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December 02, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-02

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-, I if, I ,

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board i
Control of Student Publications.
Menbvrs of Western Conference Editorial
flhe Associated Pfess is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan,eas second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third t;ssistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Vices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phrns;reditorial, 4925; business 2124.
Telephone 4925
Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor............... .rwin A. Olian
News Editors.............Philip C. birooks
Women'sditor Marion Kubik
Sports Editor............. Wilton A. Simxpson
Telegraph Editor...........Moris Zwerding
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charle s Plehymer Ellis Merry
Calton Chanmpe Stanford N. Phelps
o Camberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Cssam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Chrl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick
Maren Anderson Paul Kern
Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball
Jean Campbell Milton Kirshaum
Clarence Edelson Richard Kurvink.
Chester 1. Clark G. Thomas McKean
hart W. Deg La VergneKenneth Patrick
William IE,uerv Morris Quinn
Alfred Lee Foster James Sheehan
Bob rt L. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
Solin Friend Sylvia Stoe
Zobei t tessner William Thurnu
Elaine Crniber d iford Vaik
olamaaJ. Glencer Herbert r.kVedder
JIm vey j. Gunderson Marian Welles
Stewart llooker Thaddeus Wasielewski
Morton B. eone Sherwood Winslow
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising. ..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising...........eorge11. Annable, Jr.
Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven
Publication.................John H. Bobrink
Accounts...............Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Harold Utley
Melvin H. Baer L. . Van ruyl
. Al. Brown J. B. Wood
M. 1I. Cain Esther Booze
Floreoce Cooper liilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Dorothy Carpenter
B. i. Handley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley 1eatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson
S. Kerbawy Marion Kerr
R. A. Mbeyer :Marion L. Reading
Harvey Rosenbum Harriet C. Smith
William F. Spencer Nance Somon
H arvey Talcott Florence Widmaier
For the avowed purpose of achieving
a spiit of cooperation among our col-
lege students, of developing under-
standing between students in America
and foreign countries, and of further-
ing an intelligent student opinion on
questions of national and world im-~
portance, the National Student Fed-
eration will open its sessions here to-
day in the earnest endeavor to achieve
these aims.
It goes without saying that the great
national sand inteo:aational problems
of the day need intelligent solution
as never before. Though a bit over-
whelming in importance, depth, and
comlexity, theze problems must be
met. Who is more capable of formu-
lating intelligent opinion for their so-
lution than the unprejudiced but in-
formed students of our universities?
Such epinion should have great influ-
ence. To the federation which is
striving to formulate student opinion,
we extend our thanks-and personal

Indefatigables who have spent time
and money for the promotion of in-
land waterways have finally had their

has awarded only six letters to seniors
of this year's team and has put on
probation, all other members of the
varsity who were eligible for letters,
with the condition that if they make
a better showing next year, they will
receive two letters at that time.
The actions of these two coachesj
give opponents of football a chan(ce to
again take up their cudgels against
the game; a choice opportunity for
which they have long been waiting.
Why should a team go unrewarded
for its work throughout the season,
simply because it did not win games?t
No doubt, every varsity football play-
er realizes his responsibility when he I
is representing his school, and knows
what is expected of him, but simply
because he was unable to overcome aC
stronger opponent, does not prove that
he was not trying his utmost.
The decision of Coach Ilinkle, that
"this year's team must 'produce the
goods' next year of forfeit its letters,"l
especially noticeable as putting the
entire game of football on a "win or
lose" basis.I
If it were shown that the playersi
had broken training rules, acted in-t
differently while playing, or other-
wise disgraced themselves, the actions
of the coaches might have had some
excuse, but as the situation now
stands, it is a black eye to the game
of football.
Following a long campaign againsta
the Ku Klux Klan and corruption,t
George R. Dale, publisher of Muncie,l
Indiana, has announced that he will
either "sell or give his paper away"
to anyone who wants it. "I am will-
ing to risk my own life and liberty
fighting for any cause I may deem
just, but the sacrifice is too great,
now that the vengeance of the gang-1
sters is directed at my family as well1
as myself," said Dale following re-
peated attacks upon his home and
It is easy enough to say that Dale,
should carry on his campaign against
corruption, it is far more difficult for
him to do so. The records of those
editors who have "carried on" is none
too assuring. One has but to point
to the tragic careers of Don R. Mellet
and Carl Magee to verify this fact. The
fortunate thing is that so many editors
have fought against what they con-
sidered wrong and unjust in spite of
tremendous personal risk. Dale is
an exception.
The holiday spirit is rife in the
land; and on Christmas day every
possible service will be curtailed in
order that no one will have to work.
The mailman will have completed his
heaviest week of the year, delivering
postal cards from nephews to aunts
and five year olds to their teacherst
and high gchool girls to their youth-
ful swains.
One would think that this would be
the day of days to give the mailman a
rest; but Harry S. New, postmaster1
general, one of the long line of that
species that is chosen for its lack of
knowledge of the postoffice and its
ability to carry Indiana, has announc-
ed otherwise. The mailman will de-
liver as usual, says he, in order that
the service to the public may not be
One would think that the welfare
of the country depended upon the de-
livery of the picture post card; and
that people with important matter to
send would not have sense enough to
mail it special delivery anyway, which
would insure its delivery. Persons
with the uniutelligence to mail a post-

