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December 03, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-03

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+ + wa...A X-- A-A li Iq A-IA l.ALA A

s ~ Dy c~l4

(., f' j. D l ,; I zsnmate----ith Spain; and if the
J b t i acts arc enforced it will soon be i___
pos:sible to ilnlport liquor f'romi any
Pub.lished every morning except Monday ('i~ii~Zed country on the:e of the
dig the University year by the Board ini
Cor iol of Student Publications, earth.
Meirbers of Western Conference Editorial leap tniyeantaitptoI
Association, enforce our law ij:;edoi.I
The Associated Pf "s is exclusively en1- !m2ly be that the m-ggling will beI
titled to the use for republication of all news stoppedl; it may b : that no reasure
d i sp;tdches credited to it or not otherwise
Ccditrd in *his paper and the local news pub- on earth cantIIenforcte the plU)r~ itlo n
lished threin,. amendment, in which case it will
Eiirdat the postoffice at Ann Arbor, probably have to be repealed. Wat1<i-
l i ichign, a5scondz class matter. Special rate,
of j. a Le ranted by Third Assistant Post- ever the case, it i4 gratifyin~g to sece
master (;cicral. Eta icr tep sbigmd
Sil~sriponby carrier, $3.75:; by mail,thtasneeatmtisbngmd
$410 by our governtment to en Force its ref;-
(Jie Ann Arbor Press Building, May- tilationis in .the face of event an ex.-
1 r-,oes : Editorial, business 21.214.1 tremely (l'ffcult situation.



Telephone 4925
Editor......... ..\VCalvin Patterson j
Citv Editor............... .Irwin A. Olian
News Editors ........... j Frederick Shrillit''
WVomren's Editor........... .Marion Kubik
sliorts Ed.litor...... ..... Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Elit-or...........Morris Z% a erdlhig
plusic anyd Drama...... .Vincent C. W~all, Jr.{
Night Editors
Charles Behynmet Ellis M:erry
Carlton Charpope Stanf~ard N. Phelps
loCh amberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cissa~n A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger H enry Tliurnau
Joseph Brunswick.
l~lar('flAndeson 'aiil Kern
Alexl~ohnoski Miles Kimball
I°:an >'u::lal i lt')n Kirs.hbu m~r
Clarence j?1e' -n R ic'ard Kurvink.
ths kr . lark G. Taomnas Me9Kean
,i v. Vc La VergncKenneth IPatrick
1villi.n!n1 1 mcry Morris QuinnI
Al11red Lec Foster James Sheehan
Roubert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Lim Friend Sylvia Stone
Rober t Gessner \\William Thurnou'
Elaine Gruber Al illord Vanik
Culeniaa J. Glencer Herbert T,. Vedder
I1arveyIVJ. Gunderson iMdarian Welles
Stewrt [l ooker Thaddeus \Vasielewski
MiortoI, It. lcove Sherwood Winslow
Telephone 21214j
Advertising............. .William C. Pusch
Advertising ...............Thom as SunderlandI
Advertisin.g.......... George It. Annable, Jr.I
Circulation ................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication............... John It. BobrinkI
Accounts...... .......,Francis A. Ncrquist
George Alin Jr.. Harold Utley
Melvin It. B~aer L. J. Van Tuyl
I). M . Brown J. I;. Woodj
M. 11. Cain Esther Booze
Floreice Cooper I I ildla Binzer
Il)aniel Finley D)orothy Carpenter
B. 13. Hanidley iV rion A. Daniel
A. Al. Hinkley Becatrice Greenberg
E. L.. 1 luke Seh~na M. Janson
S !mac bawy Marion Kerr
T:. A. Mleyer Marion L. Reading
ha~lrvey Rosenblum HIarriet C. Smith
W Iiliam V. Spencer Nanlce Solsmon j
1 , ,-vev Talcott Florence Widmnaier
Night Editor---CASSAM A. WILSON
Tio 'protec-t the lives and property of
f<;:eigner, :s, British, French, and Amner-
n-angunbatshave landed sailors and
maries t iankow. The situation in
thi:s Ch'.inese city is generally regarded
as serious. Sine September, Can-
toeeleadlers have been busy "or-
anzing all classes of labor into
unions in a manner similar to the in-
du strial soviets} of Russia." Recently,
some of these unierts, being enthused
by the defeat of the forces allied to
tthe Pekin pbverni lant by the Can-
tonese forces, have threatened a gen-
eral anti-forceign stripe. Fear thatj
a native uprising might bring results
which would endlanger lives of for-

