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November 27, 1926 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-11-27

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Difagrammed Report
INDSTR DICUSED f Army-.Navy Game


Aid tDedicaion
_ . -'flflnnirAATflhiI noflf

Berry Advises Advancement for School
Children in MichIgan Who Are
Physically Handicapped I

Complete reports of the Army-Navy
football game will be given by the
grid-graph this afternoon in Hill
auditorium. Direct connections have
been established with Soldiers' field,f
ir Chicago, to insure the efficiency of{
the diagrammed story.
The Varsity band will play at the
showing and parade before and after
the game. Reports of other games
will be announced between lalves and'
during time-out periods. Members of!
the 1926 Varsity football squad willI
be guests of honor and will occupy
seats directly in front of the board.





Prof. Albert E. White, director of The board will be operated by the!
the department of engineering re- same men who have controlled it for
search brought out the importance >f Tickets will all be at the same
the University of Michigan's part in price 35 cents, which will admit the
the industrial changes which are con- bearer to any seat in the auditorium.
stantly taking place, in a radio talk They are on sale at Slater's, Graham's,
on the Furth Michigan Night Radio Wahr'sdandsCalkins-Fletcher's State
program broadcast through The De- street drug store. The box office of
troit News station WWJ. the auditorium will also sell tickets
It was to cope with these constant from the time the doors open until the
changes that the Department of En- game starts. The doors will be opened
gineerig Research was established, at 2 o'clock, one hour before the game
Professor White stated. "To date commences.
the department has completed or in-1 All of the M men of the football
itiated work on 650 projects. Each squad may procure their complimen-
project is placed under the personal tary tickets from A. S. Baker at the
direction of a competent person, Administration building. ;
usuallya member of the faculty. We
feel we are better fitted to do develop-
Uient than operating research. The1
University has done much in the de-
velopmg line to aid all lines o m-
dustry, Professor White said.
Fish Curator Speaks
Others who gave talks on the pro-
gram were Dr. John Sundwall, di-
rector of the division of hygiene, pub- More Costumes Will be Used In "Front
lic health and physical education, Carl Page Stuff" Than In Previous
Hubbs, curator of fishes at the Mu- Michigan Operas
seum, and Prof. Charles Scott Berry,-
of the School of Education. Dr. Sund- TICKETS ARE ON SALE
wall explained the health service ______
which the University gives to its stu- Colored costume
dents and other provisions which have Cldcsue plates and advance
been made to make the health of su- information received yesterday by E.
dents the best possible. Mortimer Shuter, Opera director, from
The subject of Professor Berry'sI Lester, designer of the 400 costumes
talk was "Handicapped School Chil- and gowns which will be used in
dren in Michigan." Ie advised "Front Page Stuff," give promise that
further advancement of schools for much is being dofe in order that the
the partially sighted. The totally blind 1927 Opera will surpass any of its
are elly provided for in the Michigan predecessors in beauty and variety of
Schoolp for the Blind and the Michigan costume effect.
Employment institution for the B nlind. More costumes will be used in this
This is also true of the partially deaf year's Opera than in any other former
school children, Professor Berry said. production, 57 trunks being required
"These children are handicapped in to transport the trappings while the
school, on the playground and in the company is on the road, which does
shoe. onThe agheouned ano matter not include the personal wardrobes I
where placed, who always find them- for each member of the cast. In the
selves in the back seats in the class- course of each presentation this year,
room, the lecture hall and the con- the "women" of the choruses will
cert., Instruction in lip-reading pro- make 15 complete changes of dress, .
duces marvellous results, sight aids and the men's chorus eight, exclusive
hearing and the child to his delight of the variety of special chorus cos-
seems to discover that his hearing has tume changes.
improved," Professor Berry said and One of the most prominent numbers,
added that these children might be "My Lady of the Snows," will un-
m duch better provided for. doubtedly take its place among the
m Tells of Cripples rfinest senes the Opera has ever ac-
Crippled children are being welli complished, according to Lester, who
cared for by the Michigan Society for ideclares that "there is no doubt that
Crippled Children and much treatment the 'Lady of the Snows' djumber, i
is being given those fdr whom there four parts, introducing the ladies of
is a possibility of being cured. There ithe snow, the snowmen, the leading
is not enough being done yet to fol-. lady and the ballet dancers, is one of
low uPgthe treatment which these the most magnificent spectacles ever
Spoorchilren receive, Professor Berry attempted on the stage, and will equal
averred, and the same is true of the anything ever seen in any New York
feeble inded children. There is less production. There is probably no
done fpr the feeble minded than for other scene of equal beauty, except
anyj fthe otherbhandicapped school perhaps the 'Palace of Diamonds'
childxeit and it is here that the big- used in Fred Stone's 'Criss-Cross,'
gestadvane iht bs e tmahe whicr is now playing at the Globe
The subject of the talk given by Carl theater in New York." The costumes
THubbs ws "Fishes from the Pacific." for this number will be elaborate
He explained "th collections of the creations of various combinations of
Michigan museum and told about the real lace, velvet, silk, fur, all in white,
last collecting expedition made this and rhinestones, and altogether are
year. le gave facts about some of probably the most valuable gowns
the specimens obtained. Questions that have ever been used in any Union
asked by a radio fan and fisherman Opera.
were answered by Mr. Hubbs during Other scenes, featuring costumes o
his talk and the purpose of the Uni- novelty will exhibit a specialty chorus
versity in makingthis collection was in gorgeous mnediaeval e wns,tailed
also explained. i golf costumes in exclusive Paris
golf costumes.
* S.PLANE PN-10 Union members who did not secure
FORCED TO LAND applicatios for tickets to Ann Arbor
AT CANAL ZONEr pertormfances of "Front Page Stuff"i
AT CANAL ZONay gettickets from 2 to 5 o'clock
today at the side desk in the Union
(By Associated Press) ijloby.
COLON, Panama, Nov. 26.-The bb
United States naval plane PN-o, DR RASMUSSEN
number two, arrived at the Coco Solo
station here at about 5:30 o'clock TO VISIT HERE
this evening from the Isle of Pines.
Lieutenant-Commander Bartlett, pilot,
and the members of the crew were Dr. Knud Rasmussen, Ph. D., prom-
given a great ovation when they inent Danish explorer, will be in Ann i
landed, Arbor next week as a guest of Prof.
Commander Bartlett announced that W. H. Hobbs of the geology depart-
the flight proved the feasibility of ment. He will give an illustrated lee-
getting planes from the United States ture Wednesday, Dec. 8, at 4:15
to the Canal Zone quickly under all o'clock in Natural Science auditori-
conditions. lie said he would have um on "Tree Years of Eskimo Life
made the destination without diffi- in Arctic America."

