1* 1 ESTABLISHED 1890 4hp AbL all MEMBER ASSOCIATED .PRESS b VOL. XXXVII. No. 61 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS SSE TO TXPEL flU HIS EXPEflIENCES!, IATALfK HERE TODAY!' SENATORMC KINLEY DIES, BRINGING | A FERDINAND WILL TO END MANY MONTHS OF ILLNESS IInL - LIN " HAVE ANOTHERI (By Associated Press) carly p it of September, due to a pneu- j A AR MAT[R OPERATION SOON MARTINSVILLE, Ind., Dec. 7.-Sen. monia comiphcation. The veteran son - ILAHJLJfU IliLI William D. McKinley, of Illinois, died ator, however, overcame this attackBAsaePs at the Homelawn sanitarium here at and during the early days of October (By Associated Press) 4:10 p. m. today. was well enough to take an interest BUHRET Ruaia ec . Death followed an illness of several in the World series baseball contests. King Ferdinand must undergo a see- months. He was brou-ht here the Iat-( Since then his strength has been 1n prtowic h tedn COOLIDGE URGES TAX RELIEF LEGISLATION A-ND ATTENTION TO FARM MARKETING PROBLEM NOTED 1)N11 XLRRWL . ) )ANISl EXPLORER W~iLLter' part of August, suffering from gradually weakening. USE SLIDES NI LECTURE prostatic cancer. He was 70 years Friends of Senator McK ON AlCTl TRIP old. clared that the last sessio Senator McKinley, after recouperat- gress sapped his strength JOURNEYED TO SIBERIA ! ing in some degree after a major oper- j ably as did the strenuous ation performed last spring at Balti- campaign, in which he wa Route Taken From Greenland To more became clritically ill during the by Col. Frank L. Smith of I Alaska Was Same One Taken By j Three Ill-Fated Parties LITRARY COLLEGE ELECTIONS FOR1 SE Following a luncheon given in his honor this noon at the Union by theW geology department, Dr. Knud Ras-SEMESTERED mussen, noted Danish explorer wil give an illustrated lecture at 4:15 to-. day in Natural Science auditorium.; STUDENTS WHO MUST OBTAIN APPROVAL 0 The lecture, which will be supple-; CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE WILL mented with both slides and moving I pictures that he took himself, is based DO SO BEFORE VACATION on the recent three year expedition of Dr. Rasmussen during his 20,000 mile journey across Arctic North Second semester literary college Miss Mohr and other official America by dog sledge. elections, heretofore made during the The plan is in accord On this long journey Dr. Rasmussen second week of the first term exami policy of President Clare lived in close contact with the differ- nation period or the first week of the Ltle for the securing of ent Eskimo tribes, and was able to relationship between the fa gain a deep insight into their customs second semester, will be arranged for student, and putting this re and traditions. To many of the tribes during a two week period immediately on a more personal basis. he was the first white man ever seen, jfollowing the holidays, according to -T ihld was the cause of much awe-strick- t en ~a new plan of the Recorder's officeI en wonder. He was received in a which was made public yesterday 0 EU friendly manner by all the Eskimo whiThnwspmadnpbovi es tadringy. E tribes he studied, only once having to the week immediately preceding the fght for his lie at the hands of a Christmas vacation, December 13 to murderous Eskimo 17, those students whose elections Accompanying him on this expedi- call for the approval of the Classifica- tion were one other white man, an tions committee, and all freshmen and Eskimo, and an Eskimo woman. A sophomores will call at the office of arbuncleeepoldDefen good deal of interest attaches itself to the Recorder and secure an appoint- From urt; usie 1 "Anaraluk," the Eskimo girl, who oc- ment with a number of the committee Stops Proceedings cupied the position of cook, seam- at a certain hour and day. At thatL stress, and dog-driver, along with her time appointed the student will meet WILL RESUME DE cousin, Miteq. the committee member for the making Northwest Passage Used of the second semester schedule. The (By Associated Press The route from Greenland to Alaska I appointments will 'take place within WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.