': TrUESDAY, DElCEMIBER 7, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- 1 ..' 5JIII~ii ii 11111IIIJIII III IIttfI I I III, i111111111 11II Iii III, i lluuiulllmlflnil 1 IJ .uu..,uim up uais.,r.iu .u..u,.i- 7 l 1 y a r 1 Grant land Rice, sports writer for lowing commr.ent: "There has been no10o Collier's magazine, and recognized as season in many years where so manyj® 0® the "official," critic of all-American !teams had so much strength at either- teams, gave Michigan two places on endl of the flank. End pairs who were_ his mythical football team, which was notably good included Oosterbaan and published in the current issu~e. Benny ,Flora *of Michigan, Brodla and Towle- Friedmnan, captain and quarterback of of Brown, Vo edisch and Maxwell of- the '2t6 Varsity football team and Benny! Notre Dame, Lloyd and Hardwick of w Oosterbaan, star end, were honored the Navy, and in addition to these !. 1IIi ] on the all-American team. Oosterbaan ; there were Nason" of Syracuse, Grube=r was chosen by Rice as the outstandingI of Lafayette, Wheeler of Minnesota, end in the, contry last year and ranks Shipkey of Stanford andl many more !-. the Wolverine captain-elect as one' who rate far above the average. 200 Mixed Voices 1 50 Children's Voices of the outstanding ends this year, "Naming the ends has been one of (( giving him a. place at right end.the hardest of all the selections. Yet Feeik lxne,1odco Oosterbaan has wcorked on the legit! rival teams without exception all say FeeikAeadr odco side of the line, but is shifted in favor that Hanson of Syracuse was the j of Hanson4 of Syracuse. best end they had faced and his three- I Gnrisatn Rice s'ays-a rou dmotall year record on the job, coupler with =OdNoesinLtnFech"usin ngih in hs atice: Forallarond ootallhis brilliant 1926 exhibition, gives himOlNosinLtFrchRuiaEgs.- smartness anid football ability it is im- first place. -- possible to find a, better man than "In naming the other end there is#= English Madrigals, French and Irish Folk Tunes.° Benny Friedman of Michigan. Fried- alotntig tocosjmn man had his hardest test in the NavyI- game, where'he was repeatedly joltedl' Oosterbaan and Flora of Michigan,= to the ground by charging Navy for- . McGrath of Georgetown, Thayer of Auditorium, Ypsilanti, Thursday, Dec. 9, a, P. MV.s wards:. Yiet in spite of all this punish- Pennsylvania, Broad of Brown and wnent Friedman continued to pass as Grube of Lafayette. Yet from this- Tickets 50 ceps at doors. accurately as ever to ends and backs group Oosterbaan of Michigan, a who .were nearly always covered, and really great end, was given a better it was Friednman 'who kept the Navy chance to shine offensivelvy, eecialy1gil111111Ii111IIifilI1111111111[11111111111111 il11r~ TTHIS CLOSESL AaPA ADVERTISIN-G IAT3PA .: , jIf you are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie FOR SALE the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your want ad will be charged.________________________ The MAichigan Daily reserves the right to1. S, , classify all wants ads undler appropriate head- f l°S=LP'- uxedo and full _drtess ings and to revise or 'withhold -bjectionaibe suit.. Excellent condition. Call 8152. copy. 58-59-60 Ten cents per reading line '(on the lYa'i- of five a,,erage words to the line) for onle or two' insertions. Nine cents per reading line for three or more insertions. Casr. classifieds received at the Daily office in The Press Building on Maynard Street. CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applic-- tion. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Rent a piano or Victrola. Special rates for remainder of schoolj year. University Music House. G0-62-64.+ FOR RENT-A_ len andh two study rooms, suitable for three or four boys. Near campus. Dial 3224. 59-601 FOR RENT-Suite; very -comfortable and light. Cheap. 612 Hill St.. Phone 6637. 58-59-60 TYPE WRITERIS YOU CAN RENT typewriters "rt a very reasonable rate from Rider'sl Pen Shop and it will he a good -working machine. sun-tues-thurs-tfi FOUNTiAIN PNINK 0;1 wvill get bet ter. ink for vonur ffoun1-, I ak tin pen la1 der's Pen Shop. Ovev 1 -10,yc ars ink c xperiencu is worth m'Yoney' to Ty '31. We sell goverun.i r:''£o "Iiil onlyv. Fil t ies-thui s-I I WANpi-ED-Tuxedo, size 34, rearon- ably priced, an(P must be iii good condition. Phone 736622. 