quick. TTE PARKEPRN DTV'TPIffANV