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December 03, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-03

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- I

Contest Resolves To Discussion Of
Placement Of Educational
Function In Cabinet
COLUMBUS, 0., Dec. 2.-Ohio
women's team representing the
affirmative won the debate.
Marshman of Ohio Wesleyan was.
the judge.
Michigan won the local contest in
the triangular debate, when the
aflirmative team, composed of Hen-
rietta, H. Howser, '27Ed, Elizabeth
Rabinoff, '27Ed, and Miriam Olden,
'29L, decisively defeated the Indiana
trio which upheld the negative. The
question debated was "Resolved, that
a Secretary of Education should be
added to the President's Cabinet." The
Indiana team which was defeated was
composed of Leah Peters, '29, Eleanor
Hlohn,'29, and Dorothy Bonner, '28.
The debate resolved itself into a
discussion of the question as to
whether or not the' present plan of
having the department of education
included in a bureau under the D-
partment of the Interior is superior
to, the proposed plan of having a
separate department in the Cabinet.
Negative Denies Necessity
The negative held that the proposed
plan of having a Secretary of Educa-
tion is unnecessary now, and that if
any contingency should arise which
would make it even advisable the
present bureau is entirely adequate.
It was pointed out that the present
bureau in the Department of the In-
terior is doing probably the most ef-
fective work in the world in this line.
The third major point of the negative
was the fact that corruption and a
violation of states' rights,. wa in-
volved in the proposal.
The Michigan team supported the
plan from the standpoint that the bu-
reau is an altogether too insignificant
biasis upon which to put such an im
portant phase of national affairs as
education, and that the change would
give it prestige, dignity, and a chance
to get increased appropriations. The
affirmative also maintained that the
creation of a Secretary of Education
would give to the work more facilities
and an increased oppotunity fr large
scale investigation.
Rebuttals Stress Corruption
The chief issue that arose in the
rebuttal speeches was that of the cor-
ruption of politics which might creep
into a department and the short term
of the Secretary. Miss Rabinoff of the
affirmative styled this as a trite and
worn out contention, saying tuat every
step forward in the last 20 years had
been oppesed on the same groinds
After the debate both teanA were
guests at a spread tendered in the
corrective room of Barbour gym-
nasium by the office of the advisors of
Prof. A. T. Weaver of the depart-
ment of sneech of the University of
Wisconsin judged the debate, and Miss
Grace Richards, advisor of women,
Chairman Of Opera
Makes Selection Of
Committee Members

Announcement of the men compos
ing the Union Opera committees for
"Front -Page Stuff," the 1927 musica





