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By Anthropologist Of University
Continue Appeals To Country At
Large For Funds; Over $3,000,000
Already Received
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1-Whisper-
ings of discord which have accom-
panied the efforts to raise a $5,000,000
relief fund for Florida storm suffer-
ers culminated today in a flat charge
by Joh Barton Payne, chairman of
the American Red Cross, that Florida
officials and real estate men had
"practically destroyed" the campaign
by repeated attempts to belittle re-
ports of damage and suffering.
Despite these efforts which were at-
tributed to Governor Martin, Mayor
E,. C. Ronsh of Miami, and others.
Chairman Payne said he felt duty
bound to carry on the drive for funds
and appealed to the country to con-
tinue to help. A little more than
$3,000,000 has been collected.
Losses minimized
In the face of the efforts to min-
imize the storm losses, Mr. Payne as-
serted that Red Cross officials in Flor-
ida had reported the greatest need for 1
relief since the San Francisco earth-
quake and fire, ,listing 5,000 homes asC
'totally destroyed and 18,000 families
poverty stricken.
,The Red Cross chairman's views
were given in an exchange of tele-
grams with C. E. Pinckney, chairman
of the Richmond, Virginia, Red CrossI
chapter, and in telegrams and corre-
spondence between himself and Mayor
In addition, James L. Sieser, vice-
chairman of the Red Cross, in a report
to headquarters, declared that relief
work had been greatly retarded by
"persistent reports that the need as
set forth by the Red Cross does not
Wiring Chairman Pinckney, Mr.
Payne "asserted that the "poor people
who suffered are regarded as of lessf
consequence than the hotel and touristv
business in Florida." The messaget
was in reply to one which said thatn
Mayor Bright of Richmond was con-v
sidering the recall of a $10,000 checkp
sent to Miami by Richmond donors on1
the strength of a circular letter signedr
by Mayor Ronsh, declaring he was v
convinced "a very exaggerated idea"
of real conditions had been created.-
Check held upt
Delivery of this check was held upt
today by Mayor Bright pending worda
from Red Cross officials. Mr. Bright n
declared in Richmond today that in
view of conflicting statements as to 1
relief needs. he felt an investigation -
should be made to learn "who is right, C
the boosters or the relief workers." ti
Chairman Payne told Mayor Ronsh
in another message that he had been
compelled to "combat" telegrams fromc
Governor Martin and others in hisr
drive for funds and asserted that "ifp
you and your associates have thee
courage to deal with the situation ade-l
quately, call in these (Miami news-a
papers) and give them an honesto
statement without attempting to ad-v
vertise Florida."-fl
Statements given out in Washington e
by the Red Cross, the chairman added,t
were contradicted by statements froms
Jim Pontiac, grandson of the famous
Chief Pontiac of the Ottowas, was
found this summer living near the
Missaukee preserve by Prof. E. G.
Greenman, assistant in anthropology.
The history of the famous Chief
Pontiac is well known because of his
connection with the early history of
the state. He was the chief of the
Ottowas in Michigan for many years
and was their leader in all the part
that the tribe played in the wars be-
tween the French and the English in
Jim Pontiac; the grandson of Chief
Pontiac, is 72 years old. He lives on
a small place near the Missaukee pre-
serve and spends most of his sum-
mers wtih other Indians of the locality
picking cherries for a daily wage in
the orchards near Northport.
His winters are spent trapping fur-
bearing animals for their skins.
His knowledge of the history of the
tribes of Michigan is very interesting,
according to Professor Greenman, be-
cause of the fact that it has been
handed down to him by word of mouth.
Professor Greenman was able to get
much information of a new nature be-
cause of the personal touch with the
descendant of so famous a man as
Chief Pontiac.
(By Associated Press)
HANOVER, Ind., Oct. 1.-The
strike of Hanover college stu-
dents called yesterday in protest
f against enforcement of a rule
forbidding coeds to leave their
places of residence after 6
o'clock at night wah called off
today when the faculty explained
to a student committee that the
rule would not be put into ef-
fect. At a mass meeting this af-
ternoon, the faculty representa-
tives explained that there had
been a "gross misunderstanding,
as to the rule."
The students went on strike.
yesterday. In addition to prom-
ising abrogation of the 6 o'clock
rule, the faculty assured the stu-
dents that no penalty would be
inflicted on the strikers.
