lei PAGE FOUYR THE MICHTIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, DEMR 1, 1 1 A 1L 1 lAN A AAVf AA 11 LA A A-d A Elie didtgatt D a1-11 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Pigss is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all trews dispatches creditedrto it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein.1 Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, >j4.aO. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street."I' Phones; Editorial, 4925; business 21214. 1DITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor.................W. Calvin Patterson City Editor................Irwin A Olian NewsEdiors.........jFrederick Shillito NewsEdiors.......... IPhilip C. Brooks Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik Sports Editor.............Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Editor............ Morris Zwerdling Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall. Jr. Night Editors Charks BehymetEllis Merry Carlton Chamnpe Stanford N. Phelps 3o0Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith amnes Herald C:.ssarn A. Wilson Assistant City Editors Carl Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters The control of the Senate which is ___--________ conceded in the Maine victory is not as real as it may seem, however; for OLL I NMUSIC DRAM A S I c f 1 M~aen Anderson 1 Alex Uoehnowski Jean Ci ')pel Clarece (lison AAiliam lsuerv Alfred Lee Foster Robert E. Finch Juhn Friend Robert Gessner Elaine Cruber Coleman J. Glencer htarv'y , Gunderson Stewart ooker Mvlorton ];, lcove P.aul 'Kern Miles Kimball M mon ixrsn.,aum Richard Kurvink. G. Ihomas Melean Keenneth Patrick Morris Quinn James Sheehan Nelson J. S ith, Jr. Sylvia Stone Wiliam Thurnau Milford Vanik herbert E, Vedder I arian Welles Tbaddeus Wasielewski Sherwood Winslow a: 4' ti o: g, 1> a 'C I c U t which, by the way, has been counted s certain in the Republican fold since oe was nominatgd, the new Senate gill be divided with 48 Republicans,. 7 Democrats, and 1 Farmer-Laborite. 'here is no clear majority there, and nless the administration can bribe ;he lone Farmer-Laborite with savory fflces it will be unable even to or- ;anize the Upper I-louse. On the whole it stacks up as about he most evenly divided Senate that. was ever ,elected. There will be no more afternoon golf and tea for Re-I ublicans; they will attend the ses- sions or they will lose their majority. Bitter struggles, the very life of leg- slatures, will be frequent; and it al- most seems as though the new Sen- ate will be interesting enough to crowd the Hall-Mills case off the front page. "LOOKNIT TRAI"T Tomorrow three hundred student- chosen representatives of the major universities and colleges of the coun- try Nv !l come to Ann Arbor to:- th~e National Student Fcderati on'confer- ence. These three hundred represent- ative students from other schools will put the University under severe scru- tiny, judge it, and pass on their opin- ion to friends and associates at home. In common parlance Michigan has ever "put on the dog" for its visi- tors. Rather we have been content to let strangers see us as we actually are. The occasion of the visit of the conference delegates will be no ex- ception. If the University will but dust the cobwsbs off the books, and; "look natural" there is little doubt, but that the visitors will depart with pleasant memories of the home of. scholars and championship football, teams. U'NA PPrIZECiATIV Lack of interest in American things by American people is again force- fully brought to light in noting the publicity accorded Dr. Noerland, of Denmark, - who has been making archaeological investigations in the Norse settlements of Greenland and along the Atlantic coast. Dr. Noerland has returned to Co- penhagen with an account of an ancient city built by the Norsemen, under Eric the Red, at Ivigo in Green - land. He has uncovered the founda- tions of a large'cathedral and many other buildings, the most important I. I of t 'It T a p WANT THIS AFTERNOON: The Organ Re- 1(t,)O,000 MARKS REWARD ejjcl in hill auditorium at 4:15 o'clock.c IfA)LLS swill pay 10,000,000 TONIGHT: The Play Production Gerna imarks reward for tlie Classes present George Kelley's "The return to President Little of torch Bearers" In University Hall Clipipy, or information as to Ares- cat whereabouts of said Clippy. aui*to jPOLLYANNA STUFF FOR THE BONSTELLES "Constructive notice to all members The many requests for a personal f the University" was given in yes- appearance of Miss Bonstelle are be- erday's Daily Official Bulletin that ing answered with the present attrac- one female blackish brindle Scottish tion at the Playhouse, "The Dawn of 'errier named Clippy" had strayed Tomorrow," which opened Monday tway from the home of C. C. Little, a night. Miss Bonstelle is playing in rominent citizen of these parts. the Eleanor Robson