1924 2, I 92~3THE MICHIGAN DAILY tiA .. .y - n -: r.i: : 3c THE PRESS BO0X By Wilton Simpson "P of \r 1westeru .......... This being an off season in the Anoniymious. spor wold, he ime or he ater NIiaiiem?'.a a s been wondering for spor word, he tme fr te afer-a (cw'e h ow iechigiln wins, and has football "'blah" to fill the column of.owedlia t he Gophers will play the all newspapers, we have decided to ," lverilies until they find out the discard the old system and institute ,-~et if spears will give out a littlej a new department in which we uhope of the dynamite he feeds. that "Wild that all students will be co mie intere st- bull (J1 ike (ca mlpus " loesting, o n f ne n a e a c i e p r . I h i e a v r o~ c l ts i i t l .( of main, our hope is to conduct a eon- gieawyorfce lvcoy c tributor's column, miscellaneous in cording to the informnation we have,I .,.. ,.,-A + +,,lt< 1751 ,,. Yost is said 10h'Mre fed the men COLUMN s CLOSES AT 3 PASM. ADVERIING j' Cky Li TKIS AT~~ .j~'~ N\O ICF The White Helmet Formerly the '"Palace of Sweets"' FOR RENT FOP. SALE FOR RENT-Large pleasant roomn. cO~j19L1-l f; Lu'I wi ' I T -iP (11un 01 Reasonable. Dial 7111. 56-57-55-59 fit, prari i('afly0 fl OW ,'i'OV C.all 7210 after 7:00 ~. ).(Y-:7-< FOR RENT-4 room unf'urnishled apartment. Newly decorated. Pri- THREm~E Piece Trpfl(() in l pcifeet -fl vate bath. Steam heat and light di ,ioii, 1pr'od rra ..uable. Sit.)3 fuzrnished. $57.50. 403 N. State. 1'x011 6 P), . I Fountain Service nature, in whlichltihestudents willry able to voice their opinions on co'_- legiate athletics. Contributions of :-1l ksnds wil be padly a:ccep~ted, wcc her they attack or supp)1ort, any of oar ira.. luts at tunes degeneraatedt into a se,,01141rate humor ('O4umh, vwe ax'i not adlverse to) a t'cc )tiIg"Ws e 'achs ifro m a o m ." At present the sport world is bunsy- ing itself picking all-American tecams which probably would be defeated by Harvard or"Indiana. Have you one to offer? Some one has suggested that President Little's plan of home and home gamnes be op)eneld to discussion. Is the method of awarding letters to the Varsity athletes a just one? In voicing your opinion we ate forced 10 request all contributions be limiited to 160 words. Our first (contributor has dusted themeiotl off an old al-Ainerl can teamadrsni.11( )N51ts it for ap- proval. (ol or,, of Brown ............L. V. IMiner, of Colorad~o...........:1'. Ale, of lKenucky ...........IL . 1 aste, of Colgate ............. t. Battle, of Getty sburgh ......1It. G. Ink, of Penn ..............I. T. Bluff, of Mlissouri.......... R. F. Bandit, of Cicago ......Q. 0il, of Oklahoma ..........L. fl. Coal, of Lellig'li ......... . 11I. "Y tOtiS . I -J. Wise. Thle sclif diolang of lafayctte by I 1XW(-4..V'"r..nilf4'r a gaille oil the gx'~hru next, season recalls the 1(I'A-4 'it f ell ost wits phlyillg his I th( ye' r on11'Vest xVrgiunia's i f o.-ia~l fa a. West Virginia S ii ii d I Iry ct1have ]not imet"ince t110 fallI of 89, whlen Lafayette ciaiine t,) ..t Virginia and pilayed hinte e "arlisiorlilijlg" gables ill as liany dlays ill as manny West: Vir- 4" ia(-A las. Lafayette wVon all thr eo anes. Conspicuous initthe West Vli- - uiai liuell)wats "lurry Up"' Yo A, no'w ichiran's great football ccr ii ohi.So wel;idYs f enrolleCd flff il allolilwedI hintto play against P'enn the next Satur- day, after wihei Yost returned to lWest. Virginia io secure his degree j in law file next 'pine. When better teams are built, Yost wil-build their. -J. E.B. CH-ICAGO.-Fritz Crisler, athletic star of the University of Chicago of i five years ago, has been appointed head baseball coach of his alma mater. Crisler succeeds Nels Norgren, who will give his entire time to the basket- ball squad. Subscribe for the Mlichigan Daily. ; I Candies Watch for the formal opening of our new lunch gervice. We deliver from 7 to 10 P. M. 1 53-54-55-56-5 53 APARTMENT couple to live for furnace. Michigan Dai FOR PREd in apartment and cave' Address Box- 1361 ily. 53-54-55-56-57-; 3 TYPE"WRITERS YOU CAN RE~NT typewriters at a very reasonable rate from Rider's Pen Shbop and it will be a fgood working machine. sun-tucs-thnlrs- [ LOST 1204 South University Ave. 0 Phone 8191 ,Ft'OR SA'LE-i_Rdoli 111-A e('l.~h i 'th *' ! _ .11 }it, h"ph(2 e z a (1 ai3- 1 'P VOM cB.'p. all any nighil ? 44S. aVS.s-6:l Shlop. E;veiY'','.r::1P ~ I a; i'rO -1S~b I92 3 Buick 4touring. 11ireS In(i1ir(,.'es2