- taken by Dr. Ramussen was that same the two week period following the E one attempted by the ill-fated parties Christmas vacation. With the appoint- iEdwar iL Donry r a of Frobisher, Davis, and Franklin, ment system it is expected delay and inresoiltconsiatra through the Northwest Passage, which waiting will be largely minimized if a resumptioneof the takin after three hundred years of failure, not done away with entirely. ing from is aexpected tomorro ingfro acarbuncle on hs was first navigated by McClure in UIl erlass Men Affected the 70 year old defendant 1850-54. Where many others failed All freshmen and sophomores or better tonight, and his phys to make the trip with well-equipped any student who, because of combinediterhwouad hisbleto 1 dited he would be able to b vessels and large crews, Rasmussen curriculum, special requirements, or in the morning. set off on a mere dog sledge and some irregularities, require the approval of Jsthe oing s 20,000 miles up and down and across the Classifications committee of the Justice Hoeling stopped for three and a half years, until he literary college on their schedules n wgs today when it was f had traversed the entire continent. will make their elections in this way. sDheny was too ill to b He followed the course of rivers from Those upperclassmen who do not have Suspension of the trial untim their deltas in the Arctic ocean back to have the approval of the committee return to the court room to the fishing and hunting grounds will make their elections in the same Tounced. of the Eskimos who knew nothing of manner as those who do, with the ex- The defense will resume sea hunting. ception that they will not have to tionhofhitsesasmowyenfcourt.r In his effort to get an account of make appointments; but make out with the testimony of J. C. all the tribes, he made an extended their own schedules in the Record- president of the Pan-Ae :journey over into East Cape, Siberia, er's office and have them placed on trolee company, which io study the small remnant of Eskimos file. This will take place during the leases on the Elk Hills, in that region. He had no passport two week period following the holi- naval oil reservexina1922. from the Soviet authorities ,and was Idays. rough the examination arrested the minute he set foot on The elections will be made as son, defense counsel hope t Russian soil, taken before the local though the marks secured by the stu- its contention that the Pan rnorsoil, niddt av hdent in all the first term courses were contracts were equitable o country within two days. He managed passing. Any unavoidable changes in vantageous to the governnr even in that short time to get a good the elections can be made after the outline of the material he went to original schedule has been filed under j SENIOR PICTt f -A. During the season he spent on 'the same system as was followed last King William Island, he sent his year. It was stated by University of- TRO BLE LC nearest ficials that the matter of the grades Eskimo boy, Miteq, to the nerest being unavailable at the time of mak- nilonsad four months lasped be- ing the elections would not be a ser- Of the 940 seniors who ha muniion, an fournte d -ions handicap since in previous years had their pictures taken fo Many sonors Bestowed they have not been available at that sian, only 800 can be acco Scientists of so-called "civilized" time anyw Ai Sties by the four official photogra countries have been quick to acclaim Ittesnosdvn previous years 'the elections havenl theimportance of Rasmussensethno- been made during the final week of them. Those who have alr graphical material. On his return the examination period but it was felt heir appointments or thos from the last expedition he was hon- by officials that this interfered with make their appointments be ored by the King of Denmark and the the studying for the finals or else tion can be accommodated. Royal Danish Geographical society; was left undone by the students until Extension of time is impc in 1925 the Royal Geographic society the first week of the second semester, to th fact that the picture of Creat Brtiain met to honor the man to the loss of that week as far a I be sent to the engraver wh:_m they had already given their E start could be gotten in the work-of days after school re-opens Fourder's medal, while he was still the second term. ' photographers will be b on his long voyage. This year the The same plan is in use in several group pictures. Seniorss American Geographical society paid other universities; Minnesota, Chi- Ann Arbor the first part of homage to him. cago and Leland Stanford, stated Miss tion will be able to have Set Up Trading Post Florence Mohr of the Recorder's of- tures taken the first Sa Although he had a university flee yesterday. Its main features