overnneit Wink, Signal Victory 'Wen
Suorenie Court Holds Sinclair
For Anoter Conspiracy
(By Associated rress)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-The com-
monplace little courtroom where Al-
bert B. Fall and Edward L. Doheny j
are on trial for criminal conspiracyl
was wrought today by a rumbling ex-
change between a pugnacious admiral
and a quick spoken and determined
The admiral witness was John K.
Robinson, a storm center of the oil
controversy ever since the Senate
committee discovered three years ago
that hie approved on the part of the
navy of the oil leasing policy of 1922.1
His cross-examner was Owen J.{
Roberts, who has built a national.a
reputation for himself as a member ofo
the government special oil counsel. -
Many of the verbal depth-bombs'
launched by Roberts in the directionj
of the witness stand' merely served
the purpose of increasing the intensity{
of the broadside that came back in,
The engagement lasted most of th
day, and while it was at its height,
the government special counsel re-1
ceivvrd word of another major victoryI
in another quarter. Upholding th'.
action of the lower court, a Supreme
Court ruling threw out the protest of,
Fall and Harry S. Sinclair against
their indictment for criminal con
spiracy, and ordered them to trial.
Roberts said he would ask for a trial
date immediately 'following the con
elusion of the present hearing, pro-
bably in January. [
In many ways the two cases run
parallel. Fall and Sinclair must face ,
a jury as an outgrowth of the award t
of the Teapot Dome lease to Sinclair
oil interests, just as Fall and Dohen
how are on trial as a result of the Elk
Hills lease to Doheny's Pan-American
company. In the Fall-Doheny casel
the government hinges its hope of con-
viction on the $100,00. In the Fall-1
Sinclair case It will hinge on alleg-'
tion of the passage of a smaller sum c
between the .principals. j
Bocuse of the tne taken up in the1
questioning of Robinson, Secretary'E
Wilbur of the Navy dpartment did1
niot testify today and Frank J. Hogan,t
chief of the defense attorneys, said
he' might not. be called at all. Hogani
originally subpoenaed the secretary
to explain why he had warned Robin-t
son not to disclose "confidential Infor-C
miation" to the jury, but the defense
chief declared he was well satisfiedt
with the admiral's testimony and
inight let the matter rest there.
Whitney Will Give I
Dramatic Reading i1
Here OnThursday l
Edwin M. Whitney, well known plat-
form artist interpreter of plays, willI
appear here Thursday night In Hill1
auditorium as the fifth scheduled num-
herr of the annual Oratorical associa
tion lecture series. He will give a
recital of Winchell Smith's play, "The.
Fortu~ne Hunter."
Mr. Whitney was here two years ago
on the same series, at which time he
gave "Turn to the Right," and wa
extremely well received, according to
officers of the association.
The speaker, who is a native Amer-
ican, having been born in New York
state, has been on the stage for about
25 years. In this time he has appear-
ed before more than 5,000 audiences
in every part of the United States. He
atlpresent is also director of the Whit-
ney Studios of Platform Art.!
At the age of 21, shortly after his
grad uation from high school, Mr.
'Whitney enlisted in the army for duty
in Cuba during the Spanish-American
war, and at the close of the war had
reached the rank of 1st sergeant. He
then attended the Emerson College of
Oratory at Boston, from which he
graduated in 1902. He immediately
,et out upon the stage, as a vocalist
and reader, and has since then gained
a wide reputation in the latter field.
in 1904 the Whitney Studios were
founded by him, for the training of
students in the field, and he himself
has continued actively on the stage
as a reader and interpreter.
MOSCOW.-Soviet aviation authori-
ties have worked out a plan to estab-
Fi ghts Defense In I
Oil Scandal Case
al repuaOtinfo imself as a member1 <5'v..+'
of } the government ; . .,~y i i:;= seia il consel
51MOSLEM: 22 " OUTLOOKii'~v :.