culty only for a shortage of lubricat- This lecture will be supplemented
ing oil while over the Isle of Pines, with both lantern slides and moving
;which compelled him to stop there. pictures taken during the three years
The plane was attempting a non-stop of his 20,000 mile journey by dog team'
fight from Norfolk, Virginia, to Colon. from Greenland to Alaska across

Music Furnished by I2-Piece Orchestra
From Detroit; Specialty Dancing
Adds to Festivities
By Marian L. Welles
With decorations appropriate to the
season, carrying out an atmosphere
of russet autumn, the Pan-Helleni
ball, the fourth annual social function
of this kind to be sponsored by the
Michigan Inter-sorority association,
was held last night in the Union ball
The ballroom was attractively
adorned with festoons of wine-colored
leaves extending from the ceiling to
the floor. Bowers of palms and bril-
liantly colored flowering plants were
formed at various points about the
room and elaborate motifs of colored
leaves .and artificial grasses were
hung over the fireplace and the chape-
rone's booth. The orchestra platform
was banked in flowers and ferns.
Small potted evergreens footed each
panel in the corridor leading into the
ballroom; the w h o e decorative
scheme carried out a seasonal atmos-
phere which was intensified by an
open fire, in the fireplace and n-
shaded cathedral candles.
II rusee's Orchestra Played
Music for the ball was furnished by
Bob Prusee's 12-piece orchestra from
Detroitsand continued until 1:30.
Specialty dancing by a young member
of the band of musicians added to the
festivity of the evening. Colored
lights were thrown on the dancers
from the balcony. 0
The Pan-Hellenic ball is the only
large social function of the year given
by the women of the University and
has long held a prominent place on1
the social callendar of the year. The
party of this year has taken on an
added interest because of its location1
in the Union ballroom.1
1)Patrons and Patronesses
The patrons and patronesses for the
ball were: President and Mrs. Clar-
ence Cook Little, Dean and Mrs. Burs-
ley, Dean and Mrs. Effinger, Dean
Humphreys, Dr. and Mrs. Robert
Angell, Prof. and Mrs. Frayer, Dr.
and Mrs. Aiton, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mans-
field, Mr. and Mrs. Clingman, Dr.
Everette Brown, Miss Grace Richards,,
Miss Alice Lloyd and Miss Beatrice
Johnson. I
The programs for this year were
attractive pig skin cigarette cases
with an embossed Michigan seal. Ac-
cording to the custom one-fourth of
the tickets were alloted to independ-~
ent women. A total of 375 couples
were present.
Following the ball, many sororities
held breakfasts at their houses con-
tinuing festivities until three o'clock
this morning.
Schedules Made For,
Track And Baseball
CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-University of
Michigan track and baseball sched-
ules as announced here today, for the
1927 season, are as follows:
Track: Iowa at Ann Arbor, May 7;
Illinois at Ann Arbor, May 14; Ohio
at Columbus, May 21.
Baseball: Purdue at Purdue, April1
20; Northwestern at Ann Arbor, April
2$; Purdue at Ann Arbor, May 4;
Illinois at Ann Arbor, May 7; Ohio at
Ann Arbor, May 9; Illinois at Illinois,
May 14; Iowa at Iowa, May 16; North-
western at Northwestern, May 20;

