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November 30, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-30

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14P Ar








Roy Heyer And William M. Lewis, '29,
Devise Dance Routines llor
"Front Page Stuff"
During the recent rehearsals of
"Front Page Stuff", the annual Union
opera which will be presented at the
Whitney theater beginning Monday
night, Dec. 6, the dances and musical
numbers have been arranged by E.
Mortimer Shuter, opera director, for
a final completion of these numbers.
The orchestra has been working on
the arrangement of the scores for
several weeks, rehearsing the vocal
numbers with the principal soloists
and choruses in order that the pro-
duction will be in readiness for the
Ann Arbr- nnning, a~s well as the per-

The superior court today order-
ded a number of rare autograph-
ed volumes of Robert Louis
Stevenson, valued at x;100,000 I
and known as the Jules Sim-
oneau collection, transferred to
Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the
University of Michigan from theI
estate of the late Andrew A.
Brown, San Francisco sugar 1
E The transfer order was in ac-
Icordance with the will of Mr.
Brown, which also provides that,
on Professor Aiton's death the
collection shall go to the Univer-
sity of California library.
Various European Capitals Receive
Report Of Death Of Ferdinand.
King Of Roumania
(By Associated Press)
BELGRADE, Jugoslavia, Nov. 29.-
Reports have been in circulation
here today that King Ferdinand of
Roumania is dead. These reperts ap-
parently originated from several
sources, but they have not been offi-
cially confirmed, nor have any details
been received establishing their au-
The death of King Ferdinand . has
been reported several times from var-

Speaker Is Regent of Universty Oi
California And Was Editor
Of Fresno Republican
"Propaganda of the communist
movement is vastly ingenious, but all
the churches in Russia are filled to
overflowing with praying people; re-
ligion is the one thing which holds
Russia together," stated Chester Har-
vey Rowell '88, in the course of his
lecture on revolutionary Russia ycs-
terday afternoon in Natural Science
auditorium. The former student of the
university is a regent of the Univer-
sity of California and was at one time
editor of the Fresno Republican. Of
late he has been interested in interna-
tional affairs and a student of the
work accomplished by the League of
Nations. His lecture was made up of
a recital of the different phases of red
Russia as he has observed them in the
course of his stay there.
,'iuntioin Is Paradoxical
Mr. Rowell said that from the min-
ute that one entered that country he
was immediately impressed with the
great contrasts which are apparent
everywhere, and that for this reason
it was difficult to understand Russia
exce t in narodoxical terms. There

Republican Senate
Assured TBy.Gould's
Election I n Maine
(By Asso;.iated Press)
PORTLAND, Me., Nov. 29.-Reten-
tion of the Republican control of the
United States Senate was assured by
the election today of Arthur R. Gould.
Republican, by a majority of approxi-
mately 50,000 over Fulton J. Redman,
Democrat, as senator from Maine. He
will complete the term of the late
Sen. Bert M. Fernald, expiring in
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.-Election
of Arthur R. Gould, Republican, to the
United States Senate from Maine, was
received with unv.eiled enthusiasm to-
night in Republican circles here,
where, since the congressional lee-
tions four weeks ago, eyes had been
turned on the northeastern state to
break the 47-47 membership tie be-'
tween Republicans and Democrats.
With the Maine vacancy filled bp
another Republican, the 70th Congress
will begin next year with a Republi-!
can majority of only one in the Sen-
ate and a much more comfortable
margin in the House.
Present Efidence Bearing Upon Little
Black Satchel in Which $100,(i{0
In Cash Was Carried
(By Associated Press){

Speaks For Mexico


T' PIRgeSE ° i: T "! ES X51( 1103



Amoing Topics Dki -,-sd At
Annival('i cers


British Correspondents Call
"Gravest Situation Since
Boxer Rebellion"


