926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ____ laud Ohio State. Chlical;4)is 11ihe btird a)1N4) heanln eep Wlehas, FildH us ig Ten team th"J" tto v(lhp-vcg Won1steeplechasinto To Be Ready In 19627 not meS, 'th1e IJ 'r M INNKBA P0L I , - Minnesota'sj basketball five is, about to begin its C n y a d r o a c last season as a team without an ado- ..a dn°"a c quate floor to play on, as the new' \Vc r c ovnety ldtd ua h $500,000 field house will be completed W r ovnety h c cr h by the time the 1927-28 season comes'cipi n a £1yu ed o arounid- This year's schedule will be °n!t played on the Kenwood armory floor. C D r OcC O rp i The field house will have a seatinr and visit uls.{ capacity of 17,800 and wil primarily be a home for basketball, although it , E audyAgny will also contain administrative of-?VastLunr -iecy flces and space for indoor track and1 for baseball tractice.1 Minnesota will play a schedule this t year from which Iowa and Wisconsin,° two natural rivals, will be missing. [T lhe Conference rotating system causes vvilianis St.across fromn Congreigationa1 Church l the Gophers to meet Michigan, Pmr- due,, Illinois, Northwestern, Indiana _______________________________________ _ .. - ..,..-M....., . '' 11, , 1 ''I'll, I 'Ot IRENT ADVE.RT ISING 3ATs-, I i SUJITS AND OVERCOATS-Very reas- 1FOR }.RENT-4 'room unrihe S partment. Newly dcOrtled 7 1,r,- vate lbath. hSteia heatad ih furnished. $57.5. 403 N. Stte ! 53-54-55-56-57-58 LOST onable prices, tailored or reaidy- made. lWe have a wonderful vari- ety of patterns. Repairing also a sp~ecialty. Beautiful fabrics for your winter overcoat. WILD THE TAYLOR 109 , E. Washington Phone 6069 If yo~u are a telephone suthseriber call j3imwie th(- .\d-'ulcr, I iai 11314, and 1your Wast' 1ad, w ill he ch arged. The Mi chiigan Daily reser~yes the rg to, elas= [v all xantts acls nn, ('V ap grogiaehead- Fin~, and(1to rtxise or withhl l.' 'e~ctiumlie CAST! RATES Telel ek s Tpcr readlingoline (on l' , te1ba;sis ot dv c 'r:age words to the line) for one m lv') Riri len ts pe:- reading lineIfor tli~ e "or ll11'r C~arrclasiifeds receive(V at the I ,h~ tiy in Vi'e I'resi:- 1, oii' l nn ; vn,'; m ee t. CONTRACT RATES. Special standardized rates given onl alicll' tion. FOR l lilrNTS'TRAYED-From 1101 Olivia, Thurs- ___________________________________ (lay evening, a 6-months-old white- FO)R lUNT--Suite; very comfortable' Collie. Sable markings on face and z- <.'-d light. Cheap. 612 Hill St. ear. Reward. 5530. 53 Phone 6637. 58-59-60 _________________________________LOST-A small oval, white gold pin; A PARTl'I\I1"'T FORII RENT-NIMarried probably in D~ental Bldg. Rewiard. cpupie ,o live in apartment and care Call 4392. 5859 for furnace. Address Box 136 Ali liganl Daily. 53-54-55-56-57-53 LOST-A pair of shell rimmed gi Isse"s yesterday on Church bet ween 7u nl- ~ son Ct. and Hill St. Call 6548. YVC.AJ 3REN'l' typewriters at a 1____57-55-59_____________ very reaaonable rate from Rider't, LOST-String garnet beads. Lost last Penl Shop and it. will be a good Sunday on State or TIho'mps:on.. wor-king maclhie. sun-tues-thurs-tf Treasured as heirloom. R tteward. 44eodtt FORD SALES AND SERN 192i FORT) ROAD)STER, 5 cord tires. Motor A-i. good. good t. Top FOIE RENT, 0'R RENT-Large pleasant room. Reasonable. Dial 711 1. 56-57-58-59 1925 FORD COUPE, 4 new tires, bumpers front and rear, up- Bolstering andl top like newv. Motor A-i. 1025 F"ORD TWO D)OORl, 5 good balloon tires, upholstering good. Motor perfect. 'i w lot 'llptipil'! 1:1 Y Call 9489.. 57-58-59 LOST-Between Union and Perry -Field, man's wrist watch, '.Jack ILait, Jr., 1923" engraved oan backi. Apply 915 Sybil St. Reward. 90292. 57-58-59 LOST-New tan leather purse. Con-i !tained change amnd valuable ey~e! glasses. Address Box 140. 57-5S I 154-5f -58' NOTICE-Martin Guitars, reduced prices, easy terms. University. Music House. 54-56-58 NOTICE .Ann arbor Mimeographing %hop-214 I \FOR SALE Ij raph ing andl typ~ewritin . First- Iclass work. Quick service. Lowest FOR SALE-Good piano, $100, violin prices. DilS683. $50, Victrola and recor is $15, co p- 2-5EDTT per percolator and chaffing dish $8. NOIE haeu cmnddmn Phone 5073. 