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November 28, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-28

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Women May Secure Tickets Tomor-
row; General Sale Opens At
Union Tuesday

British Empire May
Some Day Shift Its
Center From London
(Bly Associated Press)
LONpON, Nov. 27.-King George's
crown admittedly rests firmly on his
brow, but it is within the realms of
possibility that London some day may
lose its prized position as the heart of
the British Empire to a mighty city
in Canada or Australia.
Officials at the recent imperial con-
ference say that the evolution of the
British Empire will continue, but they
admit that they are sometimes be-
wildered at visualizing the distant fu-
ture and the contemplated possibilities
and development under the new


TRIAL1 OF0[CONSPIRACY Roumanian Monarch

Settings for "Front Page Stuff," the scheme of things that has gradually
21st annual Union opera, which will been growing.
open a week's run at the Whitney In the view of those far-sighted i-
Ihabitants of that world famous alley
theater on Dec. 6, will be equal to any knownats ownth tre t a scuriy
of tose hic hav maked astknown as Downing street, the security
of those wich have marked past of the king's crown is considered one
Mimes productions. The scenes of the of the outstanding results of the im-
play, a college town, and St. Moritz, perial conference.
Switzerland, at the height of the win-
ter social season, offer unusual oppor-P
tunities for colorful and stunning ef-
fects, according to those in charge.
Because of the number of larger ng itsT
auditoriums and theaters which will I U II LII M N A
house "Front Page Stuff" during its I___
vacation tour, it has been necessary to Polish Artist Declared By Critics As
construct all the scenery on an ex- Lossessor Of Greatest Emotional
tremely large scale. This has led to Range Of All Living Players
the installing of a complete lighting
outfit, consisting of the modern X-ray
border system, which has been per- IS FIRST VISIT HERE
fected within the last year, and which
has been installed in many of the As the second number on the annual
newer theaters throughout the East. Extra Concert series of the University
A special expert electrician will ac-
company the, Opera this year, and will School of Music, Moriz Rosenthal,
arrive in Ann Arbor sometime this Polish pianist, will appear here to-
week to 'supervise the installation of morrow night in Hill auditorium. This
the lighting in the Whitney theater. is the first time that Mr. Rosenthal
Swiss Chateau Copiedi.r . h .R
The scene of the first act is laid in has ever visited the city.
the college town of Bridgewater, and As a boy of 15, Mr. Rosenthal was a
presents a colorful exterior view of pupil of Liszt and at the age of 22 was
the Dodd mansion and its garden ter- acclaimed the world's greatest tech-
race. The second act scene is the in- nician on the piano. Together with
terior of the Grand Salon of the Cha- Paderewski and DePachman, he forms
teau de Neige, at St. Moritz, Switzer- (a great triumverate of pianists that:
land, and is considered the most has long been recognized as the out-
elaborate setting which has ever been standing artists of their generation.
built in the Mimes theater. It is an I The pianist has made several pre-
absolute reproduction of the original vious American tours, winning wide
Chateau de Neige Grand Salon. recognition for< his trip here in the
All the designs, which were done spring of 1907, and also for his next
by Otto Scheller, of Detroit, are car- journey to this country, which was
ried out in a motif of marble and col- made in 1923. At this time he played
ored mosaic, and the furniture has in concert with the New York and
been especially constructed for the Chicago symphony orchestras, as well
set. One of the outstanding features as giving performances of his own.
of the set will be the "scene within Mr. Rosenthal is generally conced-
a scene" effect produced by the view ed by critics to have the largest range
of the snow covered Alps through the of emotional expressiveness of. any
18-foot French doors which form the living pianist, and in late years the
solarium of the Grand Salon, and open beauty of his playing has attracted as
out onto a veranda and then to the much attention as his technical skill
winding rocky, pathway leading up to among those who have heard him, in
the summits of the distant mountains. the opinion of many.
Down this winding, snow-covered The doors of the auditorium will be
path, the "Ladies of the Snow," and closed during the numbers, and the
the snowmen of the choruses, will audience is requested to be in its seats
come in the elaborate "My Lady of before the opening of the performance.
the Snows," number in the second'act. A specially made large size grand
This number will undoubtedly be the piano has been set up on the stage of
most complete and effective one which Hill auditorium for Mr. Rosenthal's
has ever appeared in a Union opera, appearance.
and perhaps is equalled on the pro-
fessional stage today only by the Date $et For State
"Palace of Diamonds" used in Fred . .)
Stone's' show, "Criss-Cross," now play- oard Examinations
ing in New York city.
Women Given Preference
University women may secure tick- The Michigan State Board of Ex-
ets for Ann Arbor performances of aminers for the registration of archi-
"Front Page Stuff" by presenting pref- tects, engineers, and surveyors, an-
erence slips at the box office of Hill nounces the next examination for en-
auditorium from 2 to 5 o'clock tomor- gineers and surveyors to be given at
row only. The preference slips are the University of Michigan, Ann Ar-
available at the office of the Dean of bor; Michigan State college, East
women. { Lansing; and the Michigan College of
Students and general public may Mines, Houghton, on De. 29-30-31,
ailso secure tickets for these perform- 1926.
ances at the desk in the Union lobby, Application blanks and full infor-
every afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, mation may be obtained by writing
from Tuesday to Friday. General box the office of the board, 1043 Book:
office seat sale at the Whitney theater Building, Detroit.
will begin Friday, Dec. 3.°
BERLIN.-Former Chancellor Wirth
LARGE CROWD ATTENDS declared that Germany's entry into the
League of Nations and readiness to
ARMY-NAVY GRID GRAPH promote stabilization of the French