* m

"Co-Education Would Be Splendid Thing VHayes Will Appear
If It Existed," States Vassar President PIFT mn Tomorrow Night Forl
NGEIrlT rOR Third Series Concert
"We have no real co-education that while it was now recogmzed,
in smoking A not entirely prohibitede AVIATIlN P OMlTlN Roland Hayes, noted Negro tenor
th pno fDr. Henry Noble M- Vassar. A first, he explained, a re- I will appear in the third program of
quest was issued, not in the form of ~IIIH the annual Extra Concert series to-
Cracken, president of Vassar college, a ruling against the practice, but ask- morrow night in Hill auditorium. This
who spoke here yesterday, but if we ing the women not to smoke for the $S,000 OF DONATION WILL BE is Mr. Hayes' fourth tour of theD
had, I think it would be a splendid mere propriety of it. A year later a USED TO COMPLETE AVIATION United States.
thing." Our present system, he ex- ruling was made limiting smoking to LABORATORY The Negro tenor, who has won wide
plained, involves certain places, such as the council ____ recognition even in the South for his
either both men rooms and some inconspicuous places FUNDS TOTAL $78,000 remarkable voice and his renditions
. :::.and women st-' on the campus. Women are now pro- i ~ ~ I~U of the music of his race, has been
dents taught by hibited from smoking on the main Mjor Part Of Gift Will Establish highly praised by critics for the fine
men only, with front campus. Da tOiel Guggenheim Professorship texture of his voice and his excellentD
very few women He stated that he is not opposed un A lie Aroes iterpretation.
on the faculty, or to smoking as a practice in general, The singer has had a most remark-
just women, as at but that he does not think smoking aeronauti- able career, being born on a farm in
Vassar, taught by on the street is good form for any- cal department of the University had Georgia of comparatively poor parents.
both men and one, and he is opposed to overdoing been granted an appropriation of $78,- In his early youth, he worked in
women it, just as he is to over-eating, for 000 from the Daniel Guggenheim fund factories and at any odd jobs that he l
President Me- example. In the future, he predicted, for the promotion of aviation, was re- could pick up. As he was singing at
Cracken m e n - the limitations on places where the ceived yesterday. work, his voice was noted by a music c
tioned his experi- women can smoke will be made less Of the appropriation, $28,000 will be teacher, and he concentrated every t
,R-N.M~cCACKEN, ences as a stu- stringent. used to complete the aeronautical effort on training it. His initial ap-
dent and teacher When asked his opinion on the re- laboratory of the University which has pearance was made in London in 1920 e
in Chicago and Yale graduate schools, cent development of girls' football been under construction for the past where he scored an immediate suc-k
where he said co-education is a great teams in the West, President Mc- two years, and to construct additional cess. After several years of concert P
success. There are some possible Cracken explained that he does not new testing and research instruments. work on the continent he came to 0
difficulties in the system among under- believe in strenuous athletics for The remainder of the fund will be paid America, in 1923, and was hailed by s
graduates, but he did not characterize girls, but would rather spend most in installments of $5,000 a year for a critics here, also, as possessing one of t
them as - completely disqualifying co- of his effort on the larger number of period of ten years for the establish- the finest voices on the concert stage.
education in any sense. those who need general physical de- ment of a professrship in the depart- He has sung before several of theS
Speaking of the recent discussion velopment, than on the few who excel. ment. The chair is to be known as crowned heads of Europe, and is
as to smoking for women in eastern This would apply as well to any other the Daniel Guggenheim Professorship I known even better abroad than in the t
colleges, President McCracken said institutions as to an exclusively of Applied Aeronautics. United States. e
that until recent years there had, of women's college such as Vassar, he .A similar gift was conferred upon
the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- ogyaBstn
course, been no such problem, but' said.thMsshsttIstttofTh-
Little Acknowledges ift Lt
! l these appropriations, said, "The Uni-
vrsity of Michigan not only acknow- ENN G O P O L M I
Guggenheim fund, and expresses itss
TO M ECT O N L FOR O TB Lj1 ledges its sincere thanks to the Daniel 1 IA O N A 0 T A LT .M stsato ud n xrse t
w satisfaction that these funds will per- Lecturer Believes Solution Of Negro Imterircmlto fln hrs- PoenOsrce yLc
Il ed plans than would otherwise be pos Of Self-Understanding r
WI Probably Discuss Advisability Dickinson To Present Iissman Trophy sible, but also as a state University,
Of Enrolling Members Of At Banquet In Hotel Statler it appreciates keenly, the spirited ef- i
British Unions Tomorrow Night forts of the Daniel Guggenheim fund HAS WON MANY HONORS t
~and its officers to promote studies of r
JOHNSON WILL ATTEND TO GIVE SENIORS RINGS essential importance to the whole na- Obstructing the way to the solving a
tion and to aid educational institu- of the old Negro problem, contends
Michgans Uion iflbe epreent Deroit~jinin wil hod teir n- ion ins akignteirkontibuionstorf te oltNerouroblmsontnds
Michigan's Union will be represent-i Detroit alumni will hold their an- th olution of these problems." Dr. Alain LeRoy Locke, Negro lec-
ed by Lester F. Johnson, '27L, at the nal "Football Bust" tomorrow night In granting the appropriations to turer and author, who will speak this t
ege ene of the Association of Col- at the Hotel Statler when the coach- University, the members of the evening in Natural Science auditor-
