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December 05, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. )XXVII. No. 59





MES W PRESENT Leaders Urge Party
Revenue Reduction
(By Associated Press) 1
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-To all in-
tents and purposes, Congress had as-
OfmbPEdAtonight for a three months.

Designer States Production Is Most
Lavsh And Ehiorate Of All
Amateur ProductIlons

session, although the formality of
banging the gavel ending a five months
recess will not take place until Mon-
day at noon.,
Business will be the keynote, after
an early adjournment on Monday and
Tuesday out of respect for members
who have died during the recess.
President Coolidge's messages are ex-
pected to be read on Tuesday, and
most of the remainder of the week
will be given to a consideration of the

Cooperation For
i As Congress Opens
American Legion and others. Prohi-
bition enforcement bills, modification
bills, coal strike bills and bills efect-
ing every interest of American lie
will pour into both Houses in the
With the nation's legislators assem-
bled, Senator Simmons, of North Caro-
lia, who is ranking. Democrat member'
of the Senate finance committee, to-3
night seized the opportunity to issue
a statement urging Republicans to
join with the Democrats in "making
the resansonable reduction in internal
'evenue taxes which the constantly
mounting and now gigantic surplus in
the treasury now warrants."
A Democratic tax bill to reduce tax
payments by $350,000,000 will be of-
fered in the House on Thursday.,
Whether it will be met with a Repub-
lican tax credit measure is not cer-
tain, because Republicans are not at
all certain as to their course.

"Front Page Stuff," the 21st annual treasury post office appropriation bill.
presentation of Mimes, and the 10th 1 One of the first things expected is
Union opera to be staged by E. the bringing up of the Geneva treaty
Mortimer Shuter, will make its pre- prohibiting the use -of poison gas,
miere at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow night which is favored 'by Chairman Borah,
of the foreign relations committee,
at the Whitney theater, following a and the state department, and which
preparation of 15 weeks of intensive is being vigorously opposed by the
training which will reach a climax in
the final dress rehearsal of the entire
production this afternoon and tonightT
at the theater. Performances will be1
given every night this week except
Saturday, when there will be a mati- L
nee presentation. On December 17.
the opera will begin its vacation
itinerary, giving 15 performances in 13 1
cities of the Middle West and East. Profess'or To Appcar On Lecturcl Series
Milton A. Peterson, grad., is the Tuesday; Topic Is "Moslem Out-
author of this year's opera offering. look In West Asia"
and the composer of most of the lyrics
and music. Additional music and ; IS PROMINENT HISTORIAN
lyrics have been written by William
M. Lewis, '29, who plays the role' of
leading lady in the 1927 musical I Cat i d b hs r autorities
comedy. The dances have been ar- in the University as being one of the
anged, as in former operas, by Roy leading historians in the United
1-foyer, leading man in Fred Stone's States, Prof. Albert H=1. Lybyer of the
"Criss-Cross," and co-partner of University of Illinois has been secured1
Dorothy Stone, only honorary woman k
membr ofMime. Al thecostmesto speak on the lecture series of the
m~emher of Mimes. All the costumesScolfRe.
are the work of Lester, Ltd,, who hasScol IssResifon Seminaron"Th
!Moral Issues 'of Modern Life." He
been responsible for the costuming will speak on the subject "The Moslem
in several former operas. Outlook an West Asia" at 4:15 o'clock
Is Two-Act Opera Tuesday in Natural Science audi-
"Front Page Stuff" is a two-act pro. torium.
duction of the musical comedy type. tesies being an instructor, first in
differing noticeably in its efforts from masimatins and inrt rfi t
the specta,:ul r, loosely--woven, re- 'mathematics and then ini history, at
ve shopanr , et more compact ani various universities, Professor Lybyer
lighter than te romantic costume was a member of Colonel House'sj
show. it is and. The first act is laid committee of inquiry into terms of
;q lodcisi . lee f stown, and the plotipeace in 1918, an assistant in the
ceera modrnd tihe owinancial tepra- Balkin division Anercan Conimissloi
ico s e renced mby a noted scientific to Negotiate Peace, Paris, 1919, and
1 on e xpVr, ec('u 0 > of his family's, general technical advisor to the
Socialsr, (lbeus roivites. Shortly sAmerican Commission on Mandates
lefore his c oiliioi becomes hope-y in Turkey, 1919. He is the author of
less, te hiurssor, through a suddenes i "The Government of the Ottoman Em-
tsurn of frtune, becomes rich and pire in the Time of Suleiman the Mag-
ur~i iof outuaprogrms flvisah ' nilicent" and also a contributor or rs-
ans out program of lavis views and articles to several inaga-
ijloney-speidiniig and swift living in
order to secretly effect a pnermanentjzines.
or mbtoswifed r The second half of the Seminar,
and soo. With the second act opening concerhing which the lecture of Pro-
ini t1? Grandl Salon of the Chateau de fessor Lybyer deals, is under the di-
. eigr Sa. M ori, Sithelandhat the Iection of Prof. Preston W. Slosson of
height. ofthe witerlaoi, sa t the history department and treats the
theight :fth ea inte c s a -se .o, regional problems in internatinal re-
sultan atio becomes a u latins.
wh of rapid, plot unfoldings, inti.
xvlich coinedy is intermingled by the -