Objections That Reading Of Doheny's
Testimony In Old Trial Is Illegal
Remains Under Consideration
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov 27.-Awaiting
the decision of the Supreme Court of
the District of Columbia, on an in-
volved constitutional question which
brought them to an empasse yester-
day, opposing counsel in the Fall-
Doheny oil conspiracy trial shaped
tentative plans today for a resumption
of testimony Monday regardless of
whom the decision favored.
The decision by Justice Adolph A.
Hoehling of whether Edward L. Do-
heny's testimony before the Senate
oil investigating committee in 1923
and 1924 1is permissible to go before
the jury may' influence the line of at-
tack mapped out by the government
counsel at the outset.
The nub of the Senate testimony, in
the initial plans of the government
counsel, was the oil man's voluntary
account of a $100,000 cash transaction
between himself and Albert B. Fall,
co-defendant, in November, 1921, while
Fall was Secretary of the Interior.
Defense resisted introduction of the
Senate record before the jury on the
ground that the action would con-
stitute compulsory testimony by a de-
fendant at his -own trial, in contra-
vention of the fifth amendment of the
While exclusion of the testimony
would represent a victory for the de-
fense, there would still remain sev-
eral possible approaches to presenta-
tion of the same subject matter.
Committee Clerk Summonedl
Following a lead provided in the
Senate inquiry, the government coun-
sel have summoned for the present
trial the clerk of the committee, in
whose custody reposes the $100,000
note which Fall gave Doheny in No-
vember, 1921.
Doheny testified before the Senate
committee that the $100,000 transac-
tion for which the note was given, had
no connection whatever with negotia-
tions then in progress for leasing the
Elk Hills naval oil reserve to Doheny's
Pan-American and Petroleum Trans-
port company. He also told the com-
nittee that because Fall was an old
:riend, he tore the signature from the
note and hnded it to his wife. Mrs.
Doheny is under subpoena, as a for-
mer employee of the interior depart-
ment, familiar with the handwriting
of the former secretary.
Several Alternatives Open
The government began with the
plan -of following a short cut to the
$100,000 transaction by way of the
Senate record of Dohey's testimony,
but should Justice Hoehling's ruling
close that door, they still have an al-
ternative route, they believe, to the
same route objectives.1
In argument against the reading of
the Senate records, defense counsel
suggested that the submission of Do-
heny's own testimony in a criminal
trial might furnish grounds for an ap-
peal to the Supreme Court of the
United States, particularly since the
point now before Justice Hoeling
never before has been passed upon by
a Federal court. The government,
however, can have no appeal under
existing law.
The desire of all parties to put the
case through as rapidly as possible,
with a view to getting the jury out of
the box by Christmas, brought about
an agreement today between counsel
and court to hold Saturday morning
sessions hereafter, and possibly one or
two night sessions next week.