Weyl Explains His Concepts
Higher Mathematics Before
Audience Here Yesterday
No Material Reduction Is To Be Made
In National Defense Budget
President States
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1.-Assurances
from President Coolidge that there
would be no material reduction in na-
tional defense appropriations for the
next fiscal year synchronized today
with the disclosure that the War de-
partment already has taken steps to
lop nearly 8,000 enlisted men off the
regular army this year to avoid a de-
ficit under currergt appropriations.
The White House statement was
volunteered with the added explana-
tion that definite signs had been de-:
tected of a movement tot seek larger'
appropriations for. the army and navy
next year. Warning was given that
the anticipated raid "on the treasury
in connection with national defense
appropriations at the next session of
Congress would not be sanctioned by
the President.
At the War department, however, it
was admitted that stock orders on re-
cruiting had been issued Sept. 15, to
remain in effect until the end of the
present fiscal year. They are design-
ed, it was alleged, to- reduce the en-
listed branch of the. army to an aver-
age of 110,900 men for the remainder
of the present fiscal year as compared
with an average strength of 118,750
for which current appropriations were
expected to provide. The action was
taken as the only means by which
serious deficits {could be avoided.
Army officials are under a complete
silence ban as to all questions in-
volved in preparation of the budget
for the next fiscal year. The budget'
law itself restricts them and this has
been amplified this year -by Secretary
Davis of the war department in spe-
cific muzzle orders.
In view of the fact that the present
total available for military purposes
of $265,000,000 has not been sufficient
to maintain the 118,000 man strength
even for half of the current fiscal
year, however, the construction put
on the White House statement in some
quarters was that it foreshadowed a
continued reduction in strength, al-
though no reduction in appropriations
might be contemplated.
The Bank of France, since Monday
haas exchanged 6,769,000 paper crans.
In a lecture given yesterday after-
noon in the Natural Science auditori-
um on the "Role Of Infinity in Mathe-
matics," Dr. Hermann Weyl, profes-
sor of higher mathematics at the Fed-
eral Institute of Technology at Zurich,
Switzerland, explained a set of con-
cepts of existence for infinite num-
Professor Weyl first discussed the
theories of Brouwer, noted mathema-
tician, and their relation to the sub-
ject, criticising some of them and ex-
plaining others. He spoke at some
length on Brouwer's analysis and then
proceeded to a brief discussion of
Russel's theories in this regard. He
pointed out the statement that no
totality can contain members defined
in terms of itself and also discussed
the idea that a single number can
contain all possible properties of
numbers, pointing out that if this
occurred, there would then be still
another property, that of containing
all of the first properties. Professor
Weyl also pointed out that any finite
number can be divided into finite seg-
Discusses ChessI
From this the speaker passed to a
discussion of the game of chess and
certain mathematical phases of the
game, admitting that certain well de-
fined formuli seemed contradictory in
chess but after explaining the seem-
ing contradictions he showed by
mathematics that they did not exist,
and explained that this was an exam-
ple of drawing a finite conclusion by
mathematical deduction.
The speaker then proceeded to a
discussion of certain formulae used
in consideration of the infinite in
mathematics, illustrating his lecture
by printing equations on the black-
board. He showed first that when'
there is a number,,there is an opera-
tion sigma which changes that num-
ber to the next higher. Then by a
similar line of reasoning there is an
operation which will transfer any
statement into the next statement'
and proceeding still further there is
an operation which will transfer any
two statements into the next state-
ment or statements. This is cale
two symbol. operation and it is a two
symbol operation which transfers the
statement A and B into the statement
A equals B. And and or are forms of
two symbol operations.
Explains Variables
In concluding, Professor Weyl ex-
plained that the process most charac-
teristic of variables is substitution
and if a variable is replaced by a for-
mula this process is substitution. He
pointed out that in mathematics we
have not one position to start wth as
in chess but a large number New
formulas are obtained in this manner
by placing operational symbols before
old formuli.
The speaker then entered at some
length upon a discussion of the axioms
used in this logic, and properties of
formuli, and concluded by stating that
mathematics has at last placed itself
at the service of natural philosophy.
BERLIN.-The aniline dye trust
has amalgamated with a coal oil ex-
ploiting company, called the Erdoel
und Kohle Verwertungs Aktien Gesell-
U, s 0N
Developed From Fife And Drum Corps
To Competent OrganIzation
By Able Leaders
Martial music rendered by a pre-
miere organization will prevail on the
evening of Oct. 9th when the United
States Marine Band of Washington,
D. C., will open the Extra Concert
Series of the Choral Union with an
appearance in Hill auditorium. The
Marine Band is said to be one of the
most colorful as well as one of the
1 most competent organizations of its
kind in the world, and its history a
romantic chapter in that of the coun-
try. Every member is a native-born
or naturalized citizen, a feature which
is unique in itself, in the field of
great musical organizations.
