THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN The proposal to lease the three roads which have been controlled by tthe New York Central through stock; oweship was made with a view to effecting economy of operation, as the ___Ilinesarspaaemngmt.Te (By Associated Press) New York Central proposes to pay a yearly rental equivalent to 50 per cent ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 29.-Stock- of the outstanding stock of the Michi- holders of the New York Central rail- gan Central and 10 per cent of, the road meeting heer yesterday voted in outstanding capital stock of the Big favor of increasing the capital stock Four, which is the nickname of the by $100,000,000 and of leasing the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Michigan Central, the Big Four and Louis road. A relatively small amount the Chicago, Kalamazoo and Saginaw of the stock of these railways is out- railways for a 99-year term. standing, it is understood. . , n , : _ . .. 1. , .g .. , _, _ ~ .. . _ \ -.. _ ;1. -, __ 7 7VE r f irtgan Bade If you are a telephole subscrlwcr callJimmie the Ad -Tak er, D ial 21 21 #, and your wan:s~ ad- The Michigan Daily reserves the right to I ThistuItnti closs >at 3 1. i>M . rit< .c;1- ng publication N tics of aty error nU:t be given in time for the second isertioll. CASH RATES Tell cents perre ning line (on the basis of five average words to the line) for one or two ri itets per reading line for three or more nsertions, Cashclassifiedis receiveda at the Daily offce inl Thle P ress Bild (1ing 0O1i ayVn ard Street. CONTRACT RATES Special standardized rates given on applica- tioll.S FOUND FOUND-Automatic Pencils which we sell at a low figure, $.50 to $1.50 that work as well and last as long as the best. Rider's Pen Shop. tfU 4 .4 41 i 14- O N campus or off campus, rain . or shine, night or day, a Stetson is 1 AI'. thle smartest hat and the longest lived. 4I+ '1 I+ Styled for young men Y T T TT T T TTT TTTT TTTT TTTT T 14 ' .,, , ,. , . .. . ;. ,, 1 ~ \ : ), ~,. r -~ 9 Identify the aristocrat of pens by this ;+. white dot 1 I 7 I Dad, too, buys this pen for economy's sake The cheap and uncertain pen costs much more in the lone, run. The Lifetime* is the pen of no re- pair costs. So accurately is it built, and so un- failingly does it perform, that we unhesitatingly guarantee it without reservations whatsoever.} And because it is also a beautiful pen, built of enduring green Radite, it is a pride of stu4ent- dom-and a coveted possession always. Spot it by the dot-at better dealers everywhere. Price, in green or black, $8.75. Student's special, $7.50. Pencil, $4.25 Blue Label Leads-fifteen, cen S.krip is the bet ink for-all founainenas HPENS PENCILS - SKRIP W. A.SHEAFFER PEN COMPANY FOR IENT' FOR RENT-Pleasant front suite, al- so front single room. 736 So. State. Phone '21777. 4-5-6 VERY desirable front room for two persons. Convenient locaiton. Call anytime"at 1204 Oakland. 4 FOR RENT-One single at $3.00; small suite, $6.00, double, $4.50 single. 600 E. Kingsley. 4 ROOM for rent at 309 So. 12th. One half block from campus. Write co Dr. Stryker or call 9610. 4-5-6-7 I ii :j i E ; ,A / 1 * I 3 SWI M AN 000 Jo0 reig Quality g as w r d BE ®. r * £r * 4' rWID . 'a 'W IN - U sis~~I Ann ouncn / FOR RENT-Suite of rooms, men, twin beds, study room. 330 Maynard, upstairs. 4-5-6 NICE double front room at 801 Gran- ger. One block from Ferry Field. Dial 21425. 3-4-5 ROOMMATE WANTED for man in a large front room. 425 S. Division. 3-4 ONE LARGE SUITE for two, three or four boys. Very cheap. 301 N. State. Phone 8747. 3-4 FOR RENT-Room for one man in nicely furnished suite. Steam heat. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 3-4-5 ROOM-Single or double, southeast section. 1515 Brooklyn Ave. Phone 12079. 2-3-4 ROOM-Campus, 811 E. Huron. A double room on first floor, private entrance, your price. 2-3-4 FOR RENT-One comfortable suite, two blocks from campus, for two students. Equipment and room prac- tically new. Also three roommates wanted. Call 8167 or 917 E. Huron. 2-3-4 FOR RENT-Suite, $8; double room, $6; one and a half blocks from cam- pus. 612 Hill St. Phone 6637. 2-3-4 TWO very pleasant double rooms for men, $7.50 per week for two or $6 for one at 1002 Cornwell Place. Phone 3138. 2-3-4 FOR RENT-Large room, will rent single or double: 425 S. Division. 