Announcement of student delegatesI
who will lead tie gr1ou) discussions
next Friday in conjunction wu.n the
sessions of the sef~ord annual congress
of the National Student Federation of
America, wiich will be held in Ann
Arbor, Dec. 2-Q, was made last night
by James loyer, '27, senior council-
man in charge of the lorel arrange-
ments. The round table talks will be!
held in various comlmittee rooms of
the Union Friday afternoon.
"The Honor System and Student
Government" will be led by Charles
C. Gleaves of the University of Vir-
ginia and Dorothy Mason of Wellesley
college. The application of the honor
system to work other than examina-
tion, the composition of student coun-
Stils and the cooperation of the latter
and university faculties will be con-
To Discuss Athletics
The discussion on "Athletics" will

formances in the thirteen citiesI
where the opera will play on its tourI
through the East and the Middle
West. '
The musical numbers of the show
have been written by Milton K. Pet-
erson, grad, with additional music
and lyrics by Dorothy Stone, who is
co-starring with her father, Fred
Stone, in, "Criss-Cross", now playing
in New York city, and William M'-
Lewis Jr., '29, who will be featured
in the production in the leading fem-
inine role of June. The arrangement
of the dance routines was done partly
by Roy Hoyer, leading man with Fred
Stone, when he was the guest of Mr.
Shuter last spring, and partly by
Trained Since Spring
The choruses of "Front Page Stuff"
have been trained in their routines
since last spring, and since the earlyt
fall have been practicing two hours
daily under the direction of Lewis. A
departure from the chorus arrange-
ments of past years is that six spec-
alty dancers have been added to the
usual women's and men's choruses.
The "Adorable Girl" number by
Lewis, is sung by Robert Graham, 29, 1
who plays the part of Isidore, the i
poet, while the men's chorus continue
with a clog dance, followed in turn
by the specialty dancers who perform
a high kicking and eccentric dance.
This number is featured in the show,
being sung in the finale by Russell
Gohring, '27, and Lewis, with a final
reprise of the dance of the specialty,
Other Feature Numbers
Y .n,.ad "Mv Lady of the

Aaron Saenz
Foreign minister of Mexico, who de-
clares that the oil laws recently en-
acted by his government are being en-
forced without difliculty. American
oil magnates had declared that they
would not abide by the laws when
first passed.

I Love You anii y- 1
Snows" are the other featured num-f
bers, the former being sung by Rus-!
sell Gohring with a dance by theS
mixed chorus following, while "My
Lady of the Snows", sung by Graham,
is the feature of the second act.
A novelty dance of 16 snow men
is followed by a ballet by the special-
ty dancers and a tge dance by Lewis.
This is the first time such a combina-
tion has been used in a Union opera.
The "Reporters frpm the Press" by{
the men's chorus and the "Valentine"
dance by the mixed chorus are two
varied numbers of the typical musicalj
comedy type. "A Friendly Game of1
Golf" sung by Lewis and the mixed
chorus with a dance by the special
girls is one of the most unique and
graceful routines ever created by Roy
B oyer, according to Mr. Shuter.
"Play Us a Tune" sung by B. Lorain
Norton, '27, in the character of an;
Italian baron, contains a dance by
-Lewis, and the men's chorus is con-
chided by a piano solo by Lewis.
Tickets for Ann Arbor performances
of "Front Page Stuff" may be secured
at the desk in the lobby of the Union
from 2 to 5 o'clock today by students
and the general public.
Discussing the subject and receiv-
ig definite information as to the time
and place of the preliminary contest,
students who intend to compete in the
annual extemporaneous speaking con-
test held under the auspices of the
Oratorical association, met yesterday
afternoon in Mason hall.
The preliminary contest this year,
which will be held for the selection
of seven contestants for the finals,
will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in
room 302 Mason hall, and. will be
judged by four Delta Sigma Rho men.
The seven who are successful will,
take part in the final contest to be
b 0d Friday night in the University
.1:87 n,:r a.._. m P o 01hI nt M