P Oes J.soPartOfsmia
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lainProfsorlber isLyrerdedf by
history deahrtestfthe University
asdabeing Netel ineaudihitorians
ofThe cur, andcqualiope to eal
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piencebithe ho Reine icus.-
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Maginicnt,"is adealsancontrutor
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edsor at H'clock OberlinatnarhiCa-
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body n the campus. Thleiplaystohe
byalniicenGtenbg and wo donramasr
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Thgzies.bi sivte oatn h
perf~orman ce.
Athena literary and debating societies
will hold a joint meeting tonight in
the clubs' rooms on the fourth floor
of Angell£ hall. The members of the
various organizations will first meet
in their own rooms at 7:30 o'clock
and the general program will prob-
ably be given in the Adelphi room,
according to H. LeRoy Selmeier, '27,
who is chairman of the program.
This is the annual joint meeting
which the organizations hold before
the Christmas holidays.
Today's Elections
in mi~iinuman niEA 1111i
Illinois Senator
Is Slowly Dying
WAR DEBTS................
Contenids Debt Question as Awakenedi
Spiritae . of llostility a°and Ha.ale I..
Against America T4YY:nniv
"Germany is suffering from the lack a'.*
o" work ing capital," declared Prof >4
M4elhir Palyi of the Graduate School Is
of Commerce of the University of Ber-
lin, addressing the Economics clube
last night on the subject of "The'3
Problem of European Debts." u
The whole problem of Europeans11
debts revolves around Germany'ssc
economic stability, the speaker went.
on to say, and inter-allied debts tod
America are more than balanced by "
the amount of the reparations asked 1If
of the Germans, so that they are real-
ly paying Anerica v'a the Allies-I
England, France and Italy. Germany
has to pay $600,000,000 a year to thetl
Allies who have but from $200,000,000
to $400,000,000 to pay the United
"The debt question has awakened in Sel. Wil. ID. Mckiley1
Europe a feeling of hostility and B soitdPes
hate against America." This is a(yAscitdPe)
political side of the matter that has MARTINSVILLE, Ind., Dec. 6.-l
not been emphasized in the opinion of Senator William D. McKinley, of Illi-v
Professor Palyi, who further stated nois, was reported by his attending
that sometime America may get into physician to be slowly dying late to- Ir
some international difficulty and seek day at the Homelawn sanitariumt
European support which will not be here. Dr. Robert 11. Egbert said that l
forthcoming. "the end is not far off;" that is wasr
He assured the listeners that he only a question of hours. I
himself had the greatest of friendli- Senator McKinley took a suddenI
ness toward the IUited States, but turn for the worse this morning. He
nevertheless the ill-feling in Europe awoke much weaker than usual and
exists. The big question, he said, is continued to sink throughout the day
economical. Germany has every in- as his heart action showed signs ofl
tention of paying the debt, and is failig.c
fully aware that she has to pay, butr
whether she ill pay all of it is in i
doubt. There is no question, however,t
GhttermAylte ilat ofste ntro LITT[ AKE S PLEA 1
thrat y th tAle willt leasteacter- o
allied debt to the United States so tha[ RP Li
the Dawes payment will eventuall
go to America as the ultimate resu iOR LEAGU UIDN
"There is at present no surplus in ____
Germany," said Professor Palyi. "In- President Speaks To Detroit Businesst
dustry must become more productive."M And Women At Bnqoet
Hle suggested two things that areenAStlrHol
necessary to restore Germany's sta 1talr oe
bility and put her in a condition to
pay with out severe economic conse- CALLS IT A CHALLENGE +
quences to herself. Firstly, he said,
by having more customers and lag By Associated Press)
scale production. This will lower the DETROIT, Dec. 6.-Dr. Clarence1
present high prices which are kept up Cook Little, president of the Univer-1
by great trusts and monopolies that sity of Michigan, appeared before a1
are the result of a high protectiveI gathering of business men and women
tariff. By dong away with the tariff, at te Hotel Statler today to plead
the steel, textile and machinery trusts renewal of interest in the campaigntt
Iwill be destroyed, and free conpeti- poi the proposed Woman's League'
tion brought about. "he tchiqe buildng at Ann Arbor.