la and Univew York, today and to-ing staff and the football squad will Guggenheim fund committee state aum on "The Negro Renaissance," is
morrow. This is the seventh annual he guests at a banquet and smoker.that in the action they have in mind the lack of self-understanding of the
meeting of this organization, which is Steve Farrell and his team of cross-- the rapid development of aviation in Negro that caused him once to be asu
composed of more than 25 Americani country runners wil also be guests Michigan and the adjacent territory. much a problem to himself as he is toa
unions.d mat the "bust." The banquet is open It is expected that the proceeds from others now. The lecture will takev
Considerable discussion was car-Ito student., TIthe fund will not only allow the Uni- place at 8 o'clock and is under the t
ed onatbthe organization's meeting Professor Dickinsont tof Illinois, I versity to complete the new wind auspices of the Negro-Caucasian club. t
last year, which was held at Purduefounder of the Dickinson rating sys- tunnel, but also to install much new Dr. Locke, a graduate of Harvardv
university, concerning the advisabiity tem wil present Captain Friednu equipment so that when the laboratory university, studied at the Universitye
of enrolling as members Britishwith the Riss an Trophyy fted is completed, almost any type of re- 'of Berlin and was a Rhodes scholar at
Uons ofrhicha theersa presnth hampiossmaten i Tenh acortd- .search or experiment may be carried Oxford. He is a member of many
six. Although no such plan wsng to Dickinson's ating. The Dec- out upon models of aircraft or pro-. honorary societies, including Phi Beta
Ideemed advisable at this time, it is troit Alumni association . illpreset 1,pellers or any problem related to Kappa, and is recognized as an au-1
I expected thatthe matter will agains , the senior members of the team with aerodynamics. thority upon the literature, drama,c
be brought before the group. a ring , which has been the custom for Sixteen Courses Now Offered and poetry of the Negro and theirt
The system employed by the unions gtho ;ast severalyears. Those who The present 'course in aeronautical contributions to the world in otherl
in England whereby a member of one will get rings i be Friedman, Lov- engineering here, was inaugurated by phases. Dr. Locke has written ex-'
union automatically becomesra men- I ette, Flora, Dewey, Weber, Heath and the University in 1915 and has grown tensively upon the Negro problem and
ber of the others has been proposed McIntyre. steadily. Sixteen courses on the sub- is conceded to have had a great influ-
for use in this country, but as yet no A bus will leave tomorrow noon at ject are now being offered,. and it is ence in bringing Negro literature into I
action has been taken on this sugges- 12 o'clock from the Michigan Union expected that the curriculum will be the notice of the public.
Ition. Foster M. Coffin, manager of the for Detroit with 58 guests, who wid increased, due to the additional inter- Dr. Locke believes that the intel-
Purdue union, who has been the as- see the Saturday matinee of "Castls est which is being shown by students ligent Negro of today is resolved not
sociation's president for the past year, in the Air" at the Shubert-Lafayette. for this work. The series of lectures to make discrimination d extenuation
has stated, "I believe that the time is In the evening at the banquet, which in the ground school course of the U. for his shortcomings in performance'
near at hand when we must consider, G will start at 7 o'clock. Coach Yost S. Naval Air Reserve Corps, is also and that he is trying to hold himself
for the sake of closer cooperation, the will speak, as well as "Benny" Fried- lbeing given here under the auspices "at par, neither inflated by sentimental
interchange of memberships in our man and other varsity men. Regfit of the aeronautical department. interest allowances nor depreciated
unions, thereby making our program IJames O. Murfin will give one of the Two wind tunnels, one of six feet by current social discounts."
a more national and international pro- addresses on the program. in diameter, and one of 24 inches, are
gram." It is said that the EnglisIi in the laboratory, as are a hydroplane tend this lecture by the Negro-Cad-
unions are quite similar to those in 1rand a small airplane. The original s
America, except that the former em- Hobbs W ill Address I plane which took part in the Gordon
phasize debating more strongly. HBennett race in 1924, is on exhibition
Cornell's union, where the conven- Indiana Scientists ion the floor above.Booth Gives $10,00
tion delegates are holding their
meetings today and tomorrow, iS jevr W ill Cpw d Building
, scarcely a year old, having been for-' As the . principal speaker at the Seven
inally opened on November 18, 1925. meeting of the Indiana Academy of C m eel w r
iOne distinctive feature of this buid ciences,Prtf.Win Abadedy In Extempore Finals George J. Booth, of Detroit, has
ing is that it houses under one roof geology department will deliver anI pledged $10,000 for the purpose of aid-
facilities for both men and women. address before the annual meeting of Finals in the annual extemporan- ing to outfit the new architectural
that body tonight in Muncie, Indiana. eous speaking contest held under the building which is now in the process
.ta t He will illustrate his talk on "The auspices of the Oratorical association of construction. Part of the money,
Vichigan1Attracts First Greenland Expedition of the will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in $2,000, has already been received by
gIUniversity of Michigan," with lantern the University Hall auditorium. Seven the University.
Foreign Students slides and moving pictures taken dur- speakers, chosen at the preliminaries Mr. Booth has been interested in the
ing his last summer's exploration an1Yheld Tuesday night, will compete and architectural college of the University

