RIDAYD]'1BR 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' .. .s x s to r r, r f COACHES ADOr PF TfLor obtaining any body hold is -' DIRECTOR ,J* IGHA ,1f -rfFITPID >Js.z'' A ,V .itcut onaIly runing offihe mat Q CLUMNL -- c e in;an o~oa~l-ilnt e a~ ".17L)PR u l,1,nl - 0I .f Let Mul'a'!us 7d F2 ill .ic at:% la1'gda n"I 1he - 'ofereis a-l o zed fnltfrU'(i!ghtt£ 1 c iltt!E.t 0io "; tt Ohe Oppcooit 01("d n aof sI c old. thin; forecing the of- 'Western Conference wrestling fcnrlecr t() accept a 'Riweling position. coaches'formally adopted thec National Thli s alav ion will eliminate the prac- Intercollegiate code of rules as the tip',Oof .stall:ng by rulmnig away from ofllcial regulations govern.ing the. sport among Big Ten schools this sea- e}. thelfir~mrc,, < man nitist be in an son at the meeting held in Chicago actn=al atltemfpt to obtain a fall last week . This set of rules is now ; ip.: ?; 'ocut the e'ntire match.. E+ven used in every group fostering inrter- . t1101155 aSmais be5l)hinld his oppionent, collegiate wrestling in the United he must be working for a fall, other- States, 'the Western Conference being' wise he may be chargedi with stalling. the last group to adopt it. IShrilarliy the under-man must con- The advent of this body of regular!; stantly strive to escape from his ag- tions will' materially add to the pop- gressor or the referee may award the clarity of wrestling by greatly speed- match to his opponent by a fall. ing up the sport. This will be l)ossi- formerly a one minute advantage b~le due to the requiremeints of the code! was rufficient to gain a decision in a which tend to promote more action" match, but now the reoferee decide, the on tb- part of the contestants by de- outcome on tue Ibaris Qf the effort; of muantling continued effort for a fall ! terespoective conte=stanits to gaemya throughout the match instead of de- fall. This places the outcome of a pending upon a mere time ailvantage.j cortc'st at the disgression of the ref- Although the National Intercol-' eree instead of deciding the winner legiate, code was not adopted in its: by a time advantage. entirety, the most important provis- The duration of matches ha, been ions won the immediat~e favor of the: reduced from the customary 12 min- coaches, and consequently, with a fewr ute periods to 10 minutes. Now three exceptions of minor importance, the; points will be awarded for a d(ecisiion present body of rules governing Big instead of two, as previously wa s the Ten wrestling corresponds to that fol- custom'. lowed by every other intercollegiate group in this country. I Fred Marberry, of the Washington One of the important innovations is Senators, pitched in 55 games in. 1925, the use of the double wrist-lock from: but did not pitch a full game. a standing position. The introduction of this hold, Coach, Keen believes, ±W1 ashington used eight pitchers to will prove a great asset to Conference, defeat Boston, 14-9 in 1913. wrestling. Another important change I is that the interlacing of the fingers suzhsrhlw for the Mieluig'.1.1 Daily. APPW~~IUU~L 10 L~I~flU' ~"~'I UADVRTISNG 3 z Aei y lepo(lneit group desiring to I - 'it er a teamn in the biasketball tourna- If you are a telephone subscriber call Jii1111e mocnt to be conducted by the intra- the Ad-Taker, Dial 21214, and your wanr ad will be charged. Aural deparlit ment shol~ d hand their The Michigan Daily reserves the right to4 entr inat he ntrmurl ofic asclassify all wants aels under appropriate head- ertly i atthelntalllraloffce s Iings and to revise o withhold .Ajectionablc Moon as p)ossily. This should also cop)y.? be acomanid b a lst f te iem-CASH RATES be at'opanid b a lst f th me- Teti cents per readinig line (on the basis of her s of the team. Competition will five a-erage words to the line) for one or two bin directly after the Christmas va- 'jNine cet per rcading line for three or more insertions. cation and therefore it will be neces- Caar classifieds received at the Daily office !.:,ry t hae al enriesin y Frday in The Press Building on Maynard Street.' sar tohav al etris i b Frday ICONTRACT RATES 1)eC. 10. Special standardized rates given on applica- -rLhe intramural department permits tion. participation on two teams, this al- iU _171 11y ew;O sis CI f t It S. SaeS.-56-57 1'2AIUN lAilE's- The Co-ed(if Shop;. l~yhn for Christmna. -5, -1 ~. 32 1]. Jefferson~. 