of American large scale productio:.i "Support of the league is clearly a
should be introduced," hie declared, challenge to those interested in the
"Secondly," said the German econo- futre of woman's leadership," said
mist, "sufficient working capital must Dr. ittle. "It is an opportunity for
be advanced by foreign creditors, par- investment in education," he said, "a
ticularly the United States, who had prbe nspl.Ihs oe r
in 925loaed 30,00,00. Te olybeing trained in social problems so
way o mae Gemanypay s bythat in 10 years there will go out of,
financing her, and private productive Ann Arbor 8,000 or 10,000 social erv-
debts nmust be transformed into the
unprductve epartios det."ice workers who will have a noticeableI
One of the greatest factors in theefeTin o eo the stsio ofchrt.
reconstruction of Europe is the great unn oeo h icsino
influx of American tourists, in the the woman's problems in securing
speaker's opinion. "The United States financial backing for their project,
1department of commerce estimated Dr. Little said, "The families of Mich-
Ithat more than 350,000 Americans' igan are its future. It should be the
toured Europe in 1925, spending on aim of education to secure for man
an average $1,200, which amounted to and woman reactions which will be
$440,000,000 or more than the yearly found, courageous and constructive.
payment of the inter-Allied debt." "There is at great tendency in stu-
A good policy for America to pur- dents to become materially minded
sue, 'stated the professor, would be which is fostered by the ease with
1non-interferrence with the tourists which they can beat the system.
who come to Europe. Payment of the "WSe must build of things that can-
Idebt will be a combination of the1 not be put in the annual report. We
money derived from the tourist trade1 must e dissatisfied with the tcces
and the productivity of the German Io standing still. The things that will
industries. "Therefore," said Pro- ! last are not the university buildings,
fe~or Palyi, "high tariffs and restric- but the things that will go out in the
tive immigrant laws can be compen- 'states in the hearts of those people
satedh by the tourists, providing te wo have come under our influence."
_____________ I doesj notiIinterfere."1~Z
r47Lit AtIYAII E
Challenge Qualifications Of Member
FrcniM aifne As Congress
Mtarts Business
(By Asscited 'ress)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-With
setting resembling a college home-
coming celebration, Congress launch-
edl into another session today with an
unwieldy program for its brief sched-
tle of about two and one-half month.
Proniptly at noon the gavel fell in
Senate and House, and the legislative
grind was on. Although a bit of the
dramatic accompanied the opening
ceremonies in the Senate when quali-
fication of Arthur R. Gould, of Maine
was challenged as he was waiting to
be sworn in, the rest of the procedure
Nvas gone through perfunctorily in
both houses.
After old friendships were again
united and new ones acquired, a hush
fell over the broad chambers' of the
big white building on the hill as the
clock struck 12. Vice-President
Dawes and Speaker Longworth
brought down their mallets, prayer
was offered and the routine began.
Each house heard a number of for-I
fimal resolutions, seated new mem-
bers to fill vacancies, and within an
hous, adjourned out of respect to the
memory of the late Albert D. Cum-I
mins, of Iowa, and the late Sen. S. N.
Fernald, of Maine.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6.-Congress
had hardly drawn its first breath to-
day before more than 1,000 bills and
resolutions poured in to be added t.o
the 12,000 bequeathed to this session
by the last.
The new measures touched upon
literally every subject of legislative
The first day's output produced a I
joint resolution by Representative1
Gallivan, Democrat, Massachusetts,
that put the question of prohibition
up to Congress in a manner likely to
revive the wet, and dry battle on a
grand scale.