Margaret Funk, '28A
Chairman of the committee inf
charge of the Pan-hellenic ball, annual
social function given by the Michigan
Inter-sorority association last night
in the Union ballroom.
Recently Returned to Lecture in thiss
Country After Several Years
of European Study
Chester Harvey Rowell, '88, editor
and educator, will deliver a University
lecture on Russia at 8:00 Monday
fnight in Natural Science auditorium.
Mr. Rowell's lecture was originally
intended for last Monday night, butr
because of a misunderstanding with
a booking agency the lecture was
postponed one week.-
Mr. Rowell has spent several years
in Europe studying conditions, and
has recently returned to America to
lecture on his impressoins of modern
Russia. He is considered an authority
on the subject.
Besides taking a leading part in re-
form movements, Rowell has taken
considerable interest in the entire
cause of international co-operation.I
1867, and received his doctor's degree
:He was born in Bloomington, Ill., in
from the University in 1888 and re-
mained for another year of graduate
work. He also attended the universi-
ties of Halle, Berlin, Paris and Rome.
Mr. Rowell has been connected with
the faculty of the University of Cali-
fornia, as a lecturer in journalism.,
and also on civil and political sub-
From 1898 until 1920 Mr. Rowell
was editor and publisher of the
Fresno Republican, what is consider-
ed by critics as "the best paying news-
paper of America." ie is a regent of
the University of California. For
several sessions Rowell has been aE
United States Representative in Con-
gress, being affiliated with the editingI
of various Congressional digests and
report s.
Fickinger Advises
Curtailing Dialects
IOWA CITY, Ia., Nov. 26.-English
will be the real auxilairy language of!
the future if it can be prevented from
degenerating into dialects. believes,
Prof. Roy C. Flickinger, head of the
Iniversity of Iowa, department of
Latih and Greek.
"Latin degenerated into the various
romance dialects," declared Professor

Admission To Be Based On Scholar-
ship, Personality, And Efficiency
In Serving School
Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic
honor society, installed a chapter at
the University'of Michigan last night
with the admission of 25 members of
the faculty as charter members and
the initiation of 10 more members of
the faculty. Dean Kraus of the Col-
lege of Pharmacy presided at the
initiation and at the banquet which
followed. The installation was in the
hands of Prof. L. H. Pammel of Iowa
State "college and Dean J.. S. Stevens
of the University of Maine, both of
whom were charter,members of Alpha
chapter at its inception at the Uni-
versity of Maine in 1898.
The installation came last night as
the result of a petition to the national
chapter last summer. Seven members
of the faculty are members of chap-
ters at other universities and they felt
that there was a place on the campus
for such an organization. The mem-
bers of the society included President
C. C. Little, and Dean Kraus. Accord-
ing to Dean Kraus of the pharmacy
college, the organization is more com-
1 prehensive in its scope than any of
the other honor societies on the
campus at the present time.
Threefold Requirements
The requirements for admission are,
(high scholarship,tdistinctive efficiency
and service to the University, and
outstanding personality reflected by
connections with associates and fac-
ulty. Its point of departure from the
policies of other honor societies is
that it recognizes no specialized
academic requirements. Any member
of the University, regardless of his
Imajor subjects or the college to which
he belongs, is eligible for membership
after his junior year. In this feature
the scholars of the campus are rep-
resented regardless of specialties or
Kraus Elected Head
The officers of the Michigan chapter,
elected at the meeting following the
installation are, Dean Edward H.
Kraus, president; Dean Edmund E.
Day, vice president; Prof. Edwin M.
Baker, secretary; and John C. Christ-
ensen, treasurer. '
The installation and initiation last
night was confined to members of the
faculty. The first initiation to in-
clude seniors and graduates of the
University will take place in June,
(Continued on Page 3)
Tornadoes Scourge
West Leaving Paths
Of Calamity Behind
(By Associated Press)
COLUMBIA, S. C., Nov. 26.-A
heavy windstorm struck two cities
in western South Carolina late
today, causing considerable prop-
erty damage and injuring 12 per-
sons. No loss of life occurred,
reports indicated.
(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 26.-Tornadoes
-which swept through the Missouri
Ozarks last night killed at least four
pe sons. injured between 75 and 100
petsons and left a trail of property
Striking first at Grandsville, near
the Arkansas line, a tornado took
three lives and destroyed about three-
fourths of the buildings.
Apparently a different tornado
struck at Competition, 75 miles north-