Succession Not Yet Being Considered
By Parties; Government Said To
Fear Revolt For Carol
(By Associated Press)
3 PARIS, Nov. 27.-News from!
Bucharest is explicit only on one,
point, that is, that the situation in
Roumania is most uncertain. Definite
information is extremely scarce, but
reading between the lines gives the
'impression that King Ferdinand is in
a serious condition, though not yet at
a point where the political parties
may, as reported,decently take up the
-question of the regency of the suc-
cession to the throne.
To the involved state of politics in
the kingdom, diploniatic circles in
Paris attribute the conflicting reports,
more than half of which have been
dismissed without consideration. Sig-
nificance is attached to the fact, how-
ever, that the most specific reports
received have come from Vienna, in-
dicating the check put on information
direct from Bucharest. Former Crown
Prince Carol, who is living at Neuilly,
is surrounded by faithful servants
who cannot be approached. His fu-
ture intentions can only be surmised,
and are apt to change from week to
week. The Roumanian government is
said to be anxious lest the peasant
section of the army revolt in favor of
Carol, but this contingency is con-t
sidered remote.-
Unfounded Rumors Denied f
From the Roumanian foreign office
comes an emphatic denial of unfound-E
ed and fantastic rumors, respectingf
the king's health. Ferdinand is suf-

I King Ferdinand
Roumanian monarch, who is ser-
iously ill at Bucharest, while QueenI
Marie is on her way home aboard the
Berengaria. He is not expected to
live until she reaches him.
Head Of Italian Observatory Declares
I Immediate Danger Allayed By Slow
Flow Of Volcanic Lava

Holy Cross Is Held
To Scoreless Tie In
Contest At Boston
(By Associated Press)
BOSTON, Nov. 27.-Boston college,
playing its last football game under
Coach Frank Cavanaugh, ended its
season undefeated here today, by hold-
ing Holy Cross, its ancient rival, to a
scoreless tie.
During the greater part of the game
both elevens battled evenly in mid-
field, but three times the Purple, rated
as the underdog before the starting
whistle, managed to fight its way to
the Maroon and Gold's 25 yard line,
only to lose the ball on downs.
Lacking a strong offense, Holy Cross
thrice attempted to score field goals
but Wise was not equal to the task.
His first attempt early in the opening
period, missed the enemy's crossbar
by inches, when he was kicking from
the 20 yard line. His other two at-
tempts, from the 35 yard line, and a
placement kick from midfield, failed to
land even near the posts.
Boston college remained on the de-
fensive throughout the game.
"Impressions Of Bolshevik Russia"
Is Subject Of University Of
California Regent
"Recent Impressions of Bolshevik
Russia" will be the subject of *Uni-
versity lecture to be given at 4:15
o'clock tomorrow afternoon in the Na-
tural Science auditorium by Chester
Harvey Rowell, '88, of Berkeley, Cali-
The lecture was originally announc-
ed for last Monday evening, but be-
cause of Mr. Rowell's failure to get to
Ann Arbor, the lecture was postponed
one week. The lecture will be given
in the afternoon, instead of the eve-
ning, as was previously announced.
Mr. Rowell is a regent of the Uni-
versity of California, and was a for-
mer editor of the Fresno Republican.
Mr. Rowell has travelled all over the
world, and in the past has taken in-
terest in Oriental questions, especially
in the Pacific, but of late his interest
has turned to Russia. He atteided the
Institute of Pacific Relations held in
Honolulu last summer. Rowell has
been a student of the work of the
League of Nations, and was present4 at
its assembly in September. He spoke
twice at the Institute of International
Relations, held in Geneva in August.
In California, Mr. Rowell was active
in politics, having been a representa-
tive to Congress for several sessions.
He was the organizer of what later
became the Progressive organization
in California. He presided at the late
President Wilson's meeting in San
Francisco, which was the last public
meeting Wilson attended.
Mr. Rowell received his doctor's
degree from the University in 1888.
He was connected with the faculty of
the University of California as a
lecturer on journalism and on civil
and political subjects.
Enlargement Of Big
Ten Is Undiscussed
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Nov. 27.-The question of
extending the western football con-
ference to make it a Big Twelve by
including Notre Dame and Nebraska
or Michigan State was not presented
at the faculty meeting of the confer-
ence tonight.
Prof. Thomas S. Moran, Purdue, was
elected president, and Prof. 0. G. Long,
Northwestern, was elected secretary.
A special meeting will be held after

