PAGE MOOT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, DE-NIT')ER 5, i q2C) PAGE EIGHT SUNDAY. DECEMBFR ~, 1926 .,,.. , --- T_ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Volume V I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1926 Number 9 - -.- - -- ~ Henry Russell Lectureship: According to the action of the Board of Regents, the duty of selecting the Henry Russell Lecturer for the year is vested in the Council of the Re- search Club. As such appointment is to be made before January 1, 1927, it will be necessary for the selection to be made at the next meeting of the Council, and the undersigned would therefore be glad to receive from members of the faculty nominations for the honor. The rules of the Board of Regents direct that the selection of the lecturer be based upon "particularly distinguished service to the University" especially by con- tribution to knowledge through research. Nominations should be received by December 11th. C. W. Edmunds, President, Research Club. University Lecture: Dr. Knud Rasmussen, distinguished Arctic explorer and anthropologist, will speak on the subject, "Three Years of Eskimo Life in Arctic North America," at 4:10 p. m. Wednesday, December 8, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be illustrated with slides and motion pic tures. The public is cordially invited. F. E. Robbins. Faculty, College of Literature and the Arts: The December meeting of the Literary Faculty will be held Monday afternoon, December g, at 4:10 p. m. in Room 2225, Angell Hall. Special Order: Dean Day's report. John R. Effinger. It is necessary for the Buildings and Grounds Dpartment to make certain changes in the electrical system on the Camus. The following buildings will be affected on Sunday, December 5: General Library, no lights 7:30 to 11:00 a. m.; no power 10:00 a. in. tp 2:00 p. im. Natural. Science Building, no light 7:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. in.; no power for 2 1-2 hours a same time during the above period. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary. Action of the University Committee on Discipline: The University Committee on Discipline reports the following action in the case of Farnum Buckingham, ('28 Lit.) of Flint, Michigan. Pursuant to the recommendation of the Advisory Committee of the Student Council, the Discipline Committee has placed Mr. Buckingham on probation until the end of the college year 1926-27 and has published the report of this action in the Daily Official Bulletin. The offense for which this disciplinary action has been imposed was the withdrawing from the Library, under an assumed name, a book held in reserve for reference use, in violation of the rules of the Library and to avoid the fine imposed therefore. Discipline Committee, H. F. Fordrich, Sec. American Association of University Professors: The annual meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Associa- tion of University Professors will be held Thursday, December 8, at 4:30 p. in. in Room 304, Michigan Union. Very important business to be trans- acted. Charles B. Vibbert, Sec. Freshmen Women: The sixth required Hygiene Lecture will be given on December 6th, at 4:15 in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring Blue books. Margaret Bell. Entering Sophomore and Upperelass Women and old Students who have Hygiene Lectures to Make .Up: The sixth Hygiene lecture will be given on Tuesday, December 7th, at 4:15 in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring blue books. Margaret Bell. French Lecture: The opening lecture of the Cercle Francais program will be given Monday, December 6, at 4:15 o'clock in Natural Science Auditorium. Daniel Michenot, Professor of Diction at 'Strasbourg, France, will give a lecture recital in French on "Rostand et son oeuvre." Tickets for the whole series may be procured from the secretary of the Romance Language Department, Room 104 South Wing. Rene Talamon. bers and friends of our organization are urged to attend. Those unable to come for supper may come later for the meeting. Nur. X. Malik, President. Public Lecture: "Christianity as Creed and Doctrine" is the third of a series of public lectures on "Changing Phases of the Christian Ideal" by Dr. G. G.. Atkins, pastor of the First Congregational Church, Detroit, to be given on Monday, December 6, at 4:15 p. m. in