r i study of meteorological and physical the contest will be open to the public, for many years, and is the donor of a
1 Canvassing the enrollment of stu- conditions of Greenland. The subject this year is some speci- $2,000 yearly fellowship which pro-
Cdents from other lands who are in the fic phase of the intercollegiate ath- ,vides for study abroad.


Dean Lloyd Welcomes Delegates With
Expression Of Close Relation
Of Student And Professor

Meiklejohn Says Liberal Education
Is Lacking Under Present
System In America

"There will come a time in the
ery near future when American col- A
eges will be forced to revamp all of u
heir methods of education and an
;hange all of their ideas regarding t(
he function and practices of higher
ducational institutions," was the tl
:eynote of the speech of Dr. Stephen di
. Duggan, Director of the Institute se
f International Education, in his ti
peech on the subject of "The Euro- la
ean and the American University" at U
he opening meeting of the National re
tudent Federation last night. p
"The fact that we do not recognize
he prime importance of educational d
ndeavor as the first requisite of si
igher education is the fact that .e
nakes this upheaval inevitable.", jc
Dr. Duggan stressed in his speech de
he two main points of education in yo
is relation to American and Euro- w
ean universities. He said that in 01
Europe those students who attend the
nstitutions are doing so at a definite
acrifice both on their own parts and
n the parts of their parents and this al]
act gives them a definite aim and v
makes them stick closer to their h
books than is necessitated in Amer- is
can universities where too many of I
he students are attending for many c
easons other than that of receiving u
.n education.
Outlines Possible Changes c
Dr. Duggan then went on to outline 0
he change that he believes will be the t
one that will revivify our educational ah
system. He stated the customs in a
European countries with regard to the
unifying of the years of school life t
and the elimination of the break that t
we have in this country between the t
high school and college, and said that w
the step that will no doubt be taken e
will be to add two years to the high c
school course and make the college
course one of two years duration.
"It matters not what buildings we n
have, or the grounds that we have, P
but what kind of men are we turning .
out of our universities. We are here i
to consider the things that are im- i
portant in the furthering of the train- f
ing of manhood and womanhood," was t
the declaration of Lewis Fox, of Har-
vard, president of the National Stu-
dent .Federation of America, in offi-o
cially opening the Congress. "Theree
are three things that we must considere
in studying the place of education in 1
Anterica," he said. "These threes
things are student discipline, co-c
operation between the faculty and thed
student body, and the part that the
colleges and universities play in thet
life of the United States"
Cavanaugh Opens Congress t
Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L, presidentc
of the Student council, opened ther
Congress with a welcome for the dele-
gates and the Congress. "It is indeedt
a pleasure," he said "to have thei
privilege of entertaining a body suchc
as this. Michigan is highly honored
and without doubt it will benefit byi
the promotion of student welfare as
a result of this meeting."
"Despite the many times that fac-
ulty men have wished that there were
no students in universities so that they-
might have more time for study-and
golf, and despite the wishes of the
students that there were no professors
so that they could make of college
life one grand adventure, there has
always existed between the faculties
and the students of our universities
the friendliest feeling of cooperation.
And it is to be hoped that the feeling.
will always continue," were the words
of Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of the Grad-
uate school, in his welcome on behalf
of the University.

