THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIIIUIt14i)AY', L'ECEMI3PIII 2, t 'AUSTRIAN ARRIVES! Scudents And Faculty Members Write JPROD ON~~~~~ REUR Atcles For Initial Technic Issuie CSS .------------------STO RE ADD'E _E3 ,0i ''' '~ *'''- "' al ro theitst'",~ (tleVelopnent Albert P,. Stoll, Paul Proud, genera',amn ()l' o :' nmie f he--iiii I Tech- 'Tgives a wore. pictu~re of'the air- Ilim ooyer oluy~x i r s .x~aa ..z.,' (hr,o1 pu blieoin. ip Los Angeles duringoradofPu its stay at addr~essedl the class in e:.., . 'I I: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f. r'a(UPO1,apd'l: l ~ l~etr'oit. A discussion of household agenient of the School of ti:'a stn l 'Fa-laych c 'trigeration by gas, electricity, and ministration yesterday. heentire field of refrigeration is the Mr. Proud discussed s( ;erai ljra.. 0. .;~. va adar os \lh.1.anhioc of1 Prof. Hugh E. Keeler. tical problems conerii'g 51 tao mo Vi o'; znlaa T ," 's 01' sruw.'aL eii - a efenlartic uiarily-the pol 'by pursu- COODGpFA OR ,s wa tor ' regardingx the meeting1 0 l( t" ;o pi~s a well as the l''CLEARILNG''OF, i' F'oi ueI iebusiness meal (>?'A'-oited 1Prc, * tr iie~wiftreat of cases ]fSeeINGON, . I Ato tlE t;~i.CC1 ~C1 wththe management of B*i r a innsi,"Pe;i tCoo- 2":'.'~(''easp~art of the class-ieupodtera&fninhsiw '<.. iltO >~ in the class are as- tanti lat,1ion is required to ( oat rof radc 'o- ovindividual study, and t h resen t ionfu -.d 1state o hb'oad- .c"~ vest testore methrods. casting. 1 .t Inaugural ceremonies for Lo :i5 1:.'ca. .oc a; ':nti saiai Hopkins, seventh president of E;b1h :aai ia Iet h ,.al nature. In tis 15- collee, wich wll h heldP~riaytait u ri a l os by il( iibcr5 of i e collgewhih wll b hed i " mb - G 'uly, i ;and a 'epviI from Crawfordsville, Indiana, will _ud two.ta ''Vthh brothers who -are college presidentii a ~ an Entnrne Knock?'", inprominent roles. D,. Ernest Id onill ustra ted articlea by George Hopkins, brother of Prsit lohnPrw'nClore1.~aki1,101 of Wabash, is president, of Dar tmouth of the department o fcemi tncai eng1 college in New Hampshire, and } i rni g, gives a" com plet~e survey o deliver the principal address at t he"nckini tcg.lin ug o t iniaugUral. Tfhe brot hers wore 1momn- _______________-----_ bers of the class of 19066 at Dartmnouth1. :} 'zI Prominent educators from all 1)art.;F;A of the country will attend tile core- A monies,'and pr iccally every college Today and Friday president in Indiaawill be gurests(IA OE Crawfordsville. TDr. William CHAS. JONE of Indiana uui ersity, James. B" (loud- - rich of the Board of Trusteesr-;o!'W bash, and Judge Albert 13. .Ander son Dr. Adolf Loreniz"LZBNS of Chicago are' prominent pl)a hei' "Blfoodless surgeon" of Vienna, is"IA1BN " on the inaugural pro2'ra,u-whichill shown arriving in America on another- be concluded Saturday ere_ ingwit:. visit. He hopes to remain tuntil April,; a reception for PresMidet ,Hopkins andl 1127, s0 as to celebrate his sevenity- i 'alc : Not at Weeli. Mrs. Hopkins in the Ma (onic t emphc, fourth birthday in New York, April 21.j tendered by the trustees of the college and their wives. Patroniize Daly Advertisers. RAE____________________ in cooking, promptness of service, and j pleasantness of surroundings makes this' j E T HE place to eat in Ann Arbor. - A -W- P . '% Ar To-u-lk F V 0 1, 11 ii { '. j1 . yf } i p))) S' u 1 r " TRUST IDEPARTMENTF Al IS READY TO SERVE YOU. 'TXattIe's THE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK ANN ARBOR OLDEST NATIO&AL BANK IN MICHIGAN E 338 Maynard ' ;. ! J' S , i INS R lillp Ain e ", IY~ ii Starting Today, Now' Sh owning .4 BIG ACTS-TONIGHT ONLY I', , <; a °? f; 77 rrxg C ; l 7v ' ! YY t l "I" NTT oN ,_ r i 4 '; AC PRICES TONIGHT Children, 25c r Adults, 50c L Y )UTS mght but Young Enough to Learn! A FRLIC F UdANDFRZIVOLITY I I I NCON PROFESSIONAL TRYCO Tonight ,Only, Stage Attraction at 8:30 between the First and Second Shows- on h Screen Last Times To I 04 RAL I+IJ''tIt w as h er All the strut heartache's, hardships } wasted in a 1 ~of impetuous brother! iggles, the and the to win. amoment us youth ! I WHEN THE MEN,'ARE AWA Y THE LADIES .., WILL PLAY AND OH, GWENDOLYN SPARE, El 'MY HYSTERICS! M / \ Ad+ ITIH IIN A IY E ALT HIY 31 SS WHO " G0w SEE I1, SHE'S A D)ANDY! naltioncdI i : 5: :A Special? ARMY & WAVY Football Pictures I ag OMORRW AND SATURDAY :.DRIrENO w'ithi LLOYD HUGHES LOUISE FAZENDA -==: The TN Cobb of Vaudeville GEN With His Batting Partner FELIX RICE cat tie Piallo -Also- "4PUPPY LOVE TIME" A Sennett Comedy "1DU'RABLE SOU~LS" A Sportliglit IiIN(tI RAM S .: I F Co( (lls Suniday The Dancing Demons t"'4 A 11~h A XT TTr\ QC m mI Q ' lII I CI ~tLi N9 1-0r tI Ny .7 0