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December 04, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-04

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"Front Page Stuff" Should Appeal To
Tastes of Ev r'yolje In Opinion
Of Director Shuter
"Front Page Stuff," the 21st annual
Union opera, will, for the second time,
go through a dress rehearsal tonight at!
the Whitney theater with the entire
companyand all of the scenery and
costumes. A final rehearsal of a
similar nature wiii lle held tomorrow
night, and upon its conclusion the
Opera will await its premiere per-
formance Monday night at the Whit-

Members Of Congress In Short Session
Are Busied With Old Legislative Issues


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, iDec. 3.-Designing
of new legislative garments to mask
the old issues of prohibition, radio,
taxation, and alien property, and a
possible election'contest, today occu-
pied the attention of members of Con-
gress who have re-opened their offices
on Capitol hill. Muscle Shoals also
wa- taken from,the shelf and dusted
for a .possible reappearance before
the. military committee in the House]
anti the agricultural committee in the1
Senate, while radio took up the atten-
tion of a number of members on both
The national radio coordinative com-
mittee, headed by Walter A. Strong,
publisher of the Chicago Daily News
and chairman of the radio section of
the American Newspaper Publishers'
association, made public its plan for
radio control.
The program of the coordinative
committee proposes the holding of
further broadcasting licenses after
Dec. 6 until permanent radio legisla-
tion is enacted. It also favors placing

a federal commission of the commerce
The Muscle Shoals project was re-
vived, by announcement that Senator
Ernst, Republican, Kentucky, pro-
posed to introduce a bill embodying
a new bid for the government proper-
ties in Alabama.
Prohibition, one of the vehicles for
many heated debates in Congress last
winter, was pounced upon by Rep-
resentative Cranton, Republican, Mich-
igan, and Chairman Hudson, of the
House alcoholic committee, both
ardent drys.


Points Out That Chief Advantage
Younger Generation Lies In
Stoical Attitude


ney. I of radio control under jurisdicticn of
At the first dress rehearsal, held last -
night at the theater, the productionl
was gone through repeatedly in its en-
tirety, under the critical supervision,
of E. Mortimer Shuter, Opera director,
and Lester, Chicago costumer, who Tru nnr *n 1
has been in Ann Arbor the past three
days applying the finishing touches to "
all the costumes, and their fitting toI
each member of the company. All of Jarl Andeer,9 '29, Is Thinner Up And
the costumes and trappings have now Robert Gessner, 129, Is Third
arrived, as have the crates of various Place Winner
properties which will be used in the
musical comedy.
Special Lighting System KOYKKA, '27, PRESIDES
he speci elcriaseqipment ---
hiespiwill be used for "Front Page Paul J. Kern, '29, speaking on "Why
Stuff" is now being installed in the Pick an All-American Football Team?"1
AWhitney by a representative of the
U niversal Stage Lighting company of was the unanimous choice of the
New York city. Included in the appa- Judges as winner of the annual Ex-
ratus is a modern X-ray lighting sys- temporaneous Speaking contest held
tem,, complete in every detail. The under the direction of the Oratorical
furniture, properties, and all of the association last night. Second place
settings have already been installed was awarded to Jarl Andeer, '29; Rob-
in the theater. ert J. Gessner, '29, received honorable
"'Front Page Stuff,' in its detail and mention.
variety should appeal to the tastes of The first prize of a bronze wall
cveryone this year," in the opinion of plaque was awarded to Kern by
Mr. Shuter. "The 1927 Union Opera Thomas V. Koykka, '27, who presided
will undoubtedly satisfy the interests over the session. Andeer received a'
of- al uho sie it," he declared yester- collection of Browning's poems. The
day, "for it conius a combination of judges were Prof. R. D. T. Hollister
elements that are -sure to be pleasing of the department of public speaking,
in their novelty, completeness and ex- Prof. E. A. Walter of the rhetoric de-
cellence." partment, and Harry Gervis, '29L,