card to their respective teachers or
sweethearts or so forth the day before
Christmas deserve to have a low mark
or a blighted romance.

;'"1 it111N 11111 11Ill 'I II IlIIIllIIII111111111111fIlIlI IIitifi i111 IIIII Il 1111101111 IIII111611111 1 ltll1 11'
I1 --
ra i UUMN1' RIOT - __ -_____-_
Students who were absent from T tcR;EA nERS- TraVei - Oetry - Piays - Fiction - Biographies
classes yesterday had the perfectly A Reilei , By ennieth Patritkuwef'
valid . reuse that they were out hunt- In the words of Mrs. J. Duro Pampi- *ey 02 tOSok0 OLtst lt etBOS
ing President Little's dog, one Clippy. nelli-"Surprise." Despite a slightly
* * * unfavorable and pessimistic attitude A e
Up street and down al'ey--if they on the part of the audience at the be-
ginning of the first act, Play Produc- + ° J.~~
have such things in this town-stu- d At Bo h Ends of The s m
tion and Direction put through its -
dents chased vainly after that famous !irst public presentation of George '_________________
female blackish brindle Scottish Ter- Kelly's "The Torchbearers" in very
rier. Zoology professors lectured on commendable shape. SERV!CE
"Ways and Means of Identifying a For the story of the play there is o
Shy and Undemonstrative Terrier." very little to say thart has not been
* ft said. It combines farce, approaches to C
The B. and G. Boys suspended op- slapstick, and a satirical comment up-
eratiens in their radium mine and on the well meant efforts of all of us -s
turned out 109 per cent for the chase. who are addicted with the desire for You might suggest
* * * astounding the world at large with
The police force. ordered an addi- our histjonic talent. A group of littler
tional supply of tear gas and got right theater creators, headed by a self-
into the fight. Of the 2,000 dogs cap- styled Messiah of the art attempts to
tured, none passed the shyness test. bring before a local audience the de-
* * *Wlights of' "higher comedy," and the P n n Pllo
usual effets-though exaggerated for
_ qWmtara¢uroses t u A ith





