I QUrT THE MICHIGAN DAILY TmURSDAN, CNO17M7- 25, 1!"6 _.. .. w.,. ...u ~ . ., Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in. Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Associatim The Associated Phss is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all newsj dispatches credited to it or not otherwise cre'lited in this paper and the local news pub- .ished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General. Suie cription by carrier, $3.75; by mail, $4.O, Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Str eet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 1M25 MANAGING EDITOR" SMITH H. CADY, JR. Editor..................W. Calvin Patterson City Editor ............... .Irwin A. Olian NewsEis....rederick Shillito News Edtors.. .....Philip C. Brooks Women's E'ditor.............Marion Kubik Sports Editor.....,.......Wilton A. Simpson Telegraph Edit~or............oirris Zwerdling Music and Drama........Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors CharlesI ehyret Carlton Chainpe; to Chainbc ri asHerald Assista Carl Burger Jose Mar.en Anderson Alex Boch oski lean t~aim hell Clarence delson William Emerv Alfre i ce Ioste Robert E. Finch vFriend Et Gse (ri Co',eman J. Clenci Harvey J. Gunde Stewart [looker Morto 1. IWOve PaIu Kern Ervin 1LaRowve V Ellis Merry StanfordeN. Phelps Courtland C. Smith CC3sam A. Wilson nt City Editors lenry Thurnau ph Brunswick Reporters Miles Kimball NMilut n lKrsh~aum Richard Kurvink. G. Thomas Mckean Adeline O'Brien r Kenneth Patrick N orris Quinn N.J. Smithan Sylvia Stone er William Thurnau rson Milford Vanik * Herbert Vedder M arian Welles Thaddeus Wasielewski Sherwood Winslow BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER THOMAS D. OLMSTED, JR. Advertising.................Paul W. A weld Advertising...............William C. Pusch Advertising............Thomas Sunderland Advertising .......George 1-. Annable, Jr. Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven Publication..............John H. Bobrink Accounts...............Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Ahn Jr. L. J. Van Tuyl Melvin 14. Baer J. B. Wood D). M. Brown r sther Booze M.11. Cain -ilda Binzer Daniel Finley Dorothy Carp enter B.? 11. Handley Marion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg E. L. iulse Selma M. Janson . S. Kerbawy Marion Kerr R. A. Meyer Marion L. Reading Harvey Rosenblum Harriet C. Smith William F. Spencer Nance Solomon Harvey Talcott Florence Widmaier Harold Utley THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1926 ' Night Editor-STANFORD N. PHELPS THE S. C. A. Certain institutions, by their very nature, perform fuinctions which areI just beyond the scope of every other organization-and still are necessary. These same institutions, often times, by the same nature, are beyond the organized financial support which a government could give them. These institutions occupy the peculiar posi- tion of being necessary and still de- pandent upon voluntary support. Such is the Stud ent Christian association at this University. Present moral standards at univer- sities are on a sufficiently low level so that any organization with the pur- poses and ideals of real Christianity can do little harm; and when the or- ganization is live and vital, as the Student Christian association is here, its work ip multiplied in value many times over. The S. C. A. at Michigan has ac- complished much, which speaks well for the support that the students have given it. It has one of the finest buildings of any similar organization at any school in the country, and among its accomplishments are the camp for freshmen before the opening of school in the fall, which this year introduced 65 men to college life; and the securing of leading men in many{ fields to come to the city and spend time with the students in their fra- ternities and in private consultations. Such work is certainly deserving of support; and the student body is ask- ed 'to contribute less than half of the total budget for the year. The drive for funds, which is in progress now, s not compulsory, as is the student support of the Union and the football team; but it involves a duty, and a very definite one. say, is no reason.that the most promi- nent parts of the paper should be7 given over to the tales of her doings.1 It seems timely that the functions1 of these two departments should be explained lest the newsnapers be sub- jected to the charge of being incon- sistent and vacillating. Let it be un-I derstood that the news columns sim- ply reflect all of the things that are; going on in the world. If huge spaces are given to Queen Marie it means1 that large numbers of people have; taken enough interest in the