"Racialism for the new Negro is no
hectic chip-on-the-shoulder," assert-
ed Dr. Alain LeRoy Locke, Negro
IN C UR, y D~ [NS[author and lecturer, in an address
upon, the"Negro Renaissance" given
lastPnight in Natural Science auditor-
ium. "He is ready to assume his tra-
ditions and accept the past as gladly
Secretary Accused Of Seeking To assumed spiritual discipline."
Restrict 'estinmony Of Retired Dr. Locke emphasized the fact that
Naval Officer the new Negro is not the product of a
single generation, and although the
WILL TAKE STAND SOON ideas of the older generation have
proven to be wrong, still the reac-
tion of the older generation was a
(By Associated Press) very vigorous and justifiable protest
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3.--The de- I against persecution and limitation,
fense today drew Secretary of the which was a spiritual advantage as
Navy Wilbur into the Fall-Doheny well as a cultural handicap.
criminal conspiracy trial. . The chief advantage of the younger
They accused the secretary in open generation is that they have become
court of seeking to restrict the testi- stoical through their own application
mony of a retired naval officer and to the Negro problem and have ar-
produced What they said was an offer rived at this highly desirable mental
to prove it. I status through an "intuitive, instine-
Whether the document is td go be- tive awakening." pointed out Dr.
fore the jury was still undecided when Locke. At the same time they have
court adjourned tonight, but Mr. Wil- not become cynical and have retained
}cur will be placed on the witness ! their youthful spirits because the pro-
stand tomorrow or Wednesday. He cess has evolved through generations.
declined tonight to forecast what his and is not the product of a rapid or
testimony would be. distinct change.
Frank J. Hogan, chief counsel for Desire Not AbsractI
the defense, presented the document 'The new Negro does not wish his
during examination of Rear Admiral rights in an abstract manner, which
J. K. Robinson, retired, former chief ;was the demarkation of the expressed,
of the bureau of engineering, when desires of the former generation, but
the witness refused to answer ques- on the basis of his own ability and up-
tions ncerning the sta im- on what he can do as an individual.
portance of the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, A healthy individualism and an acute
navalHbase.a,,realization of race has caused the new
Alae. fNegro to adopt the challenge of the

. "Library work is the riost interest-
ing kind of work in the world, and
librarians render genuine service to
everyone" declared Franxk P. Hill, li-
brarian of the Brooklyn Public li-
brary, last night, addressing the Ann
Arbor Libary club and the students of
( library science. He congratulated the
students on being the first class in
i library science in the University, and
praised the faculty as being equal to
any in the country.
Mr. Hill described his 45 years ex-
perience as librarian as a "happy.
cheerful and eventful life" and that
he never regretted his choice of a
profession. He then gave a brief re-
p sume of his career which began when
1 he was appointed head of the Sunday
School library. He dealt at some
length on the difficulty he had had in
getting the trustees at Lowell, Mass.,
his first real position, to change their'
system of classification to one more
modern. He touched briefly on the
fact that he had been'the first to start
a free public library in New Jersey.
Mr. Hill stated that he was very
much opposed to civil service in li-
braries, because "it places a pre-
mium on incompetence." He said that
he was in favor of the merit, system
because the candidates for library po-
sitions are appointed by trustees on
the basis of their knowledge I andj
Classmates, Scientists And Students
Join In Expressions
Of Esteem
Prof. Jacob E. Reighard, head of
the biological department of the Uni-
versity since 1886, was the guest of
members of the biology department,'
friends, and students at a banquet
last night at the Union, offered him
as evidence of their esteem and ad-
miration for his 40 years of service in
the literary school.
Classmates, fellow scientists and
former students joined in expressions
of gratitude for his friendship and his
work here in the University, and at
the conclusion of the banquet pre-

Abertui . Ft alt, former secretary of
the interior, and Edward L. Doheny,{
lately of the Elk Hills reserve, are
charged with criminal conspiracy to
defraud the government in the nego-
tiations which led to the lease and
award to Doheny's company of an oil

problem by a decision to be true to
Spirituals VahlableI
This new little renaissance is basedI
particularly upon the Negro spirituals
that have been a medium for thought
d.n tl understandine" stated Dr.


