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December 01, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-12-01

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Ll 00,






ATTEND CONGRESS e John R. Waite, of the Law
School, left yesterday afternoon forE
NATINAL DRAT Ne attend a meeting of the
committee appointed by the Americ-.in
LwInstitute for the purpose of for-=
muating an ideal code of criminal

. - -4-- ------_




This group of men was appointed'
with the plan of having all factions
of the law represented. These fac-
tions were separated and three men
for each section were appointed. Be-
sides Professor Waite, there are, on
the committee, Henry AV. Stinson,
secretary of war under President Taft,
and former United States Attorney;
Judge C. L. Knott, of the New York;

Members Of Student Council Will Es-
cort Relegates Who Are Expected
To Arrive In Morning
Among the institutions which will
be represented at the second annual
congress of the National Student Fed
oration of America, whih will open
for a three-day session here tomorrow,
is the German Student's Cooperative
association, composed largely of Ger-
man university students. Heinrich
Drier of Dansig, Germany, and Erich
Pfeiffer of Stutgartt, Germany, who
are in Detroit at the present time,
will act as delegates from the foreign
organizations at the Ann Arbor con-
Students will arrive here tomorrow
from every section of the country for
the sessions of the federation. Call-
fornia will be represented by dele-
gates from several universities and
colleges of the Pacific coast state. A
total of more than 160 leading col-
leges and universities are sending men
or women student delegates, the co-
educational institutions to be repre-
sented by both.
Arrive Tomorrow
The delegates will begin arriving to-
morrow morning. They will be met
at the trains by members of the Stu-
dent council and other students and
then escorted to the Union for regis-
tration. All students having automo-
biles who can assist in the reception
of the delegates and provide trans-
portation from the depot to the Union,
at any time tomorrow are requested
to telephone Kenneth Michel, '27A, at
The purpose of the Federation
which will open its second annual
convention here tomorrow was re-~
cently outlined by the executive com-
mittee of the organization following
its permanent formation a year ago
at the Student World Court confer-
once held at Princeton, N. J. The
specific aims are as follows:
1. To achieve a spirit of coopera-
tion among the students of different
colleges throughout the country to the
end that the experience of one shall!
inure to the advantage of all.
2. To develop understanding be-
tween the students of American and
foreign countries.
3. To further an intelligent student
opinion on questions of national and
international importance.
The Federation has been endorsed
by men prominent in national life and
educational centers. Among those
who have expressed themselves as
heartily in favor of the new organi-
zation are John W. Davis, the Demo-
cratic nominee for President of the
Uniteda States in 1924, President Ray
Layman Wilbur of Leland Stanford
university, and Manley O. iludson,
Bemis professor of international law!
at Harvard.
Daivis Is Gratified
In commenting upon the Federation
and its purpose Mr. Davis said:
"I am glad to avail myself of the
opportunity to endorse the foundation
of the National Student federation. It
is gratifying, indeed, to find the youth
of our land manifesting a deep inter-
cst in the development of an intelli-!
gent influence on questions of na-
tional importance and the fostering
of an enduring world peace. If these
worthy purposes are kept constantly
in view, the Federation cannot fail to
wield a very helpful influence on pub-~
lic opinion. I wish the Federation
every success, with an ever-widening
sphere of usefulness."
Prof. E. R. Sunderland of the Law
School, will spend the rest of this
week in New York city attending a
meeting of the American Bar associa-
tion committee on Jurisprudence and
Law Reform, of which he is a member.
This committee, under the present
chairmanship of Henry W. Taft, bro-

ther of the chief justice of the United
States Supreme Court, is charged, by
the national organization, with the!
duty of proposing and supporting na-
tional legislation for the improvement
of the administration of justice. The
committee is made up of various law
authorities from all parts of the

