, , .w 2 Ei , v .,t v THEI MICIGCAN DAILY PAGE TR '"k.Tmt+ier'[v5 ssrmrarc^....i..;. y,+ , ,m.+yv...... .. __..-.. .. a a. a>:. .a+raa*.:. a" aa+.... -"aa. ".. Bob. TILTOlrN SE DO PON OCEAN FLOOR SPECIA LACOTAT Hill To 'Librarv Recoun t His' Experiences " li( 1Ie! ort Of Vorpor,'ations" tf MtS(to Di sc~ussedBy 'Nembler j Of .1ihskiiis-Sels Firm QUO'W RIPLEY ARTICLE "Some day, whe~n the certified public accountants have sufficiently earned thie respect of the people, our legis- lature may a~mend the corporation act to require, as in England, that all companies employ audlitors, chosen byI the stockholders, to be independent of the management or officers," was the conclusion reached by Frederick A. Tiltoni,:is>eukin ; yesterday afternoon in Natural Science auditorium on the subject, "public Repor ts of Corpora-I tions." Mr.rpTilton is a member of the firm of Hlaskins and Sells. An article by Prof. W. B. Ripley, of Harvard university, p)ublished in the September issue of the Atlantic! Monthly, was the source from which Mr. Tiilton. obtained much of his rna- terial. The -article, entitled "Stop, Look and Listen," was a discussiofi cofI the extent to which the individual stockholder of a corporation~ should be vappraised of the affairs of the organi- zation, and at the time of publication, caused a great comment in financiall centers. "Criticism of corporations and bigc i 3 i I i 1 I f i i I+ } t r 3 Experiences encountered during a generation of library serviae w~ill 11^ recounted by Frank P. Hill. Ii bi'ariaiin of the Brooklyn Pub*c libra :-y, wjho will address the Ann Arbor Lib~ ary! ;club) on the subject "An Old Stager- Forty-Five Years in a, Public Li- brary" at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in room 110 of the Library. The students of the department of library science will be the guests of the club on the! occasion. Mr. Hill was the first to start a free public library in Ne~w Jersey in 1885,' later inaugurating the/ Salemn, Mass.,! Public library and the Newark, N. JT., j Public library. Since 1901 he has, been librarian of the Brooklyn institu>- tion. Mr. Hill was formerly the pres- ident of the American Library associa- tion,- and also the chairman of the association's war finance committee in 1917, which raised more than $1,- 700,00 to erect library buildings at army camps to provide reading matter for soldiers 'and sailors. The Brooklyn Public library is one ! of the largest. libraries in the East, comparing favorably with the one in New York, proper on Manhattan (Island. Mr. IBill is an authority on library systems and during the years of his connection with the Brooklyn library he is said to have brought it to a point of great efficiency. 1,1T THE 2ETROIT THEATRES TH EAT ER DiF rROI'T L~afayette at Wayne J Cad. 1100 "The Vagabond King " "IF 1 WERE KING~" Ngtito $3; Sat. Mat., 7Sc to $2.50. Ethel 4Watters In N ights, ~IOC to $2.00 M~atinees-'i t to $1.40) SHURTLAFAYETTE Lafayette at Shelby Street Biggest Musia1 Hit on four continents. CASTLp ES IN THE AIR I Withi Doniald Irian, Roy Cropper, Virginia O'Bricn TT . i:., ' . , R, SSS ' f,'1 f . ' b " ._.. 11 VL ' ' 9 i ~:YJn RIAV William BeebeI Director of tropical research for the New York Zoological society, plans to drop 5,600 feet below the surface ofj business is always a p~opular pastime,"I tropic seas and wally on te ocean said Mr. Tilton. "Conversely, their floor in a steel, glass-windlowedl cylin- defense is equally unpopular. der'. - 'GUARANTEED FIT Large Assortment of Samp les. Tailored by the A. N ASH- Co. Phone the Nash Man. 210731 -11l1 11III~ i11!!1111111111111113[l 1!II fI 2 l111l1Fl I in-h M , 4, ~~oete 4gi ''e hi"h tUhats e - h_ _Ymaee - The 'Lest flavorings that money can buy 'i are not too good for our' 1 OA SNDAES - BET"SY "RO"S- SHO-P kit r I REFU EEN'A 7 I i -- ~ *Cr '" t E ' :_ ...1 , ; . ;a lkI 1 i .5}, I I To While Arwao) the Long Winter Evenings- 0 Ikulele A LUHA MI4NUTE WIFE SHY1 Q9pOVGC# 3a ~.4 up King, Bueschier Wolverine, York, Etc. llaid and Orchestra TIstrumienit: VictorIO Records arge Stock of Latest IDance ilits. Gtlad to Play Them for You. A half-hour of relaxation after completing the evening studies is beneficial. Come in and see the handsomie uk leles hi our stock. You'll flnd one to suit you-and our prices are low! N (kutars, 6$12 Up Instrumnent Cases, Stauds, Ete. I i. sic Rolls MICHIGAN MARVELS OF LOCALS 1MOTIOCN TODlAY'S N EWS ARCADE ORCHESTRA -1ratinlee POLICY -N lghts 2:00 - 33,7:60 - 8:40 Aduldts- -- - ---ic Adults- - ------- Childr'en - - - - 10)c Children - --.25c SOON - SOON - SOON "W'WR LEkN THE NAVTY NOW" 'I COMING aJNDAY1 HMere at Last! Look at the Stars (Offioially Engaged to John Gilbert) LIONE'L BARRYMORE ANTONIO MORENO' ROY DIACY' and Bags Big; Assortment; Adl Styles an~d 1,cathers. 1 1'y arej'cel75c to $10 ) Asia to See Them! I1'i 6 South Main Street P honae 1312 Victrol as $15 Up . k to see file JLittle Portable 4-1 :1odel ,rer pis WLLAC BEERY R~ig T 11o HATTON Y A . R . The Daily 4.6Classified" Column~s 0 t' mmmmmff--Itx= p.79 _ - 1 $1.50o