i THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Ft WAMM fie. SWA V:A AM (VIPP IL A. . . BAD WEATHR DELA YS!Advocates 48 Hour Y System For Women Cancellation of Final Games May Prove Jisasterons to Competitors for Vhnnpionslip Cup TO PLAY GAMES TOMORROW" Plans are now udcr way for th- tmetlos of the intramural an in- ter-cl ass hockey tournaments which ....?:: were thought for a long time to have1 to remain incomplete this year. Be-1 cause of the extremely poor weather during the last two weeks it has been impossible to play the games which have been scheduled and for a while it was feared that the hockey cup could not be awarded this year. If such a thing does happen it might prove disasterous for Betsy Bar- bour dormitory who has retained the championship cup the last two years and who will have it as a permanentf possession if they are successful in winning it again this year. Last week Palmer field was cleared of the snow several times in an at- tempt tomake possible the fulfilling of both the intramural and inter-classI schedule but all times the ground was covered before the games could be played. The semi-final round of the inter-class games will be played the first of the coming week but the intra- mural tournament must yet complete the third round of the eliminationr games. The date.of the hockey ban- duet has not yet been, definitely de- cided upon because the games have been postponed so many times. The intramural games scheduled for Friday are as follows: 4 o'cloclc, Kappa Delta vs. Pi Beta Phi, Adelia Cheever vs. Alpha Xi Delta; 4:30 o'clock, Betsy Barbour house vs. Zone-6. These games must be played+ off at their appointed time for the schedule must be completed if it is. at all possible. Due to an error appearing in Satur- day's Daily the treasurer of the fresh-. man law class was announced in- correctly. Rhea Bolton was elected to fill this position. Bright blues are favorite colors for house painting in London this fall. Mirror Beauty Parlor "Charmingly Different " Distinctive Women's Hair Cutting SCall for Appointment Dial 7355 19 Cutting Apt. Cor. State & Monroe READ, MESSAGE FROM IA. Un GREEN ATCON VENTIONu icon Imen, State delegates to the convention gram held by the Michigan League of Wo-I aim 'men Voters in Saginaw, Nov. 15 to 20, men witnessed the closing session of the unde convention when a messare from Fred sthro stud3 A. Green, Michigan's governor-elect, deal! was read at a mass meeting of the ednt convention delegates. ( centE Mr. Green in his message urged the Th women of the country to vote in great- cial er numbers in order to attain a more socia responsible position in the govern- movE mental affairs of the nation and the ental state, and closed his message with the wom, following statement: "In Michigan er r the women haven't received their pro- dent per representation upon boards, on stan which they are particularly qualified cede for service. I believe with added re- Th sponsibilities of government will come child increased interest. I am hopeful of least seeing the women of Michigan take a caus more and more active part in the pol- ports itics of the state to the end that we ing, may have better government. Dur- fund ing my administration I shall be very whic glad to help in any way I can to this ality end." Th As a result of the election of of- awal ficers held by the league members, stan! Mrs. H. G. Sherrard of Grosse Pointe late remains state president. The only new child officer was elected to fill the treas- resea urer's post. The new treasurer is Mrs. wort John Hornbrook of Detroit. scho A. U. W. ARRANGES EDUCATIONAL ANNOUNCE WINNER N O T I C E S PROGRAM FOR UNIVERSITY WOMEN OF PO.TER PRIZE The Women's league is beginning Announcement was made yesterday this week to canvas the league houses der the leadership of the Amer- Next to the home, school is stress- by the publicity committee of the pan- for the sale of Christmas cards. Cards Association of University Wo- ed as the place of most importance in hellenic ball that Virginia Geese, '28A, are also on saleat the Lantern Shop, a new national educational pro- the education of the child. This pro- is winner of the poster contest held in from 12 to 1 o'clock or from 6 to 7 has been arranged. It is the gram of the A. A. U. W. aims to stim- connection with the ball. T-he winning o'clock. of this project to give coege wo- ate, encourage, and direct its meary poster is conceived in brilliant reds There ivill be an important meeting a more objective and scientific school . s t and yellows with a silhouette group of the dancing act of the Sophomore rstanding of children from birth s as it is in their own communi- in the spotlight and is on exhibition circus -at 2 o'clock tomorrow in the ugh adolescence. Through this ties, as it is in other communities, and now in the window of Wahr's book- parlors of Barbour gymnasium. y it is hoped that the methods of as it may become. store. According to the rules of the There will be an athletic managers ng with children may be improv- The steps used in carrying out this contest, the winner received a com- meeting at 4, o'clock Monday in the in the home, schools, and other prgaretevstigo oalimentary ticket to the ball. Other parlors of Barbour gymnasium, -It is ers established for their welfare. so n o sers have bee paced prominent very important that all managers be is undertaking should be of spe- ceptions in elementary education. places about the campus and State lpresent as swimming and basketball interest to parents, teachers, and The work of the organization is be- street. All of those entered in the will be discussed. All zones must have l workers because of the growing competition were of a high standard their representatives at this meeting. il workrs becuse ofing carried out in three ways, by in- of workmanship