Monday, although they must rrliooling in Denmark, he spent 18 1 were adopted for use here by the order slips at the 'Ensian bh yea-s in Arctic Greenland, exploring chairmen of the elections committee, fice before Dec. 15. and building up a foundation of eth-- nological knowledge and theories, be- fore setting out on the fifth Thule;Turkey IsIEndeavoring To Institute f:pe dition. He has made the Eskimos I his people and as one means of fur- Thorough Educational System-L therng their welfare e has establish- ; ed a settlement at Thule in Northern 1 Cpm kvad, as a trading post to supply ;"Turkey is endeavoring to institute so many Turkish men ai tip n's with goods from the south-! a thorough system of education," were in attendance at the: ern settlements. So intimately has J averred Prof. Albert H. Lybyer, in an tions they were encouraged le idntified himself with the life of interview yesterday following his lec- there was some complaint the p(op, e that the Canadian govern- ture upon "The Moslem Outlook in cooperation accorded the g mn sent for him to advise them in ; West Asia." "The main development by the schools in question. their treatment of the Canadian Es- is toward vocational instruction and American schools stilli kmnn. He was also the advisor of the economic training, and is marked by are Robert college, a colleg 'eceet Putnam expedition to Green- the setting up in general of normal men at Constantinople, In lud. schools, agriculture and business college at Smyrna, St. Paul During his stay here Dr. Rasmussen , schools, in addition to general schools. at Tarsus, and a girls' scho will be the guest of Prof. W. H. Hobbs Approved school buildings are being din. "American authoritie of 1 1p geology department, whom he ('constructed and the government has the work well worth while," m again last summer on the return adopted' a plan of financing the edu- Lybyer stated, "for althoug joU IIY of the Morrissey from Uper- cation of students through these vari- are censored for uncomplim ni-v kto the United States ,with the ous schools with the proviso that the erences to Turkey and go- Trous ant Putnam Greenland expedi- student agree to perform a given num- instructors are assigned t -r of vanrQ n .df o t .$-( law I i'eo withon tconsltation. inley de- n of Con- consider- s primary s defeated llinois. j IDAYS F 5I with the nce Cookj a closer I culty and lationship TODAY aunt Away aehl g TREATY THREATENS WAR AND HAS BROUGHT FALL OF JUGOSLAV CABINET IS TRIUMPH FOR ITALY Italy Given Control Of Adriatic From Virtual Protectorate Over Albania, Is Pretest (By Associated Press)I LONDON, Dec. 7.-The conclusion1 of an Italo-Albanian pact which has quickly brought about the fall of the Jugoslav cabinet and seems to threat- en a new embroilment in the pereni-1 annly troubled Balkans, is regarded as essentially a matter for the League of Nations, of which Albania is a mem- ber. It is regarded as an undoubted tri- umph for Italian diplomacy, and for that reason excites apprehension and suspicion, not only in Jugoslavia, but also in France and other countries, for, by giving Italy a virtual protec- torate over Albania, it isolates Jugo- slavia and permits Italy to assume; complete control in the Adriatic. Although the pact is said to be of a reciprocal nature guaranteeing inde- pendence and territorial integrity for Albania, its main purpose, from the Italian viewpoint, is security in the Adriatic and the encirclement of Jugo- slavia by precluding Albania from negotiating security pacts with either Jugoslavia or Greece. It is expected now that Jugoslaviaj may turn to France, Hungary and Po- land, and there is even talk of a com- FENSE plete new grouping, which might even- Itually bring about reconciliation be- tween Jugoslavia and Bulgaria and the physicians announce is necessary to complete that performed yesterday. They express the hope that the king will be strong enough to undergo the operation on Thursday. The royal patient passed a good night, and is reported to be progress-f ing satisfactorily. When the sur- geon, Professor Hartmann, was operating yesterday, with the aid of a local anaesthetic, the king puffed complacently on his accustomed cigar. lHe came through the operation in excellent condition, and has since lost none of his cheerfulness and courage. The appelation "Ferdinand the be- loved" is being popularized among his subjects, hundreds of whom stand in the cold, wind and rain, outside the palace