j ~ AN ("'HATI( N
In the good 01(1 days, as the phrase
1has it, university presidents were men
of staidl mein, with a passive cultured
air, who appeared at periodic inter-
vals before the alumni and the Rle-
gents and lauded the activities and the
spirit of dlear old Siwash. Their re-
p~orts were just reports and their
criticism of the school and of systems
of education in general were few and
!But a change has been effected.
President Clarence Cook Little of the
University of Michigan, and President
'Glenn. Frank of the University of
{Wisconsin have thrown their hats into
the riiig and are viewing the faults
and failings of modern education, let
the shoe pinch where it may. There
are writing for the public publications
and for organs of opinion their ideas
and findings in the case of education
for all versus education for the few.
The attitude is to be lauded because
of the promisq it carries of a bette:
'understanding of educational prob-
lems. Education has, in the past, been
regarded too much as a persona mat-
ter with each institution and too little
a matter of concern to the state and
the nation. At last education is to be
placed on the impartial dissecting
table of modern research and -its
Sfaults viewed in the light of advance-
ment regardless of cost or revelations.
"Precipitation of a condition strik-
ing at the very fundamentals of the
existing social order is threatened by
and aep without discipline or self-re-
r traint,"--this we take from a recent
report of the committee on evangel-
ism of the Methodist Episcopal church.
It may be that part of it is true-it
madr be that the age of today is irre-
sponsible and unrestrained. But t-o
think that the foundations of a world
that has existed as long as ours are
rthus lightly to be destroyed is too
p~essimfistic, it smacks of the alarums
fostered by fanatics and radicals the
world over.
It may be that in this spirit of
"pessimism one may find the reason for
the failing influence of the church.
People demand in reiion something
more tha~n uncovering of wrong--they
demand action and relief. And this
the church of today seeMs unable to
procure. Too many times in the un-
settled days since the war has the
church called "W;olf, Wolf," and ruse
away to wonder.
While the poll of pub)lic sentiment
by an iuuterdvn uiiinational church or-
granization which will be carried on