Europeans who have heard the band
play at state functions in Washington
have been unstinting in their praise.
Much of this is probably due to the
fact that only musians of the first
calibre are accepted, and that regular
Marine service rules are enforced.
The latter comp~ise two hours re-
hearsals on five days of the week and
average service terms of eighteen
years for every musician.
1 Leader Given Degree
The band has been under the
leadership of many famous men, in-
cluding Tyre, Scala, Sousa, and Capt.
William Santelman, who is the pre-
sent leader. Capt-ain Santelman is
said to be a thorough musician, who
is familiar with every instrument of
band and orchestra. He was recently
given the degree of Doctor of Music
by George Washington university of
Washington, D. C. Numbered among'
the personnel of the band are Robert
E. Clark and John P. White, soloists
with the trombone and cornet, re-
The band really had its beginning
with the fife and drum corps, or "mu-
sics" which were organized during
the Revolution but later disbanded.
With the forming of the new navy in
1794 the service was revived and has
never been interrupted since. Until
1911 the organization had never play-
ed outside of the capital, but permis-
sion for a toUr was then gained from
President Taft by a group of southern 1
congressmen. It has since that time1
been the belief of the administrations
that the band is a great factor in pro-1
moting patriotism and pride among
citizens who would otherwise never:
have an opportunity of hearing it in
Washington. P r e s i d e n t Coolidgei
granted permission for this last tour,
the season of the year being such that
the musicians will not be missed from
their regular duties.
Program Announced
The program for the Ann Arbor
concert as announced by the director1
of the tour is as follows:I
Overture "Tannhauser"........
................Richard Wagner'
"The Young Prince and the Young
Princess" from "Schenerazaade"
.Nicholas Romsky-Korsakow
Solo from Cornet-Scherzo "Showers
of Gold" ............Hrbert Clark
Tone Poem "Finlandia".Jean Sibelius
"Rondo Capriccioso"...........
..Felix Mendolssohn-Barthol1
Waltz "The Bachelors"........
...........William H. Santelman'
Solo for Trombone "Thoughts of
Love"... .....Arthur Pryor
"Hungarian Rhapsody," No. 14..
.Franz Liszt
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
The waltz, "The Bachelors," writ-
ten by the director of the band, was
composed when Santelman was direc-
tor of music for The Bachelos Cotil-
lon Clib, made up of members taken
from the Capital's exclusive diplo-
matic circles.
Gould, Belknap
Will Address
S. C. A. Assembly
The Upper Room Bible Class will
hold its first meeting of the year at
7 o'clock this evening in the "Upper
Room," Lane hall. There will be a spe-
cial program with a brief Bible study.
The speakers will be men who have
traveled extensively: Winfield and
Francis Line, who made a tour of the
world last year; Dr. Lawrence Gould
and Ralph Belknap, who were with
the Hobbs Greenland expedition;
George Likert, who visited Europe
with a V M _C A n jandCalv i
Address of Archbishop of London.
Iowa State College Incites
Student Interest
Because of the fact that there
are no reserved seats for today's
opening football game, Michi-
gan's new permanent cheering
section will not be inaugurated
until the M. S. C. game here next
week. In the opinion of William
Warrick, '27, Varsity cheerleader,
and members of the Student
council, confusion and commo-
tion would likely be the result
in the cheering section with no
seats reserved. No maize or blue
uniforms will therefore be worn
All seats in the cheering sec-
tion will be reserved for the re-
mainder of the season beginning
next Saturday.
(By Associated Press)
AMES, Ia., Oct. 1.-A distinguished
prelate of the English church today
captured an American university
campus by storm, and tonight con-
ferred with students at a "round
table" talk.
In corridors and study halls at Iowa
State college, all interest was center-
ed in the Right Honorable and Right
Reverend Arthur Foley Winnington-
Ingram, D.D., Archbishop of London,
who this morning-gave his reasons for
becoming a Christian, and with a
sympathetic appeal made friends with
the college audience of 5,000 persons.
Despite his 68 years, after luncheon
with acting-President Herman Knapp
and Deans of the college, he strode
across the caipus and into the coun-
tryside for a hike for several miles
this afternoon. He was accompanied
only by his traveling companion, Or-
mond Blythe, and his chaplain, H.