ious capitals. The Allgemeine Zitung U"u ILIIVUAL1U110. 1SG
ous cpitnaasTheublsgemcineZungis communism onevery side and the WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.-Rakingt
firmed report from Bucharest that whole presents a picture of a religious over the white bones of the Senate
Ferdinand died om Saturdart people under an atheistic government, investigation into the leasing of the
Feinandapo diedanonlkSaturday.re
The Bucharest dispatch mentioned still pulling together in many respects Teapot Dome an lk ills oil
the according to him. He vividly describ- serve for four and a half hours today,
the possibility of the proclamation of ed scenes in the principal cities and the government presented to the jury
a republic. spoke of the great regard in which the in the Fall-Doheny criminal conspir-
An explanation given for the secrecy dead Leine is held by all, his tomb acy trial the main structure of its
maintained was that it was considered being the shrine for thousands of case against the former secretary of
not advisable to disclose the fact of pilgrims every evening. In his opin- the Interior and the California oil
the king's death pending Queen Ma- ion, however, the Christian art is be- magnate.
ri's return. lug safeguarded much more by the Following a ruling by Justice Hloeh-
FlagsSre reported to have been oviet government than it was under ling, of the District of Columbia se-
at half mast and theaters closed Sat- the Czars. preme court, that the Senate record
urday at Klausenberg, in Transyl ' Talks of keigion was admissible as evidence in the
vania, formerly a Hungarian city, but In the religious aspect, the speaker present trial, Owen J. Roberts and
now part of Roumania. said, the government is officially Atlee Pomerene, counsel for the gov-
atheist, but that creed has been made ernment, read to the jury virtually a
PARIS, Nov. 29.-Queen Marie at 'into a religion by the very ardor in complete transcript of Doheny's testi-{
sea and former Prince Carol at Neuil- which it is exercised. Christianity it- mony before the committee. They also
ly are the chief figures in the Rou- self is unmercifully cartooned, and read portions of Fall's statements to
manian situation; their expected althougu capitalism is set up as the the committee, regarding of his New
meeting in Paris may shape the future chief enemy of all Russians, thatHac- Mexico ranch holdings, while the Elk
history of the country. tor is entirely lacking. Hills lease was under negotiation be-
The present situation is giving the "The strongest leaders of Russia tween representatives of Doheny's
political sages an opportunity to spec- were driven to Communism by the company and interior department of-
ulate on weighty decisions, if any, I excesses of Czarism," said Mr. Rowell,, ficials.
which may be taken by the royaly, "and each has undergone the same in The reading brought before the
mother towards her wayward son. justices. The first stage of the revolu- jurors evidence bearing upon the cel-
Carol is keeping his own counsel, but tion was the chaotic one which gave ebrated little black satchel in which
he will await the queen's coming, rise to the wild stories which wer $100,000 in cash was carried by Ed-
though he refuses to be enticedminto a circulated everywhere. This in turn ward L. Doheny, the defendant's son,I
declaration as to his attitude inthe !gave way to theoretical communism from New York to Washington, in No-
dynastin crs sn but this was not favored by Lenine Ivember, 1921. The day also brought
Carol, it is true.renounced his right and was discarded. before the jury the $100,000 note of
CritstrenondhsrI'*November 30, 1921, which Fall gave to <
to the throne, but his supporters be- In 1321 the new communistic policy Novemb er 192 , which o-
lieve that that is a minor aspect that was adopted and is still existent. Doheny to cover a loan, which Do-
can be changed legally or illegally by I This involves a system of state and aeny, in his Senate testimony desnib-
peaceful persuasion or revolutionary private capitalism which, being limit- ed as an act "befriending a friend in
force. ed to a small scale, effectually does need.
The politicians naturally are wor- away with any economic or political
ried by the possibility of having to power which the middle classes might Mulliken Gives Talk,
govern an uneasy country amid tra- have. The great business is done by
ditionally turbulet states. They think the government trusts. On Research Work
that when Carol finally declares him- "The real Russian government is a
self, a way will be found to settle dictatorship of the proletariat," he 'W ith Spectra, Atoms
matters amicably. continued, "and this forms its only
connection with the Soviet form of
I government. Under the existing situa- j "Certain types of molecules have a
SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE DUE tion there is a shortage of everything structure as determined by their spec-
but food, and that is supplied by the tra, which in turn is dependent upon
Today is the last day upon which , peasantry as they see fit. The laws the grouping of electrons in octets, as
subscriptions to The Daily may be i and courts were at first abolished in the case in the structure of atoms,"
paid, according to an announcement 1 completely and are now restored only I according to Prof R. S. Mulliken of
made yesterday by the business man.- in part. The communist government the physics department of Washingtony
ager. Tomorrow all unpaid subscrip- is one o the most upside-down accomn- I Square college of New York univer-
tions will be discontinued and collec- I plishmentc ever attempted, but it is sity, who spoke yesterday afternoon
tion made on the basis of five ceits lin truth advnntageuus or at least just in room 1041 of the New PhysicsI
copy. Jas good as that which existed before." building.