GOVERN MENT MASSES Terdinand Opposes French Ambassador
Return Of Prince, Is, To America Chosen
nnnr ordFrom Premier'(Aoe
SPARIS,Nov. 30.--Paul Claudel, most
S(ByFe'CAEAssociatedPss)e Fra
DAANTF LD IEY ITCHARST, TO. ASSIST litraryof French diplomats, will sue-
it heandhas publi I expressed sto atWashington if the United States
opposition to t~h e return of former .-1agrees and the chosen candidate is
FORMER SECRETARY AND IJL Crown Prince Carol, or a change n TWO PE VTR S1YE ) L,.E ATE 1 willing.
MAIGNATE CUNFRONTEAD the succession to the throne as estab- ; TO P POCEE INLA Semi-official announcement was
BY 12 WITNESSES lished by law. The king makes this TO IIA NKOW made today that M. Claudel, now hold-
declaration in a letter addressed to t
1 PrmierAverscuand ublihed n ug the post of ambassador at Tokio,
DAUGHERTY TESTIFIES TeoicaveialGand Publishd in AMERICANS IN DANWR was the government's choice. His
I A flock of American newspaperme__nomination awaits the approval of the
;,AaflockportAmnrican nhwsaacertance
Naval (7omiimandant Presents SheaIs who descended on a3ucharest last Chinese Ohicers Pr c "tv' rsem es state department and the acceptance
Of Department Corprespaenace night in search of news on the politi- Unable To GuaFjm et ety of M. Claudel, having been ratified by
fi leriet(oesodncItecbntThsucsflcandidate
Regarding Projects cal' situation in Rounmania, we-re re- To Foreign idc f the aint ostwsf ered
-ceived ceremonionsly today by foreign for the Washington post was preferred
(By Associated Press) minister Nitilanou, who ssured them (By Associated Prfss) to Count Charles di Chambrun, the
WASHINGTON, Nov. 30. - The that King Ferdinand was improved in PEKING, Nov. 3,.- The A rAu miitr to reeck becase, of hi
. health. seiioriy in rank and service, and for
twelve government witnesses piled up He said that the king was resuming destroyer Truxton and Pope have been the further reason that he has had
a small mountain of evidence today in ! daily conversations with his ministers, ! ordered to proceed up tie Yangtze enough of the Far East.
the Elk-Hills naval oil reserve con- but spent most of his time denying river to Hankow. 5S5 miles inland, to 'M. Claudel, who has been in the
spiracy trial in the Supreme court of r sdthat Prncess Ibeana was to be aid other foreign warships in pro- a obe service for 36 er is
Imarried to this person or that, that ; adt eoeo h etmseso
the District of Columbia. proposals had been made to change tecting foreigners, as a : result ofEnglish among the foreign diplomats.
Buttressing its case against Albert the regency, that Roumania and Hun- Chinese labor union threats of a gen- He is 58 years old. His wife was the
B. Fall, former secretary of the in- gary were about to unite, and a host of ' eral anti-foreign strike. daughter of a prominent French arch-
terior, and Edward L. Doheny, CalL.I other fantastic stories. 1lundreds of miles away in Fukien itect and the couple have five chil-
fornian oil magnate, with more than -province, Chinese offices of Marshal dren.
60 documentary exhibits, the govern- The new ambassador has served as
ment went into the first night session Sun Chuan Feng have professed their minister to China and Denmark, and
tonight with the bulk of its material u IRLI 1inability to guaranteo safoely of ambassador to Japan.
in the trial record. foreigners. Foochow wilich is menac-I
Connected NarrativeiJ ed by the advan-e of the victorious
Today's testimony and exhibits pre-I Cantonese force, againist SunI's trooMps.




This Year's Production Will Have More
Equipage And Wardrobe Than
Any Of Former Years
With the arrival here yesterday of
Lester, creator of the 400 costumes
and gowns which will be used in tha
1927 Opera, "Front Page Stuff," ac-


Municipal court; Herbert H. Hadley,
fromer governor of Missourl; William
L. Forrest, noted criminal lawyer of
Chicago; Dean William E. Mikell, of
the University of Pennsylvania Law
School; Prof. Edwin R. Keedy, also of
the University of Pennsylvania, anl
Justin R. Miller, secretary of the
American Bar Association committee
Ion crime.
This project has been provided by
the Rockefeller Foundation with a
sum of $50,000 for the preparation of
the code. The men on the committee,
however, are rendering their services
without charge.