5 6-57-5S lows ani individual to compete for his fraternity and class, or on an inde- pendent team. i FOR RENT FOR RENT-Large p)leasant room. Reasonable. :Dial 711A. 56-517-58-59 F .. i- . Because of unfavorable weather - ' conditions this fall the decisive matches of the All-Campus tennis ' I tournament have had to be postponed from time to time but were finally b rought to a close Wednesday after- Ybl1llifl J . 1Bi11gl m noon. AI. C. Heaney defeated R. B. Athletic director of Harvard, who ;Brody for the singles title by the fol- rec'ently received the letter from Pres-; lowing scores: 6-4, 4-6, 6-2 and 6-3. ident Flibben of Princeton severing a ll.The match was played in the bitter athletic relations with the Cambridge I(cold- school. The doubles championship was won Director Bingham later apologized , onme time ago when 1. Moss and M. for the actions of the Lampoon, the Bacon defeated R. A. K-icks and Oscar magazine that was the cause of theI Nagel by the score of 8-6, 7-5, and 6-4.' trouble. Handsome loving cups will be award- With the breaking in relations caine ed to the winners and medals to the the breakup of the Big Three." runners up in both events. FOR RENT-4 roomn unfurnishedi apartment. Newly decorated. Pi furnished. $57.50. 403 N. State. 53-54-55-56-57-58 APARTMENT FOR RENT---Married! couple to live in apartment and cart 1for furnace. Address Box 131G Mtichigan -Daily. 53-54l-55-56-57-53 LOST LOST-A pair of shell rhimed giasse, yesterday on Church between Jud- son Ct. and Hill St. Call 6548. 57-5S-59 lin=d 'i l or cne to ke eonabwe.- ~~~~~n ~ ~ 4 en s o-ITapan Dal82 W\ANT F,17I)- - : r; Xas vacalikengood meni to make::' fy to hundred dol- lazrs in homeown.A chanric. for Epermanennmt :sununei(r enhlploym ent.. lox 137. 5a-57 I _,.... ..... 1 LOST-String garnet beads. Lost Ia:' se, r..I A.,t or ;ogra phi je!pod. io, Sunday on State or rrlpsoil.: referencet:,s. fux 139, 56-57-55 Treasured as heirloom. Reward._____________________ Call 9489. 57-58-59 ( WANTED ST1UDJNTS to know that LOST-Between Union and Ferxrl Salia pays fromt $4 to $24 for old Field, man's wrist watch, 1"Jack I iiiand*i ovei'eots. ,+T-09 ,, 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 j :w J -. ' ..+. Individualized Simart furnishings N , Y a ,_ . Lait,.J r., 1923" engraved on oack. Apply 915 Sybil St. Reward. X022. f75-5 E LOST-New tan leather purse. Con- tained change and valuable eyek glasses. Address Lox 140. 57-58 LOST-Small brown p)ocketbook coi-- Itamning bill, near F. & M. bank, or, "University Hall. Reward. 120'3 Hill. Phone 5534. 56-57 LOST-Chi Psi Fraternity p~in, Friday; night. Reward. Call 6317. ' cards a2'2 now on2 dCisplay. SNwit' ( 1mg Store, 2"10 S. State St. . 55-)7-)9 N0T ICE --T'he largest Ii neo of framed plctn2 es in the city. Brow n',,;Book at o2Re. 210( S. Main ';t. 57 FORE SALE STUTZ Bearcat Sport Tourin,. excellent shape. Call Ardu after 7 p. in. 55-56-57 1101-ij.11.rie1 j'asv t C"'. l 1,or~ 11i. is5i 7842 hbra. 5 niiie.- (oit Lonva 11 5 7-55 iaew 1lyn-Loc i paved road. fri-sjat-U FOR SALE-Antique Parlor suite, 6 piece. Excellent condition, newly upholstered. 819 Miller Ave. a, YiN ~ j~.as a 2.~ ft'1loCvi% and. ills c e'~I tfm' y o l i I I ; r., y> p i , f I h F i' l' J ., tW W~ d i .;'+,el.! rR. X1:.9 v r o le t S ]y4 F { 1{ dr?, ,rN 't'R G. 77 . J' 7' -. y Sk, rlld r 9 lear t I In 1925 Chevrolet astonished suits from a steadfast adherenc( the automotive world by attain-. thefundamentalChevroletpol "'ing an annual production never of building a car of the finest;p before reached by any manufac. sible quality to sell at a low pri tiirer of gearshift automobiles. Ta h atmjrt fb Yet, so spectacular has been the Thow demanasartof hsy increase in demand for Chuevro' nwamnd tha Cher ot hs tee le crlthatarewcard ieveh cessful in building such a car clmrefbr ilan r'or i tepossessing the highest degree clima for 926.smooth performance, smart Thus, for two years in succession, pearance, and economical 01 Chevrolet has broken all its Pre- ation-is proved by Chevrot -vious records and has set a new success during the year ni mark in automotive history. drawing to a close. Come ina This splendid achievement re- see this record-breaking car. Small down payment and convenient terms. Ask about our 6% Purchase Certificate Ptan. Touring or Roadster $510, Coupe or Coach $645, Sedan $735, Landau $765, 1A.-Tow Truck $375 (Chatssis only), 1-Ton Truck $49)5 (Cha.ssis only),MAl pices f.o.b. Flint, Mich. F. 4 if §.I st , i , . sew 71W Ril miL -)i V r v\ 102 South Ashley St. 1 H 1 I r ' 9