Maintaining that the average young
merican cannot be liberally educated
der the system existing in colleges
d universities of the United States
day, Dr. Alexander Melklejohn of
e University of Wisconsin, in ad-
essing the opening meeting of the
cond annual congress of the Na-
nal Student Federation of America
st night in the assembly hall of the ,
ion, declared that America has not
ached the point of intellectual so-
"We, in our American colleges to-
y, are not succeeding in any con-
lerable measure in what we are at-
mpting to do," averred Dr. Meikle-
hn. "Liberal education might be
fined as the process of so informing
id training and inciting a mind that
u can count on it that that mind
11l travel a certain road. In this
r colleges do not succeed."
Scores Alumni Loyalty
The speaker remarked that the
umni of American colleges and uni-
rsities do not show that success
s been realized. "Our college loyalty
one of the most unintelligent things
know of," he said. "Graduates are
rried away by everything except
derstanding and liberal learning."
America is determined to have edu-
tion and is willing to spend plenty
P money to provide it, stated the
isconsin professor, in pointing out
at too much attention is given to
[ministration and not enough to
Atual teaching.
"The great difficulty is that of oba
Lining proper teachers. America is
o busy to draw the real talent for
caching. And the teachers we have
ere trained under a bad system of
lucation. It has been one of techni-
al scholarship-with the liberal un-
erstanding slipping away entirely."
Dr. Meiklejohn said that the great
eed for the American student is t
lace him into a community of learn-
1g. "Students often saythey want
idividual freedon. But no freedom
3 possible in a community until that
reedom is dominated by certain cen-
ral interests."
Suggests Discarding Elections
In suggesting further improvements
ver the present methods of higher
ducation, the speaker advocated a
omplete discard of the elective sy-
em., Courses must be required, ae
;aid, in order to obtain unity and
oherence of purpose, with 'all stu-
ents studying the same subjects.
"Students must also learn to take
,he responsibility of their own instrue-
;ion. Teachers find it difficult to get
:he young American to stand on his
>wn feet intellectually. The student
must take the initiative.
"Another thing, colleges today are
oo large. Not the student bodies so
much as the faculties. The latter
cannot get intellectual unity of their
own when they are so large. the
faculties should be small enough that
each teacher could be further edu-
cated by those about him.r r
"I want to see the pressure of the
community driving the student and the
professor towards a complete under-
standing," said Dr. Meiklejohn in con-
,'uonunp u lad sauapnS al&,
was the subject of the final address of
the evening which was given oy
President Henry Noble McCracken of
Vassar college.
The speaker expressed the belief
that the ideal college will not come
during the life of the present younger
generation. He said the many eda-
cational experiments being conductd
in colleges and universities through-
out the country is a most hopeful sign,
More Harmony Needed
"The principal difficulty is that
there is not sufficient harmony be-
tween the faculty and the students,
whereas they should be colleagues.
The faculties distrust the students and
withold responsibilities from them,
and therefore, maturity."
The Vassar president lamented the
fact that so many students are self-
supporting. He advocated a system
of loans for students such as that in