"/ J~l+JI-. na-i---/ --.'/,?_c,_,_ ., -_
L4A = Barbour Gymnasium
AND December 4'
t h 'lfDR A M TEA ROIM NiI li ot IRolsv wih Jtnor hIoney
Saturday 1Luncheon (hnt.aitIDtShd
50c_____Ch(otitc of1)ess(rt anti Dink
- Meat Loaf with Tomato Sauce
"r "CO E cit9!'lt~a . I-7[ ' MoN 0 "'Ul l" _iPotato Chi ps 16111Saturday Witier
Oil MoW 'y (Y(5 lu in hill audito- i Pear Salad $1 4l)
l M . Da rel 4lrinhetiof williitiatejCoieo
CChPPoOMiSVceLth ubi e-ue of b 're h ic e e5r and Drinti Ieef Tenderloin - Leg of Lambl
of FT[Rn Ornip-(,," 'tndnt te ra 1=Cream-ed Chik~enlin Pattie Shells llot !t l flJa orHoney
Gily 'and- iiidenonstrathie Vi ¢) ' anti in l' ii icla r Inedrn French Ptao h(s4iourotDssrtaneDiy~
hunted for days by thosandts of stu-; works are especially urged to attend.
(leat a d tad a~fesoti E'il1)', The lecture will be iillustrated by iIal hIIl hIIIIii IItil19381i11I!IW 1h3hhI "hh i htlll111II liHIItjll l~l~llltll1llll391lI~~9l t339311131313M l.
d~u~ a141 hil prfesorsVlipyslides and will 1)e given in Fr-euch.
whosec nanie e le all thae rest in thae
Ilhletin, whao stirred ill) morre action States and Canada in a limited -
than s~ olice te r gas a ~ ck-this of lectures on s uab jects of literary a dM 1 L
Clpyi gilintehm rs dramatic interest, and the Cercle was '°>~~I ~n il
(uies Is atate to tpersoeofly reserics;I s alydamtc rinn M N SToni(o't
ident Little, who had laid aside tue fotnetobaleoseuehsI m
the search by 'means of every inethod' was at the hands of the most famous 1~f -~--~~900- 100
of transportation knowni to ilioder al artists of La Comedic Francais andl
later he became a professor of diction Style - Quality- Service
saad.. in the Conservatoire (e Lausanne, and Save )olar or lMore at Our factory-
Sheretrnd uderhe ow po erafter the World war in the Conserva-fHats Cleaned and Reblocked , N~v-
yesterday morning, and so the Pres- iPrprliCned ork Onl dora neCI eteri eet
iden kees hi $2 andROLL savs IThe subject of "Ratand et PoelyCend-sooopYUwlsnjytecmfrso
Oeuvtre"epsehis $26eafieldLforsthes I No Gloss - No furne . Sweats Sayuwl -ytecmot fOeve f r ieH : o h x
thess10,0of,000.Germ-aenmarktalent, an-
offered as an additional reward. rsonfr. rreo;taetanWeleaeadwelvtitdblram
te1,0,0Gemnmrswih in vi-ew of the present vogue of French Factory flat Store welhaeIndwl etlae-alom
drama (Edward Bourdet's "The Cap- 617 Packard St. Phone 741'E
tive" is still thle most popular play of____________________-
Gthe New York season) the discussion M ,__________________
Iis particutlarly pertinent. Rostand, tf ,
., not the greatest French dramatist,I
has at least created the most populr ui "
drama ever written-the immortal I
"Cyrao doBergac."Dancing Wednesday, Friilay, Saturday.
UPYRoland Eayes, the fumuls Negro ,
"caehome to get something good M A t pins, ilprsn-tefllwn
to~ ca, ae ClPPY inaternhervi- enorisistilesbntWillam lwencegLYOS
ea, adGpyi nitriwprogram in hill auditorium tomorrow 1WUI1VILLLU Mats, Tues., Thrs. at., HUBE T LA Y T
nwppr-enevening at 8 o'clock.A Ts 7S
umphant , home-coming. "It was a yI.iggMISS JIONat 1 T oufouE PLAYSt5
groat experience to be out in the Slve Amiche..Caldara (1671-1763) ( isI FranslllCSodgsoii Burnetts
world, but now I am glad I i-cad the EiaRs.........aup TtS lyI N THE AIR;
papers and came home." Ahl Spietato................. ..Handel 'A Dawn of da fom1rr1.Cx' Wth Lonad RxnRoy ie oppr
* * * Vi Kfi t) t ti
"You see," she continued, "I hap- ~.
jpened to find a copy of the Daily on K.k - :' ,50-1
the campus yesterday morning, and ''"/3 ~~





turned to ROLLS, of course. Where
what should I see but my own very
picture. And a very good one, too.
"When I road closer I found thatj
th e University, and especially the offi-
cial family, as I playfully call them,
were all excited over my disappear-
ance. I had no idea that I would stir
up so much fuss."

