YE zxTTHE MICHIGAN DAILY 'zFR DAY,IDE DALnFIILBLEI Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy receivred by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Coolidge Greets Schneider Cup Winner FRIDAY, DECE~MBER :3, 1T26 NlIinit)cr7. ) To All Entering Uppereiass 'Womnen: Entering upperclass women who plan to participate in any extra crar- ricular, activity must get special permission from the offlee of Advisers K Women in Barbour Gymnasium. This is absolutely necessary since no en-- tering upperclass woman is eligible for extra curricular activity until shv has obtained this special permission. Beatrice W. Johnson, Advisor of 'iomeii. To All House Presidents: Signing-out slips for the month of November must be in the Advisor's Office, Barbour Gymnasium, before December 7, 1926. The following houses have not handed in signing-out slips for the months of September aiil October: Alpha Phi. Alpha Xi Delta. Aubrey.; Felker. Freeman. Frink. Kappa Alpha Theta. O'Hara. _., Phi Sigma Signma. Probst. Shan man. Collegiate Sorosix. Truettner. These slips must also be handed in before December 7. Charlene Shiland, Chairman, Judieiary Counicil. Iwish to attend this banquet kindly notify me at 325 South 5th Avenue, or XXj1 call me at 8317. !Man y W Attend Carl G~. Miller, Secretary. M\*hlwauk ei vle; t i nf tFISHEI? DI1SCUJSSES BIIQ VN DESCRIBES M'ore than ;,000 are expe. d to a'-- MODERN ASPECTS TRIP IN SCOTLAND: tend the conference of the Council o OF REAL ES TA TE rf . vrt . rwjfth oi Student Christian associations, the PrfveetS.Bonofte____ jrpeenaie nte ntdStates 0_7 1"Research in real estate is a pro- cal science department gave the prin-I the World's Student Christian 11f(Aers - j 'cs of (-areful and painstaking study cipal address at the annual nmeeting tiara. The conference is to open Dec. of facts and isolated ThDrees affecting of the St. Andrews society recently !28 and last until Jaun. 1. It will ineet t al c stal~e in it's var1.ous aspects," at St. Andrews hall in D~etroit. in Milwaukee. sr .rtt Prof. E~rnest. M. Fisher ofi Professor Brown's subject was "The i The Uvniversity of Mich igan's (luetl a the School of Business AdministrationI Country We Left:," which was a re- i o 3 has already been tIllwr:. An t latnight in addressinp the Plymouth isume of observations of Scotland! tempt is being madie to eilarg , tin+ 1, a Estal e board at a dinner meeting made during a recent tour of the quota so that more than the or-igi,.l, gen in his honor in the Masonic tem- country. He discussed in particular number may go. plc in Plymouth. Professor Fisher the Ayr district which was made fa- T'he societies to be represented r3at fqetyasserted that the. term "research" was 'nous by the immortal bard, Robert1 this conference are the Stuidnt ('h i,-; rrqetymisunderstood, some con- Burris. ieste tian associations of the various unai- sidering it to be removed from the este and colleges of the cc? t r realmr of practical significance, others, Subscribe for The i1ichigan Daily. and the Y. W. C. A. of thec c, i c. -4 i 1 Michigant Academy of Science, Arts and Letters: Meeting of the Council on Saturday, December 4, at 2:30 p. G436, Natural Science Building. Major Mario de Bernadi, who won the Schneider cup for Italy and broke the speed record for seaplanes, is presented to President Coolidge. Left to right: Nobile Giacomo de Martino, Italian ambassador; President Coolidge, Major Bernadi and Major Guglielmetti. thec Oratorical association will be held in University Hall Auditorium- at 3 1p.m.n today (Friday). The public is invitedi to attend. The seven speakers Iwho have been chosen for participation in the finals will meet in Room 302 M. H-. at 5 p. mn. today to draw for subjects. The general subject is: "Inter- collegiate Athletics." Thomas T. Koykka, Chlaui~n. History Department: There will be a mneeting of the History Department at luncheon i the Michigan Union, today at 12:15. C.Ill. Tani Tyne. Tryouts for Spa.nish Plays: Tryouts for the three Spanish plays to be given will be held on Satur- day, December 4, at 10:00 o'clock sharp in Room 201 S. W. Anyone can try for them who has had at least Spanish 31, or is taking it. Charles T. Lee, Pres. Phi D~elta Rlians: A regular