Room C, Law Building. These lectures are under the auspices of the Michigan School of Religion. The public is cor- dially invited. Leroy Waterman. IrellProof Decorations at Parties: In planning parties in non-fireproof buildings at which decoratiouns will be used, attention is called to the fire regulations which require fireproof material. At only a slight additional expense, fireproof decorations can be ob- tained which will comply with the fire regulations in this respect. E. C. Pardon, Supt.; Buildings and Grounds Dept. I Bureau of Appointments-F, G, H and I: All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointments whose names I begin with F, G, H or I are requested to call at the office, Room 102, Tappan Hall, for interviews this week. Office hours for this purpose will be held from 10:30 to 12:00 a. m. and 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., December 7, 8, 9, 10. ,Junior Research Club: The regular meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held on Tues- day, December 7, at 7:30 p. m. in Room 162 N. S. Initiation of members recently elected will take place at this meeting. W. E. Bachmann, Secretary. Men's Educational Club: Dean Whitney will speak to the Men's Educational Club, Monday, De- cember 6, at 7:00 p. m., in Room 304 Michigan Union, on "Professional Training of Teachers at the University of Michigan." All men interested in education are invited. J. D. Cooper, President. Players' Cib: Players' Club will meet Wednesday, December 8, in Room 406 University Hall at 7:30. Students actively interested in dramatics are invited to tryout for membership in the club. Come prepared to read or give from memory, a short selection. Those who wish to tryout are requested to be present at 7:15. Edmond Hoben. Kappa Kappa Psi: Regular meeting Sunday, December 5, at 5:00 p. m. in Room 308, Michi- gan Union. Candidates will be elected at this meeting for initiation before the holidays. C. C. Hostrup. Work Urges Care In Guarding Resources (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-A warning to Congress to judge sharply in weigh- ing the question whether guardian- ship of natural resources of the United States should be turned over to the states, was delivered yesterday by Secretary Work. Writing to Chair- man Sinnot of the House public lands committee, the interior secretary 1placed a value of $13,697,500,000 on the domain which proposed legislation would entrust entirely or in part to the sovereign states. The pending bill, he warned, jeopardized the whole fi- ture of national conservation. The program worked out in t administration of President Roosevc It, said Secretary Work, provided that 1 52 per cent of the receipts under the leasing laws should finance reclaima- tion in the western states. Patronize Daily Advertisers. 4 4 Economics Club: The Club meets' Monday, Dec p. m. Professor Palyi of the U Problem of European Debts." Al in Economics and Business Admi Michigan Daies Meeting: The Michigan Dames will hol December 7, at promptly 7:45 o'cl 226 South Ingalls Street. Profes Department, will speak on his r talk with moving pictures taken b to be prompt in their attendance. Physics Colloquim: The Physics Colloquium willr in Room 1041, New Physics Buil fessor from the University of Ma Associated with Scattered X-rays attend. PLAYS "JUNE" IN OPE Margaret Cameron. 'POSSIBILITY SEEN s""" :ember 6, at the Michigan Union at 7:45 FOR NEW AIR LINEtyfs nive'rslty of .erlin will speak on "The 1 faculty members and graduate students HONOLULU, Dec. 4.-Word has ]i inistration are invited. been received from Washington that Edmund E. Day. a dirigible air line operating on a 36-hour schedule between Hawaii and California may become a reality in d their next meeting on Tuesday evening, 1928. According to the Washington ock in the Faculty Women's Club Rooms, sor William H. Hobbs of the Geological dispatch, plans are being formulated ecent trip to Greenland, illustratinig the by naval aeronautical engineers for " y his Expedition. All members are urged !atwo air cruisers of 6,000hcubic feet 'capacity, construction of which wasj_ authorized by the last session of Con- I Xrs. Carl L. Whitchurch, President. gress. The two dirigibles will be two, and a half times the size of the Los Angeles, and will have a carryihg ca- meet at 4:15 p. m., Tuesday, December 7, pacity of 80 tons of passengers and i=200 Mixed Voices 150 Children's Voices ding. Mr. J. M. Nuttall, Exchange Pro- freight in addition to ,fuel and crew. ____q nchester, England. will speak on B-rays HANKOW, Dec.,4.