Costumnes Elaborate This is the first time in many years
"In richness and variety the cos- that the match has been won by a
tumes of this year's Opera are more sophomore.
elaborate than that of any other The contestants met a 5 o'clock
amateur production in the country," yesterday to draw for subjects, which
Lester stated. were on all phases of intercollegiate
The scenery and furnishings also athletics, and for places In order of
provide an effective background for speaking. The seven finalists were
the action of the Opera, particularly chosen from a larger number of try-
that of the second act, in which the -outs at the preliminaries held Tues-
scene is an exact reproduction of the day.
Grand Salon of the Chateau de Neigo, Andeer's title was "Shall We Abol-
St. Moritz, Switzerland, with its ish Football?", and that of Gessner
marble pillars, colored stone mosaic was "Should Students Be Allowed to
motifs, and ceiling-high French doors Attend Out-of-Town Football Games?"
opening out to a view of the snow- Other subjects on the list dealt with
covered Swiss Alps. I stadiums, coaches, and professional-
The singing, according to Theodore ism. The speeches were limited to
Harrison, director in the School of eight minutes each.
Music, who has trained the Opera -
chorus numbers this year possesses a,
high quality of brilliance, both in tal- W ALKER VICTOR
cut and in 'development.
Plot Collegiate IN TITLE BOUT
The plot is collegiate in atmosphere,
and Donal Hamilton Haines, of the
Opera book selection committee, be- BULLETIN
lieves it to be one of the most suc- (By Associated Press)
cessul Opera books ever attempted. CHICAGO, Dec. 3.-Mickey
"The comedy, a quality often only: Walker, former world's welter-
mediocre in amateur productions weight champion, won the middle-
espccally, is this year one of the weight title tonight when Referee
streiget attractions the Opera will = enny Yanger awarded him the
ha vi to offer," stated Haines. decision over Tiger Flowers after
The Opera will open a week's run 10 furious rounds.
at the Whitney theater beginning Walker scored two knoclidowns,
Monday and extending to a matinee dropping the Negro in the fifth
pertoriuice Saturday, December 11. round, aid again it. the ninth.
A few seats are still available at the -_~_~_
Whity theater box office for all per- (By Associated Press)
forumanes. CHICAGO, Dec. 3.---A capacity
c;ow cf 11,000 spectators' shunned
REPRT ,,1ALSit'li ,,qo -;c Colise~um, noted for- its
GRID-GRAPH GAIN pitxal battles, tonight to witness
at ~~te effort of M4ickey Walker, famous;
1 .x elterweight title holder, to win the
Oieo again the grid-graph which is n-middleweight champinoship f r o m
own at iMll auditorium demonstrat- Tiger Flowers.
,i J) -bI ty to meet the competition h receipts, according to Promoter
el- 1 lie ri.: The c'omplete figures1 Jim Mullen, were between $85,000 and
no hovthat a net profit of $1,5001 $90,000, a record-breaking gate for
Sreid by the management for glove fighting in Illinois. The demand
the hl owing of three Varsity games. for tickets was so great that all seats
T, le rid-graph of the Army-Navy I had been sold before the doors were
football game failed to make a profit, opened. It was a complete sell-out, at
but there was no loss incurred. Chicago's largest fight crowd since the
'1'1! money that was gained will be! sport became legalized.
ap lied to the payment of the Alumni I After the ineficient handling of the
association indebtedness. This debt last fight crowd in the Coliseum, 150
was incurred by the building of police were on duty tonight to pre-
Alumni Memorial hall, and the only serve order and to assist in handling
payment annually made on it is the the crowd.
pro it. of the grid-graph showings. The
board is owned by the Alumni associa- S C. A. Officials Go
tion. At the time the Regents granted:;
permission to use Hill auditorium for 'n l l r N/tipp y

anu muual gle',LUI11, b.L .
storage contract at Pearl Harbor. Locke, "and is due partially to the re-
Admiral Robinson, one of the prin- ection of the idea of correlating the
cipal witnesses, was called for ques- best features of each. The Negro
tioning as to the part the navy took
in negotiations. admits his handicaps and his feeblei
hold upon the instruments of civiliza-
tion," Dr. Locke continued, "especial-
W OR LEY W ILL ly his feeble economic foothold has
been allowed; and while there has
SPEAK M ONDAY i been some progress, there will not be
enough progress in this generation to
prove that the Negro has gained
Manager Of Cable Company Will Trace equality.-i
Origins Of Early Vehicles Dr. Locke concluded that collabora-
tion is the desired solution of the

sented him w
modeled byC
will be placed
building as a

ith a bronze plaquk,
Carton Angell, which
in the Natural Science
memorial to his work.

