THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGT j'1 7 IMP ./" 7 kA rte niLinnro Michigan Affirmative Team Will Meet Indiana Negative In Debate Tonightt RTHI 9 - FY. :So S s, For' une lTellers, Varied t Iock To Enhaine Interest In Annual Renefit '0 VP DANCE SATURDAY 1ce of the best bazaars in campus' t sredi('ted by committee chair- iahwiomen's league and In- b bnar which is to be held nd 4 at Barbour gymnasium. A mans h been succesfuly car- t and this year's bazaar is ex- bto e greater in every way than cve r before. Th2 side shows which arc in them- s a drawing card, offer this year .y-~' l nn A. bot'rrnon vwho 7 tli 't o palmistry s hy. he i:les this year are a glory of color sgiality, especially suited in 0t s o % used as Christmas sInchded among the articles are. K ~ pilows, woofie dogs, scarves, d every type of personal accessories, a ascnab)le prices., T'e gymnasium u. decorat:1 to represent a tent at a c ountry fair, and the general scheme f docaratiens will follow that idea. At the clase of the bazaar at 9 o'- eLssion and 5 cents a dance. Lund- us's .chesti'a will furnish the Twv, irls recently raced from Bos- ton o ,oston Light, and back, a dist- an. Oi 27 nuiles. re SweetFlorida Oranges, $3 oo Ce o throe hundred, large size. Sounn fruit and satisfaction guaran- :eed or money hack. We pay express charges. A box of these makes an apprciated Christmas gift. Remit with order. f' t' EF'AiS Gabesyille, Florida. TIC T T Dormitory Loses To J Sorority In Hockey CA P!JS 'Two of the semi-final intramural; hockey games were played off yester- Today sees the conclusion of the tic day afternoon and one of the hardest ket sale of the Sophomore circus from fought battles of the tournament was the individual houses of the Campus. played between Pi Beta Phi and Mar-' From now on all ticket sales will take tha Cook. Pi Beta Phi won by a score place in the Main library, Angell hall, of 1-0. Adelia Cheever and Delta Gain- and the Women's league candy boofth ma ended their game in a tie whichf in University hall. Tickets may be ob- will be played off this noon. Excellent tamned here today and Friday iy any passing between members of the front one desiring them. The sales will close line, and constant interchanging of however, by 4 o'clock on Friday, the Positions allowed the Pi Beta Phi team time set for the first performance, and to make their score. The backfield of from that time on all tickts may be the Martha Cook team deserves spe- obtained at the door. cial mention for they kept the ball out Estimates cannot as yet be made as of their territory many times when to the returns from the outside ticket another score was threatened. sale for the circus, which is to be held Dec. 3 and 4, in Barbour gymnasium Portia And Athena but reports are to be handed in by some member of each sorority, league Announce Debaters: house, and dormitory between thel hours of 10 o'clock and 5 o'clock, at! the table in the basement cf Barbour As a result of recent tryouts Portial gymnasium, either today or tomorrow. and Athena Literary societies announ- The number of tickets assigned must ce the members who have been select- be accounted for either with tickets ed for positions on the respective de- or with money. ( bating teams who will compete Tues- day, Dec. 4. The question for the the Faculty Women's club will en. discussion is: "Resolved: That this tertain the Michigan Dames at tea be- house views with alarm the entrance tween the hours of 3 to 6 o'clock today of women in the learned professions at the home of Mrs. Henry M. Bates, and statecraft." 1921 Cambridge road. Members of the Athena affirmative 1.____________________________I team are: Pauline Zoller, '27, Marine and who has been to none of the meet- Jones, '28, and Ithmer Kauffman, '28. ings, call Margaret Cole, 3046. The alternate is Mary McDonald, '27- Due to the Sophomore circus there Ed. Portia negative team is composed will be no hockey game for the soph- of Ruth Lambert, '27, Laura Soule, '28, omores today. The junior-senior game and Anna Baird, '27Ed. The alternate I will be played at 4 o'clock. for this team is Helen Jessup, '27. All University women who elected - swimming either at Barbour pool or + r . 