C. Thomas.
The bishop expressed disappoint-
ment that minor burns on his right
hand, suffered in an accident while
touring Canada, prevented him frm
playing tennis with several students
today, as he had planned.
The tall visitor's opinion of
"shieks," "shebas," and problems of
the American college campus, were
not touched upon in his talk. The
twinkle in the bishop's eye and the
friendly smile with which he greeted
students on the campus, emphasized
his announced intention of coming to
America to bring "a Christian mes-
sage to young college people."
At general convocation, Bishop In-
gram told students he believed in
Christianity because it kept him
young. He is still an ardent sports-
man and has an athletic figure, while
his thin gray hair and manly face
emphasize his distinguished appear-
ance, Although he likes to walk,
the prelate says his favorite exercise
is golf and tennis. '
An aversion to newspaper inter-
views, especially when asked to com-
ment on controversial subjects, was
expressed by the bishop. The only
direct comment he would make on
America's prohibition laws was that
he was glad Great Britain had agreed
to cooperate with the United States
in dealing with rum running.
B'nai B'rith To
Meet, Yost And
Friedman Speak
Under the auspices of the newly or-
ganized B'nai B'rith Hillel foundation,
a smoker and mixer is to be given for
the Jewish men students of the Uni-
versity on Thursday, Oct. 7, at 8 o'-
clock in the Masonic Temple.
The mixer is in the nature of an
informal "get-together" and will be
addressed by Fielding H. Yost, Foot-
ball Captain Benny Friedman, and
Dr. A. H. Finkelstein, director of the
Hillel foundation. Emmanuel J. Har-
ris, Varsity debater, will be master
of ceremonies.
Refreshments wilj be served and the
assemblage will be entertained by
campus talent including "Bernie and
Bernie" of radio station WCX.
Aggies In Fine Condition In Spite Of
Long Trip; Maulbetsch Promises
Strong Opposition
v Michigan will meet the Oklahoma
Aggie football team in the opening
- game of the 1926 season at 3 o'clock
(city time) this afternoon on Ferry
I field, without the services of Gilbert,
g ; Baer, and Lovette, three of the main-
stays of last year's Wolverine elam-
pionship team, who were declared out
of competition late yesterday.
Injuries are preventing Gilbert and
Baer from entering the opening line-
up, while the scholastic ban has
claimed Lovette; who was conceded a
position at guard by virtue of his bril-
A, liant play in the line last year. Gil-
bert injured his instep while blocking
a pass in Thursday's practice, and will
not be able to report for practice for
f"r a week. Ray Baer cannot appear at
his regular position at guard due to an
injury to his shoulder. Lovette will
be kept out of the lineup until he re-
moves a scholastic incomplete.
The loss of Gilbert is a serious blow
to the team as it leaves Michigan with-
out a punter. Miller, who was consid-
ered the ranking substitute for Gil-
y bert in kicking, is also on the side-
lines with an injured foot. In the ab-
sence of a kicker, Coach Yost has
selected Greenwald to play at left half,
giving him preference over Babcock
Benny Friedman because of his kicking ability.
Who was acclaimed all-American Coach Yost made no definite an-
quarterback by the majority of foot- nouncement as to who would fill
ball critics last fall, will lead the Baer's place at left tackle, but inti-
Michigan football team onto Ferry mated that his choice had narrowed
field this afternoon against the Okla- down to Heath or Pommerening. In
homa Aggie eleven in the opening place of Lovette, Palmeroli, a reserve
game of the season. The Wolverine lineman of last year's team, will play
captain has been the forward passing at guard. Truskowski will appear at
ace of the Conference for the past center, instead of Schoenfeldt as pre-
two years and will be a serious threat viously announced.
throughout today's game with his un- Little is known about the relative
canny passing ability, strength of th Oklahoma team. Last
year the Aggie eleven enjoyed "just
a fair season" and will have seven
vne men in the lineup to face the Wol-
vern N"OS Tay.
t CoachtMaulbetschdhas developed a
tam with an exceedinly light back-.
vamping of the Michigan team yes-
terday, the Aggie line will hold a de
-- cided weight advantage. However,
Attends Meeing At Cambridge To Lay the two teams will be about evenly
Plans For National Assembly matched in weight as the heaviest
here In December man in the Oklahoma backfield weighs
only 175 pounds.