"I 1kJ 1'Yi) Lq.RI P 1''iit'cts"" (f~a'j(:VLLes ue. Swit
other works of Kelly, a certain act is
It was at the Army and Navy game lde bfohadorisumou
at Chicago that our hero, J. Paul Uni- lauded beforehand for its humorous
versity, first laid eyes upon this won- displacement, and then fails to meas-
derfully radiant creature. She shone nrc up to the expectations of the audi-
ence. In tils case the rather over-
mn that sea of faces and mud like aone Inticaeherhrov-
rated second act is eclipsed by both
st throug th rDetroit smok. H the first and the third in terms of
Sb h pleasure exacted by the ticket holders.
haughty bearing squelched him like T yms
IThe players soeied to be conscious of
the police tear gas attack. the climaxes expec(1 of them and
Suddenly towards the end of theJin otheepoise and
. .1ncneunc ttepoise and
third snowstorm, our. hero noticed
that she was no longer with her two ability to some extent which had car-
. . 'ied them lirough the first episode.
elderly companions, and just then heithemcharctersher ted wid h
heard a faint cry from the playing The eia vig rftw cheglossed
field. He .rushed down and there be- truth and vigor, a fact which glossed
. . over the few mechanical defects, andl
hind an iceberg on the 50-yard line he o-rha fs wm e mh an t-d e es, r-n
found her, going down for the third hat is more ipltant-were over-
found .her, -done in not a single instance. Donald I
time in the icy water. Lyons filled the only "straight" part
An1d upon his rfrozen ear beathe in the play, that of the suffering hus-
thundering herd of the approaching bnwt rsns hc etn
army. What to do? band, with a freshness which left no
- (Continued In Our Next) taste in the mouth of the audienee.
* , * Beautifully cast as his wife was Mary
Lois Gudekunst. Her treatment of
A the leading part was capable and
sympathetic. As for the Bernhardtian
u Mrs. Pampinelli-the most difficultI
role of all--that was professionally I
enacted by Phyllis Loughton, who
displayed everything but the fact that
Ishe had been forced to take the part
Iat the last minute. Samuel Bonel,
1as the nebulous Mr. Hossefrosse, was
well received, as were Robert Wetzel,
Ruth McCann and Jeannette Cooper.
The hand of the director, David
Owen, a newcomer to the campus,
could be seen throughout the perform-
ance, and to his credit. That was no
meanly-proportioned task which he
Wanted by local authorlties. had, with the natural opposition of
Description :shy and nuitdemonstra- University Hall audi orium and its
tive. picturesque scenery. It portends well.
Roland Hayes, Negro tenor, and one
After all the fuss we made over;of the world's most famous singers I
Clippy, and then there he was right
thei most distinct success of his race
in the same paper with us yesterday. in recent years-will appear for the
"Mugwumip" sent in a clipping of . .
first time in Ann Arbor Saturday eve-
Clippy as he was photographed in an ning at S o'clock in Hill auditorium.
advertisement in the paper yesterday. The position that Hayes now holds
He writes: in the musical world is doubly phe-
Dear ROLLS: nominal when the handicaps which
Here we have a snapshot of your noia;hnte adcp hc
Hs sy he has had to overcome are consider-
much advertised dog. (NOTE: It e1. Born on a Georgia farm in abject
isn't ours, though; we couldn't adver- poverty and with the prejudice of a
tise in the Bulletin.) We know that p th t rdice of a
1 nation toJnv Rr UU1o P.d.i H- q -,

typewriter at
where you get r cal zc." ce
- Mats. Tues., Thurs.:iat. .d" a CO Fg tt"ti"ais 0 o 0 s =0F
PLAYHOUSE soc and 7se.
In Frances 1 Iodgsoil IIBrilett's
'A Dawn of a Tomorrow' P DANCE PROGRAMSI!
at the
A single-breasted college coat 50 inches long.
Instantly distinguished as a specimen of'super-
IF 'V. GROSS 309 s.









his name is Clippy because he needs
one. Being big hearted and all that
sort of thing we will donate our re-
ward to the rolling Home from Ecorse.
ll£ gwut p.
istry department is busy trying to dis-
cover something to dry up water. It
is rumored that Professor Lichty has

nac11 on o vercomie;uoanc Hayes
has won a place through ability and
the hardest work. Those who remacra-
ber the stupendous sum of money that
put Kansas City's pampered darling
in the Metropolitan last year, the
amount that was necessary for Lewis,
Tibet and others to finally achieve
even momentary fame, will be doubly
impressed by the fact that he is a
Negro who worked his way through
college, wan a waiter in a Louisville