the holidays, with the athletic direct-
ors of the Western Conference andI
probably , the college presidents to
consider the question of a rotating
schedule for Big Ten teams.

_____ fering from an infection which, the
PEASANTS SHOW FEAR j attending physicians assert, has yield-
ed periodically to treatment. It is
4considered hardly likely that an ope-
(By Associated Press) ration will be undertaken even if it
NAPLES, Nov. 27.--Vestivius is eventually becomes necessary, untili
again aroused. A lava column, six medicinal treatment has been fully
feet deep and twenty feet in width, is tried out. At any rate, there will be no
operations until Queen Marie reaches
flowing from the huge mouth of the Bucharest.
crater. The mount resumed violent The diplomatic representatives in
activities today and the column of ! Paris are of the opinion that there is
steaming molten fluid tonight had a great deal of arbitrary assumptions
traveled more than 1,500 meters, de- j in some of the dispatches from Vienna
stroyed all vege'iation in its path and Ii hc h xrm rvt fKn
was moving with unusual sluggish- ( i which the extreme gravity of King i
was mowing ith unusual slmuggih Ferdinand's condition has been dwelt
ness down the side of the mountain. upon, but there is little doubt that the
Simultaneously a nmeweruptive cone, king is suffering from a malady which
about 200 feet in diameter, was hzurl- may very soon reach a serious crisis.
ing skyward huge masses of incades- y _ynehasr srs.
cent material and a shower of heavy,
flaming cinders, while deep ominous PLANS DISCUSSED
rumblings were punctuated by violent TO1CONTEST 'VARE
inward explosions, heard for many T C ON
A gigantic column of enflamed
smoke, studded with enormous sparks I (By Associated Press)
belching forth, presented a magnifi- WASHINGTON, Nov. 27.-Tentative
cent and awe-inspiring spectacle, not plans for a contest over the recent
i ftonc in roo t v nc__4-i - -+,,r i P n i

