SUJNDAY, DECEMBIER 5, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA(INE, SEVEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0A}ESEP~ WEST PASSES EASTINQTDI flI DITICTONI rv c Nattun ,Wide U~opeisu s,how'$ lidle Setioil, Leading Coast Teams f For RIO Y~onors SOUMh FAR WEST TIE (By Aisodated Press) NELW YOR'1K, De6c. 5.-iFor the fifth flnre in nearly 40 years of all-Amer- ioan~ football ranking, the distinction of carrying off the most places on the me'a'l 1al-star college eleven passes fpm the East to the Middle West. ~ This was revealed today in a nation wide ,consesus, compiled by the As- s~,iated Press and reflecting the opin- ilns of more than 100 coaches and critics. With no college having moreI tl~an one representative in the first eleven, the consensus shows the Mid- di% West gainkng ive places, the East four ,while the South and Far West occupy one each. Picking the,1926 squad as a whole, hgtever,-firt, second ;nd third' teams-the East retains itsa traditional leadership with 14 out of 33 places. The Middle West had 11, the ar West 5C~ and the South 3. Twenty-six in- situtions are represented on ,the list. 'This year's campaign has not been lacking Jn individual stars but com- paratively few, particularly among tl~e backfield performers, have cap- tured popular imagination to the ex- te nt that Red Grange, George Wilson, F"+,rnie Nevers, "Swede" Oberlandei, and others did in 1925. "Herb Joesting, Minnesota's plung- iixg fullback, is. an exception,lHe came near to beig . the unanimous chice of the experts who elected this year's all-American lineup. His run- ntig mate, Friedman of Michigan, Kaer of Southern California, and Baker of Northwestern, all polled heavy votes, but i was :by a com- paratively sl'im margin that they gain- ed first team places over such all- around aces as Spears of Vanderit, H-arry Ruthrven of the Arry, "Wild Bill" Kelley of Montana, and Frank Kirk leski of Lafayette. it s noteworthy that three of the all star ball carriers-Ftiedman, Kaer and Baker,-occupied quarter- bal4po tions on ther teams. ALL-WE STlix COICES f First Team Oosterbaan, Michigan........... LE Raskowski, Ohio S tate......... LT Shively, Illinois ...............L Boeringer, Notre Dame ........... C Hess, Ohio State ............... RG Johnson, Northwestern .......... RT Wheeler, Minnesota..........RE Friedman, Michigan, (Capt.)-......Q Baker, Northwestern ........ ...LH Karow, Ohio State .............. RH Joesting, Mneota ..........F Second Team Bell, Ohio State ......... ......LEI Baer4Aichigan .......... ......ILT McMullen, Nebraska......... .... LG Retsc, Illinois..................C Lovette, Michigan............. RG DeWitt, Coo..................RT Lindenmeyer, Missouri.....RE Almquist, Minnesota........ .....Q Kutsch, Iowa.................... LH Wilcox, Purdue, (Capt.) ........RH Lewis, Northwestern ............. F Third Team IBurrus, Wisconsin ......... ....LE' Steiner, Ne rska .............. LT Dart, Northwestern ........... . .LG Rlapp, St. Xavier ................'C Tombaugh, Kansas State ........ R Nelson, Iowa..................RAT Fisher, Northwestern............RE O'Keefe, Marquette ...............Q Meter, Grinnell ................ LH Gilbert, Michigan (Capt.) ... ,.... RH Daugherity, Illinois .............. rMINNEAPOLIS.- The signing of Drake will give the Gopher football team a hard game on the week before they oppose Michigan, for the last game of the season. Patroniize Daily Advertser. , Avo~djUg' atk !ast IIII-, e is t. ]?(rule by eti Jewelry for gifts Phonie 411,111 Sol th 1x's -1 Supply ',)f h1 mkhet'. and Phlone 47-14 ! ay' YPggg, .1 h ^ n rsma 'V ? Opp osite 1ilr-e IsArcade ia i21~714 TheI Cosy Corner Tea Room CLM OQ~ For ~ ~ I P.