I -


President Little advertised in the
Classified section of the Daily yester-
day. It seems he lost a (log. A good
many dread the classifieds for the first
time yesterday because they had been
told the President had ruin an a~t
there. ROLLS' stand is vindicated.

i'c Ied hi Sc-l f(:-rzs yan die Dioskure)
..... . . .Schubert
A lBoatman'.,, Hyninto . the Twin Star:;
'HRastloso Ac'he (ileSt less Love)...
.. . . . . . . Schubert.
Es Trau rite 'vir (In My D)reams) .... j
.Brahm s
H-ei~k 1-ti (Tomleward)...... Brahms
Lchlv~ohtl (Farewell) .....lHngo Wolf

A S'quare Peg may not fit
in a Round Hole, but a
Square Deal fits anywhere.
We can Fit You.
Suits and Overcoats
$35 and Up
11s . p stairs
Delectable food in an amoperion.'w
ingqani~nalin Gcrai ld ar sU'h -
tra 9 to t. No covercr ywih pe
or equal order except Saudyngt7 j

Intelligent service "spceds up" the trans.ac -
tion so men naturally like to buy Giftsi
j at Bays.''
c Thre. are so" many
_ ~interesting things "at '<
- Bays" that only by,
a visit to our store!
4 Hcan you het any 77 0
-'iof, the scope ad
- ~variety of our ec
r ~of jewelry. ;
4 :_a a You will find man yF
{f Wf worth while" it
CA really moderate t

Dear Mr. Hay,
I Cippy returned this morning,
though she has not yet made


eigners, led to the request which re-- throughout the country next spintg been reading Toasted Rolls and B oey1 rs Pah ay..Ginffs
stilted in the movement of foreign may better the nation's moral welfareI couldn't stay away any 'longer. it must I ' L.n fInt~ePod rfe
gubatth-ug hepwe f ugeton tbe wotnderfully gratifying to produce D Ireanm Valley ..... ......Quilter
However, as has been declared by is also Kin admission by the clhurch ; a column that' - will appeal even to a
Enladwl'ihi holds the greatest leaders 'that. the contditions nientioned shy andl undemonstrative brrunette N("s~jc E agritah
cotne-al interest in China, this ac- in ti-t questionnaire pr-obably exist. laydg Iatimhtgadou(n dey w. ...Pry arm
tionin dicates no change in the policy Aside from satisfying a statistical . collect the 10,000,000 marks yourself IitL Ih t'lD-d......Rlad ,ys
ofno-itrvntonlywol powers. curiosity, neither laymen nor clergy -not sayitng anything about the $25.,C 11 ae in ale Mater. .. Edward Boatner
In observing this attitude, the Amer- I will benefit from knowing the lper- Sincerely yours,-(&n, eh'.....oadHae
mcan, British, and French forces will centage of people who believe iii im-1 Frank E. Roblitis.***
be called on to use considerable tact. mortality, the power of prayer, or *$ *'a, IocI',l PAYR
Despite what happens, it will be their any one of a dozen other things. If! Dear Tim: TeReftdPaes omryo
policy to keep distinctly separate from the clergymen deem the various be-! Clippy, with a name like that, must the l'nrivem-sit-r, who presentedl recently
all civil war activities which are now liefs and dogmas worthy of respect have run away to enter Barbers. Col- (with great applause!) Rachel Croth-I
engLagng the Cantonese forces and the and belief, they might better spend ; loge. cr's "E xpressing Willie" in the Mtiimes
Pek mornment. Tpheir entire pur- I their time, money, and energy in ad- E1 TontoO. theate r in October are being i'etttrt-e
po:se in landing will be the protection vancing them directly. + to ti-tat theater by the Alumnae coun-
of lives and property in the foreign - 'IB o trkiiiuolalyferCismsac-
conesios.Intha, ri i tat PLESECOMUICTEtiou con January 10 and 1chcesii.
alone, they will be fully justified. 1 As the thundering hierdlcan-o Tememietnshvebe et
It may be cheaper to move than to .Teaazeelshv encm
I pj rnt or essr ntabes ut otcrashing through thee flees, our pee opeet"isNlyo e
1"1CNILIATION SERV ICET 1wit President esCoolidge ntb ws hot witll hero, J. Paul University, grabbed the iOrleans,"tfhes ll rri on Fiske atmros-
Exceedingly valuable to industry shortly join the ranks of the house giloto1h aw fdahadplieric comledy, on Monday and Tues-R
but little known to the general public s utr.HI I raced across for a touchdown. ;,day evening ad n usdy ftr
hnes I-egets the White I-ouse,,sado Tedyatr
isi the conciliation service of the De- rent-free but living elsewhere-is a I We hyhdrahdtec nt-non. The ('1st will include Robert Hen-
patetof Labor, whose report for matter not to be disregarded what parative safetly of the sidelines, Paul Berson and Amy Loomis, who are
the fiscalintroduced himself, and she replied, knownrr to all those famliliar with cam-
thefisalyear will be made shortly with the H. C. of L. and the national "Just call me 'Collie.' TI-en her elder-'psdaaislstsao n sa
to Congr-ess. Conciliators settled 377 watchword of economy. psd~r.te itsao n sa
labor disptutes during the past year Esxtensive repairs on the executive I'cmaosrse padto e- de trcinMs ihr as
and in 70 cases assisted civic agn i anio will soonl force the nation's away. held, w°ife and leading lady of the
in clearing uip troubles of variousI first citizen to depart with his family, I- fe ra elo utnPu Anrcnatr ls ik rae
I~ was able to find an usher among the the title ro1, several seasons ago.
types. In but 61 disputes was it un-j probably for the first half of the year. Bo custa nwsmtig nd Ma asll pn netne
abler to negotiate a settlement, al-l Will anyone who has a Washington -hedicoerd ha.tisfar retue nggeo dtwiop te coanyxtende
thogh n mny ass lteragre- esdene sitale ora sallfamlywas Princess Collegia Soirita, ofr Rockford as Rosalie La Grange in
met were reached along the lines IYet large enough for "emergency en-Bosak cle~ nse- eorm,"h
s uggested. 1 tertainhugs" please cotumutnicats with!
Em~ployers and employees are moreI Calvin Coolidge, care of the govern--I(otne in our next) Thirteenth Chair," to be0 followed in