weekly meeting of the members of the Fraternity will be held today, noon at the Lantern Shop. New members especially invitedl to attend. i Robert A. Rlohn. femlbers of Alpha Onega Alpha : On Tuesday, December 7th, there will be a banquet at the Michigan Union, at 6 :09 o'clock p. in., in honor of Dr. Patrick, of Chicago. If yu ~rega'rding that its "sole object is to de- velop rulles by which business can bej Smore or less mechanically conductedi with a proportionate increase in sue-j cessfulness."S Professor Fisher then outlined a number of problems confronting a real estate dealer, the solution' of which he declared was of "advantage not' only to dealers but to the entire social b)ody." He described at some length the task of the sub-divider, who, heE said, has to take in consideration both the location of his plot and the relationship between the increase of population with the growth in area of a city. The sub-divider has also to maintain the proportion between the lots designed for business and those intended for residence. PURPLE, CARNEGIE MAY BE SCHEDULED FOR 1927 P1(By Associated Press) PTTSBURGH, Dec. .-Northwest- ern has invited Carnegie Tech to play at Soldiers Stadium, Chicago, Oct. 29, 1 1927. Tech already is scheduled to meet West Virginia on that day, bit it is considered possible that some shift may be made in the schedule. of one of the two teams. NAPLES.-The semi-extinct volcano Solfatara, at Pozzuoli is showing signs I inI., in Roos 2 L. IL Dice, Secretary. The opening lecture of the Cercle Francais program will be given Monday, December 6, at 4:15 o'clock in Natural Science Auditorium. Daniel Michenot, Professor of Diction at Strasbourg, France, will give a lecture recital in Fren~ch on "Rostand et sort oeuvre." Tickets for the whole series may be procured from -the secretary of the Romance Language Department, Room 104 South Wing. Rene Talamon. Public Lecture: Dr. F. S. Onderdonk will lecture on "Gandhi or Mussolini," W'iday, December 3, at 4:15, in Room 231, Angell Hall. Chi. W. Hunt. Public Lecture: Alain Locke, professor of Philosophy at Howard University, will speak on "The Negro Renaissance". at the Natural Science Auditorium on Friday evening, December 3, at 8 p. m. Admission free. Prof. Roy Wood Sellers, chairman. IV. hf..-Jtoward, Pres. The Negro. Caucasian Club. Civil Engineering. P.: Daly 10 o'clock section .will not meet on Friday, December 3rd. 4 T. C. Hoad. Journalism:. I shall be unable to meet my classes this morning. J. L. Brunuin. ak Mm Ik AF 49F ff Proud W" Amok it our aft Uthes There is no reason why you should not 4 r JUST READY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HOSPITAL Compiled by IDoctors Shelby W. V Wishart, James F. Joliaitgen and N orMan F. Clark. - - 'rice, $Mi0. be, when you consider how little effort ca ,, t HR 1Jh1VERITY BOOK TOR Extemxporaneous Speaking Contest: The annual Extemporaneous speaking contest under the auspices it takes to keep them looking "spit" and, span. It does not mater how large or small of .. . 1 i I __ USED -CAR Fords'- Dodges - Studebakers it I' 4 QUALITY.' if-' ji rY,(5 a R f li lll YiY Y IO O Mi I'ii LW IIII sYi lliĀ®K4LIf1 0'QUALITY. ' !t FOR WINTER TIME IN NORTHERND CLIMES USE NORTHLAND SKIS 7 your wardrobe is. Remember, your - Buicks i Snow and ice is sure to come. Pre- pare for it by having your skates, skis, sleds and toboggans. Buy early while the1 stock is in good shape. Sleds--$1.511, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00, $3.75, $4.75, $5.50, $6.00, $6.50. Skates-$1.25, $1.65, $2.00, $2.25 $3.40, $3.85. Skates and Shoes- Union Hardware, $6.00 Nestor-Johnson, $8.00 Northland Skis-$1.75, $2.25, $2.75, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50, $5.50 T,)boggans-$8.50, $11.50, $14.00 popularity. depends upon how well you keep your clothes cleaned and pressed. It! Ii Modern / Prices from $50 to $500 Payment Plan if you Wish. JOSEPHH.TO SOIc hone 11I1 20 East Michigan Ave. YPSILANTI, MICHIGAN f J p IIl Dial 4287 4. Toys and Gifts of all Kinds. .~ Washington Near Main 4' QaIT. . Fischer Co. / iw. --IF -%W/ 416 i lqb..r Main Near Washington UALY AIR 0. White Swan Laundry di "A!nn Alrbor 's Leading Cleaners" . . . r smV1 f 1, . ... . 1A .' I