The flood of new bills today was
characteristic only of the House, the
Senate bill clerk receiving only one
measure. It was the Walsh resolu-
tion proposing investigation of allega-
tion that Arthur R Gould, new Re-
publican senator from Maine has
figured in a regular payment of $100,-
000 to a New Brunswick, Canada, of-
SDescribing significant events from
the life of Rostand, French dramatist,
and quoting representative passages
from his dramas, M. Daniel Michenot,
professor of diction at Strasbourg~
France, opened the annual lecture
program of the Cercle Francais, with
his lecture recital on "Rostand Et
Sone Oeuvre" yesterday afternoon in
Natural Science auditorium.
This lecture was one of the many
IProfessor Michenot will present be-
fore students of literary work and
drama of the United States and Cana-
da, as he is making a tour of these
countries for that purpose.
Action on the recommendation of a
committee from the faculty of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science and the
Arts for the arrangement of curricu-
lums for juniors and seniors in that
college was deferred at a meeting o
the faculty of the literary college yes-
terday by referring the matter back tc
the committee for further considera-
A. further committee was authorized
tbe appointed for the purpose of
considering the organization of workd
during the first and second years tha
a student is in residence at the Uni-
kIppleatlons Are Now Available For
Performances Which Will Be
Given In Other Cities
"Front Page Stuff," the 21st annual
Union opera, drew the curtain on its
:pening performance at the Whitney
;heater last night after 15 weeks of
extensive rehearsing. A large audi-
once witnessed the initial perform-
ance, which will be repeated tomorrow
night and the rest of the 'week, in-
cluding a matinee performance Satur-
Because the demand for tickets for
Ann Arbor performances of the opera
has been unusually heavy, an addi-
tional showing of the opera for Satur-
day night, as has been done in the
past, was announced last night.
Photo by Rentschler
IlWillian M. Lewis, Jr., '29
Leading lady of "Front Page Stuff"
who made his debut with the Union
opera at the Whitney theater last
night. Lewis' toe dancing specialty
was one of the features of the pro-
G~overnor-elect's Wife Will Also Come
To Annuat' Party Given By
Sophomore Class
Peggy Green, daughter of Governor-
elect Fred W. Green, of Ionia, will
accompany Martin Mol, '29, in lead-
ing the grand march of the Sophomore1
Prom which will be held Friday even- !
ing, in ,the ball room of the Union
Miss Green was a student last year
at Battle Creek college, and plans to
enter Michigan State college in Jan-'
uary. At present she is with her
parents in Ionia, where Mr. Green has
been mayor for 13 terms.
Arrangements were being made to
have the governor-elect as guest of
honor, but because of a speaking en-
gagement, in Washington, D. C., the
following evening, Mr. Green will not
be able to attend. The invitation ex-
tended to Mrs. Green, however, has
been accepted.
A. J. Paddock, '29E, chairman of the
ticket committee, expressed the belief
that the supply of, tickets would be
exhausted before tomorrow morning
The booth will be open, however, from
2 to 5 o'clock today in the Union.
Five engineering and 10 literary
students compose the Prom committee.
Jack Hapke, 29E, is chairman of the
Dean Whitney 'Tells
Of Installation Of
School Of Educaition
Speaking before the fourth regular
meeting of the Men's Educational clubz
of the University, Dean Allen S. Whit-
ney of the School of Education, last
night outlined the installation of the
department and its growth in the last
few years. He told of the repeated
attempts of the late President Angell
to establish a department of education
and of his final success in 1879 after
bitter opposition froni normal schools
and authorities all over the country.
"At the time of the giving of the
first course,, a two-hour affair, the
only literature available for the pro-
fessor was what he could obtain from
the Encyclopedia Britannica," said
Dean Whitney. "Michigan was the first
university to establish a chair for the
jI exclusive training of teachers, but
t{he last to develop that opportunity.