Robison Compelled To (Give Testimony
On Navy "State Secrets" By Ruling
Of Trial Judge
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-A guarde.
story of the navy department's "state
secrets" of the Pacific went, before the
jury in the Fall-Doheny conspiracy
trial today after Secretary Wilbur'sS
formal order to Rear Admiral T. K.
Robison, retired, forbidding disclos-1
ure of "confidential matters" had been
admitted in evidence.
Admiral Robison's testimony pre- I
sented in general terms the convictions
of navy executives concerning the#
strategic importance of the Pearl lar-
bor Hawaiian base in national defense,
plans. It went into the record after'
I a ruling by Justice 1loehling of the
Supreme court of the District of Co-_
lumbia that the trial court alone was
authority on what may or may not go.
before the jury.
Government attorneys, who entered
prefunctory objections to admission I
of Secretary Wilbur's order, prepared
tonight to cross-examine Admiral
Robison, as to when these "confiden-
fidential matters" had been admitted
tial matters" agitated naval officers,]
particularly with reference to the sit-
uation after the Washington naval
armament conference of 1922.
Under pr'esent plans, Secretary Wil-
bur will be called to the witness stand~
for examination as to wbhy e sought
to withhold from the record testimony

Major Lanphier, On "Overconfidence,"
Comnpliients Navy For Comeback
After 192s Beating
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, Dec. 4.-Michigan grads
took "Yostboys" to their hearts to-i
night, feted them, dined them, and
Scheered them "till the rafters-if there
are rafters-of the Hotel Statler
Fielding H. Yost, himself, none oth-
er, Bennies Friedman and Oosterbaan,
captain-emeritus and elect, and ap-
parently everyone else connected with
the athletic department of the alma
jmater, were there.1
Michigan cheers and songs, and
heroic addresses from the old grads
whose memories proved worthy, if
not imaginative, mixed happily into
the feast night for the "Champions of
the West."
Undefeated in the Conference, tied
for Big Ten honors, there was suffi-
cient enthusiasm stirred anew in the
breasts of those who once filled the
classrooms of "Michigan" to set free
cheer after cheer at the appearance
of new speakers, familiar faces.
Down from the skies trooped Maj.
Thomas G. Lanphier of Selfridge
field, in charge of the first pursuit
squadron and a former football stars
at West Point, and it was his reference
to the "old man" as "the world's
greatest football coach," which threat-
ened to bust the bust.
Major Lanphier talked of "overcon-
fidence," paid a compliment to the
Navy team which downed Michigan
this year after their "walloping" by
the Wolverines last year and said he
had felt the Navy would come back.
The Army man also praised his own
team, declaring that though men did
not go to West Point to play football
alone, rigorous training there places
them in splendid condition when foot-
ball comes along.
Benny Oosterbaan was given a tre-
mendous ovation when he rose to his
feet to pledge his strength in carrying
on the banner tossed him by Mich-
igan's all-American quarterback.
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Dec. 4.-While the rise in
the franc is causing business depres-
sion, Premier Raymond Poincare has
accomplished his self-imposed task of
Shaving France's largest budget passed
by parliament in the shortest time in
The premeier, three weeks ago, set
jDec. 3 as the date for the adoption
of the apropriations, totalling 40
billion francs, and he was only three
hours behind schedule when the
chamber, at 3 a. m. today, by a show
of hands, voted the appropriations as
a whole. The haste of the premier
in driving through the budget was.
due to his desire that the income side
might be approved and the budget
become law New Year's Day.
Since he started his work of get-
ting the budget out of the way, the
premier has been brisk and alert. He
kept the noses of the deputies to the
grindstone week days and Sundays,
tearing down obstructions and quoting