sented a connecte(d narrative of te ______ Amr_3cs I;sager U I NL V lI UUtI
negotiations which culminated in the In still another sc:ction, 400 Ameri-
award of the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Premier Says France Does Not Relish Icas and British, many o.' hem in-
naval base construction program to Attacks O Ifer Embassies valids, fear that their provinions will
T SOPHOMORE PROM Doheny's Pan-American Petroleum Siilar To Late One be cut off at uling, a mount aii re T AP
and Transport company in April, 1922, sort on the Yangtze river, and that theyH
Decorations Will Be Carried Out In and the subsequent leasing of thIe ATS FOREIGN AFFAIRS I will be endangered by anti-foreign .ry, rowth OfHeathDepartment
Christmas Motif; Will Take Elk-Hills, California, petroleum re- Ragitation. Described By Olin Before
Moving Pictures serve, to the same interests in Decem- The situation at Hankow, where Washtenaw Meeting
( her, 1922. (R y N ov Ialha he r the Bolshevik Cantonese government
TIKEShNSALE TODAY Tese were principal points in the A headquarters have been established, REFUTES GRAFT CHARGES
TICKETS N AA government offensive today in its of- to show her temper, but not too often I is regarded as serious. t
forts to convict the two defendants nor too much, Foreign Minister Bri- Since the Cantonese drove out the D
Jean Goldhette's Orange Blossoms, of criminal conspiracy in the leaseI and told the chamber of deputies to northern troops in September, t Describing the growth and history
cyob and contrait of awards. hato n sr n ll of the Michigan State Health depart-
a 10-piece orchestra, from Detroitand otr atofney awar. Hday. A tthe same time he gently s f .u n - ment, since his appointment in 1917,
Former Attorney General Harry N. i Icasses of labor into uions~ in a mian- D. Richard M. Olin, state commis
will furseh the music at the Sopho aughrtywarned that France does not take ner similar to the industrial Soviets .
more Prom Friday night, Dec. 10, it dered an opinion upon the legality of kindly to attacks on her legations in of Russia. Anti-foreign feeling has tner of health, in an address before
was decided at a meeting of the Prom the proposed leases, and that he could foreign countries such as recently oc- been engendered and with the pro-I the Washtenaw County Medical so
committees last night. not recall the subject ever having ; curred in the border town of Venti- gressive stoppage of eirployment due ciety,.last nght at the Union, showed
Favors will be change purses or been discussed by former Secretaries miglia after the recent attempted as- to labor demands, has com the threat the Washtenaw physicians that his
Florentine leather. Fall and Doheny of the naval depart- sassination of Premier Mussolini. of a general anti-foreign strike set for department is progressing rapidly in-
James Duffield, '29, chairman of the ment, in a cabinet meeting. Congratulating himself on "keeping December 4. There are British, French eficiency as an active unit, which is
decoration committee, announced that I E. C. Sinney, assistant secretary of cool," after the Ventimiglia incident and Japanese concession districts at reducing sickness and disease in the
decorations in the Union ballroom will the interior, testified Fall personally the foreign minister added with a Hankow. state of Michigan.
be symbolical of Christmas. Reo- authorized acceptance of the Pan- touch of humor lightening his warning British naval contingents have been Refuting charges of graft made
grams of Lansing will take motion, American bid of the Pearl Harbor seriousness. thsin aasunatistdcsarhichtake
pictures of the Prom. storage project in April, 1922, and "Nevertheless there are things that along the Yangtze river, and British Olin produced statistics which make
Tickets will go on sale today in identified Fall's telegram from his must be said. Any country has the i oluteers have been called out to r it evident that the health department,
Angell hall as well as at the Union New Mexico ranch in which Sinney right to have the kind of government inforce the concession police, who are rorganized under his direction, is
booth. Both booths will be open was authorized to. notify Doheny of it pleases. It even has the right to endeavoring to enforce new regula- working incessantlymin the interests of
from 2 to 5 o'clock every afternoon acceptance of the bid. The govern- have bad attacks of temper, but there I tions which prohibit armed groups of the citizens of the state. One of the
this week. Tickets are now available ment then directed testimony to the comes a time when it must stop." Chinese from passing through the con- most recent additions to the depart-