Report Given by Breckinridge on Trip
To International Conference;
Hold Discussion Groups
Adoption of a permanent constitu-
tion was the principal business trans-
acted by the National Student Federa-
tion of America at the second session
of its second annual congress at the
Union yesterday. The document is
general in composition and easily
Tme preamble to the new constitu-
tion follows: "We would achieve a
spirit of cooperation among the stu-
dents of the United States of America
to give consideration to questions af-
fecting students' interests; we woul
develop an. intelligent student opinion
on . questions of national and inter-
national importance; we would foster
understanding among the students of
the world in the furtherance of an
enduring peace. In working for these
ends the Federation acts independent-
ly of any political party or religious
Before the congress adjourned its
session yesterday morning, the report
of Marvin Breckinridge of Vassar col-
lege was heard, concerning the for-
eign trip which four delegates made
last summer to the International Stu-
dents' conference.
Five Topics Covered
Discussion groups were held yester-
day afternoon and last night on five
specially assigned topics.
"The Honor System and Student
Government" was the subject led by
Dorothy Mason of Wellesley college,
Charles Gleaves of the University of
Virginia, and H. Chapman Rose of
"Athletics" was discussed by a
group headed by M. A. Cheek of Har-
vard, with Alfred S. Dashiell of
Schribner's magazine acting as con-
"Fraternities" was led by Ben L.
Bryant of the University of Cincinnati
and Margaretta Fleming of Ohio State.
"The Choice and Method of Teach-
ers" was headed by Frederick V. Field
of Harvard.
"The Nature of the Curriculum" was
led by Douglass Orr of Swarthmore
college and Marvin Breckinridge of
Elect Today
The election of national officers
will be held by the congress at its
first session this morning. Committee
reports will also be heard.
The delegates will convene in
regional meetings this afternoon for
the purpose of electing new represen-
tatives to- the executive committee cf
the Federation.
A tea dance will be held for the
visiting students in the ballroom f
the Union later this afternon. The
closing meeting of 'the congress will
be held tonight when final business
will be disposed of and the selection
of next year's meeting place will be
determined. The present and the new
executive committees will hold a final
meeting at midnight tonight.
The registration at the Union shows
that there are 276 men and women
delegates attending the Ann Arbor
congress, from 208 colleges and uni-
versties throughout the country, and
representing a total of more han 300,-
000 students.
Freshman Elections
Will Be Next Week
Election of officers in all freshman
. classes will be held next week, except
the Law clas selection which -was
held last week. The day, time and
place for next week is as follows:
Freshman literary class, 4,o'clock,
Wednesday, Hill auditorium; fresh-
man engineering class, 11 o'clock,
Wednesday, room 348 engineering

building; freshman architectural class,
4:30 o'clock, Tuesday, room 311 en-
gineering building; freshman dental
class, 5 o'clock, Tuesday, lower .m-
phitheater of the dental building.
Chain Automobiles
Parked On Campus
In an attempt to prevent those
without permits using the University
parking plots, it was decided to chain

Outlines Process Of Choosing Men
To Teach, Ridiculing
Method Used
"All previous civilizations have lain
in the hands of old men, and none of
them have lasted," declared President
Clarence Cook Little yesterday morn-
ing, speaking before a group of more
than 200 delegates at the National
Student Federation's congress at the
Union. "Students need, above all, a
knowledge of their own value to
I civilization," he stated.
President Little opened the speech
with the declaration that students and
faculty members are far away from a
mutual understanding at present, and
that the reason for this is the type
of faculty man that is chosen. He
outlined the process by which most
professors reach their positions, say-
ing that after they"receive their pass
key to that intellectual garret of Phi
Beta Kappa, the devil, in the form of
some friend whispers into their ears
that they should teach."
They often accept the suggestion,
according to' President Little, and
after securing their master's degrees
they write a thesis on some such sub-
ject as "The suspender's of Henry
VIII" and then are qualified to teach.
"A thesis subject," President Little
said, " is by definition a subject about
which no one has ever cared to write
Friction Results
This type of man is put in charge of
a group of freshmen, then, and he gen-
erally has a great disdain for their
consummate ignorance, while they on
their part have great disdain for his
consummate learning. Some time
some one springs up among the fresh-
men with the declaration that the
suspenders of Henry VIII are the
most important things in the world
and immediately the professor picks
him up from the bog of ignorance in
which the restof the freshmen lie and
starts him on the path to another pro-
fessorship, according to President
The speaker then went on to ex-
plain that the literary college did not
awaken sufficient interest on the parts
of the students, and that the minute
they received their diplomas they
try to forget all that they have learn-
ed. This system ought to be changed,
and the speaker proposed making a
first two year's course merely to
awaken interest on the part of the
students and make it so general that
even the engineering students could
take it. The snobbish faculty spoils
friendliness now, he said, and the cur-
riculum should be revised.
Students Can Help
Students can help in this revision
of the curriculum, but "youth runs
very fast" and must be directed in
channels. There is a danger in cover-
ing too broad a field in one's educa-
tion and also a danger in covering too
narrow a field, according to President
The tutorial system, which is some-
times suggested as a remedy to our
I present educational problems, is an
old world institution that very likely
won't work here, he explained. The
reasons for its'success in other coun-
tries is their lack of desire to finish
the university educations in a spe)-
,fed time, while here every one ex-
pects to get through the University in
four years, and if the subject is not
learned well this does not alter' the
expectation. Here the tutor would
have to get the student through his
course in four years or lose his job,
President Little declared, because we
have applied American efficiency
standards to the system.
Makes Suggestions