figures in answer to objections. v
The premier's rosy budget predic-1
tions are not shared by all, however.
This notably is true in business and
financial circles. The continued riseI
in the exchange rate on the franc
yesterday was attributed to the suc-'
cess with which M. Poincare's budget
proposals were going through the
Chamber of Deputies.
The phenomenal rise in the value
'of the franc within the last few!
[ months seemingly threatens another
economic crisis like that of last July,
1 when the franc fell to the lowest
levels on record. Serious business
depression and unemployment have!
followed the rise, which brought the
unit of value to 25.82 to the dollar
vesterday, as compared with a quota-
tion of less than 2 cents in New York
in mid-July. A month ago the quota-
tion was 31.10 to the dollar and two
months ago 35.52.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-A formid-

Magazine Presents
j "Gargoyle Shimes"
In December Issue
In place of the usual Christmas
number of the Gargoyle, an edition
burlesqueing yellow journalistic pa-
pers will go on sale Tuesday morning.
The cover, done by Fred Hill, '27, and
Albert Vyse, '28, announces the name
of the number as "The Gargoyle
All of the usual departments of
such papers are embodied in the num-
ber, from the comic strips to the so-
ciety section. The editorial and scan-
dal departments were written by Rob-
ert Swinehard, '27, literary editor, and
the other sections included are march
of events, rotograveur, want ads,
automotive, radio, and news.
The art work for the edition is made
up in part of actual photographsI
taken especially for the number, and,
the remainder, of the products of the
art staff.,
This is the first special burlesque
which the Gargoyle has produced
since the "Campus Confessions" num-
ber last spring.
Failure To Kick Goal After Touch..
down Accounts For Defeat Of
Another Major Eleven


the convention for the year, delegates 2chosen the dlae to teNtional
to7 t ayethetheupdn F delegates to fhme tingter
to the National Student Federation of Student Federation of America in their

America conference held at the Mich-
igan Union since Thursday afternoon,
elected officers at their business meet-
ing held yesterday morning. Reports
of the groups which met Friday after-
noon for the discussion of various
student problems were also read, and
the delegates went on record as fav-
oring the reports in every instance.
The officers that were elected at yes-
terday's session follow: president,
Fred Berger of Cincinnati university;
vice president, Marvin Breckenridge
of Vassar college; secretary-treasurer,
Joseph T. Owens of Kansas Wesleyan
university. Berger, the president-
elect, is a senior who will continue his
studies in the Harvard law school

i _ .._ ..