2-3-4 FOR SALE GRAPE JUICE and sweet cider. Call R. E. Wagner. Telephone 9534 or j22413. 4-5-6 FOR SALE-5 tube tuned radio, Fre- quency Radio, $35.00. 333 E. Ann. 3-4-5 FOR SALE-Remington standard type- writer; practically new; price $40. Call evenings from 7 to 9. 1108 Prospect St. Phone 6810. 3-4-5 FOR SALE-Ik is the life blood of your Fountain Pen. You will always get the right kind at Rider's Pen Shop. We sell no ink substitutes or kinds which clog your pen and makeI it useless. Your pen and ink spe- cialist knows. tf FOR SALE-Good 'Cello and Ludwig snare drum in excellent condition. 522 S. 4th Ave. Dial 6430. 2-3-4 LOST LOST-All desire to promote highly colored pens, necessarily made of celluloid, at a great sacrifice of sta- bility to attract the eye and assist the advertising. Our pens are made, almost without exception of PURE VEGETABLE GUM RUBBER, the most stable material ever found for fountain pens. Rider's Pen Shop. tf WANTED WV ANTED WANTED--Students to sell fastest selling life insurance on market. Write to B. N. Garrod, Whittaker, Michigan. 4-5-6 FEMALE HELP WANTED-A nation- al firm with local olice near the campus needs a capable woman to act as hostess-maybe some simple clerical work; suitable part-time art- rangement. Phone 9592 Saturday after 1 P. M. 4-5 WANTED--Roommate to share large front room. 1216 E. University Ave. Reasonable. 4-5-6 YOUNG MAN to help about house and yard for his room. American. Call mornings or after 6 P. M. 1014 Church. 4 WANTED--Suite or double room for two in quiet home with shower, near campus. Box 113. 4 WANTED-Student's wife as assistant in dental office. Hourse reasonable. Call 7380. 3-4-5 SITUATION WANTED-Cooks, color- ed couple want situation; can plan, buy, and do own pastry work in Fra- ternity or Sorority. Can sleep in or out. Phone Dial 2-1109. 3-4-5 GARAGE--Near Wells and Lincoln. Call Reichart. Phone 3768. 3-4 WANTED-Musicians for dance or- chestra. Apply 1108 Hill St. be- tween 3 and 5 P. M. 2-3-4 WANTED--Students to know that we have a $5.00 pen which is unequalled at the price. Call for Wahls new $5.00 pen, any style of point and in three colors Hard Rubber Holders. Rider's Pen Shop. tt WANTED-Experienced colored cook for a Fraternity. Home made bi- cuits and pastries. Dial 7726. 2-3-4 ROOM MATE wanted by a Senior law in suite in good location. 429 S. Dli- vision. 2-3-4 WANTED-Ushers. Arcade Theatre. Apply to doormn. No phone calls, 2-3-4 TWO STUDENTS want weekly ash jobs. Phone 6736. 2-3-4 INSTRUCTOR wants room, with gar- age and breakfast, if possible. Phone 7072. 2-3-4 NOTICE MICHIGAN DISTRIBUTING ACENCY Announces the opening of a store handling an extensive line of im- ported tapestries. All sizes and prices. Come in and look around. 119 So. Main St. 4 NOTICE-Just arrived, Ted Lewis' new record "The New St. Louis Blues" Allmendinger's Music -hop, 305 Maynard. 4 NOTICE-TYPEWRITERS of all the leading makes, sold, rented, ex- changed and repaired at prices con sistent with good quality and work- manship. Best service department in Ann Arbor and one of the largest in the State. 0. D.. M ORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store Phone 6615. Established 1908. 2-3-4-5-6 EXPERIENCED piano and pipe organ teacher. Emma Fisher Cross, for- ner faculty member School of Mu- sic and pupil of Leschetizky of Vienna. Studio, Apt. 8, 610 E. Lib- erty. Phone 3566. 1-2-4-6 INDIVIDUALIZED CHARACT ER EASTERN STYLE CUSTOMIZED ACCURACY We haveassembled the finest and most widely assorted display of im- ported suiting fabrics that the European con- tinent can offer. Tailored by us in our store on State street in a distinguished fashion.T REFINEMENT beyond comparison. $75.00 That Nat. Luxenberg & Bro. of New York City, with their totally new varied line of col- lege tailored clothes, have established their local agency Ipith us. Each suit is individ- ually cut and tailored. Popularly and reason- ably priced from $40.00 to $6o.oo TYPEWRITERS RENTED All Makes 3 MONTHS $7.50 /. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO. 310 SOUTH STATE ST. DIAL 21143 1-2-4 TYPEWRITERS Seeus before buying or renting. We Can Save You Money. All Machines Guaranteed. AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO. 310 South State St. Dial 21143 1-2-4 WANTED-Family ings. Dial 8794. and student wash- 3-4-5 k A 1I FOOTBALL r ~in.~~ r~'n Ypslanvti Central Hlijih Ys. L 4,- - I { 11 II