The solutions which the speaker
suggested were: more careful selec,
! tion of students according to poten-
tialities, fairer examinations, with the
idea that the student is going to pass
rather than on the supposition that
they should make him fail; better
housing, that is, taking care of the
student for the 18 hours a day he is
not in school as well as in the actual
classroom work; and athletics for all.
In touching upon the athletic sit-
uation, the President scored coaches
for advocating extensive programs
and then refusing to adopt a plan


Starting with the earliest recordsl
available on the subject, J. S. Worley,
professor of transportation, will lec-
ture at 10 o'clock Monday morning in I
room 411 West Engineering building.j
"Early Wheeled Vehicles" will be Pro-
fessor Worley's topic. In a second{
lecture, to be given Tuesday morning,
he will discuss early waterway trans-
In private life, Professor Worley is
vice-president and manager of the
Habirsham Electric Cable company of
New York city. He visits the Univer-
sity regularly the first of each month
for lectures on the subject of trans-
portation. Professor Worley holds
degrees for advanced work from the
Universities of Kansas and Missouri.
In his lecture Monday, which will
be open to the public, Professor Wor-
ley will trace the origin and develop-
ment of wheeled vehicles, from the
earlies known records on the subject,
the ancient rock drawings, through
the Greek and Roman ages, up to{
modern times and the beginnings of
the modern automobile. Material on
tihe subject will be derived from the
literature preserved from ancient
times, mrecord s foun md oni monuments,
rocks and walls of ruins of buildings;
and other sourtces.
Alpha Oniega Alplu Presents Lecl urer
As Second Speaker Of 'Iils
Year's Program
Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary med -
cal fraternity, will present the second
of its lectures at 8 o'clock next Tues-
day night in Natural Science audi-
torium when Dr. Hugh T. Patrick, of
Chicago, will speak. His topic will
be "The Natural of Rational Treat-
ment of the Psychoieuroses." The
lecture will be of a public nature and
lall who may be interested are invited
to attend.

problem for the Negroes and endowed
with characteristics in whpich America
is weak and America is endowed with
characteristics in which the Negro is
weak, the combination of the two'
should make for great cultural pro-
Crisis Is Faced As
Franc Rise Result
PARIS, Dec. 3.-France, which faced
an economic crisis last July because
of the fall of the franc, now is facing
another crisis because of its phe-
nomenal rise within the last few
Unemployment and serious busi-
ness depression have come with the
rise of the French unit of exchange,
which leaped to 5.82 cents to the dol-
lar today, more than double its value
I of, last July, when it was quoted in
New York at two cents to the dollar.
Soph Prom Tickets
1 Are Still Available
A limited number of tickets for the
sophomore Prom, Friday night, Dec.
10, are still available The early de-
mand for tickets far exceeded expec-
tations and they are expected to be
sold out at least by the middle of
next week.


Prof. A. Franklin Shull, chairman of
the zoology department, in the capa-
city of toastmaster, presented the
plaque, which was prepared with the
aid of members of the biology depart-
ment, and Professor Reighard's'
In expressing his gratitude for thel
evidences of admiration and respect
tendered him, Professor Reighardl
stated that things happen in spite of
men, andtracing his interest in sci-
ence to his early life, declared any
success due to an inherent desire for
scientific study from the very first.
To Professor Mark of Harvard uni-
versity, he attributes his knowledge
of carrying out scientific research,
and his first conception of scientific
Prof. E. C. Goddard of the Law
school, a student under Professor
Reighard, declared that his studies in
biology opened a new field of thought,
a new outlook which influenced great-
ly his later life and work. John R.j
Effinger, dean of the literary school,
stated that the first professor to be
appointed to the faculty of the Uni-
versity 44 years ago was the profes-
sor of botany and zoology, Asa Gray,
and traced the history of that depart-
ment until Professor Reighard took
the chair as the head of biology. Re-
gent Julius Beal, a classmate, reveal-
ed the fact that the class prophecy
had seen Professor Reighard in the
capacity of the head of biology of the
ATHENS.-An agreement has been
signed here between Greece and Tur-

Locke Believes Cultural Backgroind Is
Serious Consideration for Negro Today


"The question of a cultural back-
ground is a serious one with the
Negro,"' averred Dr. Allain LeRoey
Locke in ani interview last night, "and
some effort is being made to redeem
African art and traditions in an en-
deavor to reconstruct this background
for -several reasons, chief among

sentative values. "It is, in addition,'
one of the rich fields of artistic mo-
tives as proved by the influence of
African sculpture in the modernist
French and Germtn paintings as well
the evident influence of African
rhythm in Negro-American folksongs,"
stated the lecturer.

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