11't was an immense thing to do, and
tI the criticism of the step was pro-
Inu closing the Dean reviewed. the
'~accomplishments of the last few
years, among which was the junior
and senior high school building. He
Sforecast the completion of this to a
fthree-unit institution, comprising the
ipresent building, an educational build-
ting and an elementary school, saying
- that the latter had been promised for
next year.
1 1*
A review of last night's open- pe f r a c wi l b fo d
(on page four in the Music and
Drama column.I
ill be placed on -sale today at the
VThitney box office,' together with
eats remaining for other perform-
.aces. Seats already secured may not
)e exchanged for. Saturday night's
Students may also apply today for
cket -applications to performances ill
Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati,
iaginaw, Toledo and Lansing. These
vill be available at the business of-
ic of the. Union. Ticket applications
or the remaining cities on the itin-
Crary will be released the latter part
3f this week, Paul Buckley, opera
easurer, announced. Alumni appli-
rations have been mailed to these
ities, and 'as soon as the remaining
Tanks have been sent out, they will
)e available for distribution here.
These applications are mailed directly
;the theater in each city and tickets
ire obtained from the city in which
;hey desire to see the performance.
The entire opera was staged by E.
l~ortimer Shuter under whose di-
rection the annual Mimes production
has grown from a local production to
inationally known organization dur-
ig the past 10 years. "Cotton Stock-
ings," the first opera to invade the
East, and "Tambourine," last year,
have stamped the annual University
presentation as one of the most comn-
plete and pretentious college dramatic
Among others prominent in this
year's musical comedy is William M.
Lewis, '29, leading lady, who, besides
having written several of the musical
numbers and lyrics for the opera, and
assisting in directing the rehearsingr
of all dance routines, gives the first
oes ballet number ever presented in
any opera production. Lewis also is
an accomplished pianist, and has a
numnber of that nature in the show.
Complete 'musical scores of all the
numbers in "Front Page Stuff," with
a. cover like that used on all the pro-
grams, and posters, are now on sale
it Wahr's bookstores, the University
Mdusic store, the Grinnell Music store,
and Schaberlie's Music store.
Over 120,000 illustrated folders
describing the -annual opera have been
sent out ot alumni and have also been
placed- ipr the various cities on the
vacation itinerary. Fifty thousand
window posters have also been dis-
tributed to the same cities for adver-
tising purposes.
Chicago Specialist
On Neurology Will
Speak Here Tonight
Dr. Hugh T. Patrick, of Chicago,
will give the second of the series of
lectures being sponsored by Alpha
Omega Alpha,- honorary medical fra-
ternity, at 8 o'clock tonight in Natural
Science auditorium. Dr. Patrickt has
selected for his topic, "The Nature of'
Rational Treatment of the Psycho-
neuroses." The lectures arc all of a
public nature and are not designed to
be highly technical, according to thosa
in charge The public is invited.
The speaker is a writer and spe-
cialist on neurology and has, been
since 1.896 professor of nervous and
mental diseases at the Chicago Poli-
- Establishinig a new band tradition,
" the Varsity band will present a for-
mal concert Wednesday evening, Dec.
115, in Hill auditorium. rrhis concert,'
the first presented by the band this'
year, is also the first in the history of
the band to be presented before the
Christmas vacation. For several years
the band leaders have extended an
effort to make the Varsity band a con-
cert band as well as a marchiig band,
4 and this concert is the iresult of that
At a meeting of the J-Hop commit-
tee to be held at 4 o'clock today in
room 302 of the Umnion the winner of
the J-Hop decoration contest will be
selected. A variety of designs have
been submitted in the contest. The
!winner will receive a hop ticket and
4 cash prize of $25.
i Psident Clarence Cook Little will
Prepared as a burlesque of yellowI
journalistic publications, the Decem- I
ber issue of Gargoyle will go on sale
this morning. The cover, which an-I
wise devoted to the general makeup !
of sensational newspapers. Rabid
stories of accidents, riots of college i
students, politics, court trials, and