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December 07, 1926 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-07

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SI1O~' BE TER ODM~Wolverine swimmers again demon- .
-- istrated that they would not relihquish a
Capt. Chambers, ecCoy, 'Nland, liar. their honors as State A. A. U. cham-
rig And rtin e Ex tel pO by placing well in the last swin ...,....:..
scoiation, held Saturday night at the -
OPEN SEASON SATURDAY orDetroityAthleticcub
Captain Paul Samson of the Varity 'xtm
As the final week of practice be- squad provided the outstanding per--
fore the opening of the basketball formnance of the evening when he . w
season began last night, Coach .M- shattered the state record for the 100- - .
ther's Varsity quintet began to assume yard free style event by a trifle i
a more definite 'form. Four othe than one full second. Samson's I .is" .
drills will be held during the week, time of :55.2 displaces the mark set *.? ,
this afternoon, Wednesday and Thurs- by Darnal last year, :56.1, Darnal - .. .
day nights and Friday afternoon, and finishing second in the race Saturday. ..
play the first game on their schedule competing unattached, placed fir:t and .
Saturday night th Wolverines wil^wo frejhmen atMth University, .'
with Michigan State. second in the junior 50-yard free style- **Y.S;*:**.:....:.;:<^
While Coach Mather announced that I They were Walker and Hosmer, re- - *G, - . :.... . .. < . :f.S....":
th s.": s :.::,.:.. ~ v " ..Y X .. . ..
this is subject to change, the lineup Ispecttvely, of the yearling tank squad, .. . "
at present is Captain Chambers and IWalker being clocked in the good time a ra, : f
McCoy. at guards, Nyland at center, of :25 flat. -.. .
and Harliigan and Martin at forwards. These two events were the only -
Nyland has been handicapped by lack ones in which theWolverines compet- -.f
of practice and has been used in only led, and the 8 points scored in the

Wrestlers To Meet
In Campus Tourney!
1Most of the men interested in wrestI
ling, with the exception of the mem-
hers of the Varsity and freshman
squads, will reach the climax in their
year's work in the annual all-campus
wrestling meet which will be held on
Friday and Saturday of this week at
the Yost Field house sto determine the
campus champions in the several
weight divisions for the coming year.
More than 100 men are expected, to
take part in the competition.
All contestants must weigh in on
Friday, Dec. 10, after 3 p. m. No one
will be permitted to weigh in before
that time and only one weighing in
will be required for the meet. The'
preliminaries will begin on Friday
night at 7 o'clock and the semi-finals
will be held on Saturday morning,
Dec. 11, commencing at 9 o'clock. The,
finals will be run off in the afternoon
of the same day starting at 3 o'clock.
Everyone ,with the exception of let-
ter men, is eligible to enter the meet,
and keen competition is expected.

Coach Stephefi J. Farrell announced
yesterday that all candidates for the
Varsity track team will report this
afternoon at the field house for prac-
Some of the men have been report-
ing once or twice a week to get in
condition, but this does not include the
entire squad by any means. Coach
Farrell intends to gets in W.) -days of
limbering up practice before. 'the
Christmas vacation so that he nay
have an oportunity of looking :over
his material before the grind starts
after the holidays.
This year's track team is especially
1 in need of good weight men as several
vacancies were left by the graduation
of such stars as Hawkins, Doyle aand
Munz. Hawkins was national cham-
pion in the hammer throw and Doyle
and Munz were rated vWith the best in
the discus and shot put.
- Patronize Daily Advertisers.


one scrimmage, but is expected to senior 100-yard free style increase
come through by Saturday night. In the lead of the Michigan tankmen for
the event that Harrigan does not start the unofficial A. A. U. title.
at forward, it is probable that the On Friday night the second and last
Skipper will move him to center with meet to be conducted at the Union
Barley, Babcock or Whittle as possi- I pool will be held here, with an even
ble choices for the vacant > forward more interesting program of events
berth. Any 'one of these three men than was prepared for the last one,
May also displace Martin at the other held on the evening before the Wis-
forward. cousin football game and atten'ded by
Chambers is a sure starter at the I a large throng of spectators.
floor guard and will probably be
teamed with McCoy who has been INTRAM AL NOTES
shifted from center and forward. Mc-
Coy is a sophomore of promise, but
needs a lot of seasoning. Chambers Entries for class basketball must
is- regarded as the most dependable, be recorded In the Intramural office.
man on the squad at taking the ball not later than Friday, Dec. 10. Play
off the backboard, but his work will will begin in this league lmmediatfly
not bd confined to watching his own after the Christmas holidays.
basket as he is one of the best men in'
the Conference on long shots. McCoy Teams for the Independent league]
is a capable understudy but may be mugt also be registered by Friday of
forced to give way to Schroder, Petrie this week. Any five men can form a
or Reason, all of whom have been do- team and enter this division.
ing good work. Schroder's playing
has shown especial improvement in Seventy' fraternities have entered]
the last few days and he will probably teams in the Inter-fraternity league.
break into the lineup at some stage This is approximately the sam6 num-
of the game if not at the start. ber that competed at the first of the
, Another possible change in the line- season last year.
up will place Harrigan at running
guard along with Chambers] putting "Professional football will, never
McCoy on the bench and leaving open have the hold upon the American
one of the forward berths. public that the college game has,"
The team at present is a big team says Bill Roper, Princeton coach.
with Nyland, Harrigan, Martin and
McCoy standing at 6 feet or better The Yale Athletic association has de-
and Chambers at 5 feet 11, but Ma- cided to train its 1928 varsity crew for
ther's main work at present is the the Olympic games at Amsterdam that
development of more speed. 1 year.

mScenes froin Army.-ary Game
When the two service elevens
clashed in Chicago in their traditionalgd
bateo oebr'7 n fte~advantage and succeeded in scoring1btlonNvme,'7oeofheI
finest games in- football history was three times to take the lead 21-14. In
played before a crowd ofmore than the last quarter, however, Navy
110,000 people, (upper photo) a record smashed th frine for consistent gains,
gathering for a grid game. The game and finally worked the ball to the 3-
ended in a 21-21 tie. yard line, where Shapley, star back,
"Light Horse"Harry Wilson; stellar circled his right end for a touchdown,
Army, back, was in a large measure and Hamilton's dropkick tied the
responsible for the comeback which score. -
the Cadets staged after trailing 14-0 Neither team was able to add to
until the middle of the second quarter.
The lower photo shows Wilson (Num-
ber 10) breaking through Navy's de-
fense for a 20-yard run in the second C
quarter for a touchdown. o-duro
Choosing his lineup for the most im-
portant game, Jones sent in seven sub-
stitutes to start the game, and the Wool Sp
Midshipmen openedi their attack, ned $8
scoring a touchdown against the
second string men, and after the regu- Mention T
lars had been put into the game they
were unable to stave off the second fA G ROSS
Navy charge, the Annapolis eleven "
going over for its second touchdown.
After this, the Army team held the

tmits total after that time, although
Army threatened to score twice, once
when Wilson missed a field goal by
inches only, and then again when
Harding intercepted a pass and raced
to the Navy 25-yard line before being
Idowned, but the game 4ended before
Army could make a second attempt
at a field goal after the Army quarter-
back's run.

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