role of "Glad," the London waif. All during the day students and fac- "The Dawn of Tomorrow" is a com- ulty niembers were chasing "shy and edy drama by Frances Hodgeson Bur- undemonstrative" dogs around the nett of the usual ineffectual angel of campus, seeking to collect that $25 the attic; but it is an immensely suc- reward. The dozen or so who were cessful production--always. Sir Oli- successful found that the dog was not ver Colt who has been given but a Clippy; even though it didn't have a few months to live by his physician collar. plans a visit to Paris; instead he yen- tures into the slums. "Glad," the waif, Advertising managers of the Daily who cheerfully and indiscrimately worried about whether they ought to brings sunshine into Apple Blosom charge a higher rate for ads published court with the theory that "Nothin' in the Bulletin than they do for the ain't so bad but it mightuv been Classified columns. worse" prevents him from blowing * * 'his brains out. Sir Oliver becomes HOCKEY IN NEW STADIUM intensely interested in her, and in LAKE TILLOTSON, Nov. 30.-The his turn plays the little sunshine. The new stadium will be used for hockey I nephew of Sir Oliver who sees "Glad", this winter, instead of any attempt dancing in the street and falls in love being made to drain off the water for with her, and the accusation murder a football field. Vast public interest, lodged against her sweetheart com- it is believed, will be aroused and thus bine in filling cut the necessary melo a new major sport will be brought in- drama. to the public eye. It is not a play for a cynic, but good surefire hokum of the Dickens Stadium bond holders will be given type with alley cats, Tiny Tii et al. choice 30-yard line seats for 'the There is a great deal of bathos and the hockey ganies, and as an added in- whole production has a saccharine ducement, electrically heated, glass- cast that will not appeal to some. But enclosed stands will be erected for it is a good show for the children, and them. S is a rather welcome relief from too SGR§JHAVIS = BOOKS -U Travel - Poetry - Plays - Fiction - Biographies A Very Complete Stock of the Latest and Best Books. GA- At Both Ends of The DionaJ ,IIIIII1111lIUIII i il 11111I"111I1It 1III I I IIIII I~illillll111ilil 161IHHi1Illl lllillllllll 1 011 &d s;#;;@ AT THE DETROIT THEATERS """""""""" """""" "l'1111I111111111I1I11111I1~?!z ? ds ?', GARRICK Ethel Waters In JA "MISS CALICO" Nights, 50c to $2.00 . Matinees--5c to $1.50 OSTELLE Nights - 75c to $1.50 B~iTlEMats. Tues., Thurs. Sat., ~ PLAYHOUSE 5oc and75c. MISS BONSTELLE PLAYS in Frances Hodgson Burnett's 1=-AND EVERY Unusual Play= 'A Dawn of a Tomorrow' = WEDNESDAY, 8-10 FRIDAY, 9-1 W [ SATURDAY, 9-12 MANN'S c G4 M 1t '~ GRA GNER Style - Quality - Service Save a Dollar or Alore at Our Factory lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 f 1 9 Hats Cleaned and Reblocked Fine Work Only Properly Cleaned - No Odor No GI1ss - No Burned Sweats F ad o i - - _ - iFraternities and Sororities ti f BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Advertising................ William C. Pusch Advertising..............Thomas Sunderand Advertising...........George H. Annable, Jr. Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven Publication................John H. Bobrink Accounts................Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Ain Jr. Har old Utley Mlelvin 1:1. Baer L. J. Van Tuyl D. M. Brown J..13. Wood M. 11. Cain Esther Booze Florence Cooier Bilda Binrer Daniel Finley Dorathy Carpenter 1,I HI. Iandley Marion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg E. L. Hlse Selnma M. Janson S. IK erbiawy Marion Kerr R. A. 1l eyer rarion L. Reading Harvey Rosenblum Harriet C. Smith i . Spencer Nance Solomon 4a. vey Talcott Florence Widmaier I i t Factory Hat Store 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 * * * During the spring and fall the new stadium will be turned over to the Varsity racing crew. Coach Mipp will be recalled, and another attempt will he made to put boat racing on Mich- igan's athletic schedule. * * * Use Daily Classifieds. * * * B. AND G. MINE MOVED Although the radium ore output of the B. and G. mines on the campus WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1,. 