FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3,:92 "~ THE MI9CH5-IGANt DAILY' J f rrrnIDn l t etrdeans' LEAD!ANGMAN AND PREMIER DANCERI~oa einPs . ax~el eio os ' rrtate AttemptOF 21ST ANNUAL OPERA PRODUCTION Will Present Movie CHOIC OFCORRICOLATo Stage Extra Hop 'For Welfare Fund A I EAN2UN,1.l-Attenilpts of a din- Vocational tGudaiice (_ Yiim i tfee Plansigrunled grouo~i)(f 35 mi'Sr:, 1 hO osi ng To dli tiitlts Ini - C',-o faction in he recent. Northwvesterr Of Pr'ofestsiOnnil. Fields ',university class elections, to ta't rivA]. junior prone on t he night of the CONSLTA hO IIs official event, December !7,have ie- For the purpose of enabling thos 'nanifesto iss-ied by the Deans elo ping~ students who are perplexed as to the' that ni it. to all other', social affairs choice of their curriculum in the Uni-ofth Tl trty versity and who would like the oppor- Abandoning their plans for another tunity to consult authorities il n dance, the org anizations opposing tht. or all of the various professional ori controlling class officers are threaten- vocational fields, consultation Hloursj ing to ioeycott the party. however, have been resumned by the vocational little fear is held by those in charge, guidance committee of the Student snei sceo h e aedne Christian association. A counsellor of the year. will be in his office at Lane hall from it isclie that the rulingk officials 4to 6 o'clock every day, it was ain- ill not take tile vwishes of the minority rounced by a member of the ColnI-E group into constideration in nalkinin mnittee yesterday. p lans for the annual affair. Although -It. is the aim of the commnittee to ;an uthicial I-arty has been forbidden aid any man to solve his academic or ; by Northiwe ;tern authorities, it is pos- personal problems befor e the b gin- sheta h uirmnrt ru nling of the second semester, so t hat ii' mayfallow the exaanpe set by their changes are required in his (1 )\I (55 at erwenteyhl i - ,r nl i E s t - (Y i' 7 y. {iI 1 ' t f' i ') 1 l {if Y "i I s ' r 7 T 1 a the tin ! att t i trci wai ;ce the c sr; 'The Big Drive," a pieLu riza-tion 0 riner Ambassador James A. GerardI' , )k, "My Four Years in Germany,"! III be presenited by the Irwin Prios- rn post of the American Legion, cember 5, 6 and 7 at the Orphem eaten. The proceeds of the Ann -oor presentation will bo applied toI owelfare" fund of the organizat ion. The movie presents for the first re, authentic pictures of the mov -' ents and mobilization of the German opls. Most of the fin was taken the battle-front. There are severalI timate glimpses of the Hohenzollernj mily befoi e and durin, the war. The1 cture also shows the American! oops in action, but the grewsomeE cidents connected with the actualf rfare have been. cut from the filet.C !nes from all the great battles of e Great War are flashed on the r'oe~k in rapid succession.I A. special orchestra will furnish the usic for the showin gs. Matilnees \will run to enable school child ren o ethe film, at 4 o'clock, Monday aind I esday. CONSTANTINOPLE-Fire devastat- Crusa, Anatolia, recently.# CORNWELL COAL-CK Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coali1 ,Solvay and Gas Coke This business has been growing ever since it was established. 