ovations] accorded her to make the events un- usual. If the balance between th6se stories and more important news stories is too small, it simply means that that is the ratio of such events1 in the mind of the average American. The editorial page, on the other hand, reflects only what the editors believe to be the representation of all that is wise and good for the ad- vancement of mankind. Set forth there, fearlessly and straightforward- ly, one will find the opinions of meni versed in the art of intelligent criti- cism, and possessing a large back- ground of fact and experience. The editorial page sets forth the things that it thinks wise to believe and dotL not the things that are being done. The two departments are fulfilling their duty perfectly. The news sheet is filling its duty of being the recorder of all that goes on in the world--the editorial pages are carrying on the spirit of sanity and discrimination. The criticism should be directed not at the papers that print the news, but at the people of the United States who make such news possible and demand such publicity. MORE SHIPS The statement of Capt. J. K. Robin- son before the United States shipping board, which is now seeking "public opinion" on the merchant marine question, that the country should build 400,000 tons of shipping a year, is quite surprising in view of aknowl- edged conditions. With the government still owning a large fleet left from war-time con- struction, the present problem does not concern the existen~ce of ships but their profitable operation under private ownership. In fact, it is from this viewpoint that the shipping board is now carrying on its investi- gation. While naval officials are quite jus- tified in desiing large auxiliary forces ,they should not allow that idea to pervert their testimony. ZONING UPHELD A decision of more than ordinary significance to municipalities the country over is that recently made by the Supreme court upholding their right to enforce the zoning of: business and residence property. Limiting the business districts and segregating residence property is held by the court to be similar to the regulation of traffic, as increas- ing the security of home life, aiding in the prevention of accidents, de- creasing noise and other conditions tending to produce or intensify nerv- ous disorders. The ruling is based upon the "police power," asserted for public welfare. While a few may contend that zon- ing robs a citizen of two constitutional rights, that it deprives a person of liberty and property without due pro- cess of law or denies him equal pro- tection under the law, the practical necessity of the measure can be read- ily appreciated. As the court points out in its opinion, fundamental con- stitutional rights are never denied but their application changes with chang- ing conditions of modern life, and regulations which would have beenj considered arbitrary and oppressive a century ago are acceptable today. The court has undoubtedly set a sound precedent. The right of a community to regulate its own welfare ought never be abridged. In the "exceedingly baa crime sit- uation" which has enveloped American life, the Pittsburgh judge who scored a jury for weakly acquitting a mur- derer and a crook and the South Dar kota court which completed a homo- cide case in 24 hours, deserve Dothf commendation and emulation. have acted as "disorderly" as the Michigan men did Sunday night. The team was returning victorious from the last game of the year. Few stu- dents were able to go to Minneapolis, and the Michigan Daily, among other organs of campus opinion, urged that Benny Friedman and his gang be met. And they were met,-by a cheering, singing mob of students. Then heaven- ly horrors-the mob actually tried in their misdirected exhuberance to rush a theater. This attempt was effective- ly frustrated by the use of tear gas, under the direction of the Ann Arbor police squad. It would seem to the average ob- server that Mr. Butterfield's theaters have been patronized by the students at large sufficiently to warrant his opening the Arcade to them free of charge upon such an occasion. After all a college town is different from a large city and the theater owner should realize that at the moment of the rush, the thrill of victory and not not the spirit of destruction was in the breast of all who attempted to force an entrance. The entire incident as contrasted with the celebration shows the nar- rowness of college life here. Perhaps the team should have been met by a sedate body of young people, perfectly controlling their feelings, but who would wish such an attitude. We are tempted to agree with the Toasted Rolls column that a stronger tear gas should be issued to the