and of original de-i l oeetybak o h wm ement to include elements of par- dividual study by members, general or n h d o e All zone entry blanks for the swim- [education in college curricula for lectures at branch meetings and sign .according to the judges who were ming meet must be in at the physical en and because teachers can nev- tensive study by small groups in from the architectural school. education office not later than Satur- eally understand their own stp- branches. day noon. If no zone manager has s until they appreciate and under- The A. A. U. W. is not merely ana- Students in the University of Wis- been elected up to date every house d the stages of youth which pre- tional organization but it has joined consin who left classes on either of manager in a zone should hand in an college. forces with the International Federa- the days before or after Thanksgiv- entry list from her own house re- is stage of development in the tion of University Women. Similar ing day will not be admitted to the gardless of the number. is the one which has received the movements are being promulgated by examination in these classes at the consideration in the past, be- women in foreign countries. The A. close of the semester. These regula- e it was considered the least im- A. U. W. is the only American organ-tions apply to all undergraduates in French girl golfers will make a b' ant. Modern psychology is show- ization which has or can have member- all colleges. for world's golf honors next year. however, that during this period ship in the International federation amental habits are being built up since only one organization in any " h may influence a child's person- country may belong. 4 k 1t 1 W f i x ' Mrs. Norinan delc. Whitehouse Representing the New York LeagueI of Women Voters, Mrs. Norman deR. Whitehouse appeared before the State Industrial Survey Commission recent- ly to. advocate a 48-hour week for working women. Mrs. Whitehouse is president of the Whitehouse Leather Co., Inc., of New York. OFFER PRACTICE HOURS An opportunity is being offered to all organized intramural houses to practice basketball every Monday and Wednesday afternoon from now until the Christmas holidays. The hours in which the gymnasium will be open are from 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock. All intramural managers are asked to sign up as soon as possible. repairsl Rider's Pen Shop Remington Portable Typewriters The strongest, lightest portable rentals during his whole life. ie objectives in this project are to ken in college women an under- ding of early childhood, to stimu- and guide parents in a study of i life, and to contribute thorough arch information of scientific h concerning children of pre- ol age. Pi Lambda Theta, honorary educa- tional society, announces the following new members: Florence Cummings, Helen Edwards, Ethel Hedrick, Cath- erine Kelly, Dorothy Tisch and Alice Vliet. The initiation banquet was recently held at the Haunted Tavern. -------------------- - _0 - - $1.0 0 Enjoy Your Thanksgiving Dinner The Arbor Restaura 313 5'. STATE ST. Chicken Noodle Soup Olives Roast Turkey Dressing Cranberry Sauce Baked Sweet Potatoes and Mashed Pot Lemon Meringue Pie Drink $1.00 tnt atoes is S" s s is is is INti Is IS 1ss_ Coing to the Pan-Hellenic? We'll help to make you beau- tiful. Only experienced and skilled operators are employed in our Salon. Open Friday Evening Lueck Beauty Shoppe -Dial 7171 (Opposite Nickels Arcade) I ~.-- - - . - %ow %0 w w ---A READ THE WANT ADS mmwm WCA %J.B. l*.rr. .I3*ddl. a 11 The Easiest Way I.a~~n m I The Lantern Shop 706 East University Dial 628 Thanksgiving Dinner Served at I P. M. Kindly Make Reservations 11 Thanksgiving Flowers for the Hostess Cut Chrysanthemums, Large and Small $1.00 Bunch, Up. Roses - Violets - Sweet Peas Flowerday & Son l READ THE WANT ADS @@100@10@110111@@@@@1!1@i@1111111 11111111 111111111111111111111! 11 1111 ill llll 111111111011111011011@111@I Heinz has Nothing on Us' Try Our Hot Fudge Cream Puff Sundae Just One of Our Twice 57 Varieties E BETSY ROSS SHOP. " :@19I @@11d11 @@ lii i@t it1110 00 11@11111i10 1111111 110 1111111111111@lli i ifl liilin liillil~ l i 11110111101011111Nt1111111i 101111,11ili riil 0. It is necessary to take short cuts in our busy lives. And the person who has the Nickels Arcade Phone 7014 y.+'/."~..S"~1.":O.:%"I"'~"."././.I".f1,/./.A1.ALE/!"J./.I's" ./: ,OJ, "./1J.0C*.d l Let a New Frock Brightent Your Dark Wardrobe It is surprising how much more pleasant invitations toJ dinners and dances appear when your wardrobe is fortified with a brand new frock or two. Wise is the woman who chooses one crepe Romane frock and another of crepe satin, for this combination will take care of many informal occasions. Ift selected from our advanced styles in one of the lovely colorful shades, these frocks may be worn well into the sprng. Sand, rose, blue, red and green are exceedngly smart. Prices at $25. (SECOND FLOOR) Thanksgiving Dinner $1.50 Oyster Cocktail Clear Tomato Bouillon with Whipped Cream Olives Celery Spiced Jelly Salted Nuts Roast Turkey Stuffing Gravy Candied Sweet Potatoes String Beans Cranberry Jelly Rolls and Butter Waldorf Salad in Apple Cases-Cheese Ice Cream Turkeys Coffee Nuts and Raisins $1.25 l personal service. Take advantage of it and let us do your laundry work. Ill ilfilll lfl lfl most time for personal enjoyment is the one who finds the largest number of short cuts in his daily work. For your benefit we have established a I'j You can leave it at the PRESS BUILDING STATION on your way to the "Maj." Fruit Cup Clear Soup with Alphabet Noodles Olives Celery Nuts Jams Roast Young Duck or Chicken Dressing Gravy Mashed Potatoes Hubbard Squash Buttered Peas Cranberry jelly Rolls and Butter I Open evenings until 8:00 { Dial 21816 Ice Cream Turkeys n r .-. 11 15