(By Associated Press) j next year. Miss Breckenridge is al-
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4.-Speed on so a senior while Owens, who will
the breaks, headwork in the pinches, hold the post of secretary-treasurer
ability to kick goal when it was need- is a junior. The latter two were
ed, and baffling strategy gave the elected by unanimous vote, being un-
Notre Dame football team a 13 to 12 Elect Committee Members
victory over Southern California to- Besides the officers of the Federa-
day. tion, each regional group elected, one
The Trojans lost the first of the five 'member to the national executive com-
intersectional games it has played mittee. These officers will meet at
eial ga tha l least three times during the year to
primarily because there apparently Idirect the policies of the organization.
was not a single toe in its big squad Those who were elected to this com-
that could kick the extra goal point 4 mittee are :from the New England1
after touchdown. district, Chandler Wright of Tufts;1
atr Dfrom the Middle Atlantic district, H.
Notre Dame failed to do this once, but T. Budd of Franklin-Marshall; from
made good on its other try and there- the Southern district, H. G. Campbell,
on hung the victory and the honor. University of North Carolina; from
An upstretched Trojan hand, deflected the East Central district, J. W. Rip-
the pigskin just enough to send it pon, Toledo university; from the West
over the bar. Central district, Mildred.Bole of Min-
With the exception of the last four nesota university; and from the Far
minutes of play the battle was a grim West district, Stanley Weigel of Le-
scramble between two evenly matched land Stanford university . The present

Report On Athletics Recommends That
Coaches Salary Should Not Exceed
H ighest-Paid Professor
Completing the regular business of

1nesence of la Swedish countess, af- M C rc'~ W ill regarded by counsel as of vital im-
fording a stronger element of comedy 1cl portance to the defense case.
than the opera has usually enjoyed. Ad ress On Rostand Admiral Robison twice refusedto
_ answer the interrogations of Defense E
dsf Attorney Frank J. Hogan regarding'
outuof-town performances will Cerle Francais of the University the importance of the Pearl Harbor
outo-atownerfomr anc wil will inaugurate its annual program project in the deliberations of the war
be available tomorrow at the series at 4:15 Monday in Natural Si- plans division of the navy department
businiessoffices of the Union, ac- ence auditorium when M. Daniel j and did not finally reply until Justice
cording to an announcement Michenot will speak on "Rostand and Hoehing had summarily directed him
ma:le last night by Paul Buckley, !c ohighdsmaiydrce i His Work." M. Michenot is now on to do so.
opera treasurer. Applications a tour of the United States and Cana- He then related in carefully chosen
f are now on hand for perform- da and is lecturing on. subjects of words what he had revealed confiden-
anccs in Chicago, Indianapolis, literary and dramatic interest. He is tially to the defendant, Edward L.
Toledo and Lansing; these cities a product of the masters of La Com- Doheny, late in 1921, when Doheny's
being the only ones which alumni edie Francais and has held profes- Pan-American Petroleum and Trans-
apictieonns ebeen sent.An sorships in the Conservatoire de Lau- port company contemplated bidding I
nouncement of applications for sahne and the Conservatoire de on a 4,000,000 barrel oil storage plantj
other cities on the opera itiner- Strasbourg. Rostand is one of the at Pearl Harbor. The Pan-American'
' tr ites madtheaotnea- better-known French dramatists and company was awared the contract on
passible, Buckley stated. is the author of "Cyrano de Bergerac." April 25, 1922, Robison, as chief of the
skThe lecture, like all others on the naval bureau of engineering, approv-{
course, will be given in French. Ad- ing it and the correlated Elk Hills'
With a company of 100 men this mittancetwill be bycassociate mem- lease to Doheny.
year, and settings and costumes which bership tickets, which may be pro-
make no-;sible the most colorful cured from the secretary of tine ro-= ,( I'
stagk effects, Lester stated last night mance language department in room Palyi W 01 Lecture
that "'Front Page Stuff' is beyond 104 in the south wing of University ay Euro ean Debts
question the largest and most elabor- hall, or at the door at the first lee- I
ate amateur production in the coun- ture. These ticket's are priced at 50 -
try, and by far the most pretentious cents and will admit to all lectures Prof. Melchior Palyl, of the Uni-
of any Union opera, thoroughly equip- 1 on the course. versity of Berlin, and at present lectur-
ped in every detail." - ing at the University of Chicago, will
Ao,ng the costume novelties - erlander Is Star address the members of the Economics
morrow night will be the cloth if Hungarian bank. After the war he
gold tuxedo coats with bltck satHn Of Benefit Contest Debts" at 7:45 o'clock tomorrow in
court kmickers worn by the men's the Union.
chorus, and similar solid gold gowns'- Professor Palyi, who is a professor
which e be ing used for the fihr s ' (By Associated Press) the Graduate School of Commercej
time in chorus work on any American COLUMBUS, Dec. 4.--Andrew J. at Berlin, had been during the war
stage the imported German white (Swede) Oberlander and Charles W. Socializing committee of the German
bobbed wigs for a novelty number; the "Chick" Harley scored honors over IHungarian bank. After the war he
gold dresses copied from the original 20 lesser lights of the football horizon became a member of the so-called
imported Parisian model which Lewis oR yesteryear in the Harley Day bene- Socializing committee of the terma
himself will wear in the "Friendly fit contest at the Ohio stadium here Republic. He i so the or of
Game of Golf" number; the full- today. KProblems of the Money Theory."
length ballet costumes, aade of The former Dartmouth star, now a;
spec iahiy treated material, which will coach at Ohio State, made the touch- Claudel's Selection
give added effects under different - down which enabled the Downtown
color lighting; and the lavish gowns i Coaches' association team to win a leets W A frivard
in the "Lady of the Snows" number, 17 to 7 victory over the Varsity "0" le 1 t''-a
in which an all-white effect is domi- team. The downtown coaches are