student body. After all we aren't such a destroy- ing howling mob as the Daily would show, and there is no reason to be ashamed of such natural reactions as were in evidence Sunday night. They were natural and harmless-and let us hope that in future similar occa- sions Mr. Butterfield retain his dis- pbsition-and the Michigan Daily its sense of humor. -H. B. L., '27. CRITICAL REPORTERS To The Editor: I Recent years on the campus have seen a considerable amount of con- tention between the student critics and their dissenters. It might have been hoped that with th passing of the class of 1926 there would be a conclusion to this sort of behavior, but so long as student publications permit reporters with rather limited knowledge and quite unlimited ar- rogance to govern the columns of cri- ticism, we may hardly hope for har- mony. I do not pose asran art critic, but after reading the report of the local art exhibition in Chimes, I do not feel even slightly presumptuous in expressing an opinion upon this sub- ject. The critic seems to be badly in formed. He spoke at great length of "pastels"-pictures many of which are rendered in oil; he found reason to disagree with the expression which Mrs. Johnson has registered in her own face, although Mrs. Johnson an I artist of ability, is undoubtedly better acquainted with her own features than any amateur critic is. The re- porter has lamented the fact that lo- cal artists have not rendered their models with round heads-how sad and how startling! A physiological discoery!I am certain that the per- son with a totally round head would in himself be an object worth exhibit- ing; an anatomist might be more than interested in the phenomenon which our critic seems to have observed. He was unable, as well, to differentiate between badly drawn arms and fore- shortened arms. Apparently, the critic was blind to much of the ex- hibition; but, considering the general tone of the criticism, perhaps it is wisest to congratulate the unmention- ed artists upon having escaped the blundering observations of this fledg- ling critic. In all, it seems that the "painter" who is not an "artist" has far more vindication for his efforts than the reporter who is not a critic. After all, the minor "painters" may be the master "artists" of the future, and none can tell what the reporter will be. Writers of art criticisms in campus publications have formerly satisfied themselves with articles merely list- ing the works, making no mention of technique or theory; it was an excel- lent method; it made no pretentions, displayed no ignorance. Reticence, is by far, preferable to absurdity. --L. R. Brown. NOT LIBERAL To The Editor: After having seen a very liberal policy pursued by all editorials in The Daily for so long, I was surprised and somewhat disappointed the other day to see your editorial "The En- lightened Age." That "institutions such as the House of David have no excuse for existence" may or may not be true; I certainly am not here to defend them. But some people think the same way as this about the Church, in i -eneral. others naut:n- r MU C AND DRAMA TI l AFTEPN ~N: T'lu' Org alt Recit"atIII-1:1la io'lOVli hill ali- torium. * * *t Ever since its inception 1\limes has been confronted with the problem olf present ng the "opera; different;" each year patrons Iamor for new material in plot, lines, music and effects. And while there must be a definite local appeal, at the same time the show must compare with big time musical comedy when presented in New York, Chicago, Washington and Philadelphia --the circuit where a production has to definitely have a reputation and good reviews to back it. "Front Page Stuff" contains again the same appeal that has given Mimes one of the most enviable reputations among amateur shows. And for the first time in the listory of the organi- zation there has been no attempt to go back to Methuselah for sufficient romance to cover up masculine bassos and husky shoulders. &WILALU RPAIRilaaIr U I II II rravel - Poetry - Plays - Fiction - Biographics A Very Complete Stock of the Latest and Best Booksl. At Both1 EndMs of TheA DiAgoi I l =___________[_l __________________1____illl__rl wi wwl Ulli tillqit[Ii l 1w 1 f ID lilifE; l;;;iCi ' i . ~t~r y w ,ass6 7 ^ ,.;-, ->-. , n--. -, Ni4 O Q > It may cost you a little more for service at Rider's Pen ^F r n "t g* b 4Z J --but it will be EAL SERVICE ti -11IR4 and this after all is what counts FOUNTAIN PENS i I YEW BfTERS W j 'iMAKE l 4 \ MN'S T Style - Qnality - Service Save a Dollar or More at Our Factory Hats Cleaned and Reblocked Fine Work Only Properly Cleaned - No Odor No Gloss - No Burneu Sweats Factory Hat Store 617 Packard St. Phone 7415 QUICK SERVICE i GOOD-EA TS SPE CIAL T HANKSGIVING Roast Turkey with Dressing . ....... $1.00 Roast Chicken or Goose ................75c - Loin of Pork Roast.................... 