for the general public, sophomore stu- fact that the Pearl -Harbor contract "Italy will recognize that her family cession district without special per- mont is a factory, state operated,
dents no longer being given prefer- contained a clause pledging to the quarrels have gone far enough, and mission. Many of these armed bodies which manufactures diphtheria anti-
ence. They are priced at $5. Only Pan-American interests "preferential ought to cease," he said' in answer to have marched through foreign areas toxin, toxin anti-toxin, Shick material,
the first 250 applications for tickets rights" in such portion of the Elk one question, while to another he re- 'arecently.oedand will soon prod ce scarlet fever
will be honored. Approximately half Hills reserve as should thereafter be Imarked: "Consulates, embassies and Some anxitonete Makes fet al rIfnti-toxin, all of which is distributed
this number have been sold to date. open tp the interior department to legations are places that people are Some anxiety is felt also for free to the health bureaus of the state
Chaperones for the Prom wile be. leasing. accustomed to respect because of foreign lives and property in the coast This factory is making for the state
Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Clarence D. Chase, of El Paso, a I diplomatic relations." province of Fukien. There the Can- over two and one-half times the ap-
Bursley, Dean John R. Effinger and son-in-law of Fall, testified Fall told Most of the foreign minister's dis- tonese forces are beating back the propiaton allowed the health depart-
Mrs. Effinger, Prof. John L. Brumm Im n i troops of Marshal Sun Chuan Feng, mnt, making a profit of $38,000 since
( Mr. EfinerPro. Jhn . Bummhim in December, 1921, that the $100,-! cssion dealt with France's relations whose power of ovelordl over eastern I June of this year.
and Mrs. Brumm, Dean Alfred H. 000 loan which enabled him to extend with Germany. Discussing an event- s w
Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, Dr. Harley A. his New Mexico land holdings was ual understanding with Germany he China has been considerably diminish- Speaking on the "Physician's
Haynes and Mrs. Haynes, Dean Henry from Doheny. said that only a real settlement of ed. Only one brigade stands between Nemesis," Prof. A. Franklin Shull, of
M. Bates and Mrs. Bates, Dea n Commander Harry A. Stuart of the differences, so that they would stay the victorious Cantonese army and the zoology department, warned his
George W. Patterson and Mrs. Patter- navy presented more bran 100,000 settled, would make for permanent Foochow, capital of the province, all audience against a common failure,
son, Miss Beatrice Johnson, Miss words of department correspondence peace iother Fukienese troops having with- the lack of recognition of the fact that
Grace Richards, Miss Alice Lloyd, between the navy and interior offi- riddrawn into the city. o two D'uman beings are alike in
Regent Junius Beal and Mrs. Beal, cials regarding the Pearl Harbor, Elk JACKSON.-Jackson's new million- Civil Governor Sah Chen-Ping noti- hereditary characteristics. Professor
1 f~~~~~~~~led foeign cosuls Sunday that the Shltkn h1tado h eei
and Dr. John Sundwall and Mrs. I Hills and Teapot Dome projects. In dollar Hotel Hayes opened yesterday. local authorities wereSunable to guar- Shull, taking the stand of the geneti-
Sundwall. cross-examination, Defense Attorney (antee the safety of foreign lives and cists, showed how the sources of sick-
Frank J. Hsogan sought to develop thatet Ato e es ness and disease in humans may lie
s elintmatd c a stodevlopt s TUDNT UBLCATONSproperty. Although ire stated yester-1 in the inherent differences of men.
Isuch intimated contacts between theseI STUD)ENT PU BLICATIONS 1'i h neetdifrne fmn
Rev. Atkins Traces departments precluded all possibility SCHOLARSHIP PRIZES day atthe ctsabls telgraped heir o gl i
(( }of colusion etweenFall and Dohen.gBil is W llG v
Course Of RI eligion Cross-examination of Assistant See- i Scholarship prizes of $100 each respective overnments, requestngiG
o tary Sinney began at the night ses- i ar lrl thi year,bybelieved that Sameant to evacuate Lecture Tomorrow
"Christianity as Redemption and cati ns a students who Foochow.
Deliverance" was the title of the le-1,toalsueswh
Sdelivered by the Rev. G., G. At- PLAY ClASSES have worked upon any of the - Dr. Ross G. Harrison, professor of
tr kidsmiiseredofythe First.G. G. At- PLA CLAS Epublications under the control SEVEN CHOSEN comparative anatomy at the Osborn
kImis, minister of the First Co grega WILL PRE A-T of the Board, according to the TO AIzoological laboratory at New Haven,
afternoon in Natural Science auyi- L Yfollowing rules adopted by the Conn., will give a University lecture