elfort, crowned with success by the The star of a champion has fallen,'
assurance of President Coolidge that 11and Dynamic Detroit again leads! No
the Administration will stress the longer can Chicago lay claim to being
completion of the "Mississippi basin the most criminal spot on the face of
transportation development in the the earth, for proud sons of the motor
coming session of Congress. Twelve city will rise up in indignation at the
thousand miles of navigable rivers in cry. The supremacy of the Windy
the whole Mississippi valley are to City is threatend--relinquished--and
be improved, paving the way for Detroit reigns supreme.
Middle Western prosperity by provid- The town on the banks of the drain-
ing access to the Gulf for commodities age canal may keep up .its present en-
produced in the interior. couraging rate 'of two or three mur-
Endorsement of the project by the ders a day; but what is this to com-
chief executive is a victory for those pare to the city without a drainage
who have labored long for its com- canal? Did Chicago ever have a mayor
o~tcuagaist pblicopinon,-
ploon, often against public opinion, sent to Leavenworth for bootlegging?
always challenged by rival transpor- Have Chicago bandits ever consis-
tation forces. Its advocates have tently killed policemen in cold blood?j
shown, with the scanty river improve- I What is a mere inter-gang murder
ments already made, that it is possible compared with this? Surely, extra
to transport large shipments of heavy points will have to be added to De- j
freight cheaply to and from the Gulf. troit's score for its large number of
With the increased use of natural murdered policemen.
means of transportation, it is not im- It is without any provincialism or
probable that a great change for the sectional prejudice that this chain-
better will take place in the prosperity pionship is claimed. Chicago hasj
of the Mississippi valley and in its been greatly over rated. Detroit is
adjoining areas. the city of mass production; and1
sooner or later this must be recog-
FOOTBALL LETTERS nized. Records of murders and cold;


discovered some substance that com- night chub and a laborer in a sheet-
bines with the water to make soap metal factory.
and water. The engineering depart- At present, of course, there is a
ment has been busy for the past week vogue for the "New Negro"-for the
building dykes to hold water in the social and literary emancipation of the
stadium. race. But even this was hardly re-
El Tonto. sponsible for his original success six
fyears ago. It was on merit that Hayes
After observing the efforts of stu- won his first recognition in a London
dents trying to read this paper dur- concert, and on merit alone that he
Ing lectures, we have petitioned the has continued to be enthusiastically
managing editor to have the Daily reviewed in every civilized country.
printed on non-rustling newsprint. It may have been that same prejudice
* * * that has kept Hayes out of Hill audi-
COLLE(GE EI)U('ATiON VS. STUDIES torium for the last few years with
We thought all discussion of the Ann Arbor clamoring for a chance to
riots had been gassed out of existence, hear the lyric tenor that thrilled first
but someone broke out yesterday in Europe and then America; it may
in - n nr n hponc. b nf inh ilit to -



smok~gpleasure t tn a

Campus Opinion regarding it. The
argument presented was that the col-
loge man who grows enthusiastic!
enough over the team's victories to'
raid a theater is nothing more nor less
than a leader of a lynching party in
the making.
ft* k k*
It is tIne we rid the CO1111111u3ity ofl
such desperate characters as these
college boys. They shout, march up
the street, attem npt to get into a show 3
for what the picture is actually wortih,
and generally act as if this weren't!
n xins v i # r.wal~~}.t-1i[xn ..n] n

' a .'e eC1 en ecau O na DIy LO 2r-7#
range a suitable date. But in any1
event tae initial concert of the artist
is of paramount interest to all mu-
sical lovers in time city.
An analysis of the voice that has
made Hayes famous or even of the
technique of his performance is difli--
cult. He sings in five languages with
perfect expression-opera arias, clas-
sical and folk selections from the
French, German, English, Italian and
Spanish. And on the same program
will be found a series of Negro
spirituals that Europe found the most

H ERE is the outstanding fact of
the entire cigarette industry:
Camels never tire the taste, no mat-
ter how liberally you smoke them;
never leave a cigaretty after-taste.
Only the choicest tobaccos that
nature produces, only the finest
blending ever given a cigarette
could produce a smoke that never
fails to please, that always brings
the utmost in smoking enjoyment.
Regardless of how often you want

Camel' will neve i. faal ye , nver
give you any bu t finest ti ci
smoking pleasure.
That ;.:- Cw syC - f
the largest in the wo, kepo-
whelmingly in the lead. InCaSm;
millions are discovering the :ncom-
parable Camel quality - smo'th-
ness and mellowness.
If you want the o e ad oiy
cigarette that's good to s uve mit
strenuously from morn :. ---

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