west of Grandsville and tore a de-
structive path in a northeasterly di-
rection througheBig Piney, Vida and
IKnobview where it seemed to have
spent most of its force. A 50 mile
wind, however, blew as far northeast
as St. Louis. Nearly all the buildings
in Competition and Big Piney were



Talent Debates Admissibility
Doiheny Senate Testimony
As Evidence

(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-Ranked in col-
umns across a snow swept field, 3,000
students of the United States Military
and Navy academies today shared in
the dedication of Soldiers' field, where
tomorrow the 22 men representing the
Army and Navy football teams, will
hold the eyes of 100,000 spectators in
the first service game ever played in
the Middlewest.
Thousands of spectators assembled
in the vast stadium today braving a
bitter wind and a driving, biting snow
to attend the ceremonies dedicating
the city's monument to its war dead,
in which Vice-President Charles G.
Dawes made the principal speech.
The cadets paraded from their re-
spective hotel quarters to the stadium
in the face of icy flakes and the sharp
winds of Lake Michigan, to find a
colorful picture awaiting them, and to
take their place in the concrete bowl
which they studded with their blue and
gray uniforms. An American Legion
section presented a pageant depicting
the history, of the flag, and behind
them were service men of allied na-
tions, carrying their °respective na-
tional colors.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 26.-Heavy
siege oratory in the Fall-Doheny oil
conspiracy trial today tied the pro-
ceedings into a constitutional knot.
the outcome of which still was in
doubt when court recessed until Mon-
While witnesses waited, and with
jury excluded, the opposing batteries
of big calibre legal talent poured an
incessant fire of arguments upon a
salient regarded as vital by both sides.
The focal point of the broadside was
the question of the admissibility as
I evidence of the testimony given before
the Senate oil investigating committee
in 1923 and 1924 by Edward L. Doheny.
Included in this testimony is Doheny's
own story of how he advanced $100,000
to Albert B. Fall, co-defendant, while
the latter was Secretary of the In-
terior. Before the day was over, the
hostilities had spread along the whole
legal front, with defense attorneys
accusing the prosecution of disregard-
ing the rules of evidence and present-
ing its case in improper sequence. But
'the question of admitting Doheny's
Senate committee testimony remained
j throughout the key salient. The ques-
tion never before has been presented
for adjudication in a Federal court.
In their opening statements, govern-
ment counsel dwelt at length upon a
I $100,000 cash transaction between
Doheny and Fall during the period of
the alleged conspiracy January 1, 1921,
and December 11, 192g.}
Doheny appeared before the Senate
committee January 24, 1924, and told
freely of having arranged to transfer
1 $100,000 to Fall in 1921. The govern-
ment wishes to incorporate this testi-
Imony into the trial record but the de-
fense objects on the ground that such
procedure would constitute compul-
sory testimony of the defendant
against himself in a criminal trial, an
action specifically prohibited by the
fifth amendment of the constitution.
The government presses for the ad-
mission because it has not the right,
under the rules of evidence, to sum-
mon the defendants to the stand in the
present trial.
Doctor Is On Furlough From Madros
Where He Directs Hospital
Under the auspices of the Student
I Volunteer group, Dr. Galen Scudder