r)ardaK LL Y VEHICL:FINAL DEBA TE Iat 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in Natural
The Rev. Atkins traced the. develop- Co1wl Every student who has Science auditorium on, "Modern
Sthe e o Classes in play production will prede substantial and satisfactory StTrends in the Study of Development."
tim at of t h e s ian eii - oes o th e nt " h oIicr t , " y G o
meny Heew througto rgo frm then t T hrhbearers," lby George I work on any student publication Seven students were chosen last Professor Harrison is one of the
that of the Messianic hopes of the Kelly, at 8:30 o'clock tonight in iUni- or publications for four or more night in the preliminary extempor- leading American biologists. He is
ear on Hebrews through to that of the Iversity Hall auditorium at.the first of smesters shall be eligible for aneous speaking contest held to de- member of the National Academy of
11ng their seasonal pulic appearances. one of these prizes. The Summer tm tme ompetitors i tie fnal Sciences, and his work has gained him
( and deliverance, and a cure and rem- The cast has been rehearsing for se'- Session shall be rated as a half 'Icontest to be held Friday. The men an international reputation. Some of
ody from the current problems of life. oral weeks past in preparation for semester. who won the right to compete are: his most interesting experiinents have
f Describing the ideas of the early lie- ; the farce, which is undet the direction 2. Every student who ha sat- Jarl Andear, '29, Alexnder Diamond, concened the development of the
brews and their hopes for a golden of David Owen, head of the play pro-I tamed a average scholarship '28L, Robert Gessner, '29, Paul J. nervois system, while special work
age, when the overthrow of the Ro- duction department. en record of B or bettr during per- , '29, Robert Minnich, '27, El- on the development in frogs has con-
man empire should be accomplished, Tonight's performance of the drama iod above specified shall receive liott Moyer, 28, and Sidney Shevitz' sumed most of his time the past few
he showed how their hopes changed will be the only one given. "The d one of these prizes l 29 ,iyears.
after the crucifixion and how Paul, Torchbearers" is a farce dealing with 3 Every student who believes The final contest will be held at 81 The public is invited to attend the
in contact with the border movements the tribulations of an amateur dra- himself entitled to a scholarship (I o'clock Friday night in the University lecture.
of the day, was influential in adapt- matic society, and like other pieces prize shall file an application I Hall auditorium, and will be open to
ing Christianity to the solution of from the pen of George Kelly, is said for same at the Board office in I the public. The winner of this con-G
current problems of humanity at to be replete with humorous situations. the Press building after the test will receive a wall plaque, with TASIADELTA
large. The Rev. Atkins stated that, opening of the University in the I the University seal and his name en- ELECTS MEMBERS
as Paul went about preaching, it FIRE BURNS ROOF fall, and the prizes shall be graved upon it. The judges at the
seems entirely probable that the mys- awarded and paid before the contest- held last night were Delta Tan Sigma Delta, honorary scho-
tery religions of the day exerted their OF PRIVA TE HOME Christmas holidays. I Sigma Rho men, while members of the
influence upon him, and that Chris- 4. No student shall be an ap- faculty will judge the contest Fr'iday latic fraternity for architecture and
4. N stden shllIe a ap the allied arts, announced the elec-
tianity gradually took on something Fire, which started from an over- plicant for any scholarship prize This is the annual contest held under i yesterday of H. p Watts '27A K.
of its nature. Thus it yas, concluded heated gas pipe leading to a heater more than once. the auspices of the Oratorical asso- A. Michael, '27A, D. S. Thompson,
(the speaker, that the Christian re- in the home of Nick Michael at 437 5. The scholarship standing ciation. 27A, and Guy W. Munt, grad.
Iugmon changed from one Messianic South Division street at 10 o'clock of each applicant shall be esti-
hope to one of deliverance and re- last night, burned the entire roof and mated in accordance with the FORECAST PARTY UNION ALREAIY FILLED TO
demption, embracing the whole of hu- attic of the frame dwelling. Water, system of grading currently em- CAPACITY FOR 1,7 EVETS
manity. which was poured on the house for ployed in the various schools and FIGHT ON LIQUOR CITR1E
more than an hour, caused heavy dam- colleges of the University. I All available rooms in the Union