WILL RETURN SUNDAY In spite of the 1700 mile journey to
Ann Arbor, Coach Maulbetschm pro-
Robert Leland, '27, left yesterday nounced his men infine physical con-
afternoon for Cambridge, Mass., where dition. In commenting on the out-
he will attend a special meeting of come of the game, Maulbetsch would
the executive committee of the Na- only say that his team would offer
tional Student Federation in that city stronger opposition than was expected
today as a junior representative of ,by most critics.
the Student council. The committee Although the playing field was
meeting is being held for the purpose thoroughly soaked within Friday's heavy
of considering details of the Federa- rains, the m en will not be forced to
tion's convention which is planned to wear mud cleats. With Friedman di-
be held in Ann Arbor, Dec. 4-6. recting thie play from quarterback,
The National Student Federation was j Michigan will undoubtedly resort to
an outgrowth of tessin edb its usual foward passing game.
an utgowt ofthe sessions held by John "Plowboy" Molenda and George
university and college representatives Jihnwillob l carr ter o
at Princeton, N. J., last winter, for Rich will probably carry the brunt of
the consideration of the United States Michigan's running attack. Molenda
entry into the world Court. At that was ranked as one of the outstanding
time an invitation was extended the fullbacks of the country last season
meet ing by John Elliott, '26, to meet and, being in splendid condition this
here next December. The purposes of fall, should be a power on offense.
the new organization are for the con-- Rich will make his first appearance on
Isideration of problems and affairs a Michigan team at right halfback.
common to universities and colleges. ;!ich is a good forward passer, kicker
I Student government, student life, and and runner, and may assist Green-
I student activities are some of the Jwald in the punting.
major problems to be dealt with. y Andrew Tinker, champion lariat
Some 300 student representatives thrower of Oklahoma, will entertain
from all leading universities and col- the spectators in an exhibition before
leges in the country are expected to the game.
attend the convention here. The lineup for today's game is:
Leland will return to Ann Arbor Michigan Oklahoma Aggles
Sunday night. IOosterbaan LE Radnic
- --------- -- IHeathor
WASHINGTON.- The first Pan- Pommerening LT Shelby
American conference of national di- Palmeroli LG Weissinger,capt.
rector: of public health assembled Truskowski C Myers
here yesterday with its goal the fur- Dewey RG Hendrickson
therance of inter-American co-opera- Gabel RT Stradg
tion in sanitation and prevention of Flora -RE Davidson
the spread of disease. Greenwald LH Perry
Ir 1 1------------------_
Pictures Sent Out,
Mr. Payne's telegram and letter to
Mayor Ronsh were in reply to a mes-
sage addressed to Governor Martin,
Mayor Ronsh, Charles J. Gilman,
chairman of a citizen's committee;
Frank B. Shutts, chairman of an ex-
ecutive committee and Longworth
Crow, president of the Chamber of
Commerce of Florida, using a picture
of conditions and asking Mr. Payne to
disseminate it over his name.
The message, which portrayed many
thousands of poor people without
homes and described this class as the
ones, needing the help of the Red
Cross, was sent to Washington, it is
said, after a joint meeting of Miami
officials and citizen's committee with
Messrs. Fieser and Baker of the Red
"It is useless for me to give out
statements,'' Mr. Payne replied, "be-
cause I am not on the ground and the
public believes that I am trying to
raise money for Florida and that my
statements are colored to induce them
to give"
Exceptional Collection Of Chinese
Art Objects Donated To University
r .. ...... . i' ......, ... ... .. . .. _........ ..
I A Vi44 (IA colleio~-j-nof Cinsear't
NEW YORK.-A coal shortage with objects has been presented to the Uni-
resultant high prices if the coming versity by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
winter is severe was forecast yesterday Waeir Stevens of Grand Rapids, ac-
bv L. W.Walac. e Aeuiv v ori iO f n Qffamaf byn.. a
Mrs. Stevens consists of valuable tex-
tiles, jewelstbronze figures, paintings
and- many other objects of interest.
Some of the specimens are very mod-!
ern, others are 200-300 years old.,
Chicagoans Bid High For Seats To
Classic Between Service Outfits;
(By Associated Press) and two hours later read news dis-
CHICAGO, Oct. 1-Hundreds of Chi- patches from Washington advising
cagoans demonstrated their enthusi- that the chief executive could not at-
- ., tend theJ anem henge ofthe nrosnec-
referee; Wyatt, Missouri, umpire; Mc-
Donald, Brovn, field judge; Huston,
Parsons, head linesman.
r, Northwvestern,