Inlays and tongue
of a brand new
leathier, Copper
Patent, make this
little. Marsala 'Pan
Calfskin oxford
loubly stmart, just
-as Walk-Over 1)01-
snoaf fit makes it
doubly comfot


. ;
,. a

-Id~.; --

r' .
r s ,y
!rs v
f.+,. P
,a '
P ,
1 ,'.
y. F?,

and more referring their troubles to mont? F'OR hUMR SIT 1).0. B
the service. Its methods have been "msino ore elg 3
approved as being of the highest Obje~tiona to the administration's usually given by Mr. Leverett in thej
ethical standards. It would be im- tax rebate plan as were rilef to big scn eetr ilb mte h
possible to estimate the money in1 business, ignore both the source ofj present year."-D. 0. B.
wages and profits saved the nation by E uch of the income tax, and the idea :
the conciliation service in avoiding that fewer burdens upon capital will We were looking for an ontissiomn to

turi,,4 -n- e(lo,-se Hangs High,"
' A reniit VWe Aill?" Noel Coward's "Hay.
Fever,'' a Bariicbill including "The
Old Lad Shows Her Medals," andI
Mm's.!Mansfti lPpearetl two years
ago at the -Whit )er theater in Miss
Bonsteie' s product ion of "The Goose

'I i
E ,
1 ' r )
y .:

-$9.00 '
Trim smat ~ock3~ri L4M
match smarnytrir.me
The short-haired, short-skirted girl xvio stirs a ?lit
foot into this little Walk-Over is sure of twt- !ia J
She is sure that it has snug, clin~ging lines to l-arnotnlze
with form-revealing smartness of short littlefr-ocks and
closely shinglied locks. She is sure too that the clingingr

a. }
r L
. _.;





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