awaiting news of their ruler. LYBYER LECTURES ONV TRANSORMING ISLM! Illinois History Professor Believes Moslem Countries Are Changing The Same As Others GIVES TALK IN SEMINAR "Molsem countries are undergoing much transformation, politically and economically, as are the other parts of the world," declared Prof. Albert H. Lybyer, of the history department' of the University of Illinois, in a lec- ture upon the "Moslem Outlook in West Asia" given in Natural, Science auditorium at 4:15 o'clock yesterday. Islamic lands have a greater and more free field of action in their de- velopment without interference from the west than they have enjoyed for centuries, is the opinion of Professor Lybyer. Turkey has thrown off its fetters of the west and is acting with freedom and Persia is also pursuing an independent way. "Nevertheless, western ideas are growing vigorously there and are being cultivated by all the Moslem governments of the east," Professor Lybyer pointed out, "the greatest being that there is a separa- tion of the church and state, which is an astounding liberality for the Moslem religion which requires that both the spiritual and temporal lead- ers be identical." Contemporary Turkish writers, in stating the attitude of the Moslem world toward the west, say that the west represents "the happiest and strongest life as compared to the lives of Islamic peoples where divine com- mands regulate social, political and economic forms of activity," stated Lybyer, "and the consensus of opinion is that the Asian outlook must be re- jected totally and the western outlook be adopted in totality." Professor Lybyer has had actual ex- periences with the thought of the east, having been professor of mathematics at Robert college in Constantinople for many years, and was selected by the School of Religion to make this lecture as a part of the seminar upon "The Moral Issues in Modern Life." Moore Gives Talk On Phi Beta Kappa -Illness of halt today1 here, butj g of testi- i. Suffer- s left arm, felt much icians pre- be in court proceed- ound that e present. il he could 1 was an- presenta-; econvenes, Anderson, I rican Pe- received California, of Ander- o establish -American r even ad- rent. JRE' )OMSj ve not yet r the 'En- mnmodated phers even y between 1 "ady made e who canl fore vaca-1 ossible due I PG have to! creation of the scheme suggested by M. Briand, the French foreign minister,j at the last League of Nations for a reapproachment between Jugoslavia, Bulgaria and Hungary. (By Associated Press) PARIS, Dec. 7.-Trouble is brewing over Italy's new treaty with Albania. Jugoslavia is aflame with anger; her foreign minister, Dr. Ninchitch, re- signed last night as a protest, and the whole cabinet followed his lead, to attract the world's attention to what he has rescribed as the "new and grave situation," and what is gener- ally regarded as a serious danger to central European peace. Even the League of Nations is greatly disturbed over these events, advices from Geneva state, for Dr. Ninchitch was president of the last assembly of the league and complica- tions of a widespread nature are feared. OPERA ORDERS ARE NOW OPEN Ticket A ppications~ For Performances In Western Cities Can Be Obtained At Union jApplications, for olit-of-towni per- 'formances of "Front Page Stuff," the annual Union opera, in Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Saginaw, To- ledo, and Lansing, may be obtained again today at the business offices of the Union, according to Paul Buckley,, Opera treasurer. Applications for tickets to- the remaining cities on the I 1 FRESHMEN TO ELECT TODAY I Due to an error, the freshman I literary and engineering class j ! elections were announced for I ! yesterday. They will be held to- I day, as follows: Freshman literary class at 4 ! o'clock, Hill auditorium. j Freshman engineering class, at 11 o'clock room 348, en- gineering building. W. Don Bill, '30A, was elected o ! president of the Freshman Archi- tectural class yesterday. T. J.s Laurer, '30A, was elected vice- president, Harriet 'H. Lawlor, j '30A, secretary, and Robert G.t Hartwick, '30A, treasurer. SHELL SHOCK TERMEDII BUOBEAR BYPATICKr Specialist Claims Malad Was 1erely Unconscious Ieans Of Escape (i From War Terrorsc LECTURES ON NEUROSISt "Shell shock, the over-worked bug-~ bear of the late war, was nothing morer than a subconscious means of escape £ from an intolerable situation," said Dr. Hugh T. Patrick of Chicago in his' lecture last