Sweden and Germany, enabling them
to give more time to their educatioii.
He warned students against choosing
colleges too far from their homes, and
advocated more careful selection a
currucula. Students transferring from
one college to another, frequently,

comedy of mimes, were announcedu
yesterday by Ward Tollzien, '27, gen- UnIversity, committees of the Student ; PANAMA. - Religious restrictions, letics question, the contestants meet-
eral Opera chairman, together with a Chistian association found that Mich- similar in many respects to those now ing at 5 o'clock this afternoon to draw
change in one of the chairman's posi- igan held great attraction for students j in force in Mexico are called for in their topics. The prize to be awarded
tions. Charles Gilbert, '28, has teaen 'of other lands. More than 250 foreign' a bill which has been sifbmitted to the winner will be a bronze wall
appointed orchestra chairman, students attending the University were Congress by Liberals, who propose the plaque, mounted with his name and
The following men have been se- discovered. regulation of religious worship. 'the University seal engraved upon it,
lected and will assist with the pro- as has been the custom in the past.,
duction until the last performance has 1 ErIrK L( COR S U E RG RDUEc There will, also, be a prize for the
been given at the Whitney theater: L second place winner which has not'
Publicity, chairman, CourtlandSmith, FOR LACK OF ORIGINALITY IN THOUGHT as yet been announced.a
'28, Farnum Buckingham, '28, Henry The seven speakers who qualified at -
Thurnau, '28, Paul Kern, '29, Morton 1 the preliminary contest to speak to- '
Icove, '29, Vincent Wall, '28; Program, "Students do not stand on their the undergraduate body. The faculty, night are: Jarl Andear, '29, Alexander
chairman, Thomas Olmstead, '27,,;own feet," according to Dr. Alexander who will be selected from the regular Diamond, '28L, Robert Gessner, '29,
Mathew Hudson, '28, Edward Wachs, Meiklejohn of Wisconsin university, university staff, will be allowed to Paul J. Kern, '29, Robert Minnich, '27,
'29; Orchestra, chairman, Charles who spoke at the Student federation teach them whatever they think best, Elliott Moyer, '28, and Sidney
Gilbert; Stage manager, John Star- meeting here yesterday, "and that is I and in whatever manner they decide Shevitz, '29.
rett, '28E, Frederick Bissell, '29; the chief trouble with athletics as upon. A two year course will be pro-
Make-up, chairman, Fred Hill, '27,; well as with studies. Some years vided, upon the completion of which CHELMSFORD,' Eng.-The Con-
William Warrick, '27; Costumes, s ago," he continued, "I proposed a the students will be considered of full servatives retained the preliminary
chairman, James Yant, '28, William I plan to have the students do their own junior standing, and will be accepted seat for the Chelmsford division of
Barbour, '28, Carl Fauster, '29. coaching, and it was to obviate this as candidates for degrees the same Essex in the bye-election necessitated
Final selections of men froi among very difficulty. The undergraduates as any others. by the retirement of Sir Henry Curtis-
this group, who will accompany the are too anxious to have others do If Dr. Meiklejohn's recomn enda- Bennett.
Opera on its vacation itinerary, will be their thinking for them, in athletic tions are accepted, le pointed out, the
announced after the production has contests and in courses of study." tutorial system will be adopted, and --
-mapi a ' ,nn at the Whit- Tn cnsidering means of improving the entire grading schedule now in [r-p 1 XI T

ATHENS.-Robert P. Skinner, who
was appointed American minister to
Greece yesterday presented his cre-
dentials to President Condouriotis.


Fielding H. Yost, director of inter-
collegiate athletics, in an interview
yesterday, expressed the belief that
there are "possibilities" in the pro-
posed plan of home and home football
The plan, which is that of having
two varsity football teams, is not a
new one, as it was proposed over a
year ago at a meeting of Big Ten uni-
versity presidents, coaches and ath-
letic directors, Mr. Yost pointed out.
No schools have adopted the plan
since it was offered for consideration.!

is, by devising a scheme of recording
the sum total of the -touchdowns and
field goals that were made in both
games, the school can be determined
as the victor for the afternoon. This
would insure, Yost pointed out, an
equality of strength distributed at
both games, and would thus prohibit
the evil of "loading" one team for a
victory with the best players of the
1 squad.
A huge electric score board can be,
erected at one end of the field thus
showing how the other game is com-
I ing out, said Director Yost. "This

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