60 WANTED-Mother or wife or student who is used to housework. Large steam-heated room with running water. Room for two people. Must know how to keep house anld cook, well andi economically and be good d isposition. *Write full parti-culars.- B~ox 14.1, ?Michigan Daily. 60 WATI--tdtswho like good hot 11ARB CELIES to know we de-1 }liver between 9:30 and 11:30 P. .. kBAR IBECU E 1\N-, Dial 4481 c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. d ,deep in its own territoryn through in the handling of passes, where he most of the first two periods. Hisf has no superior. He had a hard after- play throughout the remainder of the noon against Illinois, and the Navy season was one of the year's big fea-, checeped him by putting two upon his tures. In addition to his generalshipE trail, but he again came back to great passing and kicking he has been a I heights in his other contests. It was good-man- carrying the ball and a fine all the more to his credit that he did 'defensive back." so wvell after Peing 'so carefully, In selecting the two best ends inI watched and covered, frequently byv the country, Mr. Rice makes the fol- two of the enemy's best." intelligence Test .. instructor - "Life Insurance? " The Class (oc one mant, -without hesitwio)- "John Hancock" Instructor (beaming with joy)- "Class dismissed. Your I. 9. is 130" LI FE I ft RANCE COMPANY OFATN. MASSACHUSETTiS $ CORNWELL CO-%AL COKE Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke I1 This business has been growing ever since it was established. The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too. let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE,,CORNWELL BLOCK Phone, Office : 4151-4552 Yard Office : 5152 0 This We1 L YU LOST ' A NTED ST[UD)ENTS to know that I Swn. pays from $4 to $2 i for old l 10 N _____ isns and oi (Ire.oats. f LOST-Elgin watch, engraved hunt- 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 ing case, knife and chain attached. it Call Webster 2075, Ingalls. Reward.'TYER ER6-1111ONS&C BO Let us_ supply you with ribbons and LOST-Green gold wrist watch, ini- ! carb~ons which will outlast tne or als T. D. M. S. on back. Call 5682. dilia~rx kind. We get the nest oh, 59-60-61 tainalile. Rider's Pen Shop. LOST--A. K. K. badge. Reward.su-tethr-t Call :Howlett 801"59-60-61 JOIC LOST-Man's glove for right hand. Newblak hrsehid, seeplindNOT*ICE-Beautiful gifts from India. size 8 1-2. Call 22172. 59-60-61!Piaesl fhn mriee i - - 6 1 0 TWO PAST Lua r S burv and LOST-One large white cameo in gold -setting, in stadium at Min- nesota gam'e. Finder call , 6517. Substantial reward. t ~59-60-61-62-631 FOR SALE cashmere silk scarfs, runners, cushion cover prints, carved ivory curios, rouge boxes, and beads. This is purely a student enterprise. Will demonstrate at your house any af- ternoon. Ask for Sodhi " or leave your message. 411 Hamilton Place. Dial 5839. 60-61-62-63-64-65 4 Adgmilk, Uvercaats The garments are from our r/egular dine, selling from $45 to $55 s f Intelligent 'service "speeds up"'4 the transac- tion so men naturally like to buy Gifts " at Bays." -00f jewelry There are so many. interesting things "at - - . ~ Bays" that only by { a visit to our store can you get any idea of the scope and variety of our stock of Jewelry. /You will find many "worth while" gifts at really moderate ow.. FOR SALE-Two main floor tickets NOTICE-These records will make an for Thursday night opera perform-! ideal Christmas -gift. Personal read- ance. Call 3651. 60-61-62. i ings of Prof. Thos. C. Trueblood, FOR SALE-Good piano, $100,, violin "Hamlet's . Self-=Condemnation" and $50, Victrola and records $15, cop- "Cassius' Instigation of Brutus." per percolator and chaffing dish $S. Shakespeare. Alhnendinder Musicl j Phone 5073. 58-59-60 Store, 205 Maynard. c-60-62. I obligations. I th "ByFin. Fathr, te Brther an ..... cvf al oe et Shirt - Hndkerhief GofHs ougnloe Sietr aams -Sipr '. i:>1 %y"i': Stemeri, i Rug :;:;< c":: = >.i?'' ' .. h% 4 I Uml 0 Alterations at' Cost at DERRL II IF 11 It