50c THANKSGIVING SIDE DISI-ES _ Old Home Plum Pudding Cranberry Sauce JcIly Jello with Fruits' and N uts - Lettuce Salad or Celery (I -Also Regular Complete Meals t 35c and 40c GOODEATS ORCHESTRA AT EVENING DINNER HOUR GOOD-E ATS C AFE TERIA ! _WILLIAMS ST. NEAR STATE I' j i* { PLEASE DON'T MAKE PATHS ON T HE William ill. Lew s Jr. Who plays the leading feminine role in "Front Page Stuff." After having plumbed the possibili- ties of Holland, China and Slavonia for local color, the most apt situation that has been scorned for years has been chosen; a genial satire of a pro- fessor's family-familiar ground, but the happiest medium a college show might have. There is no attempt to spring co- ed jokes; the professor is not the stereotyped pedagogue who has been overdone in every college show in the country. But unconsciously the emphasis leads to the juveniles. The professor's daughter who sings and dances in an astounding way; his sec- retary who helps make the wheels go round; a lovesick poet who is pos- sessed of pleasing baritone voice; the golfing son with light comedy possi- bilities. Of course -some of the old tricks creel) in. There is a«Swedish count- ess straight from Minneapolis who clowns around with the fake Italian baron. But the comedy is new, the lines have humorous 'possibilities. At present the outlines of the first act iadicate a. good opening. (As usual the second contains all the effects.) In one week the show goes to the Whitney, and more definite predilec- tions can be made. * * * THE FA(''ULT (OV'NCERT Including a sextet of Ann Arbor musicians and two famous Polish singers, the fourth faculty concert will be given at 4:15 o'clock Sundayj afternoon in Hill aduitorium. Madame Karola Zago:ska, soprano, is touring this country after having previously studied and sung abroad. Madame recently made her Detroit de- but, and also attracted attention in a Chicago concert. Having been school- ed in the continental tradition Madame Zagorskh presents her lro- grain in the conventional six lan-1 guages; versatility at least isj promised................ ...... Stanislaus Wysztyvki, tenor, and al- though only temporarily in this coun- try is achieving success in the cities where he has sung. 1Is riginal suc- cess was in Italian opera (which is the proper place for any tenor to score!) and he is said to possess "charming intensity and dramatic f fervor." Both singers will be ac-j companied by Mrs. George B. Rhead A r Z - ,... . r acm: .....urac .n.. 1.,,..-... - -a WHEN Greek or calculus gets ou into a tht corner, tie a tin to troule-a tidy red tin of Prince Alert! Tamp a load of this reall friendly tobacco into the bowl of your jimmy pipe and light up. Watch the sun crash through the clouds with every puff! B $ 'I I SEEMING INCONSISTENCY Queen Marie has indeed been the subject of much publicity. Her most minute acts and traits have been re- corded from day to day in the great gazetters of the time, the daily news- papers. The celebrations and ovations accorded her have been the feature of column upon column of recording and explaining. Her clothes have been described in the smallest detail and women reporters have tried to catchl and interpret the spirit of woman- hood that this woman expresses. All i CAMPUS OPINION Anonymous communications will be disregarded. The names of communi- cants will however, be regarded as confidential upon request. SHOULD THEY BE ASHAMEDI To The Editor "There seems to be a maudlin ele- ment on campus which has lost all sense of law and order and of gentle-. manly conduct,"-etc. ad nauseum. The above, quoted from the editorial column of the Michigan Daily of Tuesday, represents clearly the atti- tude of a certain conservative element at the University, which would put a r Amrl. ,.,.r n n f n nf n n f oh AV.nrR_ P. A. can't bite your tongue or parch your throat, no matter how fast you feed it, because the Prince Albert process gave Bite and Parch the air at the start. Cool as a Laplander's lap. Sweet as, apple cider. Fragrant as spring blos- soms. That's Prince Albert! One pipe-load invites another. And .. you can hit P. A. from morning till midnight and it won't hit back. Don't put off to tomorrow what you can smoke today. Get a tidy red tin of P. A. and turn on the sunshine n .. now! Au3 P. A. is sold everywhre itn tidy red tins, pound and half- Pound tin humidors,.and pound crystal-glass humido's with sponge-moistener top. rind always with every bit tf bite and parch removed by the Painc iXlbert process. h ii :1 a I of the School of Alusic mtio G;ris~hrt^t (l, a,^tct in T3 ,innr! I I' i