night in Natural Science auditorium. "The ailment was at times ascribed to those who had never been at the front, and was but one of the nervous reactions resulting from t a combination of circumstances." t Dr. Patrick, speaking on the topic,c "The Nature and the Rational Treat-t ment of Psychoneuroses," explained that another from of this ailment ap-~ peared in the post-war tendency of soldiers not adopting themselves to the changes at home upon their re- turn. He said that there were three ways of meeting this situation, name-~ ly, to endure it, to revolt completely, or to become the victim of ill health or weak mind. Those who do revolt, he stated, are branded by society ast criminal, while those who endure thea (strain are said to be normal. This arbitrary restraint becomes more com- plicated with increasing age, and con-! stitutes the neurosis. "Men are born liars, thieves, and polygamists," said the speaker, "and from birth their life is a struggle be- tween instinct and duty. Fear is one common expression of failure to bear up. The case of a patient, nervous and in ill health, may often be con- nected with some earlier incident, and when this is recalled to him a cure is effected. Behavior rections find their outlet in drunkenness, praying, pros- tration and crime. Scientific treat- ment is often-the most simple remedy.! Tons of medicine are prescribed to cure purely what are purely behavior- itcailments." Dr. Patrick was entertained at din- ner at the Union before his lecture by Alpha Omego Alpha, honorary medical fraternity, under whose auspices he was speaking. DEBATERS HOLD GROUP MEETING Holding their annual joint meeting preceding the Christmas holidays, mree than 100 members of Alpha Nu, Adelphi, Athena and Portia literary and public speaking societies met 'in the clubs' rooms on the fourth floor of Angell hall last night. The Line brothers, nfeld Line, '28, and Francis Line, '28, gave an il- lustrated talk containing an account of their trip around the world, which they made last year. After the talk the members of the club adjourned to the Alpha Nu room, where a dance was held. wa . Little Will Speak On Tolstoy Today President Clarence Cook Little will be the speaker at a lecture to be given at 4:15 o'clock today in room 231 Angell hall. He will lecture on the various phases of Tolstoy's book, "The Meaning of Life," discussing thej I ideas contained in it, and their sig- nificance to society. President Little's address will be given under the auspices of the Tol- PRESIDENT SUBMITS LONG LIST OF RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANNUAL MESSAGE ECONOMY IS PLEDGED Transfer of Ph~Ilipnes From Military To Civil Branch of Government Advised By Exeentive (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-Conceding that there should be no great amount of new legislation during the present session, President Coolidge laid be- fore Congress today a long list of recommendations in which temporary tax relief and attention to the farm marketing problem stood out promi- nently. To the House and Senate was left the task of fitting the recommenda- tions to the necessities of the limited time at the disposal of th'e law-makers before the 69th Congress goes out of existence on March 4, next.' Inas- much as Mr. Coolidge touched on al- most every point of pressing national interest, there can besnokquestion that n goig about their task the Republi- can leaders will have at hand the desires of the chief executive. Opposes Permanent Cut While leaving the form of tax relief to be decided by Congress itslf, President Coolidge opposed any per- manent reduction at this time, sug- gesting that "it is possible' to grant some relief by the simple measure of making reduction in the payments which acrue on the 15th of March and June." As to farm relief, he asked a "sound - solution" with the stipulation that it was necessary to "avoid put- ting the government into the business of production or marketing or at- tempting to enact legislation for the purpose of price fixing." The message, in addition to touch- ing taxes and foreign problems listed as desirable coal control legislation; a Great Lakes to- the sea canal; re- clamation development; railroad con- solidation; adequate preparedness; prohibition enforcement legislation; branch banking laws; - radio- control under the department of commerce, re- turn of alien property; anti-lynching laws; development of the Mississippi and Colorado