be headed by Joseph Pendergast of,
Prineeton and M. A. Cheek of Har-
vard. The subjects of non-scouting
agreements, commercialism, eligibil- s
ity rules and intersectional contests ;
will be taken up by the group.
I Fraternities" will be discussed tin- I
teUiestofCniatanMa- LAWS TO BE SUCC[SS !
der the leadership of B. L. Bryant ofl
the University of Cincinnati and Mar- s
garette Fleming of Ohio State univer- Foreign Minister Saenz Declares That;
sity. The subjects for consideration Law is Being Enforced Without
Include the methods and time of elec- Difficulty; Puzzles U. S.
tion to fraternities, their legitimate-
function in college, and the question OBSERVERS MYSTIFIED
of national fraternities versus college
fraternities and clubs.
"The Choice and Methods of Teach- (By Associated Press)
ers" will be led by Russell Lee Post MEXICO CITY, Nov. 29.-Foreign I
of Yale and Frederick V. Field of Har- Minister Saenz today issued a state-
vard. The problems of lecture, pre- ment in which he declared-that Mex- I
ceptorial and tutorial systems, re- I ld n tl 1 hih
quirements of resarch work for fac- I apws
ulty promotion, compulsory attend- ! have met with protest from the United
ance, and teachers' salaries will lie States, are being enforced without
considered. asdifficulty and that only a few of the
s dLstcu sson "big oil companies have not yet an- I
The last discussion, on "'The Na-' neto ocml
ture of the Curriculum," will be head- nounced their
ed by Donald Orr of the University of 'with them.l
Nebraska and Marvin Breckenridge of "In spite of campaigns abroad!
Vassar college. Matters to be con- against compliance with the land and
sidered include elective and required petroleum law, the regulations arej
subjects, cultural and vocational sub- being enforced 'without difficulty and
jects, the elimination of underclass ( its application is ai accomplished
years, and methods of specialization ! fact," the statement said.
and upperclass study. If the important oil interests should
Dean Alfred H. Lloyd of .the Grad- ultimately accept the regulations, it
uate school will deliver the addrss of is felt that this would take away from
welcome to the delegates at the open- the force of Washington's prolonged
ing meeting Thursday night in the as- protestations to the laws.
sembly hall of the Union, it was stated However, this theory seems far from
last night. President Clarence Cook realization. The best available infor-
Little will be out of the city this week- ! mation in the befogged situation,
end and unable to speak before the; where the principal interests are in-
federation. volved--the oil owners themselves-
J. A. Bursley, dean of students, will have refused or avoided public dec-
j act as consultant to the group which larations, is that the American impor-
will discuss fraternities. tant oil companies have not yet ac-
Meiilejohn To Speak cepted the law. Some of the foremost!
On the program with Dean Lloyd British and Dutch companies have,
I Thursday night will be Dr. Alexander according to apparently reliable in-
Meiklejohn of Wisconsin university formation, but this they have refused
i who will give the principal address. to discuss.
This first session of the congress will The Mexican embassy in Washing-
he open to all students and faculty ton stated last Friday that it had
mremibers of the University. been informed that all the British oilI
Dr. Stephen P. Duggan, director of companies in Mexico together with1
the Institute of International Educa- an important Dutch company and
tion, will be among the prominent some American and other corpora-
y educators who will attend the con- tions" had accepted the conditions of'
vention. He will address the closing the Mexican oil and land law.
session of the congress Saturday Officials of the foreign office in Lon-!
I night. .Idon today said that they were unable
Boyer stated yesterday that he bas to confirm this report as far as it con-
received word from 160 colleges and I corned British companies, but that
universities throughout the country I they would be greatly surprised if it
who have definitely arraned to send ( were true.

