I ~iSDAY, -SEIPTEIMBER 28, 1026 ) THE MICHIGAN' DAILY i; m w.- ."IA -.m X .on don Bishop *~To Visit Here X t. Rev. Arthur Foley Wilmington- ( am, D. D. lord bishop of London, presides over' the largest diocese, &he Anglican church and is par- titularly interested in, young men, Sspend three days in Ann Arbor, *7ct: 11-13 to meet with students of ugUniversity.' The lord bishop is ,o engaged. in touring Canada and will begin his American tour at Iowa State college on Oct. 2, after which hie will visit Chicago, Iowa and North- western before coming to Michigan. Following his visit here, he will go to Harvard, Brown, Trinity, Yale, Co-; lumbia, and Pennsylvania. At each ofI these universities, the bishop will de- liver talks to. the student body which will be followed, where desired, by personal conferences with such of the .stuidents as desire to consult with him) privately. Golf and tennis play a large part In the life of the bishop and he will play with students at all the universi- ties which he visits. He is 68 years old but, in his own words, is still "playing all these games pretty well." No definte program of entertainment has been arranged for the bishop's stay in Ann Arbor, according to Lt. Commander W. H. Faust who is in'l charge of arrangements, but there will probably be several informal re- ceptions and conferences at which the students will be given an opportunity to tal kwith him.. G RRICK~e. Mt. -55ct. t 15 Sat. Mat. - 50c to 81:.50 The Crook Comnedy Drama with 'a Million Laughs Square Crooks With DOROTHY APPLFBBY A play In which m~elodramnatic situations have been placed In comedy env ironment. CA:SS!THEATER)I Mats. Thurs. and Sat.I L~afayette at Wayne Cad. 1100o The MI$SSRS. SLIUBLRT'S11) PRINCESS FLAVIA With Howard Marsh, Evelyn Herbert Sixty Freshmen Attend Camp At .H Patterson Lake[ Campus customs and activities werej explained~ in full detail to sixty fresh- men attending the camp conducted by the Student Christian association at Patterson lake. The freshmen carne; to the camp on Friday noon Sept. 17, and stayed over the week-end, leaving; Monday at noon. Freshmen students from all. overi the country were present at the camp; session' and prominent men on the1 cam)pus gave talks to them on the various phiases of campus life. Dis- cusiS~on groups' were condlucted andl the following addressed the meetings:I .President Clarence Cook- Little, Sec- retary Shirley Smith, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dean Hugh Cabot, Coaches Farrell and Yost, and Registrar Ira Smith. Frederick S. Glover, '28, Thomas D. Olmstead, '27, and Richard 1Preyburg, '26, also spoke to the groups. The freshmen were divided into small groups who lived in tents under the supervision of sophomores and upp~erclassmen. They were allowed to' ask any (questions which camne into their minds concerning campus life Subscribers of The Daily who fail to receive issues are request- ed to notify t he circulation die- p~artmfent, at The Daily offices in the Press building on Maynard street. The telephone- number is 21214. Girls What Beauty Won't Dao to Those Beasts! i aliter Sliainmoo F~inger Waiving=-IMarellin~g Bobbing Curling Anna Cayer 406 E. iLiberty St. iDial.I194i I I A Different, Atmosphere and Different rood I If you -are looking. for a place to eat where the menu never gets monotonous and where the food has that, home-cooked taste-try AT w TUR . a r r - ,ROM 1'[ E spend an cven- uig at the 'fuller s ยข beautiful l abian t Room, fill"-t -dill- 1 int; moan. in De- troit. l-using nits- . sic and tusurpas - _ j,/ .T j ' .,_._ seal dance floor. - Y .h Gerald Marks' or- Ihe su a. Always a 11 a p 1) y evening bere, Boa Mcasant Rooms .a " Cos , or I ibe rty a#. end ' ft Ave. did a I! ' 14 O'rm L BAG'ZEY,1 41RK',A'I .AD&AB AVENU 'the Wolverine Cafe Main St. Opposite W~uerth Theater r J L ISure the 8 O'clocks Are Here and Look at This Bi11l ThtAli!lHere- IS,-a Picture! Thattolvers above other pictures Like a mountain over a sand dune prdcdudrAi uevso Policy l~c I5 0 7:0 8 3 NEOL NE Dietd1 Fai e S ef1 ii n StOGJACANBU EEI S tiIoie i Ptlr I ih'i fd& I Ied I Acd You'll Soon Tin c+, n i I Nights at 7:00-8:40 Adults 50c, Children 10Oc I r r I E I The IE I'S -S. And Their :. -COMING- RIN G 'S PENNYLVANIANS Victor AilitiMI The Orchestra Inicomiparable III