Reports of Committees on Fraternities
And Honor Systems Bring Protests
From Several Delegates
The University of Nebraska was


football machines keyed up to near executive committee appointed thet
perfect playing pitch. There was one other two committeemen-at-large,r
fumble, that by Hearndon of Notre which will be Chapman Rose of r
Dame, but he recovered the ball him- Princeton and Rhea Smith from South-
self. ern Methodist college in Texas.
The last four minutes, with twilight Previous to the election of officersf
falling and Parisien's generalship; at the morning session the reports of!c
functioning in high, brought the South ! the discussion groups which met Fri-
Benders to the top of their form and 11day afternoon to discuss the various"
in that brief period of action Southern phases of university and college prob-1
California went down before a mo- lems. There were five problems tak-
mentarily superior football aggrega- en up in the different groups, among"
tion. them being the question of the honor
system and student government, in-
tercollegiate athletics, fraternities and
Cosmopolitan Club sororities, the choice and methods ofI
11 ~*i teachers, and the nature of the cur-
Will Hear Emerich riculum. All were under the direc-
tion of student leaders.1
"Current Progress Toward. World The report on atheltics recommend-~
Peace," will be the subject of a talk ed in brief the limiting of the salary
to be given by Mrs. H. J. Emerich, of the coach to the same amount as
well-known worker in international that of the highest paid professor in
affairs, at the last meeting of the the university. The report also rec-
Cosmopolitan club for this year, to be ommended the abolition of the inter-
held at 6 o'clock tomorrow at Lane' sectional post season games between.
hall. Supper will be served. - schools which have to travel immense
Mrs. Emerich spent a great deal of distances and interrupt their class
her time in the Near East doing relief work for the purpose. This report was
work during the World war, and also presented by M. A. Cheek of Harvard
gained much experience as a resident university.ea
of Constantinople, where she made anf Convention ,Deadlocks
extensive study of the problems con- The discussion group on the honor
fronting Turkey'and the Near East. c system and student self government,
Last sunmer Mrs. Emerich con- after a heated debate in which neither
ducted the International Relations side would give way, presented both
Forum at the Chautaqua Assembly at a minority and majority report to the
Chautaqua Lake, New York, and there j convention as a whole. The issue inj
she met with success both as a*speak- j this group was wether or not the stu-I
er and as an authority on interna- dents should be in complete control of
tional problems. ( their own affairs or whether the stu-
dents and faculty should cooperate on
F Go 'rall kinds of student problems. The
A U Y E Gmajority favored the cooperative plan
ON SOUTHERN TRIP of the faculty and student groups,1
while the minority was opposed to
Prof. W. L. Badger and Prof. G. G. any faculty interference on the part
Brown, of the chemical engineering of the faculty at all in student prob-
department, and Prof. A. H. White, lems. The convention voted to in-
head of the department, left yesterday dlude both views in the report and,
feor Birminghatman Atta, ytorat- submit it to the colleges and univer-
tend the annual convention of the sities to decide. This report was pre-
IsAmericami Institute of Chemical Eu- sented by Dorothy Mason of Wellesley.;
gineers, where they will take part in The group which had for its subject
the discussion and present several the choice and methods of teachers
papers. Professor White is a vice- also recommended an investigation,
president of the organization, and ( which will be carried out by students
Professor Badger is a member of appointed by the convention.
the board of directors. The conven- The convention ,which was opened
tion will open on December 6, and Thursday afternoon, has been atended