(By Associated Press)
PEKING, Nov. 29.-With its enemies
organizing for a concerted attack up-
on it, the Peking government once
more is without a cabinet or recogniz-
ed head. In telegrams sent toay to
the war lords who appointed them
and dictated their acts, the cabinet
members declared the determination
to quit the responsibilities of office.
Daily reports have come to Peking
of the successes of the armies of the
Cantonese government, of one province
after another going over to, the south-
erners whose battle cry is one gov-
ernment for all China, and China for
the Chinese. In addition the Kuomin-
chun (national army) of the Peking
government, deposed last April, is
said to be preparing to march from
Kansu province to join the Cantonese
troops coming north after their vic-
tories in the Yangtze provinces over
the forces of Marshals Wu Pei Fu and
Sun Chuan Fang, not long ago styled
dictators respectively of central and
eastern China.
Shifts Responsibility
Faced with this situation, without
power to enforce its orders, even in
the vicinity of Peking, and with an
empty treasury, the cabinet quit as a
body and requested the war lords to
assume responsibility for the govern-
ment which they actually controlled.
LONDON, Nov. 29.-"The gravest
crisis since the Boxer rebellion," is
how British correspondents in China
describe the present situation there as
their concern is fully reflected in of-
ficial quarters.
The government, however, maintain-
ing its wary attitude which has pre-
vailed throughout the prolonged
Chinese troubles, still declines to be
harried into a precipitate action based
on what possibly may turn out to be
nadequate information.
Macdonald Speaks
Former Premier J. Ramsay Mac-
donald, making his first appearance in
the House of Commons today since a
holiday for his health, asked Foreign
Secretary Sir Austen Chamberlain to
give the house information on affairs
in China.
Sir Austin outlined the serious de-
velopments which have occurred in
Hankow during the past week growing
out of a threatened general anti-
foreign strike and boycott there.
. Apparently the government has no
present intention of' ordering further
naval units to China. T'welve de-
stroyers and an aircraft carrier, sent
to China from Malta in September, are
ready for eventualities in addition to
the regular river control.
. May Require U. S.- Action
It is understood that the situation
will be left largely to the chietnaval
commanders on the scene and it is
hoped that if any action should be-
come necessary, it shall be of inter-
national character. There is con-
siderable interest as to what action
the United States shall take if the
threatened general strike should af-
feet America.
The advance of the Cantonese forces
and the resignation of the Peking gov-
ernment have resulted in close atten-
tion to this phase of the entire Chinese
situation. 'Whether the Cantonese
government can become a concrete
governing body with which the for-
eign nations can properly deal is a
question on which opinions differ
The prevailing view and that ac-
cepted generally in official quarters is
that the Cantonese ' government,
should it gain control of all China, is
too completely Bolshevist in its in-
tentions and aims to be trusted and
that it will force an anti-foreign pol-
icy, including renunciation of foreign
treaties to the utmost extent.
On the other hand, the opinion in
liberal quarters favors an attempt to
negotiation with the Cantonese.
Atkins To CQntinue
Program Here Today