-Last minuteef- Frederick Alexander, Conductor s. All interested are cordially invited to forts to prevent ageneral anti-foreign strike here, originally set to begin W. F. Colby. today, were made last night. Old Noels in Latin, French, Russian, English. M A ,,,litlillilillllti111E I~illl llill l ll IE#it Ultil lll itll l lil111itii I 1 _ "; o at EiEnglish Madrigals, French and Irish Folk Tunes. "- on We Woodward at Eliot 75Nights1.-- r S*01 W1reek V n 75C to $1.50 = Monday Matine D ondb er6 Tues. ThursSat. Auditorium, Ypsilanti, Thursday, Dec.9, 8 P. M. PLAYHOUSE 50c and 75c _ Tickets 50 cents at doors. MISS BONSTELLE PLAYS - in Frances Hodgson Burnett's Unusual Play A:{.rDAWN NOIC oonday, December 6 t1R TO OROWat HotelAlee _ =EH IBIT of a new collec- e of Characters as quaint and funny as any of Dickens, and alsEw ront up to date in thrills and laughs as any of George Cohan's. nion ht is 111litlligglg lilli111111lllilE111111111i11t11 ltf111 1tIIt11 illlgliilt in distinctive patterns, ex- e of -. FIRST PERFORMANCE --- clusive with the Arthur M. ! I p 9 William L. Lewis, Jr., '29 Student who will play the rob "Juhe," the leading lady, in F Page Stuff," the 21st Michigan U opera which opens tomorrow at Whitney theater. The photograp taken from the golf number, on the features of the production. Professor John S. Worley will lecture in Room 411, West Engineering Building at 10 a. m. Monday, December 6th, and 10 a. m. Tuesday, Decem- ber 7th, on Transportation. His lecture on Monday'will be on Early Wheel- ed Veicles and his Tuesday lecture on Early Boats. All members of the senior Civil Engineering class are requested to attend. Classes in all Civil Engineering subjects scheduled at these hours will be dismissed. Students taking work in other departments at these hours must arrange for excuse in the usual manner, if they desire to attend. H. E. Riggs. Cosmopolitan Club: Our last meeting before the Christmas vacation will be held Sunday, December 5, (today), at 6 p. m. in the Auditorium of Lane Hall. Supper will be served. Our speaker will be Mrs. J. W. Emerich, an authority on world problems and leader of the International Forum held last summer at Chautaqua Lake, New York. Her subject will be "Current Progress To- ward World Peace;" Mrs. Emerich's wide experience in other lands, notably in Turkey and the Near East, where she did relief work during the Great, War, enables her to speak with authority upon such a subject. All mem- ATKINS TO SPEAK HERE TOMORROW "Christianity as Creed and Doc- trine" will be the subject of the thirdI Ann Arbor -lecture by the Rev. G. G. Atkins, pastor of the First Congre- gational church of Detroit, at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in room C, Law building. The lecture, which is be- ing sponsored by the School of Re- ligion, will be a continuaton of ,Rev- erend Atkin's discussion of 'The Changing Phases of the Christian Ideal." Patronize Daily Advertisers. Wednesday Evening, December'8 WARNER BROS. Announce The Detroit Engagement of the Greatest Entertainment Ever Offered on One Program in the History of the Theater >>ARRYMORE DON JUAN_ AND Most Amazing Development of the Moving Picture VITAPHONE Rosenberg Co. You are invited to inspect I , them. II for Christmas. THE MICHIGAN CALENDAR, 75C MICHIGAN SONG BOOK, $4.75 MICHIGAN BOOK-ENDS, $5.00-$7.50 BANNER, BLANKETS, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. BOOKSTORE ' You Will SEE and You Will HEAR I GIOVANNI MARTINELLI MISHA ELMAN ANNA CA-SE N. Y. Philharmonic Orchestra 4,107 Concert Musicians Henry Hadley, Conductor VOICE MUSIC FACTION Perfectly Synchronized Representative Mr. Jerry Coan THE AILORS * - - MAIL ORDERS ..," 1014 CHAPEL STREET - NEW HAVENs- SATISFACTORILY EXECUTED -It EAST 47!!!STREET - NEW YORK- ) kergJmarf/hut/conseraiire Coff(e oreCoe1e Alen Read The Daily "Classified" Columns .11 SHUBERT-LAFAYETTE Cad. 8705 2: 15-Twice Daily-, :15 Eves. 50c to $1.50 Mats. 5Sc to $e1.00 Scats on Sale Nov ..w ...... i ==1r= I I .: k ________1___1___- ' -11 .. ,.. " '' w .. ° '_ 1 . t P t Alex IAlxII ~ I 1 II ? f' -i I Ik :A-.oge ' &r - -3W ram' I * ES MAW AM, ' I "k &23 UL-1 lSoonibnf