closing meeting at the Union last
night. The time of the meeting, by
action of the delegates is tohbe the
first week in December. The Uni-
versity of Nebraska was chosen from
a list oft six claimants for the honor.
These were Ohio State university,
the University of Ohio, the University
of Nebraska, Leland Stanford uni-
yersity, Cornell university and Mt.
Holyoke college.
Features of the meeting were the
speeches in foreign languages by del-
gates representing foreign units simi-
lar to the Federation. Heinrich
Drier, representing the German Stu-
dent Cooperative association, address-
ed the Cbngress!in German;Lntl extend-
ed the greetings of his organization
and their desire for a closer under-
standing between the students of
Germany and the students of the
United States. He was answered in"
German by Lewis Fox, the retiring
presdent. Following this Max Ha-
bicht, representative of the Confedera-
tin Internationale des Etudientes and
.a student at Harvard addressed the
meeting in French and translated it
into English for the meeting. He ex-
plained some of the activities of the
organization and expressed the thanks
of the organization for the cooperation
extended them at all times by the
American Federation.
The meeting openel with the re-
ports of the committees on fraternities
and honor systems and the reading of
the reports brought several members
of the meeting to the floor in protest.
The findings of the committees were
accepted, however, and the resolu-
tions placed before the executive
board. The committee on fraternities
protested in their-report the idea that
the fraternities and sororities are
centerslof vicelynd immorality and that
they conform members to a certain
mold which is inevitable. T-he com-
mittee on honor systems recommend-
ed that those schools who were con-
sidering the installation of systems
should do so slowly amd with care,
emphasizing the groundwork neces-
sary for the -successful operation of
such a system.
Lewis Fox, of Harvard, the retiring
president, closed the meeting with a
speech at the request of the new presi-
dent, Fred Berger, of the University
of Cincinnati. He revived the events
of the Federation's work during the
past year and made a plea that the
work go on with new, courage and a
new vision. He stated the work that
some of the organizations of a simi-
lar nature had been doing in Europe
and told of some of his experiences
with the work of these organizations.
And he requested that, although it
was not regular procedure, the meet-
ing closed with a prayer for the com-
ing year. At the conclusion of the
prayer the convention was declared
officially closed.
China To Terminate
All Unequal Pacts
(By Associated Press)
GENEVA, Dec. 4.-China has de-
cided to terminate all unyqual treat-
ies on their expiration, Chu Chao-
i Hsin, Chinese representative at th
League of Nations, announced today
in a statement on China's recent de-
nunciation of the Sino-Belgian treaty
of 1865.
The statement says that China will
refuse to submit to the World court
the question of interpretation of the
treaty, since 'it considers the contro-
versy political rather than juridicial.
China, howevr, is willing, to submit
the case to the league assembly, the
statement declares.
Sixteeen powers have treaty rights
in China, including Belgium. Denun-
ciation early this month by the Peking
government of the Sino-Beligna treaty
was the first cancellation by China ofi
one of its series of treaties which
have long been enforced, and led to
fears that China would denounce their
remaining treaties as their terms ex-


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