For the second discussion of the
topic of "The Changing Aspects of the
Christian Ideal," the Rev. G. G. Atkins,
pastor of the First Congregational
church of Detroit, will consider
"Christianity as Redemption and De-
liverance" at 4:15 o'clock today in
Natureal Science auditorium.

o i- r°hiqn And Ir s-mncr 'n ,nr nitc, Se"t--iQ Of Pcr Ten

. . ,delegates here. The number of visit-
Coaches For Respective Positions On All-Conference Team ing students is now approximately 275.
E ; men and womcn, representing schools
from 36 states.
(By Associated Press) eight each, Ohio seven, and North- follows: The delegates will begin arriving
CHICAGO, Nov. 29.-The two out- este, ho even, and orth- fols: Thursday morning. They will be met
stnigpaesofteWsenCn western, who tied for the conflerence I First team Second team ~tedptb cn~r fteSu
rstanding players of the Western Con- title, had six. Oosteirbaan, Mich le.... Flora Mie. at the depot by members of the Stu-
ference this year, in the opinion of ra dsdent council and other students and
football coaches who trained Big Ten Oosterbaan is regae as one o Nelson, Iowa....t.....Bae Mc then taken to the Uon where they
teams, are Herb Joesting, the Min- the best receivers of forward passes Hess, Ohio ......g... . Lovette, Mich. will register As far as possible the
nesota fullback who led the confer- in the country, though this year, his Reitsch, Ill.............Klein, Ohio visitors will be quartered in their own
ence in points scored, and Benny play stood out not alone for that but Shively, Ill.......rg....Hansen, Minn. fraternity and sorority houses during
Oosterbaan, Michigan end. They were for his defensive work, Gary, Minn......rt.. Raskowski, Ohio thhey
chosen unanimously by the coaches in Joesting this year, his second in Wheeler, Minn...re..... Kassel, Ill. mhirstay here. They will take all
y y meals in the main dining room of the
the selection tonight for the Associat- Conference competition, though a Friedman, Mich.. q. . Almquist, Minn.
ed Press of first and second "all-con- marked man in all games, averaged Baker, North'rn.rh.... Kutsch, Iowa Union.
ference teams." better than five yards on each play I Karow, Ohio... h.. 'Wilcox, Purdue
Close behind these two, with but and lacked but 55 yards of tieing the Joesting, Minn..f.. Lewis, Northw'rn Princeton, Cornell
~one or two votes lacking, were Benny yardage record of "Red" Grange. iNotable mention:
Friedman, who captained the Michigan Friediman, twice this season, Tackles: Johnson, Northwestern, Sign Track Com pact
team to a tie for the conference cham- brought victory to his squad by a Fislier, Indiana, Leitle, Wisconsin,
pionship, "Moon" Baker, the triple i single point. The Michigan captain, Hyde, Minnesota, Stroubel, Minnesota.-
threat of the Northwestern backfield, who invariably kicked the point after Guards: 1hart and Shipbenman, (By Associated Press)
X -- x ,F fTi i nnthdomng he'n'tmissedine since f NoTPihwmaRtP.rn r .ria - I PRTrI°RT0N M n 942 __nlr . r l



Plates Must Be Purchased By Students
Before January 15
Automobile licenses for 1927 will go
on sale tomorrow morning at the
county branch of the Department of
State in the Chamber of Commerce
building. All students driving cars
with foreign plates are required un-
der the law to purchase Michigan li-
censes before the middle of January,
No plates will be issued unless the
title to the car is produced by the ap-
plicant. The automobile tax in this
states is determined according to the
weight of the automobile and all own-
ers of ears with non-standard bodies.

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