rivers; disposal of the Muscle Shoals problems, and support of the Geneva preliminary conference and other movements for the reduc- tion of armaments. Steps to transfer the Phillipines from the military to the civil branch of the government was one of the President's recomiiienations. Another was that something be done "to end the great inconvenience and expene" caused by the lowering of the Great Lakes. No mention was made of the World Court, the President having an- nounced he would not again submit that question to the Senate. -Reaffirms'Tariff Staid Reaffirmation of ,his stand in favor of the protective tariff, was included, and pledge of economy on behalf of the administration was made. The reading of the message which required an hour and ten minutes was accom- panied by some noise on the floor of the Senate, and at one point Senator Harrison, Democrat, Mississippi, ask- ed that order be restored on the Re- publican side. The communication itself was received with differing emotions on the Republican and Democratic sides but there was some agreement that the two main sugges- tions-foreign relations and tax regu- lations-faced very dubious prospects of enactment. There are prospects of action of some kind on several of the measures touched upon in the message, such as Muscle Shoals, alien property, radio control, and a few others, but none of the leaders expect any substantial accomplishment at this session aside from the passage of the appropria- tion bills. Freshmen Will Meet At Union Tomorrow All freshmen who are members of any of thet12 faculty advisory groups will meet together tomorrow at 7:15 at the Union for the first time. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of men, and Ray Baer, Varsity tackle, will address the students. jThis combined meeting, has beep ar- ranged b the Union underclass de- partment, cooperating with Dean Bursley, wha has charge of the rag- j ular meetings of these 12 faculty ad es nave t I itinerary will be available the latter Speaking on the recent dedication about ten part of the week, and further an- of Phi Beta Kappa's memorial hall at isy withe nouncement will be made soon to that the College of William and Mary at s effect, Buckley stated. Williamsburg, Virginia, Prof. A. staying iI Tickets for the additional Saturday Moore of the engineering school ad- the vaca- night performance of the Opera are dressed a meeting of the local chap- their pic- now on sale at the Whitney theater ter of Tau Beta Pi held last night. turday or box office, and a few seats are still' Phi Beta Kappa was 150 years old, buy their obtainable for other performances the this year, according to Professor usiness of-rest of the week. Moore, being founded at William and __Mary college in 1776. As a part of I the sesquicentennial celebration, No- I! REVIEW OF OPERA vember 27 was set aside for the dedi- cation of the building and representa- A review of "Front Page Stuff," E tives from every Greek letter honor ybyer + as presented at the Whitney I society in the country were invited to theater last night, will be found f attend. As president of Tau Beta Pi, on page four in the Music and 1 Prof. Moore represented his organiza- nd women Drama column. tion. se institu- I In the evening a banquet was held, , although according to the account of Professor as to the The complete itinerary of the Opera Moore, at which Dr. John Finley, ed- overnment company in the various cities, and the itor of the New York Times, was the" dates of presentation in each city is principal speaker. It was Mr. Fin- in Turkey I(as follows: Dec. 17, Chicago; Dec. 'ley's consistent efforts that made the ge for wo- 18, Indianapolis; Dec. 20, Cincinnati; hall possible. John D. Rockefeller ternational I Dec. 21, Cleveland; Dec. 22, Toledo; was also present. 's institute Dec. 23, Saginaw; Dec. 24, Lansing; Phi Beta Kappa now plans to raise ol at Mar- 1 Dec. 25, Grand Rapids; Dec. 27, Wash- among its 50,000 living members, a s consider ington, D. C.; Dec. 28, New York city; million dollar endowment for the re- Professor I Dec. 29, Philadelphia; Dec. 30, Buf- ward of h1igh teaching ability. The ;h the texts falo; Dec. 31, Jan. 1, and 3, Detroit. Memorial hall, which cost $100,000, entary ref-' Among the largest theaters and audi- is already provided for. vernmental toriums at which the opera will play' o the col- are, the Auditorium in Chicago, the I RMGIFTS ARE READY still about I Metrnnolitan Onra House in New RE R