companied by six assistants, to per-
sonally supervise final fittings and re-
view all of his creations during -the
three dress rehearsals to be held this
week-end, the last touches on this
year's production are in the process of
completion. The Opera now practical-
ly awaits the curtain at its initial per-
formance at the Whitney theater,
Monday night.
All of the costumes, with the ex-
ception of gowns for a single number,
are now here, and most of the trap-
pings have arrived from Chicago, in-
eluding the 400 pairs of shoes to be
worn in the production, and most of
the many creates of paraphernalia
which will be used in the various
Will Carry 5 Trunks
More costumes will be worn in this
year's Opera than in any previous
production, the equipage of the com-
pany on it vacation itinerary actually
requiring 57 trunks for the costumes
exclusive of the personal wardrobes of
the members of the cast. The "wom-
en" of the choruses will make 15 com-
plete changes of costume and the men
will make 8 during the course of each
The plot and settings of "Front
Page Stuff" afford a more colorful
production this year than the Opera
has ever attempted. In the second
act, the "Lady of the Snows" number
is the most lavish ever attempted in
any Opera. In this number, whih in-
ludes a dance by 16 snowmen, and, a
specialty ballet chorus, remarkable
ighting effects, one or two of which
have never been employed before, will
be made possible through the use of
a variety of costume material.
The "Lady of the Snows" parade
gowns in this number, all in white,
are of lace, contrasted with pearls and
silver. The white fur, velvet and
rhinestones of this scene together
the elaborate and beautiful head-
dresses, will combine to make this an
unusually spectacular number. The
full length, white satin, ballet cos-
tumes, with skirts of imported French
glazed tarleton, will aid in this light-
ing effect through their changing ap-
pearance under different colors. Sev-
eral gowns in the lace number are
direct copies of those intthe Follies
Bergere, secured through the Parsian
studio of Lester.
In "The Friendly Gaie of Golf"
number, in which both the women'
and men's chorus and the specialty
dancers take part, with the leading
lady, the "women of the chorus will
wear smart, Parisian golf dresses, in
white and tangerine, embroidered in
white and black. The six specialty
dancersnwill wear similar creations,
but of different color combinations,
ranging in pastel shades of green,
tiirquois, lavender, alsace, pink and
yellow. William M. Lewis, '29, the
leading lady, will wear an original
imported Paris model in this number.
The "Rose Waltz" number will
gown the women's chorus in costumes
of rose and pink tones, trinmed with
myriads of yards of pink .ostrich.
The "Style Parade," featuring the
authentic changes in style from 1990
to 1930, will include the full period
shirt of 1900, its jahea aid jaunty
tam, the tight fitting gown ofj1908
"Flora-Dora" period, time tight skirt
of 1914 with its daring side slit, the
up-to-the-minute style of today's en-
semble frock and the probable Miss of
Another number unusually pic-
turesque, will be a specialty number
featuring mediaeval costumes of varie-
gated and harmonizing colors with
appliques of contrasting motifs, offset
in rhinestone and silver trimming.
Still other , costumes of particular
splendor will be those worn by the
women's chorus in one number of solid
gold frisette, coral trimmed, and
modelled after the latest Paris models.
These will be used by the chorus for
the first time in any stage presenta-
Wear Gold Tuxedos
The men's chorus will appear in
different numbers matching those -of
the women, with a chorus of cloth of

gold tuxedos, with black satin court
knickers, and in complete full dress,
having cutaway suits, with fancy


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