'at the Union pool for the outdoor seas- N T I C EzS on are asked to call fdr their swim- ming suits at once. Final dress rehearsal for the Soph- I Women interested in the Y. W. work- omore circus will be held at 4 o'clock shop may report at Newberry hall ffrom 1 to 2 o'clock Wednesday and today in the parlors of Barbour gym- !Thursday, 3 o'clock Wednesday or 11 nasium. Attendance is compulsory. to 12 o'clock Tuesday, Wednesday or Any junior girl who would like to Thursday. write music for the Junior Girls' play or work with the music committee, Subscribe for The Michigan Dally. -I w _11chigaii nAfirmativ e Debating Team Above are the iremb'ers of the Women's debating team who will scom- Pete with lnjdiana at 8 o'clock tonight in University hall auditorium on the question: "Resolved: That a secre-tary of education should be added to the President's cabinet." The members are, from left to right: Elizabeth Rabinoff, '27Ed, Miriam Olden, '29L, and Henrietta Howser, '27Ed. Members of the debating team and members of the faculty will be entertained at a spread immediately after the debate. Prof. A. T. Weaver of the department of speech of the University of Wiscon sin and Prof. L. R. Norvelle of the pub- lic speaking department at the University of Indiana will also be guests at the spread. Professor Weaver will jiudge the contest. Hedwig Wandle, retired German lin. She left the stage because she commedienne, has raised almost sin- cmel-ne, $has0 traid aost sinfelt the need of helping those suffer- gle-Banded, $25,000 to .provide a home for former women convicts, near Ber- ing around her. "Ii~ llll11111118511111D1 l1111111111111U1 111191111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111: THE T E GREEN TREE INN Luncheon, 11:30-1:30= - Dinner, 5:30-7:00= Special Parties by Arrangement. -Phone 9646 205 S. State St. ;,ililIl lllllll li lll ll ll lll illillllilillll1| 11l111111||1111i11|111111111111 111h chrimaSafter aM a time when we strive to lighten a little the burdens of those whom we love? And because housecleaning is her heaviest task,isn't it also the one where relief would be most xr welcome?. We suggest a New, Hoover for HER.. the finest electric cleaner 'inall theworld. Only $6.25 down. It BEATS"". as it Sweeps as it Cleans Come and Crystal Gaze In Rubley's windows. All the fashionable Parisians and New Yorkers-and Ann Arborites are aoing it now. Select a pretty pendant for a gift, or .perhaps for yourself. What looks more modish for a Christmas Vacation formal ? THE RUBLEY SHOPPE "In the Arc" I 1 ffm x k - - "T_ ..; :, I . i r..c.. .: + srcr n The Mirror bauty Parlor gimg a special price i Gift Suggestions fr is permanent waving for the mo 'h of December. 1 3ut'Ung Apts. y 7>_Appointicent, Dia7 Y 8 LEAGUE and INTER- CHUCH BAZAAR Tea Room lenu Frday Luncheon 50c Salmon Loaf with Creamed Potatoes Head Lettuce with Thousand Island Dressing Hot Rolls with Jam or Honey CAPE CLOVES with fancy cuffs -enhanced with embroidery and backs are smartly stitched. They come in beaver, brown or grey- sizes 6 to 4%-specially priced at $2.98 peir. BILL FOLDS of genuine leath- ers-steer hide, ostrich skin, seal or kangaroo. In black or browns. $1.04 to $6.40. f N Shop for Your Gifts at the Shop Where Everyone Loves to 'nop GLORIOUS ADVENTURE in shop- ping awaits you here. Our store is brilliant- ly aglow with the fascinating foibles so essential at Christmas. Everybody must give gifts even as they ell r r c 9 8 Ice Cream, Choice ofV Ice, Cake, Pastry, Baked Apple Coffee, Tea, Milk MW M receive. You can commence and end your Christ- mas shopping journey by making your purchases here. Pictured are some of the lovely things that 11 75c Creamed Chicken in Pattie Shells Potato Chips Hot Rolls with Jam or Honey Orange and Date Salad Choice of Dessert and Drink Friday Dinner $1.00 Choice of Beef Tenderloin Mashed Potatoes BEADED BAGS are a most ac- ceptable gift for the woman who has many days checked on her social calender. These new bags are finely headed in intricate patterns-in colors to contrast or harmonize wih party frocks. $1.25 to $25.00 LEATHER HANDBAGS - sug- gest gifts of the mo:t appreci- ated sort. Styles are flat or pouch shaped. The leathers in colors to complement winter costumes. f3.30 to $16.50. should be chosen. ;V The Shop rrkr boo lee \a1/At _ 11 I ,I