19261 Night Editor-COURTLAND SMITH STARTING TUESDAY Appreciating the difficulty of con- sidering more than a few measures in the short session of Congress, Re-, publican leaders have excluded the Coolidge tax rebate plan from their tentative program for the session which will convene next Tuesday. By, their decision, they will push only the appropriation bills 'and four other measures deemed particularly urgent. Failure to consider the P'resident's measure is apparently due to the widespread cr ticisy? of it, and to the fear that the tax reduction discussion would tie up the entire session. If nothing is done, the treasury surplus will automatically be applied on the reduction of the war debt, which will not be an unwise procedure. The appropriation bills, of course, must be passed before adjournment. Otherwise, a special session will be necessary next spring to provide for regLular government expenditures. ( Other measures included in the pro- gram concern radio control, farm re-f l]cf, rivers and harbors, and the re-j turn of seized alien property. Con- sideration of each of these is render- ed urgent by the condition surround- ing. Radio legislation is now very tiv b ecausethe law of 1916 of which is a prelate's palace of rc.j h-as been ahlost negligible, the boys sandstone that is reputed to have 1kafn't lost hope. They .have closed covered five and a half acres. dow the mine at the rear of Angell A cathedral in America in the hall, and are now digging in front of twelfth century! Certainly that is of Natural Science. sufficient historical import to warrant * * * some attention, yet nothing was said As long as there is no grass to cut of the discovery until after Dr. Noer- and no sidewalks to coat with ice, land had returned to Denmark, where j the department wants to keep busy, lie was hailed as the, bearer of im- [\and also feels that if it can contribute portant historical data. The news- Iit the wealth and scientific knowledge papers, which best mark the pulse of of the University at one blow it ought common interest, carried the story as to do it. an unimportant news item, while they * *+* have greeted with glaring headlines j Patronize Daily Advertisers. the news of the discovery of King * * * Tut's tomb and the uncovering of Inca GENERAL JARR OBJECTS ruins in Peru. Dissention has arisen in the ranks It is a reflection unon the knowl- of the Horse Marines. Admiral Ixzo edge of relative worth which the peo- has been strongly criticised by a fac- ple of America and the American tion of the membership led by General press have, that they cannot appre- Jarr, former commander-in-chief of elate the true value of this discovery, ( the Iceland army. and that they consider it in a manner General Jarr, in an interview with that is not at all in keeping with its ROLLS yesterday, said, "Admiral Ixzo intrinsic importance to history. should resign from his office as leader of-the Marines. In his own very much of the "vital American drama" s -such as the "Seed of the Brute," or "The Shanghai Gesture." * * * "THE TORCH BEARERS" For the first time in years the Play Production classes have definitely dis- carded the amateur type of high school play, and are presenting a pro- fessional production in "The Torch Bearers" by George Kelley, which will be given tonight at 8:30 o'clock in University Hall auditorium. More' than ordinary interest has been taken in drama coures in the University this year, those in the rhetoric and litera- ture departments being filled to the extent that Professor Campbell's con- temporary drama has been reduced to standing room only. The Play Pro- duction before has been a more or less scorned organization, but this year with a number of brilliant actors enrolled and several rather sensation- al "finds" in the ranks, and exception- al presentation of "The Torch Bear- ers" is promised. The role of Mrs. Pampinelli, of course, is the whole show, but the part in the hands of Phyllis Loughton will be intelligently treated. The Loughton has not been seen this season in any campus production excepted in the reflected light of "Tea for Three;" and with the direction of Masques "Sister Beatrice" (which, excluding the Union opera, is the next dramatic event) and the Junior Girls' Play, it will very likely be her last gesture as an actress until much later in the season. Don Lyons and Richard Woellhaf, both prominently cast in "Front Page Stuff" and Kenneth King who appeared in Masques' all-campus production of "Why Marry?" last year round out the play to an exceptional standard. P LE ASE, DON'T M AKE PATHS ON THE CAMPUS Let us solve your Printing Problems for you. We make a specialty of House P;pers, Programs and Stationcry. Li'Jr for 6etter impre sions Phon .e 8805 711 North University Ave. Over u $I ., ,e ..:, w Read The Daily "Classified" Columns 4 I' 4 I - - -- -. °r ,.,w C um. or~ - ."C II 7 "U. S. Promises sensation today In trial of dry senator." This seems very much like collution with some of our prominent newspapers. CAMPUS OPINION words, he admitted that he 'was off horses for life.' And he made the trip to Minneapolis by other means than the equine. He is not a fit pres- ident for our Marines." * * * Admiral Ixzo at a late hour last --I - 1- - cnn nd Hio r - ,Ascenseur Ascensor Ascensore Elevador Lift elevator OTIS I LIVU IUW UL ~ I~C- IAnonymous communications will be, night couno )ei uc 10* winchdnt e eah . s sonroef hs or f- wonicnga vescontrol of this form of disregarded. Thenames oftcOiTmuni- rotary said he was out looking forTN communr { ica