Shapely Instrumental In Final Drive
Of Navy To Deadlock Contest
In Closing Period
By Milton Kirshbaum
CHICAGO, Nov. 27.-Navy's title-
bound dreadnaught faced the heavy
Army artillery in an indecisive battle
here this afternoon, and after the two
had engaged in an encounter which
thrilled more than 100,000 frozen spec-
tators the battle was brought to an
end with the service elevens in a
deadlock, 21-21. It is well nigh im-
possible to depict the dramdtic strug-
gle which will go down in football
history as one of the greatest games
ever played.
Navy won the toss to open the fray
and elected to receive with the wind
at its back. After Caldwell had taken
back the kick-off to the 30 yard line,
the Annapolis eleven opened a strong
aerial attack, with Caldwell and Ham-
ilton throwing to Hardwick, star end.
With the ball on Army's 38 yard line,
Hardwick took a beautiful pass from
Hamilton on the 3 yard line, and Cald-
well carried the ball over in two
smashes at the line. Hamilton drop-
kicked for the extra point.
Army Tries Strategy
There was little doubt that Navy
was outplaying the Cadets in every de-
partment of the game, but soon after
the second period began, Coach Jones
sent eight new men, Dahl, Hammack,
Born, Harbold, Wilson, Cagle, Murrell
and Harding into the lineup. It had
evidently been intended as a trick of
strategy but the Middies set out to
prove that psychology could not win
football games by carrying the ball
straight down the field on line smash-
es, Schuber making the touchdown.
Hamilton again kicked goal.
With Cagle and Wilson leading the
attack through the line and around
the ends, the Army eleven was soon
under way. Cagle broke loose for a
20 yard run around right end and
Wilson, with perfect interf'erence,
started around left end and cut back
through tackle going the entire dis-
tance for a touchdown without being
touched. Harding made the point with
a place-kick.
The inspired Army Mule was now
buffeting the Goat around almost at
will but seemed unable to carry the
ball over for a scpre. A break gave
the Cadets their second touchdown
when Harbold, end, scooped up a punt
fumbled by Hannegan on his own 25
yard line, and ran the remaining dis-
tance to the goal. Harding again ad-
ded the extra point after touchdown.
Navy Assumes Offensive
It was Navy's turn to resume ac-
tivities and with Shapley substituted
for the injured Caldwell, It seemed as
though the team would score, but the
half ended too soon with the ball on
Army's 40 yard line in Navy's posses-
The Cadets were not to be long out-
played, however, for as soon as the
second half had started, Cagle and
Wilson began to skirt the end and run
the ball through the tackle for long
gains. After Wilson had mae an418
yard dash to the Navy 40 yard line,
Cagle st/arted out on a wide end run
and then cut back through left tackle
carrying the ball ovr for a touch-
The Annapolis dreadnaught added
the necessary dramatic scoring finish
to the spectacle by carrying the ball
down the field in straight line smshes
and end runs to tie the count. The

Middies did not seem to rely any
longer on the deadly air attack, at-
tempting only two short passes, one of
which was completed for a five yard
gain, and the other being incomplete.
Shapley was the main cog in the run-
ning drive and finally carried the ball
3 yards around right end for a touch-
down after it had seemed as though
the Army was about to halt the attack
in the shadow of the goal posts. Ham-
ilton's drop-kick for the point ended
the scoring for the day.
The lineup:
Army Navy
Davidson......L. E.......... Lloyd
Sprague .......L. T...... Wickhorst
Schmidt........L. G..........Cross
Daly ......... ..C.......... Hoerner
Seeman .......R. G....... A. Thorn
Saunders ......R. T...........EIddy
Brentnall......R. E....... Hardwick
Meehan ....... Q. Q ...... Hannegan:
Gilbreth ......L. H.......Hamilton
Trapnell.....R. H........Schuber
Dahl .........F. B........Caldwell
Army scoring-Touchdowns: Wil-


of n seen n recen years.
Professor NMalladra, head of the

i' ,

royal observatory, spent most of last
night,,and a large part of today study-!
ing the phenomenon and he gave as-I
surance that there was no immediate
danger ps the lava was moving at
a speed guaranteeing its rapid solidi-
fication. Nevertheless, the residenIs,
of the hill towns are maintaining a
sleepless vigil because of the dreadedj
power of Vesuvius which is respected
religiously here as "the mountain"
like some deity.
Headmaster Brands
New Era Of Milksop
As Bane In College

i' ,
i 1

senatorial elections in Pennsyivana
were considered today at two confer-
ences in which Willianm B. Wilson, un-
successful Democratic candidate
against William F. Vare, Republican,
had a part.
Before the Democratic senatorial
committee's session, Mr. Wilson con-
versed with Senator Norris, Republi-
can, Nebraska, who has announced
that he would urge a senatorial in-
quiry into returns from Pittsburgh
and Philadelphia, where Vare's ma-
jorities were overwhelming.
Senator Norris has received detailed
tabulations of the Pittsburgh vote
which he said would be presented to
the Senate when the question of seat-
ing Vare comes up. In addition, Sen-
ator Gerry, Rhode Island, chairman
of the committee, has voluminous ma-
terial bearing on the general elections
and the primary which preceded it
throughout the whole state, which was
brought to him by Joseph F. Guffy,
Democratic national committeeman
for Pennsylvania. . '