'The secret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do busiricss in a friendly way. If you think so too., let's get together. CORNWELL4C AL-CK OFFICZi, CORN'WELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 4551-4552 Yard Office.t 5152 xculum they can be made at that time. No attempt is made to advise by a~ consellor, it was said, but rather the student is given the chance to become acquainted from authoritative sourcesf with the various fields in which he isi interested andl so make the ultimia e choice of work himself. A complete directory, includling deans, heads of departments, p~rof es- sors, business men and students, is; maintained by the committee so that whatever the problem of the student an unofnicial party at a Cnicago hotel. They )had b~een previously deprived of their soc;ial privileges f'or taking part in a cane rush. of Lhe selectedl authorIities. According to thy" nature of the ease', he is mefcr- red to the popec authority and all consuiations are l rangedl by the comn- muitteq. COPENHIAGEN.---Decision of the Su- perior court that postofhice authorities is, hre will have the opportunity of have no right to stamp advertisinrg talking it over cdinfidentially with one matter oneletter is to be appealed. ' ' Russc11 A.. Gohring, '27, and William M. Lewis, '29, male lead an be fleading lady and premier dansense, who Neill appear in "Front Page Stuff," se the 21 st annual Union opera, at the *Whitney theater, beginning MondayTnTu Dec. 6. I °.Hudnuts - Pivers ^- y Perfume Sets M ake Excellent Christmas Gifts. - a Best selections can be made now. 4 =1 E® a erbach SonUE Co. 200-202 EAST LIBERTY ST. 4e '® f/ -2 Health ', Yb ^.Fun ' Qi:. + 6 Yj i f Yy +F ,yT. T .T r, a iw ^t 'k f , . Today and Tomorrow I Ill- Rig 4 x J ,y,?J ,yy t 1t It Ar T RX., Matinees. lOc -25c - 5c Nights m I Oc -35c - 5W I Wh: e"r'e the "North" Begins ,. No more needs be saidl of Rusco Brake Lining. Ask the man who has them on his car. Our Laundry Service ranks us with, thme beat. Call us for appointments. Jim's rake Service and Auto Laundry 417 F~IT IH10RON ,vji'/.p psDT MAI~ -3 g One ofthe Three Graces NOT OIIA We do not claim credit for originating the slogan "Dodge Brothers Dealers Sell Good Used Cars." But we do claim to be doing our part to impress the world with its truthfulness. jTisn't hard to become an accomplished skater if you ius e the best skates. So why not adopt skating as your d-ily exercise this winter. It makes you keen and peppy. , See AlfYred's famous tubular skate and shoe outfits at your deal1,r. You'll areec they're the finest skates made- - ~z0C ' ii i f 9hof the .'cham pions. unproved racing; ziicmihockey Il{ :.1ft A L.FR t J(-!in >b()N S KA 'PhCO.. C i-I ICAGM( ?NI i'Gf. C.U., OR ,1\'),' ALOi a ASIMILAR NAME Patented Lock -Strap 'or anlkie Iftahd on a! I A1lfd i. ing and - ' I' e-ura. Tphis Book Is Free t 16 ags fphotos and z,4 a - J Ice Skating. <" Send for it. +' r- For BE rnne:-ALVREDVS FLASH-Lower Priced ! gC . ' '1 'rr ., _ -_ . . , _.- -- 4. - i \ ti, /1 <~ ,N 1, ,-7 RZ. H. Aiher, 514 E. VWitsim-npo Phonle 31 1 F) :. i% w.....w r FRA5ZFL FAT HE NEWS ---ADD iED A0li Rl?- Aim O'llenry ('omledy "MIIIIY MON'Til OF JUTNE VlERf. A USED CAR IS ONLY AS O&EPE NEJAEqLE A5 TH& D1EALE-R.WHO 5E-LLS IT :-.. Sunday-IRE PE RIC MY G ~ICILWIE AK Read The Daily "Classified" Columns 7 77!7 n g 41A ii l l lt l sA II a 61E611 IN 1I a INs'1 I1A .1 111111t11 11(I III Il$lIIIIIIIII[IIII111111Ii1II114111111 MlIIII111IIIIIIIIHIIIII1.511IIMgnIIIIII III111159$51113@11 m ,l:.I If i.s .c1§a¢ ,,i.I1:I..,:aa..:...79fvI9iII.l:Iv.1I;a9 *10n7a[7; I 16111@111011ISa1186766631NE3E1t999@1'.i.Iica tla:181E11111III1111IIIII111111111tl1 pIE18i14flfiili106101tC c '' '" , 111a1.i@1I$9?1166SI3I3&131111#II111a733s - . 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