Northwestern Will Play Illinois, Ohio,
Utah; Notre Dame To Meet
Sothern California
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Nov. 26.-The shift play
will be virtually barred in Western
Conference football next year, through
a decision of the athletic directors
here tonight to enforce a two second
stop on all shift plays, before the ball
is snapped.
Seeking to complete his schedule,
Coach Spears of Minnesota, who gave
I to the gridiron the famous play a
score of years ago, offered to abandon
the shift if the other coaches desired,
and a gentleman's agreement was
adopted. Coach Robert Zuppke, of
Illinois, was one of the sponsors of
the proposal to make shifting players
for two seconds before a 'play was
No Games In Seven Years
The meeting next fall between Chi-
cago and Michigan is one of the out
standing results of the session. They
have not played for seven years be-
cause, as Coach Stagg once said,of
tension between the undergraduates.
The reported break of football rela-
tions between Chicago and Northwest-
ern, rivals for 25 years, also became
an accomplished fact by failure to
sign for next year.
Six big intersectional games are o
the middlewestern list for this'fal,
three in this section and three in the
The rambling rock of Notre Dame
will bring one of'the biggest intersec-
tional games of the year to Chicago
on Nov. 26, when they meet the Uni-
versity of Southern Clifornia.
The three eastern games will send
Ohio to Princeton, and Indiana and
Purdu~e to 1larvard. In return, the
Navy will com to Michigan and Penn
will return the visd of l'hiago. From
the far West, Utah will come to North-
western's new stadium.
All but three of the conference
teams still had open dates tonight,
when the athletic directors adjourned
and negotiations with other leading
teams for intersectional games will be
contmnued. Chicago, Michigan and
Northwestern alone announced com-
plete programs.
Only One Break
Of all the reported breaks in tradi-
tional games, only the Chicago-North-
western report proved true. When
Minnesota announced willingness to
drop the shift, Michigan signed up for
a continuance of their annual battle.
Wisconsin, after long argument, sign-
ed up again for the traditional finale
at Chicago. Illinois and Ohio meet
again to close the season, and Purdue
and Indiana as usual.
The eastern trip of Utah marks the
first visit to the Big Ten from a leader
of the Rocky Mountain conference,
and the Southern California visit to
Chicago will give the Middlewest its
first sight of Pacific coast football.
Purdue and Indiana barely kept
within the conference four game mini-
mum, while all the others, except Chi-
cago and Michigan, landed five games
and these two signed up six North-
western vied with Chicago this time
in signing up home games, each get-
ting five.
The following is the complete
schedule for all Big Ten games for
the 1927 season:
Minnesota: Indiana, Iowa, Wiscon-
sin, Notre Dame, Michigan.
Northwestern: South Dakota, Utah,
Ohio, Illinois, Purdue, Indiana, Iowa.
Illinois: Bradley, Northwestern,
Michigan, Iowa, Chicago, Ohio.
Ohio: Iowa, Northwestern, Mich-
igan, Chicago, Princeton, Illinois.
Iowa: Ohio, Minnesota, Illinois, Wis-

consin, Northwestern.
Wisconsin: Kansas, Michigan, Pur-
due, Minnesota, Iowa, Chicago.
Purdue: DePauw, Chicago, Wis
consin, Northwestern, Indiana.
Chicago: Indiana, Purdue, Pennsyl-
vania, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wis-
Indiana:.Chicago, Minnesota, Notre
Dame, Harvard, Northwestern. Pur-
MEXICO CITY.-Prince Henry of
Prussia, brother of the former Ger-
man emperor, has arrived at Vera,

Wisconsin at Wisconsin, May 21; Iowa Flickinger, "and unless remedical
at Ann Arbor, May 28; Wisconsin at danger that English may become a
Ann Arbor, May 30; Ohio at Ann Ar- I measures are taken, there is grave1
bor, June 4. hybrid language."


(By Associated Press) several London newspapers describe
LONDON, Nov. 26.-The Bucharest his condition as more serious than
correspondent of the Westminster heretofore. The special Mail corre-
Gazette says King Ferdinand of Rou- spondent declares that the official re-
mania "is not expected to live until port issued at Bucharest are unjusti-~
morning." The dispatch, bearing to- # fiably sanguine.
day's (Friday's) date, adds that blood ---


will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in Lane
Hall auditorium on "Medicine in In-
dia." Dr. Scudder is here on fur-
lough from his position as physician-in-

congestion of the large intestine, due ( ty Associatedtress) 'charge the Ranipet General nos
to cancer, is causing blood poisoningj BELGRADE, Jugo-Slavia, Nov. 26.- 1. pital, the hospital of the Reformed
Bucharest is described as "waiting Queen Marie of Roumania, advices Foreign Professor Church Mission boards in Madros,n
cup d' etat." from Bucharest say, has lost much of dia. He is also the American repre-
A special correspondent sent by the her popularity owing to her absence iConcludes Research sentative in the Madros Medicalcoun-
Daily Mail to Bucharest to investigate ;inAmerica, and will not be allowed I'cil, a body which controls the medical
the condition of the king, telegraphed Ito interfere in questions of state upon profession of the Madros presidency
from Bucharest that Ferdinand is her return. -I Dr. Erik Hulthen, of Denmark, who and the medical policies of the gov-
desperately ill with cancer of the These advices state that it is even has spent the last year in residence ernment.

I The complete Michigan sched-

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