(By Associated Press) ;
> NEW YORK, Nov. 27.--"Cookiel
s Dusters," 1926 models of the milksop,{
are the bane of college life, delegates j

Shifting in sympathies from one side
to the other and then reverting back I
again, a crowd of more than 1,000
watched the story of the Army-Navy
football game as was told by the grid-
graph yesterday afternoon at Hill audi-
torium. On the whole, however, it
seemed as if the crowd favored the
Navy, probably due to its relationshipI
with Michigan.
The Varsity Band played before the
game and between halves and paraded
to and from Hill auditorium. The!
scores of other games were announced
during time-out periods.
The showing marked the passing of f
John M. Bennett, '27L, who has oper-
ated the ball on the board for the pastI
three years. Two posters were ex-
hibited, one depicting the angry
"Army Mule" and the other picturing
the "Navy Goat."

currency were national sacrifices.

to the interfraternity conference weref
H told today.I
Harvard Athletic Director Announces E "The coonskin coat, soft leather
T7( chairs, waiters and 'bids' to house
Preference For Yale In Future Games parties given by eminent hostessesi
towns near colleges threaten the hard-
ness of the modern university man,"
f (By Associated Press) I treasurer of athletics at Harvard, to the Rev. Boyd Edwards, headmaster 'f!
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 27.-A George R. Murray, general treasurer Hill school, said.
definite "Yale first" policy in Harvard of the Princeton Athletic association. Reverend Edwards cited reports oft
football relations was announced to- and referred to the "wretched spirit football coaches who were quoted as
in which the last three games have j saying that it takes twice as long to
day by William J. Bingham, director been played." "stir the modern man to fighting pitcht
of athletics at the University. In his statement Director Bingham as it did his father."
Breaking silence for the first time, said in part: "I believe that I served William Mather Lewis, president of
since, Princeton severed athletic re- the view of Harvard men when I state George Washington university, in the1
lations with the Crimson some weeks that the ideal arrangement for a col- closing address of the conference, de-
ago, Mr. Bingham declared the prob- lege game is to see the mass groups lared fraternity life was the strong-
lem of Harvard-Princeton friction of rival students and alumni on op- est feature of mod rn colleges.E
should have been faced "a college posite sides of the Field. It is always ,
generation ago" and added: "So long thus when Yale is Harvard's oppon- Buildings Shaken By I
1 1 , r r n~f in-sr ofi- '._ _+r

Foreman Asserts Stadium Construction
Is Ahead Of Schedule Despite Wells

Work on Michigan's new million I
dollar stadium is progressing rapidly,
according to the foreman supervising
the work done by the Mercier Con-
tracting Company of Detroit.
Despite the fact that wells havel
been unearthed in the process of ex-
cavation, the work is not behind
schedule. In fact, the foreman assert
ed, the work is two months ahead of
schedule. The constant flow of springs,
discovered in the digging has slowed
up the work, but the water is being'

first of the year, declared the foreman.
From 3,000 to 4,000 cubic yards of dirt
are removed from the field every day.
About 140,000 cubic yards remain t-
be excavated. There are in all ten
steam shovels doing the work, but
only two of them are working at pres-
ent because of the cold weather. These
two machines are working on the
draining system, which will drain
water out of the stadium. It was
while digging this drain that the wells,
were uncovered. The cost of the
drain alone will come to about $200,-
Anan Cava , l v .. r a _ -- _ n ' 9

as i hlave ansy part in airecting amtu-1


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