~L ADVRTIIN AT 3 Sunday Dinner '12:30-2:00 P. M. Supper a la Carte 5:0E0-8:00 P. M. . ' a -- - Read The Daily "Classified" Columns U St If vu ' r e ify all Want s tr ndcr approolrilte earl- S andultonrevise or Withhold "hjectiol, 'We r CASH PRATES Tret cents tier reading l lin (on the basis of +_la "CI age w~ords to the line) for one retwo 1llrct dons. Nine cents per reading line for three or more -- (~a.,: classifieds received at the Daily office in The P'ress Bluilding on M'daynuard Street. SOTACpAES7 ecial standlardized rates, given on apIalica- ^ FOR RENT 3 IWANTED WANTED-St udenits who like goo hot ABCE to Iknow we de- li=e; te 930ad11:301P, M_ BARBCUE NNDial4-81. 47 e o d ' VANTP D STIJDENTS to know tMat $a' sas from $ 'to i fii I f ,r"I'd suits dmid ()V'C f;. 121'E. ANN D IAL 43b6 r n e - -4- : FOR RE7NT-A den and two sdly! NOTICE 'ooms, 'sit aIle for tCllr.oor1four: boys. Near ('lflpils. Dial 3221. NOTICE{--Our Chri ;tmas greeting 59-60 cards are now on dsla. Swlf t D~rug Store, 340 5.Sta1'te St. FOR RENT--Large pleasant room. 55 ,.5 J I ThPE\VRITING done neatly auI;' FOR il~f5~ R~N'(-S1i~ ' ey canfortal(Jle quickly. Tlhesis, _iVI anuscripis, etc. and light. Clwap. 6112 hill St;. ;Call 7345. 59-60-61 Ph1on1e (637. 58-59-60t NOTI('1E--1eady-mado traines. At 4PYI~tE4I~iiTERS ie at Brown's Book Store, 210 S. ! Ma in11tt. c-59 YOU CAN PZENT typew riters at ai very reasonable rate from lRidor's ' S pld pD.13, "acniitci Penl Shop andl it will be a ;good l dh1Ilfwds e .ii«;{;°th . working -machine. sutn-tucs-t111r-Lji The Waei 1 Nh1s~op C-t1" LOS'S Q~t 1OST-- t' od;vrstw 11.tol-Fraternity or Sorority: 5 9-60t-61L LoST-A. 'K. K. badge. R~e arfl. Call llowl ett: 8017. 5D-60-wt~ LOST--Aai)'s glove for right hand.L Now black horme-hide. she5958-59-66-67 LO405 l---trinlg garn=et ,cads. I1. wdlt s Or(E- Iathghfe ue Sundalcy toilStatef or Th011~onio. iPlrsse(- -Fifty tents. We cl n T'reaisured as he irloomn. Itowa rd. J ti cliver ally timge. '. B. L'yons 5:1 Call 9489. 57-58-59 E. Willims, Dial5516 tiles-thurs-sun-tf LOST-Bet we'0en Union anal Ferry, Fiel, raan'sVwist watcl, ' J tk 'k NN ARBOR C APET 'i Cleaning Lab, jr. 1"28"3('eai'N-( ;leon ha; lih WVorks, Riugs Shampooed. Phone Alpply 9:15 K'Th il St. iRe wa;rdl. S9'_ . (1513d. daily-t NOTICt:l-New dcanIce music with LVPlY l':; ~ i~ ~pp~ giant org an and orches tra. First' i~i~5 n11"777iH777ns ,tiwa cuinfwl lislted, 4Vif tor record.' Let u ,hhy, ol wi 1it~x ;: atlc Schjaolbor,,a . & Son Music house, 110 ('al'trigs which wuil out last t110 or .8. IMa[1i. if. OdisykIud. NWer:get tilo "w~ol 0 it; odiii)ro I ailnable. .1 id e1'S Pen Shlop. IF 'tlsto 5)lie lth~ to >11111.ue5EIh6265 even hito 113 t $22 t l. tl; 1ifll F'OR SA1LE,,' N1 OT1Cha--- Iats t'leanied and blocked. I All kinds Of shoes (lea ocld, dyed and '0 i S LB(1 Ludpiano, 01(,00'violin i' epair~ed. Salfkft-1 inirare.? ;,)cV ct ;ola ;old recu )' 71. ~;i . , co- y A NARBO.)R SHOP, 2', h5i.I~CI pi jet'olaol'and chaffing dishi $8.1 flhown 5078. 5-96 / 58-593 f' N) Ii SY % r~l p 'l' tl() and full dress sal. Ilxcil'ntcondition. Call 8l152. .r 58-59-6tO :'Olt SALE -Antiqlue parlor suite, (6 1)iece. Excellent condlition, newly npholsiered. 819, Miller Ave.' 57-58-55. F()VYTAIN u.EN IN K You will. pet better ink for your foun- tain peon at raider's Pen Shop. Over 4(0 years ink experience is worth mone~y to y ou. We sell government record ink only. sun-tues-thurs-Uf NVOTlICIN-- First: class r epair work on all muwsical istruiments. Schae})erle 3& Sou.I Music house, 110 S. Main. tf iLADYIS, 'I1EY ARE . ~lI :E !, Fea~l silk Merino Under-hose, light, c'loy"- fitting, dnrable, inc