58-59-61NTC aeu oeaddmn I, strate the new Remington Portable FULL DRESS SUIT-Good as' new. typewriter. Keyboards for any S 509 So. Division. Phone 4531. I department, engineering, chemical, 8-9 medical, etc. Phone 3489. - tues-thurs-sat-tf FOR SALE-Tuxedo and full dress NOESatig fe ueo suit. Excellent condition. Call 8152, P essed--Fifty Cents. We call and 58-59-601 deliyer any time. , T. B. Ly ells 515 I I STUTZ Bearcat Sport Tiuring. Motor excellent shape. Call Ardussi 7842 after 7 p. m.575 FOR SALE-Antique parlor suite, (; p~iece. Excellent condition, newly 'upholstered. 819 Miller .Ave. 57-58-59 COMPLETE Ludwig trap drum out- fit, p~ractically new for $4l5. -Call 7210 after 7:00 P. M.. 56-57-58 MARIAN MARIE'S--The Co-ed's(Gift Shop. Everything for Christina~s.j hours 1-5, 7-10. 332 E. Jefferson,.1 E. Williams~, Dial 50516. , tues-thurs-sun-tf NOTICE--Vega Tenor Banjo, as good as new. Special price of $35.00. IEasy terms. University Music house. 54-56-53 DANCING Every Saturday nigh', Dix- bora. 5 miles out' Broadwvay on newv Plymouth paved road. fri-sat-tf NOTICE-Come in and hear Blahs, m~Iy' iAaaj hty Srie(,tie C~ii e to Ale and Tger Rag. Allimedinzer Music Shop, 305 Maynard. )-58 56-57-58; NOT CE--Victors and Yellow aw[d Ft~t V'''1i 9TT[.r t\ltBlue Victol' Records by U. of M,\. FOUNTAN l'I2~ IN Pjian. An ideal Christmas gift. Ilni- You wvill get better ink for your fou~i- i 'Orsity Music I'Ilouse. ,5-5 5 twin pen at Rider's Penl Shop. Ovoi! 40 year:; ink experience is wvorct ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning mtoney to you. 'We sell government W!Vvoj'ks. Rugs Shampooed. Phone record ink only. snfnsfu -n161.diyt N OTJCE--Nexv dance. music with 'WAN'TED giant organ and orchestra. -first °time accomplished. Victor record.' YOUNG LADY, experienced, desires Schaelberle & Son Music House, 110 secretarial or stenographic position, 1 S. Alain.. tf. jreferences. Box 139.. 56-57-5S To see best of 50 lines clothing drop AVANTEI)} STUDENTS to know that card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone Sti ays i.ifrom i $a to $4 or 'Old 63t15 evenings. $22 to $30. tf suits and ov'ercoats.{ 121 fL. ANN DIAL 4306 ITTII'T~Tir'Pi ri, i ht, in vnno tf; Let us supplly you with ribbons and! carbons which will outlast tue or dinary kind. We -get the Test oh" tamnable. R id er's Pen Shop. su n-toes-thurs-t% \OT.IICE NOTICE-Books, picture frames, fav- ors and C~ifrstmas cards. Brown's Book afore, 210 S. Main St. 60 I ___________________r (NOTICE-Tailor Shop, 721 N. Unliver- city, across from H'ill Auditorium. ltRe-opc~ncd under new management. Cleaning;, pressing and altering. jLadies' work especially. Phone 8040. t tf. [1.,Ll Ji'! .L 113 Vt wlu UL'X 4L j11UI10 8428. C. RI Gibson Chropractor, 35 Wuertli Arcade. tues-thurs-sat-tf I NOTICE-Hlats cleaned and blocked. All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and Srepaired. Satisfacetioji guarantee~ii IANN ARBOR SHOP, 6N E. Libeirty. tf. NOTICE-First, class I repair work on all musical instruments. Schaeberle & Son. Music blouse, 1105.s Main. tf LADIES, THEY ARE HI E! Real silky Merino Under-hose, light., close- fitting, durable,' inconspi.cuouisr Available to wearers oJy RealsSilk Hosiery; direct from the Indiai-. apolis factory, moderately priced. ICall or phone Real Silk Hosiery IMills, 20.9 5. State St. Dial 9592. I Etf FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING Tell the folks at home what an un- usuael place you have in Ann Arbor to have pent, repaired. We will give them the same service through you' or by mail. Thank you. Rid'er's Pen Shop. sun-tues-thurs-tt NOTIt'E-20-IDay Sale. 20 Per Cent dliscount on ll&dIDiamonds ands WVaitces. The Watch Shop, 1:121 :E. University. tf. WE carry a full line of 'Scheafer Foun- tain Pens. City Pharmacy' 58-59-66-67,l ti HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS AT FAIR PRICES 'Whether for fraternities and sororities or for private homes, we are ready at all I 1% times to supply your needs in the way of meats, insuring the best in quality and freshness at a reasonable and fair cost. "'